Gazetteer (S)

Toponym Variant Authority Name MoEML @xml:id Agas Map All Variants (alternate names and variant spellings) Location category
S Anthonies St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S Augusti Austin Friars AUST1 Agas Map Augustin friers Church and Churchyard | Augustine Friars Church | Augustine Friers | Auguſtine Friers | Augustine Friers Church | Auguſtine Fryars | Auguſtine Fryers | Auguſtine Fryers church | Auguſtine Fryers Church | Austen Friars, Near Dutch Church | Austin Friars | Austin Friary | Church of Austin Friars | Dutch Church | Dutch church | Frier Augu ſtines Church | Friers Augustines | Friers Augustines Church | Friers Auguſtines church | Friers Auguſtins | Friers Church | Friers church | Fryers Auguſtines church | Fryers church | Monastery of the Augustine Friars | Priory of Augustine Friars | S Augusti | St. Austin Friars Sites
S Clements lane St. Clements Lane STCL1 Agas Map Clement’s Lane | S Clements lane | S. Clements lane | St. Clements Lane | St. Clement’s Lane Streets
S Iohn of Ieruſalem St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S Michael at Quéenehith St. Michael (Queenhithe) STMI8 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Michæl | Parriſh church of S. Michæll | S Michael at Quéenehith | St. Michael, Queenhithe Churches
S, Andrew vpon Cornhill St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
S, Michaels lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
S, Peters vpon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Albanes Church St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
S. Albans St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
S. Albans Church in Woodstreet St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
S. Albons St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
S. Albons church St. Albans Ct. STAL1 Agas Map S. Albons church Streets
S. Albons church in Woodſtreete St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
S. Alphage St. Alphage STAL3 Agas Map church of S. Alphage | church of S. Alphage without Cripleſgate | Parish Church of S. Alphage | S. Alphage | St. Alphage | St. Alphage Church | St. Alphage, London Wall | St. Alphege Churches
S. Andrew St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrew by the Wardrobe St. Andrew by the Wardrobe STAN7 Agas Map Church of Andrew in the Wardrobe | church of S. Andrew in yͤ Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew in the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of Saint Andrew by the Wardrobe | pariſh of S. Andrew, next to Baynard Caſtle | Pariſh of Saint Andrew | S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Saint Andrew by the Wardrope | St. Andrew by the Wardrobe Churches
S. Andrew Hubbard St. Andrew Hubbard (Parish) STAN102   Androwe in estchepe | Androwes Eaſtcheape | Parish of S. Andrew Hubberd | S. Andrew Hubbard | St. Andrew Hubbard parish Parishes
S. Andrew in Eastcheape St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
S. Andrew in Oldboorne St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Andrew in Oldborne St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Andrew upon Cornehill St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrew Vndershaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrew Vnderſhaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrewe Hubert St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
S. Andrewe Underſhafte St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrewes Church St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrewes vnderſhafte St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
S. Andrews St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Andrews Church St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
S. Androwes Church St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
S. Anne St. Anne and St. Agnes STAN9 Agas Map church of S. Anne in the Willowes | church of S. Anne, in the willowes | Parish Church of S. Anne in the willowes | Parish Church of Saint Anne in the willowes | S. Anne | St. Anne and St. Agnes | St. Anne’s Church, Aldersgate Churches
S. Anne at the blacke Fryers St. Anne Blackfriars STAN11   Parish Church of S. Anne | Pariſh church of S. Anne | S. Anne at the blacke Fryers | St. Anne Blackfriars | St. Anne’s Church Churches
S. Anthonie St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anthonies Church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anthonies hoſpital St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies Hospitall St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies Hoſpitall St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies school St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonies ſchoole St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonines St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anthonines church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anthonines Churchyard St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
S. Anthonins Church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anthony St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
S. Anus St. Anne’s Lane STAN4 Agas Map Pope lane | Pope Lane | S. Anus | S. Anus Lane end | Saint Annes lane | St. Anne’s Lane Streets
S. Anus Lane end St. Anne’s Lane STAN4 Agas Map Pope lane | Pope Lane | S. Anus | S. Anus Lane end | Saint Annes lane | St. Anne’s Lane Streets
S. Auguſtin in the wall St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Auguſtine St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
S. Auguſtine in the wall St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Auguſtine Papie St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Auguſtine, Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Augustines Church St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Augustines Church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
S. Auguſtines Church St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Auguſtines Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
S. Auguſtins Church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
S. Austens Church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
S. Auſtins church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholm St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholmewes St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
S. Bartholmews church St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
S. Bartholomew St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholomew lane Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
S. Bartholomewes Hospitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholomewes Spittle St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholomewes ſpittle St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholomews Hospitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartholomews Spittle St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartilmew St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
S. Bartilmew lane Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
S. Bartilmewes Pryorie St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
S. Bartilmews St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
S. Bartlemew St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
S. Bartlemew by the Priorie St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
S. Bartlemew the Hoſpitall St. Bartholomew the Less STBA4 Agas Map Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartlemew the Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholamews the little | St. Bartholomew the Less Churches
S. Bartlmew St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
S. Benet Fynke St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
S. Benet Graſſe church St. Benet Gracechurch STBE3 Agas Map Gariſh church f S. Bennet | Graſſe Church | Graſſe church | Grasse-Church | Grassechurch | GrasseChurch of S. Bennet | Parish Church of Saint Bennet | pariſh Church of Saint Bennet | raſſe church | S. Benet Graſſe church | St. Benet Gracechurch Churches
S. Benet Hude St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
S. Benet Shorhoge St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
S. Bennet Shorhogs Church St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
S. Bennets Church St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
S. Bennets church St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
S. Bennets Parish St. Benet Fink (Parish) STBE102   bennet ffinke | Bennet Fincke | S. Bennets Parish | St. Benet Fink parish | St. Benet Fink Parish Parishes
S. Bride St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
S. Brides St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
S. Brides Church St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
S. Briget St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
S. Buttolph St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Buttolph St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Buttolphe St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Buttolphe by Billinſgate St. Botolph (Billingsgate) STBO4 Agas Map church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | pariſh church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | Parish of S. Buttolph | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Parish of Saint Buttolph | Parriſh Church of S. Buttolph | parriſh of S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe by Billinſgate | St. Botolph, Billingsgate | St. Botolph’s | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
