Converted all documents to RelaxNG schema
Since the IMT is being converted so that it uses a RelaxNG schema instead of an XSD schema, this project also needs to be converted. I took out all the XSD and XSI namespace and schema references, and also added the Oasis and oXygen processing-instruction links to a new mariage.rng schema.
Moved these changes, along with the new schema (which is a single standalone file, although large) back onto the project account. Validated all the files, fixing some errors in paris.xml (which had line elements in a paragraphs instead of in line-groups), with the exception of Sonnet de Courval. Uploaded all the files into the database.
Now, before any further work is done on the image markup files, I need to make sure there's a working installation of IMT 1.5 on the two work machines.