Worked 2 hours, just getting used to the programs.
Questions for Dr. Bowman:
The word or name Demos is mentioned multiple times in book 1, but never marked up. What do we do with it, if anything?
Worked 2 hours, just getting used to the programs.
Questions for Dr. Bowman:
The word or name Demos is mentioned multiple times in book 1, but never marked up. What do we do with it, if anything?
Isolation log week 81
Work done from home and in the office 2021-11-01 to 2021-11-05
Total: 35.00 hours.
Monday 2021-11-01
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.25 hours: Timesheets (more to come).
1.25 hours: TEI: Meeting with SB, working on plan for ODD processing rewrite.
4.50 hours: Moses: Working through TODOs from last week's meeting and finishing up responsive design with help from PS.
1.00 hours: LEMDO: Project meeting and follow-up.
Total: 7.25 hours
Tuesday 2021-11-02
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.25 hours: Timesheets.
2.00 hours: HCMC Staff meeting.
1.25 hours: Investigating and testing MS Endpoint Defender on Linux.
0.25 hours: ColDesp: Converted plain CSS to SCSS with build step to compile it for PS's work on redesign.
3.00 hours: Moses: More TODOs and fixes; created protected site on HCMC server and pushed a copy up there; asked team if it's now OK to take down the old app.
0.25 hours: Endings/staticSearch: discussions on GH tickets re features and pull request.
Total: 7.25 hours
Wednesday 2021-03-11
0.75 hours: Scancan: picked up print proof of vol 28 and checked it, then approved the print.
1.00 hours: Update Jenkins servers; investigate issues that brought down HCMC Jenkins service overnight. Looks like it was a crawler.
0.50 hours: Moses: Tweaks to CSS.
1.00 hours: LEMDO: Added creation of sorted list of xml:ids from project in plaintext format for RAs to check more easily.
4.00 hours: Security day: install and testing of MSDE on desktop; benchmarking; configuring exclusions; testing asset info script and reporting issues with it; looking into UVic MFA, planning adoption, etc.
Total: 7.25 hours
Thursday 2021-11-04
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: Academic: read and comment on proposal from JS with SA.
2.00 hours: LEMDO: Meeting with Douai team and follow-up; fix for build warnings; troubleshooting encoder issues.
0.50 hours: ColDesp: Fix for changed URLs pointing at contentDM resources which have moved.
4.00 hours: Scancan: Meeting with UofA team on OJS; creation of migration build file and XSLT to create standalone HTML and package resources; next will be creation of XML file for OJS ingestion to go with the resources.
Total: 7.25 hours
Friday 2021-11-05
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.75 hours: LEMDO: Fix for overnight build break and fallout from schema customization.
1.50 hours: ColDesp: working on map URL changes in collaboration with DS at Library.
0.75 hours: BreezeMap: Fix for bug reported by GN.
2.75 hours: Scancan: Building import file with metadata for OJS ingestion, based on very sparsely-documented mysterious OJS XSDs. About half done.
Total: 6.00 hours
Posting hours from isolation log 2021-10-25 to 2021-10-29.
Isolation log week 80
Work done from home and in the office 2021-10-25 to 2021-10-29
Total: 36.00 hours
G&T hours: + 1.0
Monday 2021-10-25
[Working from home because of conference presentation.]
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: Wendat: Remove reconstruction/cognate work from site build, leaving easy options to restore it. Waiting for ML's OK to publish results.
3.50 hours: TEI Conference: Prep for presentation, attendance at sessions and my own presentation.
1.25 hours: Despatches: Re-editing a collection of different site pages to bring them up to date for release; checking all contributors to the svn repo have been acknowledged; some discussion on required changes for release and release date.
1.25 hours: Scancan: Vol 29 review published per NVD, and long detailed discussions aiming to arrive at a consensus on sort order for multilingual bibliography lists.
1.25 hours: Moses: Updates to information pages, progress with CSS, fixes for a couple of bugs, addition of caption for example lists.
Total: 8.00 hours
Tuesday 2021-10-26
[Working from home]
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
4.50 hours: Attendance at TEI Conference sessions.
0.50 hours: Tweaks to temporary document titles; built and published revised site to live URL per ML.
0.50 hours: Scancan: Implemented final decisions on sort order for vol 28; raised one more issue with editors.
0.50 hours: TEI: Revisions to Stylesheets pull request.
Total: 6.25 hours
Wednesday 2021-10-27
[Working from home]
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
4.50 hours: Attendance at TEI Conference sessions and members meeting, and follow-up.