S. Buttolphes St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Buttolphes church St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Buttolphes church St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Buttolphes. St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Buttolphs St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Buttolphs Church St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Buttolphs without Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
S. Catheryns laen St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 Agas Map Cock’s Rents | S. Catheryns laen | S. Katerens la. | St Katherine’s | St. Katherines | St. Katherine’s Lane Streets
S. Christopher St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
S. Chriſtopher St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
S. Christophers Alley St. Christopher’s Alley CHRI4 Agas Map S. Christophers Alley | S. Chriſtophers Alley | St. Christopher Alley | St. Christopher’s Alley Streets
S. Chriſtophers Alley St. Christopher’s Alley CHRI4 Agas Map S. Christophers Alley | S. Chriſtophers Alley | St. Christopher Alley | St. Christopher’s Alley Streets
S. Christophers Church St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
S. Chriſtophers Parriſh St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
S. Clement Danes St. Clement Danes STCL2 Agas Map Church of S. Clement | church of S. Clements | Pariſh church of S, Clement Danes | Pariſh church of S. Clement Danes | S. Clement Danes | S. Clementes church | Saint Clements church | St. Clement | St. Clement Danes Churches
S. Clementes church St. Clement Danes STCL2 Agas Map Church of S. Clement | church of S. Clements | Pariſh church of S, Clement Danes | Pariſh church of S. Clement Danes | S. Clement Danes | S. Clementes church | Saint Clements church | St. Clement | St. Clement Danes Churches
S. Clements Church St. Clement (Eastcheap) STCL3 Agas Map church of S. Clement | church of S. Clement in | Parish Church of S. Clement | S. Clements Church | S. Clements church | S. Clements Eaſtchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap | St. Clement’s Church in the East Churches
S. Clements church St. Clement (Eastcheap) STCL3 Agas Map church of S. Clement | church of S. Clement in | Parish Church of S. Clement | S. Clements Church | S. Clements church | S. Clements Eaſtchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap | St. Clement’s Church in the East Churches
S. Clements Eaſtchepe St. Clement (Eastcheap) STCL3 Agas Map church of S. Clement | church of S. Clement in | Parish Church of S. Clement | S. Clements Church | S. Clements church | S. Clements Eaſtchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap | St. Clement’s Church in the East Churches
S. Clements lane St. Clements Lane STCL1 Agas Map Clement’s Lane | S Clements lane | S. Clements lane | St. Clements Lane | St. Clement’s Lane Streets
S. Clemons well Clement’s Well CLEM2   Clementes wel | Clements wel | Clements well | S. Clemons well Water Features
S. Crosse Crossed Friars CRUT2 Agas Map Croched Friers | Crossed Firers Church | Crossed Friars | Crossed Friers | croſſed Friers | Croſſed Friers | Croſſed Friers church | Croſſed Friers Church | Croſſed Fryers | Crossed Fryers | Crouched Friars | crouched Fryers | Crouched or (Crossed) Fryers | Crutch Fryers | Crutched Friars | Crutched Friars Priory | Crutched Fryers | Friers Church | Friers Hall | Fryers church | Fryers hall | houſe of Crouched (or croſſed) Friers | S. Crosse | S. Croſſe Sites
S. Croſſe Crossed Friars CRUT2 Agas Map Croched Friers | Crossed Firers Church | Crossed Friars | Crossed Friers | croſſed Friers | Croſſed Friers | Croſſed Friers church | Croſſed Friers Church | Croſſed Fryers | Crossed Fryers | Crouched Friars | crouched Fryers | Crouched or (Crossed) Fryers | Crutch Fryers | Crutched Friars | Crutched Friars Priory | Crutched Fryers | Friers Church | Friers Hall | Fryers church | Fryers hall | houſe of Crouched (or croſſed) Friers | S. Crosse | S. Croſſe Sites
S. Denis St. Dionis Backchurch STDI1 Agas Map church of S. Diones | Church of S. Dionys called Back church | of | of S. Dionis called Backe-Church | Parish Church | S. Denis | S. Dyones Backchurch | Saint Dennis | St. Dionis Backchurch Churches
S. Donat Hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
S. Dunstanes Chappell St. Foster FOST4   Pariſh Church of S. Fauſter | Parish Church of S. Fosters | S. Dunstanes Chappell | Saint Fauſters | Saint Fosters | St. Foster Streets
S. Dunstanes Chappell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Dunſtanes Church St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunstanes in the west St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtans hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
S. Dunſtone in the eaſt St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
S. Dunſtone in the Weſt St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtones Chappell St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtones church St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
S. Dunſtones church St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtons chapell St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtons chappell St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dunſtons in the weſt St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
S. Dyones Backchurch St. Dionis Backchurch STDI1 Agas Map church of S. Diones | Church of S. Dionys called Back church | of | of S. Dionis called Backe-Church | Parish Church | S. Denis | S. Dyones Backchurch | Saint Dennis | St. Dionis Backchurch Churches
S. Edmond Graſſe church St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Edmond Grasse-Church St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Edmonds in Lumbard street St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Edmund in Lumbard street St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
S. Elen St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Erkenwalds ſhrine St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Erkenwals ſhrine St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Ethelburge St. Ethelburga STET1 Agas Map church of St. Ethelburga | Parish Church of S. Ethelbiage | Pariſh church of S. Etholburge | Parish Church of Saint Ethelburge | S. Ethelburge | S. Etholburge virgin | St. Ethelburga Churches
S. Etholburge virgin St. Ethelburga STET1 Agas Map church of St. Ethelburga | Parish Church of S. Ethelbiage | Pariſh church of S. Etholburge | Parish Church of Saint Ethelburge | S. Ethelburge | S. Etholburge virgin | St. Ethelburga Churches
S. Ewin St. Audoen (Parish) AUDO101   parish of St. Audoen | S. Ewin Parishes
S. Ewines in Newgate market St. Audoen AUDO1   Church of S. Ewin | Parish Church of S. Ewine | pariſh Church of S. Ewine | S. Ewines in Newgate market | Saint Ewins in Newgate Market | St. Audoen Churches
S. Faith vnder Paules church St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
S. Faiths Church St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
S. Fauſter St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
S. Foſters church St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
S. Gabriel Fen church St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
S. Gabriel Fenchurch St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
S. Gabriel Fenne-Church St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
S. Gabriell Fenchurch St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
S. georg la. St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
S. George St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
S. George in Southwarke St. George Southwark STGE4   S. George in Southwarke | S. George the Marter | S. Georges | Saint George in Southwarke | St. George Southwark Churches
S. George the Marter St. George Southwark STGE4   S. George in Southwarke | S. George the Marter | S. Georges | Saint George in Southwarke | St. George Southwark Churches
S. Georges St. George Southwark STGE4   S. George in Southwarke | S. George the Marter | S. Georges | Saint George in Southwarke | St. George Southwark Churches
S. Georges chapell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Georges Chappel St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Georges chappel St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Georges Chappell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Georges Church St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
S. Georges church St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
S. Georges lane Fleet Lane FLEE3 Agas Map Fleet lane | Fleet Lane | Fleete lane | Fleetelane | Flete | Fléet lane | Fléete Lane | Georges Lane | S. Georges lane Streets
S. Georges lane St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
S. Georges lane St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
