Isolation log week 97
Work done from home and in the office 2022-03-07 to 2022-03-11
Total: 37.50 hours
G&T: + 2.50 hours
Monday 2022-03-07
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: TEI: Meeting with HBS and SB to start planning and constructing the ATOP repo.
1.00 hours: BCHT: Meeting with SA and PR, and initial work on transforming the spreadsheet.
0.50 hours: MyNDIR: Meeting with PAB and fixes for a couple of things; plans for better citation format.
0.75 hours: Wendat: Fix for documentation build bug, which plagued us before. Need to work around this carefully when there's time.
0.25 hours: Discussion with GN re BreezeMap timeline trigger options.
0.25 hours: Maint: Testing of VPN config and discussion of Endpoint Defender with sysadmin.
3.00 hours: hcmcJournal: Initial work on listings pages and construction of various maps for convenient rendering; decision on how to segregate public and private posts after discussion with GN: build two distinct sites.
Total: 7.50 hours
Tuesday 2022-03-08
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers. Two rounds, including kernel updates.
1.00 hours: Maint: Discussions with CL re MSEPD, and building of a test VM to try the install procedure recommended.
1.50 hours: HCMC: Staff meeting.
2.50 hours: hcmcJournal: Following discussion at meeting, rewrote the build process to create two entirely separate sites for private and public, integrated staticSearch into both, set up generation of all listings pages, and got everything basically working.
0.75 hours: Endings: Publicized NT's Lansdowne lecture, and did a full update on the Endings site itself to cover changes since last September.
1.25 hours: Endings/staticSearch: Work on ticket covering JS source map; created branch and got things tested and working, ready for a pull request if JT is good with it. Also discussed possible Balisage paper with JT.
Total: 7.50 hours
Wednesday 2022-03-09
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: Finishing setup of vm for testing MSDE, running of five of nine planned tests.
2.00 hours: VIHistory: Beginning formal plan for mapping all census data fields to TEI elements.
[Out for an appointment after lunch, then worked from home.]
0.25 hours: MoEML: Project meeting.
3.00 hours: HCMC Journal: Styled things a bit more readably with a Google font, updated and fixed staticSearch config and set it to use rev number as versionFile, got hit highlighting working, made author names into links, and much other progress.
Total: 7.00 hours
Thursday 2022-03-10
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
3.00 hours: hcmcJournal: Added more test posts; implemented RSS feed for announcements; fixed a bunch of minor annoyances; wrote deploy target and tested.
2.00 hours: Maint: Much more testing of MSDE on vm, and reporting on Teams to CL; discussions with HCMC team on implications.
0.50 hours: LEMDO: Troubleshooting svn conflict with NV.
1.00 hours: DVPP/ENGL: Prep for English 500 class, and meeting with JJ to test.
0.75 hours: Wendat: Project meeting.
0.25 hours: Endings/staticSearch: Discussions of paper with JT; pull request and merge for JS source map.
Total: 7.75 hours
Friday 2022-03-11
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: TEI Council meeting re Stylesheets WG charge.
2.75 hours: HCMC Journal: Finished first iteration, with footer and time-tracking working.
2.50 hours: VIHistory: Discussions with GN about XML/XHTML format for data (decided on custom XML schema w/built-in processing-model annotations); began building a test file containing content covering all input types; Q & A by email with PD.
0.75 hours: Endings/staticSearch: Repurposing and extension of bibliography for previous paper to get us started with Balisage paper.
Total: 7.75 hours