1.00 hours: Wendat: Completed documentation for handShift; fixed three missing morphemes in example sentences, and fixed structure of the simplest instances; did [hopefully] final conversion of examples into wendat-namespaced citation structure for reconstruction work.
0.50 hours: LINCS: Trawl through svn logs to create report on work for grant report.
0.25 hours: Scancan: Tweak to bibliography, fix for missing section number, and rebuilds.
0.50 hours: Maint: Testing setup of Atom editor for XML editing following recommendation from conference.
Total: 7.00 hours
Thursday 2021-10-28
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.00 hours: Report on TEI Conference; discussion of DH 2022 and possible submission re VI History.
0.75 hours: Scancan: Final tweaks to keywords on articles. Awaiting OK from eds to go to print.
5.00 hours: Moses: All remaining bugs fixed; added new features to dismiss entries and handle containing tabs accordingly; refined sorting of listings pages, made many CSS fixes and enhancements; added new search features; fixed bibliography display. What remains is responsive/small-format handling.
Total: 7.00 hours
Friday 2021-10-29
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers; troubleshoot crashed Jenkins.
0.25 hours: Scancan: Vol 28 sent to printers.
0.25 hours: ColDesp: Troubleshooting encoding issue for KSS.
0.50 hours: VIHistory/Conference paper: Planning abstract with GN.
1.00 hours: Endings: Editors' meeting for DHQ special edition.
0.75 hours: MoEML: Project meeting and follow-up task creation.
4.50 hours: Moses: New item-listing features for glosslist; early work on responsive layout; bugfixes; project meeting with ECH and SK.
Total: 7.75 hours
Posting hours from isolation log 2021-10-18 to 2021-10-22.
Isolation log week 79
Work done from home and in the office 2021-10-18 to 2021-10-22
Total: 36.25 hours
G&T hours: + 1.25
Monday 2021-10-18
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: TEI: With SB and NC, preparing for next Stylesheets Working Group meeting and triaging pull requests.
2.00 hours: VIHistory: Meeting with PD and subsequent discussions and testing of current app with a view to staticization.
1.00 hours: Scancan: More final proofing changes, fixes to keywords, rebuild of cover with hi-res raster for TOC. Some questions still outstanding.
0.25 hours: Maint: Looking into UVic's new MFA system.
1.50 hours: Working on TEI presentation (not coming together very well yet).
0.75 hours: LEMDO: Some tech support and project meeting.
Total: 7.25 hours
Tuesday 2021-10-19
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: TEI: Work on presentation for next week.
1.00 hours: HCMC: Staff meeting.
1.00 hours: Fire alarm, and following monitor debrief.
5.00 hours: Wendat: Wrote most of the conversion from dissertation examples to cit elements; many tweaks to schema and discussions on this; found some inconsistencies in data and reported to ML, some now fixed; added components for encoding hand shifts in MSS; started populating new Teams space with tasks; project meeting; tech support for encoders.
Total: 7.75 hours
Wednesday 2021-10-20
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: Scancan: Worked through keywords in vol 28, removing vague general ones; published results, and wrote to guest editors to get them to take a final look at keywords for each article.
2.00 hours: Maint: Testing of new db setup on persimmon; many problems emerged, some solved, one not yet. Finally got dumps from persimmon working on pomelo and set up crontab. We are getting closer to being able to migrate, but there will be a lot of prep to do.
1.75 hours: TEI: Finished first draft of presentation for next week.
3.00 hours: Moses: Wrote override code for staticSearch results to make entries pop up in-place, while links to info pages still lead to the page. Some tweaking to do yet. Other fixes for staticSearch indexing and functionality.
0.25 hours: DVPP: Rebuilt TEI metadata for three periodicals.
Total: 7.75 hours
Thursday 2021-10-21
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
2.00 hours: Moses: Finished tweaking the search script stuff and cleaned up some other issues.
1.75 hours: LEMDO: Rewrote character list rendering and fixed some bugs that fell out from it.
1.25 hours: TEI: Handled a Stylesheets ticket and issued a pull request; tested new translation tool.
0.50 hours: Endings/staticSearch: Handled ticket to add noscript element in search page and issued pull request for JT.
0.75 hours: Academic: Wrote most of script draft for TEI conference presentation.
Total: 6.50 hours
Friday 2021-10-22
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.25 hours: LEMDO: More work on the character listings to allow for various different habits in the XML encoding.
3.00 hours: Moses: JS and CSS work to iron out remaining annoyances in search page, including the requirement to make the onscreen keyboard trigger input events so that typeahead controls work, and fixes for display of content in entries. Fixed bugs in URL-rewriting to accommodate the same content being served in the root and in subfolders.