S. Giles St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Giles church St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Giles Church St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Giles Church without Cripplegate St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Giles churchyard St. Giles Churchyard (Cripplegate) STGI4   Churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate | S. Giles churchyard | S. Giles Churchyarde | Saint Gyles Church yard Sites
S. Giles Churchyarde St. Giles Churchyard (Cripplegate) STGI4   Churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate | S. Giles churchyard | S. Giles Churchyarde | Saint Gyles Church yard Sites
S. Giles in the field St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Giles in the fielde St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Giles in the fieldes St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Giles in the fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Giles without Creplegate St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Giles without Cripple gate St. Giles (Cripplegate) (Parish) STGI103   Giles without Criplegate | gylles at chriplegate | pariſh of S. Giles | Parish of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate | parriſh church of S. Giles | S. Giles without Cripple gate | St. Giles (Cripplegate) Parish | St. Giles, Cripplegate parish Parishes
S. Gregory by Paules church St. Gregory by St. Paul’s STJA2 Agas Map Biſhoppes Pallace | Church of S. Gregory | Church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregory | S. Gregory by Paules church | Saint Gregorie | St. Gregory by St. Paul’s Churches
S. Gyles St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
S. Gyles in the fielde St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Gyles in the fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
S. Helens St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Helens Church St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Helens church St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Helens Parish St. Helen (Parish) STHE101   Hellens within Biſhopſg. | hellyns parryshe | Parish of St. Helen’s | S. Helens Parish | St. Helen parish Parishes
S. Hellens St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Hellens church St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
S. Iames St. James’s Palace JAME5   Queenes Chappell | Quéenes Chapell | S. Iames | St. James’s Palace Sites
S. Iames St. James Park STJA1 Agas Map Parke of S. Iames | S. Iames | S. Iames Parke | St. James Park | St. James’s Park | Tylt Sites
S. Iames at Garlicke Hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
S. Iames Church St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
S. Iames Garlicke hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
S. Iames in the wall St. James in the Wall Hermitage STJA5 Agas Map Chappell of S. Iames | Chappell of Saint Iames | Hermitage of S. Iames in the wall | Hermitage of S. Iames in the Wall | Hermitage or Chappell of Saint Iames, called in the wall | S. Iames in the wall | Saint Iames in the Wall | St. James in the Wall Hermitage Churches
S. Iames Parke St. James Park STJA1 Agas Map Parke of S. Iames | S. Iames | S. Iames Parke | St. James Park | St. James’s Park | Tylt Sites
S. Iohn St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohn Baptiſt St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohn Euangeliſt St. John the Evangelist STJO5 Agas Map Church of S. Werbridge | Pariſh church of S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Pariſh Church of S. Iohn Evangeliſt | S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Saint Iohn Evangeliſt | St. John Evangelist | St. John the Evangelist Churches
S. Iohn of Ieruſalem St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohn of Iheruſalem St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohn Sacharies church St. John Zachary STJO6 Agas Map pariſh Church of S. Iohn Sachary | Pariſh Church of Saint Iohn Sachary | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zacharie | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zachary | S. Iohn Sacharies church | S. Iohn Zachary | Saint Iohn Zacharies Church | St. John Zachary Churches
S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Iohn Zachary St. John Zachary STJO6 Agas Map pariſh Church of S. Iohn Sachary | Pariſh Church of Saint Iohn Sachary | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zacharie | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zachary | S. Iohn Sacharies church | S. Iohn Zachary | Saint Iohn Zacharies Church | St. John Zachary Churches
S. Iohns St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohns Chappell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Iohns church St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Iohns in Smithfielde St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
S. Iohns ſtreet St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
S. Iohns ſtreete St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
S. Iohns vpon walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
S. Kateren St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
S. Katerens la. St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 Agas Map Cock’s Rents | S. Catheryns laen | S. Katerens la. | St Katherine’s | St. Katherines | St. Katherine’s Lane Streets
S. Katerin colmans St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
S. Katharene Chriſts Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katharin Cree-Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katharine St. Katherine (Parish) STKA109   parish of Saint Katharine | S. Katharine | S. Katherine | St. Katherine Parishes
S. Katharine Christs-Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katharine Coleman St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
S. Kathe St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katheren Chriſts church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katheren Colman church St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
S. Katheren Colman Churth St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
S. Katherin by the Tower St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
S. Katherine Holy Trinity Priory HOLY1   Bleſſed Trinitie | Chappell of S. Michaell | Chriſt church | Christ Church | Chriſtes church | Chriſtes Church | Chriſts Church | Christs-church | Christs-Church | Chrychur. | Church and Canons of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinitie | Church of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinity | Church of the Holy Trinity | church of the Holy Trinity | Church of the holy Trinity within Ealdgate | Church of the Trinitie | Crychur | Crychur. | Holy Cross | holy Crosse | Holy Croſſe | holy Rood parish | Holy Roode | Holy Roode Pariſh | holy Trinitie | holy Trinitie within Aldgate | holy Trinitie within Ealdegate | holy Trinity | Holy Trinity | Holy Trinity Church | Holy Trinity Prior | Holy Trinity Priory | holy Trinity within Aldgate | holy Trinity within Ealdgate | houſe of the holieTrinitie | iorie of the Trinitie within Ealdgate | P | Parish Church of S. Trinity | Pariſh of S. Katherine | Pariſh of the Holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinity | pariſh of the Trinitie | parish of the Trinity | Prior and Chanons of the holy Trinitie | Prior and Couent of the Holy Trinitie | Prior of Christs-Church | Prior of the Holy Trinity | Priorie | Priorie of the holie Trinitie | Priorie of the Holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinity | Priorie of the Trinitie | Priors of the holy Trinitie | Priory | Priory of the holy Trinity | Priory of the Holy Trinity | Priory of the Trinitie | Priory of the Trinity | Priory of the Trinity within Ealdgate | S. Katherine | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Michael | Saint Trinity | Trinitie | Trinitie Church | Trinity | Trinity Christ-Church | Trinity Christs Church | Trinity Priory Churches
S. Katherine St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katherine St. Katherine (Parish) STKA109   parish of Saint Katharine | S. Katharine | S. Katherine | St. Katherine Parishes
S. Katherine St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
S. Katherine Chriſt Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katherine Colman St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
S. Katherines St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
S. Katherines St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
S. Lane Strand Lane STRA1 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | S. Lane | Strand | Strand Lane Streets
S. Laurence St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Laurence Chappell St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Laurence church St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Laurence Church in the Iurie St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Laurence church in the Iurie St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Laurence Church-yard St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard STLA7 Agas Map Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Church-yard | S. Laurence churchyarde | Saint Laurence Church-yard | ſaint Laurence Churchyard | St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard Churches
