More work on search and nuances of search links
As I hack away at search testing, I'm discovering more and more little tweaks that are more than nice-to-have. Today I fixed a bunch of bugs in processing of ambitious search strings (quoted phrases are not supported yet, although I have half-a-plan for that). I also decided that search-string highlighting in a document that you have found is better done using a much simpler search string than the one you used to find documents in the collection (for instance, you don't want minused terms in the document highlighter because it causes eXist to return nothing, for some reason). So I now have a clever conversion of the original search string that is appended to the URL of the document link in the initial search results.
I've also fixed the display of the gravures so that a search result link will pop up the containing annotation, and also so that a link to the id of an element which is not an annotation itself, but is inside one, will cause the annotation to be shown.
We're clearly down to minor tweaks at this stage, so we're close. PS is still working on a couple of cosmetic issues. I'm thinking that there should be some more sophisticated diagnostics to catch broken links; I don't think that check is currently finding links that point to an element in a document which is not one of the ref docs.