1.00 hours: Scancan: Some setup in new OJS system at UofA; deep dive into gnarly alphabetization issues for bibliography entries with author names containing particles and non-ascii letters. Sent recommendations to guest editors, and awaiting their response.
1.00 hours: Academic: Completed first draft of script for Monday presentation, and submitted slides to conference.
0.50 hours: Maint: Reconnection of Jonagold to the network (its ethernet connection cable had been used elsewhere); work on HCMC laptop update process, which is borked in Windows.
Total: 7.00 hours
Posting hours from isolation log 2021-10-12 to 2021-10-15 (4-day week, 2021-10-11 stat).
Isolation log week 78
Work done from home and in the office 2021-10-12 to 2021-10-15 (4-day week, 2021-10-11 stat)
Total: 30.25 hours
G&T hours: + 2.25
Tuesday 2021-10-12
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.25 hours: Catching up with email from vacation.
2.50 hours: Scancan: Discussions with HT and SA about scheduling and responsibility for upcoming volume; Proofing corrections for two articles.
1.00 hours: BCHT: Meeting with GL and DL to plan for generation of tabular view of current progress, and other project priorities.
1.50 hours: LEMDO: Schema update ticket; meeting with JJ to work on requests from the manuscript encoding Douai team; email(s) to TEI-L re encoding of scribal pointers.
1.50 hours: Wendat: Project meeting; addition of two new counts to the stats chart per ML; addition of fw to the schema and some basic processing and documentation for it.
0.25 hours: Moses: Discussions with SK about static site features.
Total: 7.25 hours
Wednesday 2021-10-13
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: Moses: Addition of a link to each entry's root page; fixes for related entry lists (some more work on HTML to be done there).
1.50 hours: BCHT: New listings table output in diagnostics page, and discussions of the meaning and provenance of notBefore and notAfter dates.
2.25 hours: DVPP: Meeting with AC; full project meeting; investigations of image sizes on the server; backups of all current images in preparation for resizing the over-large ones; new documentation on image size constraints.
1.00 hours: LEMDO: Discussions with JJ re @hand and stage elements for MS documents; co-drafting of TEI PR; discussion on character list rendering and new ticket raised; adding new editors to svn.
1.75 hours: Scancan: More discussions re arrangements for HT's absence; further proofing corrections to three articles.
Total: 8.25 hours
Thursday 2021-10-14
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: LEMDO: Add stage element to att.written; add constraint to value of it, and prefixDef to link it. Add new HANDS1.xml file with Douai scribal hand entries. Add handNotes element to schema. Discussions on fallout from these changes.
1.50 hours: Scancan: Four lots of corrections to Vanherpen article.
3.00 hours: Moses: Fixes for a range of JS issues; tweaks to CSS; rewrite of related entry list generation to constrain normal lists to root/stem relationships only; early work on generating listings pages for name types.
1.00 hours: TEI/academic: Initial work on presentation for TEI 2021, coming soon.
Total: 7.25 hours
Friday 2021-10-15
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers. Spent some time investigating a package appearing only on one of the servers and not the other; removed it.
5.00 hours: Scancan: Final proofing corrections from HT, rebuild of volume, more interactions with editors and further changes; built the first incarnation of the cover, which is problematic in a couple of ways, and will require another approach to getting the TOC into it. Meeting with HT for final handover.
0.75 hours: MoEML: Project meeting.
1.25 hours: Moses: Further work on the proper name listings pages.
Total: 7.50 hours
In 2020 143.2 million page requests were made by 4.3 million unique visitors on sites built and maintained by HCMC.
While GoAccess provides a shed load of detail about a site's monthly performance it's frequently the case that we need more cumulative stats - how many hits did the site get least year? how about compared to the year before? how many hits so far this year?
So, I've been working on an 'executive overview' kind of representation of site data using XSLT and I've been having an interesting problem. Saxon errors out on some files with:
Failed to read input file file:/path/to/file.html (java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException): Input length = 1
Looking at a such a file using file --mime-encoding /path/to/file.html
produces something like 'file.html: us-ascii'
I suspect that the output is more a function of the characters that the 'file' application finds in a file. It's unlikely that GoAccess is intentionally encoding the files this way (reports usually come up 'us-ascii', but sometimes it's 'utf-8', sometimes it's 'iso-8859-1', and sometimes it's the literally unidentifiable 'unknown-8bit').
Looking at the specific point in the file that causes grief it looks like it's generally the result of intentionally malformed requests. GoAccess blithely includes the funky chars and XSLT coughs up a hairball.
So it looks like XSLT is out and I'll need to find another way of processing these files.