S. Laurence churchyard St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
S. Laurence churchyarde St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard STLA7 Agas Map Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Church-yard | S. Laurence churchyarde | Saint Laurence Church-yard | ſaint Laurence Churchyard | St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard Churches
S. Laurence Hill St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Laurence hill St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Laurence in the Iurie St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Laurence Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Laurence lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Laurence lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
S. Laurence lane. St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
S. Laurence Poul. Hill St. Laurence Poultney Hill STLA4 Agas Map Poultney Lane | Poultney lane | S. Laurence Poul. Hill | St. Lawrence Poultney Lane Streets
S. Laurence Poultney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
S. Laurence Pountney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
S. Laurence, called the Iewrie St. Lawrence (Jewry) (Parish) STLA105   Laurence in the Iury | Lawrens in the Iwrye | Parish of S. Laurence | Parish of Saint Laurence in the Old Iewrie | parish of Saint Laurence, Jewry | Pariſh of St. Law rence Poultney | S. Laurence, called the Iewrie | St. Lawrence, Jewry parish Parishes
S. Laurence-Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Lawrance Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Lawrence Chappell St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Lawrence church St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Lawrence church, in the Iury St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Lawrence in the Iury St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
S. Lawrence Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Lawrence Lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
S. Lawrence lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
S. Lawrence lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
S. Lawrence Poultney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
S. Leonard St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
S. Leonard St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
S. Leonard Milkechurch St. Leonard (Eastcheap) STLE2 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | church of S. Leonard | Milke church | Parish Church of S. Leonards Milke-Church | Parish Church of Saint Leonard Milke-Church | S. Leonard Milkechurch | S. Leonardes in Eaſt Cheape | Saint Leonards East-cheape | St. Leonard, Eastcheap Churches
S. Leonarde St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
S. Leonardes in Eaſt Cheape St. Leonard (Eastcheap) STLE2 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | church of S. Leonard | Milke church | Parish Church of S. Leonards Milke-Church | Parish Church of Saint Leonard Milke-Church | S. Leonard Milkechurch | S. Leonardes in Eaſt Cheape | Saint Leonards East-cheape | St. Leonard, Eastcheap Churches
S. Leonards St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
S. Leonards church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
S. Leonards church St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
S. Magdalens Church St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
S. Magnus St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
S. Magnus church St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
S. Magnus Church St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
S. MagnusChurch St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
S. Margaret St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margaret St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
S. Margaret St. Margaret (Westminster) STMA4 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | pariſh Church of S. Margaret | Pariſh church of S. Margaret | pariſh of Saint Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margrets Churches
S. Margaret bridge ſtréete St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
S. Margaret in Lothbery St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
S. Margaret in Lothburie St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
S. Margaret Patens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margaret Patents lane Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
S. Margaret Pattens Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
S. Margaret Pattens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margaret Pattens lane Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
S. Margaret Pattens street Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
S. Margarets Church St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margarets Church St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
S. Margarets Church St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
S. Margarets church St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
S. Margarets church St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
S. Margarets pariſh St. Margaret (Lothbury) (Parish) STMA102   Margret at Lothberye | Margrets Lothbery | S. Margarets pariſh | Saint Margarets Parish | St. Margaret, Lothbury parish Parishes
S. Margarets Pattens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
S. Margarets Pattentes St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margarits Patens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
S. Margrets St. Margaret (Westminster) STMA4 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | pariſh Church of S. Margaret | Pariſh church of S. Margaret | pariſh of Saint Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margrets Churches
S. Marie Abchurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
S. Marie axe St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Marie hil St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Marie hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Marie Hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Marie hill lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Marie Le Bow St. Mary Le Bow STMA47 Agas Map Bow Church | Bow ſteeple | Bowe-church | Church of S. Mary Bow | S. Marie Le Bow | S. Mary Bow | St. Mary Le Bow | St. Mary le Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow | Woole church Churches
S. Marie Magdalen Holy Trinity Priory HOLY1   Bleſſed Trinitie | Chappell of S. Michaell | Chriſt church | Christ Church | Chriſtes church | Chriſtes Church | Chriſts Church | Christs-church | Christs-Church | Chrychur. | Church and Canons of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinitie | Church of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinity | Church of the Holy Trinity | church of the Holy Trinity | Church of the holy Trinity within Ealdgate | Church of the Trinitie | Crychur | Crychur. | Holy Cross | holy Crosse | Holy Croſſe | holy Rood parish | Holy Roode | Holy Roode Pariſh | holy Trinitie | holy Trinitie within Aldgate | holy Trinitie within Ealdegate | holy Trinity | Holy Trinity | Holy Trinity Church | Holy Trinity Prior | Holy Trinity Priory | holy Trinity within Aldgate | holy Trinity within Ealdgate | houſe of the holieTrinitie | iorie of the Trinitie within Ealdgate | P | Parish Church of S. Trinity | Pariſh of S. Katherine | Pariſh of the Holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinity | pariſh of the Trinitie | parish of the Trinity | Prior and Chanons of the holy Trinitie | Prior and Couent of the Holy Trinitie | Prior of Christs-Church | Prior of the Holy Trinity | Priorie | Priorie of the holie Trinitie | Priorie of the Holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinity | Priorie of the Trinitie | Priors of the holy Trinitie | Priory | Priory of the holy Trinity | Priory of the Holy Trinity | Priory of the Trinitie | Priory of the Trinity | Priory of the Trinity within Ealdgate | S. Katherine | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Michael | Saint Trinity | Trinitie | Trinitie Church | Trinity | Trinity Christ-Church | Trinity Christs Church | Trinity Priory Churches
S. Marie Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Parish) STMA142   Holy Cross and St. Mary Magdalene | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen Parishes
S. Marie Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street (Parish) STMA153   Magdelyn in olde fish stret | Maudlins by old fiſhſtreet | Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street parish Parishes
S. Marie on the Hill St. Mary at Hill STMA43   Church of S. Marie hil | Church of Saint Mary Hill | pariſh church of S. Marie | Parish Church of S. Mary | Pariſh church of S. Mary hil | S. Marie on the Hill | S. Mary Hill Church | S. Mary hill Church | St. Mary Magdalen Church Churches
