History on the Edge: Patrick Dunae and John Lutz
Posted by sgerrity on 19 Feb 2007 in Abstracts
This is a collection of inter-linked historical websites exploring cutting-edge methodology and presentation tools, focused on the Vancouver Island, the outermost Pacific edge of North America. These sites include:
- viHistory.ca which allows the user to turn space inside out and peer into all the homes in Victoria, and most on Vancouver Island, via the data collected for censuses, directories, and tax assessments from 1871-1901. New on the site are high resolution maps of Victoria accessible by the HCMC's own nifty Mapviewer software.
- Victoria's Victoria (Victoriasvictoria.ca) a showcase fo student historical research on Victoria in the Victorian Era, which also peers into some of the seedier and boozier parts of the city.
- View from the Steeple: A panoramic exploration of Victoria from a more pious perspective: the Steeple of St Andrew's Cathedral in 1891.
- Virtual Victoria: in its beginning stages, a project to recreate part of downtown Victoria in 3-D, so that we can virtually peer and walk into Victorian homes and businesses.
This entry was posted by Scott and filed under Abstracts.