A new edition of Trish Baer's wonderful MyNDIR (My Norse Digital Image Repository) has been released. The collection now includes 273 beautiful images of Norse myths, along with contextual information and metadata.
Edition 3.14 of Dr. Kim Blank's steadily-evolving site Mapping Keats's Progress has been released, with new additions to the Gallery of Keats images and the list of Selected Criticism, as well as updates to the narrative for 1794, 1816, 1817, and 1818.
Isolation log week 87
Work done from home and in the office 2021-12-13 to 2021-12-17
Total: 36.00 hours
G&T hours: +1.00
Monday 2021-12-13
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers; check logs for exploit attempts, and confirm again no instances of the vulnerable lib.
1.25 hours: TEI: Weekly meeting with SB to prep for Stylesheets Group meeting on Thursday.
1.50 hours: Endings/DHQ: Editors' meeting to finalize intro.
0.50 hours: Maint: Following up on log4j vuln on desktops; install/test of Oxygen update.
1.50 hours: MoEML/LEMDO: Gave workshop on regex.
1.00 hours: LEMDO: Project meeting.
0.50 hours: Wendat: XQuery to detect citation duplicates.
0.25 hours: MyNDIR: Fixes for rendering issues, one still outstanding.
Total: 7.00 hours
Tuesday 2021-12-14
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.25 hours: DVPP: Got basic grid layout for untranscribed poems working, but more to do on aside panels.
1.25 hours: HCMC Staff meeting; meeting with TEH re setup of workstation etc.
1.75 hours: Maint: More research and mitigation on log4j across various servers. Took down and removed a stack of obsolete web apps, and worked with GN on mitigations for others.
0.50 hours: Keats: New release of web application per KB.
2.00 hours: Wendat: Rewrote morpheme matching process per ML; project meeting.
Total: 7.25 hours
Wednesday 2021-12-15
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: Moses: Added a couple of temporary buttons to the onscreen keyboard on the search page per SK.
0.50 hours: Admin/Wendat: Workstudy form for hiring of BS in Jan.
0.25 hours: MyNDIR: Discussion with PAB re release on Friday.
0.50 hours: Endings/Graves: Transfer of Graves to Library archive now complete.
0.75 hours: More research and testing for log4j vulnerabilities.
4.50 hours: DVPP: Continuing work on poem and metadata rendering. Basic layout is working nicely for poems with no transcription or figures; we're about one-third of the way there.
Total: 7.50 hours
Thursday 2021-12-16
0.50 hours: Update Jenkins servers; more checking for log4Shell exploits.
1.50 hours: MyNDIR: several attempts to fix rendering bugs, undermined by changing encoding. Finally working.
1.50 hours: TEI: Stylesheets Working Group meeting.
3.00 hours: Maint: First setup and testing of new desktop machine.
0.50 hours: Maint: More research on UVic MFA, which is now going to be mandatory.
Total: 7.00 hours
Friday 2021-12-17
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
2.00 hours: MyNDIR: New fixes and updates, test for broken URLs, and release of 2.1.
0.50 hours: DVPP: Queries from AC and XQuery to list out poems with temporary page-images for scanners to act on.
4.50 hours: Maint: Built up new machine ready to go, ported over old HD, set up, and then discovered problem with multi-monitors, so had to migrate back again to the old machine. There may be a fix using a kernel param though.
Total: 7.25 hours
Posting hours from isolation log 2021-12-06 to 2021-12-10.
The update to MariaDB 8 has made a number of things more difficult when it comes to configuring databases. Today we worked through a number of issues with JA, and this is what we learned:
- HCMC can grant permissions to users on specific dbs, but it only seems to work at the command line, not using the adminer form interface. Use CLI commands in the adminer interface.
- When you grant permissions to a user using GRANT SELECT.... ON `db`.* to `user` (where user has already been created), you should NOT specify any server (no @something following the user name). If you specify nothing, you get the wildcard %, which is what you want.
- Once you have a wildcard % in the permissions, do NOT specify any further permissions which are more specific for that user; if you do, the wildcard will be rendered useless, although you'll still see it in there. So:
- DO NOT specify a host in the command
- Thereby get a wildcard
- Don't undermine the wildcard by adding further more specific permissions.
Isolation log week 86
Work done from home and in the office 2021-12-06 to 2021-12-10
Total: 38.25 hours
G&T hours +3.25
Monday 2021-12-06
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.50 hours: TEI: Meeting with SB, working on TEI issue relating to spaces in URI-datatype attributes.