S. Marie Oueries St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Marie Oueries church St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Marie Ouery St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Marie Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Marie Spittle churchyarde St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Marie ſtreete St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Marie ſtreete St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Marie streete St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Marten Ordegare St. Martin Orgar STMA20 Agas Map church of S. Martin Orgar | Parish Church of S. Martin Orgar | pariſh church of S. Martin Orgor | Parish Church of Saint Martin Orgar | S. Marten Ordegare | S. Martins Orgars | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin’s Candlewickstreet Churches
S. Martin St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martin St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martin de Beremand Church St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
S. Martin in the field St. Martin-in-the-Fields STMA18 Agas Map Church of S. Martin in the field | church of Saint Martin in the field | Pariſh Church of S. Martin in the fielde | Pariſh church of S. Martin in the fielde | S. Martin in the field | S. Martins in the fielde | St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin-in-the-Fields | St. Martin’s Church in the Fields Churches
S. Martin in the Uintrie St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
S. Martin Ironmonger lane St. Martin Pomary (Parish) STMA122   Martins Iremonger Lane | Martyn iermonger Lane | Parish of S. Martin | S. Martin Ironmonger lane | St. Martin Pomary parish Parishes
S. Martin Orgar lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martin Pomerie St. Martin Pomary STMA22 Agas Map church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martins Pomary | Parish Church of St. Martin | parriſh Church of Saynt Marten | Pomery | S. Martin Pomerie | S. Martins | St. Martin Pomary Churches
S. Martin the greate St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
S. Martins St. Martin Pomary STMA22 Agas Map church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martins Pomary | Parish Church of St. Martin | parriſh Church of Saynt Marten | Pomery | S. Martin Pomerie | S. Martins | St. Martin Pomary Churches
S. Martins St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins at Ludgate St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
S. Martins be graunde St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins Church St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
S. Martins Church St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
S. Martins church St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
S. Martins in the fielde St. Martin-in-the-Fields STMA18 Agas Map Church of S. Martin in the field | church of Saint Martin in the field | Pariſh Church of S. Martin in the fielde | Pariſh church of S. Martin in the fielde | S. Martin in the field | S. Martins in the fielde | St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin-in-the-Fields | St. Martin’s Church in the Fields Churches
S. Martins lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins Lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins Lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins le grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins Le Grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins le graund St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins Le Graund St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins le graunde St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Martins Orgar lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins Orgars St. Martin Orgar STMA20 Agas Map church of S. Martin Orgar | Parish Church of S. Martin Orgar | pariſh church of S. Martin Orgor | Parish Church of Saint Martin Orgar | S. Marten Ordegare | S. Martins Orgars | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin’s Candlewickstreet Churches
S. Martins Orgorlane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Martins Otelwich pariſh St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Oteswich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Oteswich Church St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Oteſwich Church St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Oteswitch St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Oteſwitche St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Otoſwich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martins Otſwitch St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
S. Martin’s le graunde St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
S. Mary St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Mary Hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate STMA58 Agas Map Elsing Spital | Elsing Spittle | Elſing Spittle | Elſing ſpittle | Elſings Spittle | Elsying Spital | Hospital of St. Mary | Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin | Hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate | Hospital of St. Mary Wwithin Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of Elſing | our blessed Lady in Aldermanbury | priorie or Hoſpitall of S. Mary the Uirgin | Priory of St Mary within Cripplegate | Priory or Hospital of S. Mary the Virgin | S. Mary Churches
S. Mary Abchurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
S. Mary Aldermanburie St. Mary (Aldermanbury) STMA28 Agas Map Aldermanberie church | Aldermanbury Church | Aldermanbury church | Church of S. Mary Aldermanberie | church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | our bleſſed Ladie in Aldermanberie | Parish Church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | S. Mary Aldermanburie | St. Mary Aldermanbury | St. Mary Aldermanbury Church | St. Mary, Aldermanbury Churches
S. Mary Aldmary St. Mary Aldermary STMA29 Agas Map Aldemarie Church | Aldemary church | Aldermanry Church | Aldermarie Church | Aldermary Church | Aldmary church | church of Aldmary | pariſh Church of Aldermary | S. Mary Aldmary | St. Mary Aldermary | St. Mary Aldermary Church | St. Mary, Aldermary Churches
S. Mary at Sommers hith St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
S. Mary at the Axe St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
S. Mary Axe St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Mary Bethelem Bethlehem Hospital BETH1 Agas Map Be thelem | Bedlam | Bedlam Asylum | Bedleem | Bedlem | Bed’lem | Bethelem | Bethlehem | Bethlehem Hospital | Bethlem | Bethlem without Biſhopſgate | Bethleme | Church of Be thelem | Church of Bethe lem | Church of Bethelem | Church of S. Mary of Bethelem | Church of the glorious Virgin at Bethelem | hospital | Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem | Hospital of St. Mary Bethlehem | Hospitall of Bethelem | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | Hospitall of Bethlem | Hoſpitall of Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bechelem | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bethelem | Hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethlem | Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem | S. Mary Bethelem | S. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary of Bethlehem Sites
S. Mary Bethlem Bethlehem Hospital BETH1 Agas Map Be thelem | Bedlam | Bedlam Asylum | Bedleem | Bedlem | Bed’lem | Bethelem | Bethlehem | Bethlehem Hospital | Bethlem | Bethlem without Biſhopſgate | Bethleme | Church of Be thelem | Church of Bethe lem | Church of Bethelem | Church of S. Mary of Bethelem | Church of the glorious Virgin at Bethelem | hospital | Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem | Hospital of St. Mary Bethlehem | Hospitall of Bethelem | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | Hospitall of Bethlem | Hoſpitall of Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bechelem | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bethelem | Hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethlem | Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem | S. Mary Bethelem | S. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary of Bethlehem Sites
S. Mary Bothaw St. Mary Bothaw STMA30 Agas Map Boat haw | Boatehaw | Boathaw | Church of S. Marie Bothawe | church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of Saint Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothhaw | St. Mary, Bothaw Churches
S. Mary Bothhaw St. Mary Bothaw STMA30 Agas Map Boat haw | Boatehaw | Boathaw | Church of S. Marie Bothawe | church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of Saint Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothhaw | St. Mary, Bothaw Churches
S. Mary Bow St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
S. Mary Bow St. Mary Le Bow STMA47 Agas Map Bow Church | Bow ſteeple | Bowe-church | Church of S. Mary Bow | S. Marie Le Bow | S. Mary Bow | St. Mary Le Bow | St. Mary le Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow | Woole church Churches
S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
S. Mary Bowe St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
S. Mary Colchurch St. Mary Colechurch STMA48   church of S, Mary Colechurch | Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | church of S. Mary Colechurch | Cole church | Coleman church | Parish Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | S. Mary Colchurch | S. Mary Cole Church | St. Mary, Colechurch Churches
