
Legislative Assembly, 5 July 1866, New Brunswick Confederation Debates



After the usual routine of business had been disposed of, the House in Committee passed the following Bills :
" A Bill to incorporate the People's Street Railway Company in the City and County of St. John."
" A Bill to encourage the formation of Oyster Beds."
" A Bill relating to certain Parish Officers."
" A Bill to amend a law relating to the Export Duty on Lumber."
" A Bill to provide for the expense of the Legislature."
Hon. Mr. McCLELEN presented several petitions from the inhabitants of the County of Westmorland, praying that a more central line of railway may be constructed through that County than the one now proposed to be built by the International Railway Company
On motion of Mr. YOUNG, the House passed a Resolution authorizing the Government to expend the sum of $2.000, (being a grant made for that purpose in 1863.) In the improvement of Bethurst Harbor, provided the expenditure of that sum would produce a corresponding benefit.
On motion of Mr. CAIE, the House went into Committee on a Bill to provide for the more effectual repairing of Roads and bridges in the Parish of Carleton, County of kent.
Mr. CAIE said the Bill was similar to one passed for the Parish of Richibucto some years ago, and which had been found to work well, for a great deal more work had been done since it went into operation than was done formerly.
Hon. Mr. McCLELAN said the principle of the Bill was very good, but it was not fair to make a distinction between different sections of the country ; under this Bill persons would have to pay twenty-five cents in lieu of a day's work, but under the general law they would have to pay fifty cents. He thought that if they exacted a money tax, instead of having the present absurd law, more work would be done than at present.
Hon. Mr. TILLEY said they should not select one or two Parishes, and make them an exception to the general law. If they found that more work was done, when a tax of twenty-five cents was exacted they had better make it applicable to the whole Province.
Mr. YOUNG said there were laws similar to this in operation in some districts in Northumberland, and they had been found to work well. When it was made compulsory that persons should pay twenty-five cents in lieu of a day's work, more work was done than under the present system.


New Brunswick. Reports of the Debates of the House of Assembly. St. John: G.W. Day, 1865-1867. Microfilm copies provided by the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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