3.50 hours: DB migration day. Working with JA, GN and SA on moving from loquat to persimmon. Ended up being quite tricky.
1.50 hours: Scancan: Rewrote migration output code to include article galleys and to re-enable inclusion of HTML articles. Tested with issue 15, which has no images so is less complex than the rest; import never completes, no error messages; contacted JH so he can look at logs.
0.50 hours: LEMDO: Implemented first stage of ticket to create GLOSS1.xml and associated processing.
Total: 7.25 hours
Tuesday 2021-12-07
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.25 hours: LEMDO: Debugged and fixed overnight build break (my fault) and made a bit more progress on glossary implementation.
1.00 hours: HCMC: Staff meeting.
1.50 hours: Scancan: Added images into the migration mix, and tested (failed, but we think we know why).
0.75 hours: Wendat: ticket triage, project meeting.
1.00 hours: DVPP: Rebuilt metadata for two periodicals, and wrote script to pull down latest built site for convenience.
1.50 hours: Endings/DHQ: Editors' meeting, and drafting of the bulk of the intro piece.
Total: 7.25 hours
Wednesday 2021-12-08
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
2.25 hours: ColDesp: Discussions with PS and KSS on home page and other changes; generating two new pages for IP individuals and groups per requirements from KSS; fixes for hundreds of unwanted spaces and encoding errors exposed by new Schematron.
1.75 hours: Maint: Working with SA, GN and JA on fallout from the db migration, figuring out and documenting how to create working privilege settings on new and existing dbs.
1.50 hours: LEMDO: More work on glossary rendering; now items are being retrieved into standalone, ready for linking. Tweak to svn permissions, and fix for build break caused by mysterious invisible char.
1.25 hours: Scancan: More fixes for import code, not working yet, but some progress.
0.25 hours; DVPP: Quick fix for unwanted date, and a couple of discussions/emails.
0.50 hours; MyNDIR: New XSLT and CSS to process portraits for the team page at PAB's request; a couple of other fixes.
0.25 hours: Maint: Discussions with Help Desk re Yubikeys.
Total: 8.00 hours
Thursday 2021-12-09
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
2.25 hours: Scancan: More tweaks, fixes and testing, culminating in success. We're now ready to import all old issues into a reconstituted journal backend when it's ready.
1.00 hours: DVPP: Refreshed four journal metadata sets; OCRed unencoded poem for encoders; wrote XQuery to answer research questions at AC's request.
0.75 hours: Maint: More research into Yubikeys and MFA setup, and discussions with Help Desk.
1.50 hours: BreezeMap: Added option to specify initial taxonomy, and updated documentation (issue #49); started work on validation problem (issue #42).
1.50 hours: Endings/DHQ: Drafting session with editors for intro.
0.25 hours: MyNDIR: Fix for team page layout issue, and build break.
0.25 hours: LEMDO: Fix for build break.
Total: 7.75 hours
Friday 2021-12-10
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.25 hours: DVPP: Refresh of TEI metadata for one journal; checking into diagnostics.
0.25 hours: MyNDIR: Bug fix for XML encoding.
2.00 hours: Scancan: Reconstituted fresh OJS instance and re-imported all issues for final result. I think we are done at this point.
1.25 hours: Maint: Responding to CVE-2021-44228.
2.00 hours: LEMDO: Remaining implementation of glossary linking, which proved quite hard; meeting on old-spelling texts and rendering.
2.00 hours: Endings/DHQ: Collaborative editing of intro etc.
Total: 8.00 hours
Posting hours from isolation log 2021-11-29 to 2021-12-03.
Homebrew’s website:
Install with an account with admin privileges if possible. If that is not possible at all then you can go down this rabbit hole (if not be prepared for permissions issues):
based on this (untar anywhere):
Normal installation procedure:
Install command line tools if you don’t have them:
xcode-select --install
Launch the terminal, then copy this command and press enter, homebrew will install (this command is found on homebrew’s homepage)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Now install svn by typing this command into the terminal:
brew install subversion
Common installation issues can be found here:
On macOS it usually involves reinstalling the command line tools after a major OS upgrade, so:
xcode-select --install
brew upgrade
Uninstalling homebrew will fix a FUBAR install:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/uninstall.sh)"
Worked for just over an hour.
Corrected some typos in the tail end of Paus Book 1.
A location called the Gyrneum by Pausanias was mentioned in 1.21.7, but was not marked up anywhere.