S. Mary Cole Church St. Mary Colechurch STMA48   church of S, Mary Colechurch | Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | church of S. Mary Colechurch | Cole church | Coleman church | Parish Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | S. Mary Colchurch | S. Mary Cole Church | St. Mary, Colechurch Churches
S. Mary de Arcubus St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
S. Mary hil lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Mary Hill Church St. Mary at Hill STMA43   Church of S. Marie hil | Church of Saint Mary Hill | pariſh church of S. Marie | Parish Church of S. Mary | Pariſh church of S. Mary hil | S. Marie on the Hill | S. Mary Hill Church | S. Mary hill Church | St. Mary Magdalen Church Churches
S. Mary hill Church St. Mary at Hill STMA43   Church of S. Marie hil | Church of Saint Mary Hill | pariſh church of S. Marie | Parish Church of S. Mary | Pariſh church of S. Mary hil | S. Marie on the Hill | S. Mary Hill Church | S. Mary hill Church | St. Mary Magdalen Church Churches
S. Mary Hill lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Mary hill lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
S. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Parish) STMA142   Holy Cross and St. Mary Magdalene | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen Parishes
S. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street (Parish) STMA153   Magdelyn in olde fish stret | Maudlins by old fiſhſtreet | Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street parish Parishes
S. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Milk Street) STMA33 Agas Map church | church of S Mary Magdalen | church of S. Mary Magdaline | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street | St. Mary Magdalen’s Church Churches
S. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
S. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalene (Bermondsey) STMA55   S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey Churches
S. Mary Magdalen St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Mary Magdalens St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
S. Mary Matfellon St. Mary Whitechapel STMA51 Agas Map Mary Mat-fellon | S. Mary Matfellon | S. Mary Matfelon White chappell | St. Mary Matfelon | St. Mary Whitechapel | white Chaple Church | White Chappell | white Chapple church | Whitechapel Church Churches
S. Mary Matfelon White chappell St. Mary Whitechapel STMA51 Agas Map Mary Mat-fellon | S. Mary Matfellon | S. Mary Matfelon White chappell | St. Mary Matfelon | St. Mary Whitechapel | white Chaple Church | White Chappell | white Chapple church | Whitechapel Church Churches
S. Mary Mounthaunt Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Agas Map Baggardeslane | Fish street hill | Fish-street Hill | Fish-street hill | Fiſhſtreet | Fiſhſtreete | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtreete hill | Fiſhſtréet hill | fiſhſtréet hill | Old Fish Street Hill | Old Fiſh Street Hill | Old Fiſhſteet hill | Old Fiſhſtreet hill | old Fishstreete hill | old fiſhſtréet | old Fiſhſtréete hill | olde Fiſhſtréet hill | Olde Fiſhſtréete Hill | Oldefisshestretelone | S. Mary Mounthaunt | S. Mary Mounthaunt lane | Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane | St Mary Mounthaunt lane | St. Mary Mounthaunt Streets
S. Mary Mounthaunt St. Mary Mounthaw STMA44   Mounthaunt | Mounthaunte | pariſh Church of S. Mary de Mounte Alto | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Monte alto | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary de Monte alto | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Monte Alto | S. Mary Mounthaunt | St. Mary Mounthaw Churches
S. Mary Mounthaunt lane Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Agas Map Baggardeslane | Fish street hill | Fish-street Hill | Fish-street hill | Fiſhſtreet | Fiſhſtreete | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtreete hill | Fiſhſtréet hill | fiſhſtréet hill | Old Fish Street Hill | Old Fiſh Street Hill | Old Fiſhſteet hill | Old Fiſhſtreet hill | old Fishstreete hill | old fiſhſtréet | old Fiſhſtréete hill | olde Fiſhſtréet hill | Olde Fiſhſtréete Hill | Oldefisshestretelone | S. Mary Mounthaunt | S. Mary Mounthaunt lane | Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane | St Mary Mounthaunt lane | St. Mary Mounthaunt Streets
S. Mary Oueries St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Mary Ouers cloſe St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Mary Ouers Cloſe St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Mary Owber St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Mary Rounciuall St. Mary Rounceval STMA11 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounceual | Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounciuall | Our Lady of Rounciuall | Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounſiuall | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mary Rounſiuall St. Mary Rounceval STMA11 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounceual | Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounciuall | Our Lady of Rounciuall | Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounſiuall | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mary Sommerſet St. Mary Somerset (Parish) STMA135   Mary Sommerſets | Marye somersett | Pariſh of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of Saint Mary Somerſhithe | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset parish Parishes
S. Mary Sommerſet St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
S. Mary Sommerset St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
S. Mary Spit tle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Mary Spittle St. Mary Spital (Parish) STMA112   S. Mary Spittle Parishes
S. Mary Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Mary Spittle Church-yard St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Mary Staining church St. Mary Staining STMA36 Agas Map Parish Church of Saint Mary | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Staining | Parish Church of St. Mary Staining | parriſh Church of Saint Mary | S. Mary Staining church | S. Mary Stayning | St. Mary Staining | St. Mary Staining Church | Staining Churches
S. Mary Stayning St. Mary Staining STMA36 Agas Map Parish Church of Saint Mary | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Staining | Parish Church of St. Mary Staining | parriſh Church of Saint Mary | S. Mary Staining church | S. Mary Stayning | St. Mary Staining | St. Mary Staining Church | Staining Churches
S. Mary street St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Mary street St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
S. Mary ſtreet St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Mary ſtreete St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Mary ſtreete St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
S. Mary ſtréete St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
S. Mary ſtréete St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
S. Mary the Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
S. Mary VVolnothes Church St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
S. Mary Woll Church St. Mary Woolchurch STMA37 Agas Map S. Mary Woll Church | S. Mary Wool church | S. Mary Woolchurch | Saint Mary Wool-Church | St. Mary Woolchurch | Wolchurch haw | Woll Church | Wool church haw | Wool-Church | Wooll church Haw Churches
S. Mary Wolnoth St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
S. Mary Wool church St. Mary Woolchurch STMA37 Agas Map S. Mary Woll Church | S. Mary Wool church | S. Mary Woolchurch | Saint Mary Wool-Church | St. Mary Woolchurch | Wolchurch haw | Woll Church | Wool church haw | Wool-Church | Wooll church Haw Churches
S. Mary Woolchurch St. Mary Woolchurch STMA37 Agas Map S. Mary Woll Church | S. Mary Wool church | S. Mary Woolchurch | Saint Mary Wool-Church | St. Mary Woolchurch | Wolchurch haw | Woll Church | Wool church haw | Wool-Church | Wooll church Haw Churches
S. Mary Woolnothes Church St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
S. Mary Woolnoths Church St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
S. Mathew St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
S. Mathewes Church St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
S. Matthewes church St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
