meet on specs for new Humanities site
Met with BT and SB on schedule and specs for new Humanities site.
Blair wants to work actively on this beginning May 2010.
Preliminary work includes:
- organizing the primary navigation structure and deciding whether to use a two-level or three-level navigational scheme (Blair)
- confirming what fields are available in the UVic events calendar and deciding if that should be the system for generating events postings on the Humanities site (Blair and Stewart)
- investigate including a "updated recently" feature which trolls through site, finds files that have been updated recently and lists those in a box in the left or right margin
- investigate including an "administrative timeline" feature which is based on an array of events, where each event has a "date" field, a "member-of-sequence" field, a "place-in_sequence" field, a "link-to-page" field, a "display-text" field, possibly some others (like "actor", more than one display-test field etc.). Allow users to: click on date and see what events have deadlines on or about that date; click on sequence and see all events associated with that sequence; click on event and see date, parent sequence and other details.
BT has been experimenting with a copy of the current UVic template for Humanities. Based on the that he'd like to make some behind-the-scene changes to the templates to make them easier for him to work on while maintaining the branding requirements. I'll meet with him in the next few weeks on that.