S. Michael Holy Trinity Priory HOLY1   Bleſſed Trinitie | Chappell of S. Michaell | Chriſt church | Christ Church | Chriſtes church | Chriſtes Church | Chriſts Church | Christs-church | Christs-Church | Chrychur. | Church and Canons of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinitie | Church of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinity | Church of the Holy Trinity | church of the Holy Trinity | Church of the holy Trinity within Ealdgate | Church of the Trinitie | Crychur | Crychur. | Holy Cross | holy Crosse | Holy Croſſe | holy Rood parish | Holy Roode | Holy Roode Pariſh | holy Trinitie | holy Trinitie within Aldgate | holy Trinitie within Ealdegate | holy Trinity | Holy Trinity | Holy Trinity Church | Holy Trinity Prior | Holy Trinity Priory | holy Trinity within Aldgate | holy Trinity within Ealdgate | houſe of the holieTrinitie | iorie of the Trinitie within Ealdgate | P | Parish Church of S. Trinity | Pariſh of S. Katherine | Pariſh of the Holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinity | pariſh of the Trinitie | parish of the Trinity | Prior and Chanons of the holy Trinitie | Prior and Couent of the Holy Trinitie | Prior of Christs-Church | Prior of the Holy Trinity | Priorie | Priorie of the holie Trinitie | Priorie of the Holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinity | Priorie of the Trinitie | Priors of the holy Trinitie | Priory | Priory of the holy Trinity | Priory of the Holy Trinity | Priory of the Trinitie | Priory of the Trinity | Priory of the Trinity within Ealdgate | S. Katherine | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Michael | Saint Trinity | Trinitie | Trinitie Church | Trinity | Trinity Christ-Church | Trinity Christs Church | Trinity Priory Churches
S. Michael St. Michael (Aldgate) STMI11   Chappell of Saint Michael | S. Michael | St. Michael | St. Michael, Aldgate | St. Mildred (Poultry) Churches
S. Michael St. Michael Parish STMI111   S. Michael | St. Michael Parishes
S. Michael St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
S. Michael St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
S. Michael at corne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
S. Michael Bassings Hall St. Michael Bassishaw (Parish) STMI103   Mighels Baſſieſhaw | Mychaell at bassinges halle | Parish of S. Michael | Parish of S. Michael Bassinghanghe | parish of St. Michael Bassishaw | S. Michael Bassings Hall | S. Michaels Parish | St. Michael Bassishaw parish Parishes
S. Michael church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michael church yarde St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
S. Michael in Cornehill St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
S. Michael in crooked lane St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michael in the Corne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
S. Michaell St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michaels Church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michaels Church St. Michael (Panier Alley) STMI12   S. Michaels Church | S. Michels Church Churches
S. Michaels Church St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michaels church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michaels Crooked lane St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michaels Lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
S. Michaels lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
S. Michaels Parish St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michaels Parish St. Michael Bassishaw (Parish) STMI103   Mighels Baſſieſhaw | Mychaell at bassinges halle | Parish of S. Michael | Parish of S. Michael Bassinghanghe | parish of St. Michael Bassishaw | S. Michael Bassings Hall | S. Michaels Parish | St. Michael Bassishaw parish Parishes
S. Michels Church St. Michael (Panier Alley) STMI12   S. Michaels Church | S. Michels Church Churches
S. Michæl St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
S. Michæl Crooked lane St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
S. Michæl Pater noſter in the Royall St. Michael Paternoster Royal STMI7 Agas Map church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæls pater noſter | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Miihael de Pater noſter | pariſh of S. Michæll de pater noſter | Pater noster Church | Pater noſter church in the Royal | Pater noster Church in the Royall | S. Michæl Pater noſter in the Royall | S. Michæls church | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael Paternoster Royal Churches
S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
S. Michæll vpon Cornhill St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
S. Michæls church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Michæls church St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michæls church St. Michael Paternoster Royal STMI7 Agas Map church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæls pater noſter | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Miihael de Pater noſter | pariſh of S. Michæll de pater noſter | Pater noster Church | Pater noſter church in the Royal | Pater noster Church in the Royall | S. Michæl Pater noſter in the Royall | S. Michæls church | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael Paternoster Royal Churches
S. Michæls Crooked lane St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
S. Michæls lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
S. Michæls pariſh St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
S. Mihell in the Querne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
S. Mildred St. Mildred (Bread Street) STMI9 Agas Map church of S. Mildred in Bredſtreet | church of Saint Mildred | Pariſh Church of S. Mildred in Breadſtreet | Pariſh Church of St. Mildred the Virgin | S. Mildred | S. Mildred in Bredſtreete | S. Mildreds | S.Mildred | St. Mildred, Bread Street Churches
S. Mildred in Bredſtreete St. Mildred (Bread Street) STMI9 Agas Map church of S. Mildred in Bredſtreet | church of Saint Mildred | Pariſh Church of S. Mildred in Breadſtreet | Pariſh Church of St. Mildred the Virgin | S. Mildred | S. Mildred in Bredſtreete | S. Mildreds | S.Mildred | St. Mildred, Bread Street Churches
S. Mildred in the Poultrie St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mildrede St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mildredes church St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mildredes Church St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mildreds St. Mildred (Bread Street) STMI9 Agas Map church of S. Mildred in Bredſtreet | church of Saint Mildred | Pariſh Church of S. Mildred in Breadſtreet | Pariſh Church of St. Mildred the Virgin | S. Mildred | S. Mildred in Bredſtreete | S. Mildreds | S.Mildred | St. Mildred, Bread Street Churches
S. Mildreds Church St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
S. Nicholas St. Nicholas (Parish) NICH103   parish of St. Nicholas | S. Nicholas | Saint Nicholas Parishes
S. Nicholas Church St. Nicholas NICH3 Agas Map Chappell of S. Nicholas | Church of Saint Nicholas | Parish Church of S. Nicholas | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas | S. Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas in the Shambels | Saint Nicholas in the Shambles | St. Nicholas | St. Nicholas Church Churches
S. Nicholas Church St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
S. Nicholas church St. Nicholas Acon STNI4 Agas Map church of S. Nicholas Acon | church of S. Nicholas Hacon | Hacon | Parish Church of S. Nicholas Aacon | parish Church of Saint Nicholas Acon | S. Nicholas church | S. Nicholas Hacon | S. Nicolas Acon | St. Nicholas Acon | ST. Nicholas Acon Churches
S. Nicholas Cold Abbey St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
S. Nicholas Colde Abbay St. Nicholas Cole Abbey (Parish) STNI102   Nicholas Col-Abbay | Nycholas golden abbie | S. Nicholas Colde Abbay | S. Nicholas Colde Abby | Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey parish Parishes
S. Nicholas Colde Abby St. Nicholas Cole Abbey (Parish) STNI102   Nicholas Col-Abbay | Nycholas golden abbie | S. Nicholas Colde Abbay | S. Nicholas Colde Abby | Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey parish Parishes
S. Nicholas flesh shambles Newgate Market NEWG2 Agas Map Newgate | Newgate Market | Newgate market | Newgate-market | S. Nicholas flesh shambles | S. Nicholas fleſh ſhambles Markets
S. Nicholas fleſh ſhambles Newgate Market NEWG2 Agas Map Newgate | Newgate Market | Newgate market | Newgate-market | S. Nicholas flesh shambles | S. Nicholas fleſh ſhambles Markets
S. Nicholas Hacon St. Nicholas Acon STNI4 Agas Map church of S. Nicholas Acon | church of S. Nicholas Hacon | Hacon | Parish Church of S. Nicholas Aacon | parish Church of Saint Nicholas Acon | S. Nicholas church | S. Nicholas Hacon | S. Nicolas Acon | St. Nicholas Acon | ST. Nicholas Acon Churches
S. Nicholas lane Nicholas Lane STNI1 Agas Map Nicholas Lane | S. Nicholas lane | Saint Nicholas Lane | Saint Nicholas lane | St. Nicholas Lane Streets
S. Nicholas Olaue St. Nicholas Olave STNI3 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Olave | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Olave | S. Nicholas Olaue | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | St. Nicholas Olave Churches
S. Nicholas Olaues St. Nicholas Olave STNI3 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Olave | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Olave | S. Nicholas Olaue | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | St. Nicholas Olave Churches
S. Nicholas Olaues St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Nicholas Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
S. Nicholas Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
S. Nicholas ſhambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
S. Nicolas Acon St. Nicholas Acon STNI4 Agas Map church of S. Nicholas Acon | church of S. Nicholas Hacon | Hacon | Parish Church of S. Nicholas Aacon | parish Church of Saint Nicholas Acon | S. Nicholas church | S. Nicholas Hacon | S. Nicolas Acon | St. Nicholas Acon | ST. Nicholas Acon Churches
S. Olaue St. Nicholas Olave STNI3 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Olave | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Olave | S. Nicholas Olaue | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | St. Nicholas Olave Churches
S. Olaue St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Olaue St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
S. Olaue St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
S. Olaue in the olde Iury St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
S. Olaues St. Olave (Old Jewry) (Parish) STOL103   Olaues in the Iury | Old Iewry, of Saint Olaves Parish | Olyve in the Iwrye | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of S. Olave in the Iewry | pariſh of S. Olaue in the Iurie | Parish of S. Olave | parish of Saint Olave in the Iury | Parishes of S. Olave | S. Olaues | St. Olave, Old Jewry parish Parishes
S. Olaues St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
S. Olaues Church St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Olaues Church St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
S. Olaues Church St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
S. Olaues ſtreet St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Olaues ſtreete St. Olave Street OLAV1   S. Olaues ſtreete | S. Olaves street | Saint Olaues ſtréete Streets
S. Olave St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
S. Olaves St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
S. Olaves St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
S. Olaves Church St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
S. Olaves Hartstreet St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
S. Olaves street St. Olave Street OLAV1   S. Olaues ſtreete | S. Olaves street | Saint Olaues ſtréete Streets
S. Oliues church St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Oliues church St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
S. Pancrate St. Pancras (Soper Lane) STPA5 Agas Map church of S. pancrate | church of Saint Pancrate | Parish Chruch of S. Pancrate | Parish Church of Saint Pancrate | S. Pancrate | S. Pancrates church | St. Pancras | St. Pancras, Soper Lane | St. Pancrates Church Churches
S. Pancrates church St. Pancras (Soper Lane) STPA5 Agas Map church of S. pancrate | church of Saint Pancrate | Parish Chruch of S. Pancrate | Parish Church of Saint Pancrate | S. Pancrate | S. Pancrates church | St. Pancras | St. Pancras, Soper Lane | St. Pancrates Church Churches
S. Parnell in the Temple Temple Church TEMP4 Agas Map S. Parnell in the Temple | Temple Church Churches
S. Paul St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Paule St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Paules St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Paules Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Pauli St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Pauls St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Pauls Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Pauls church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Pauls Church Yard St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
S. Pawles Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
S. Peter of Weſtminſter Westminster Abbey WEST1 Agas Map Abbie church of Weſtminſter | Apoſtle S. Peter of Weſtminſter | Chappell of our Ladie | Collegiat church of Weſtm | Monaſterie of S. Peter at VVeſtminſter | Monaſterie of Weſtminſter | S. Peter of Weſtminſter | S. Peters at Weſtminſter | VVeſtminſter | Weſminſter | Weſt minſter | Westminster | Weſtminſter | weſtminſter | Westminster Abbey Churches
S. Peter on Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peter the Poore St. Peter le Poor STPE4 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Peter the poore | Parish Church of Saint Peter the poore | S. Peter the Poore | S. Peters church | S. Peters Poore | Saint Peters Church | St. Peter le Poor Churches
S. Peter vpon Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peter vpon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peter vpō Cornhil St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
S. Peters St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
S. Peters at Weſtminſter Westminster Abbey WEST1 Agas Map Abbie church of Weſtminſter | Apoſtle S. Peter of Weſtminſter | Chappell of our Ladie | Collegiat church of Weſtm | Monaſterie of S. Peter at VVeſtminſter | Monaſterie of Weſtminſter | S. Peter of Weſtminſter | S. Peters at Weſtminſter | VVeſtminſter | Weſminſter | Weſt minſter | Westminster | Weſtminſter | weſtminſter | Westminster Abbey Churches
S. Peters Church St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters Church St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
S. Peters church St. Peter le Poor STPE4 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Peter the poore | Parish Church of Saint Peter the poore | S. Peter the Poore | S. Peters church | S. Peters Poore | Saint Peters Church | St. Peter le Poor Churches
S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
S. Peters Church on Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters in Cheape St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
S. Peters in Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters Poore St. Peter le Poor STPE4 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Peter the poore | Parish Church of Saint Peter the poore | S. Peter the Poore | S. Peters church | S. Peters Poore | Saint Peters Church | St. Peter le Poor Churches
S. Peters upon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters vpon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Peters. vpon Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
S. Pulchers Parish St. Pulcher (Parish) PULC101   parish of St. Pulcher | S. Pulchers Parish | Saint Pulchers Parishes
S. Sauiors St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Sauiors in Southwarke St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
S. Sauiour St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
S. Sepulcher St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
S. Sepulchers Church St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
S. Sepulchre St. Sepulchre’s Alley STSE1 Agas Map church of S. Sepulchre | S. Sepulchre | St Pulchre’s Streets
S. Sithes Church St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
S. Sithes church St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
S. Sithes lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
S. Sithis lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
S. Stephen St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
S. Stephen at Weſtminſter St. Stephen’s (Westminster Palace) STST4 Agas Map free Chappel of Saint Stephen at Westminster | S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | S. Stephens | S. Stephens Chapel | S. Stephens Chapell | Saint Stephens chappell Churches
S. Stephen by Walbrooke St. Stephen Walbrook STST1 Agas Map Chappell of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | church of S. Stephen by Walbrook | pariſh church of S. Stephen vppon Walbrooke | Parriſh of S, Stephen | Parſonage houſe | S. Stephen by Walbrooke | S. Stephen vppon walbrooke | St. Stephen Walbrook Churches
S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
S. Stephen vppon walbrooke St. Stephen Walbrook STST1 Agas Map Chappell of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | church of S. Stephen by Walbrook | pariſh church of S. Stephen vppon Walbrooke | Parriſh of S, Stephen | Parſonage houſe | S. Stephen by Walbrooke | S. Stephen vppon walbrooke | St. Stephen Walbrook Churches
S. Stephens St. Stephen’s (Westminster Palace) STST4 Agas Map free Chappel of Saint Stephen at Westminster | S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | S. Stephens | S. Stephens Chapel | S. Stephens Chapell | Saint Stephens chappell Churches
S. Stephens Alley Cannon Row CANN1 Agas Map Cannon Row | Canon Alley | Canon Rowe | Chanon Row | S. Stephens Alley Sites
S. Stephens Chapel St. Stephen’s (Westminster Palace) STST4 Agas Map free Chappel of Saint Stephen at Westminster | S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | S. Stephens | S. Stephens Chapel | S. Stephens Chapell | Saint Stephens chappell Churches
S. Stephens Chapell St. Stephen’s (Westminster Palace) STST4 Agas Map free Chappel of Saint Stephen at Westminster | S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | S. Stephens | S. Stephens Chapel | S. Stephens Chapell | Saint Stephens chappell Churches
S. Stephens Chappell St. Stephen’s (Chanon Row) STST3   S. Stephens Chappell Churches
S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
S. Swithen St. Swithin (London Stone) STSW2 Agas Map church of S. Swithen | church of S.Swithen | Church of St. Swithen by London-ſtone | Parish Church of S. Swithen | S. Swithen | S. Swithen by London ſtone | S. Swithens | St. Swithin by London Stone | St. Swithin, London Stone Churches
S. Swithen by London ſtone St. Swithin (London Stone) STSW2 Agas Map church of S. Swithen | church of S.Swithen | Church of St. Swithen by London-ſtone | Parish Church of S. Swithen | S. Swithen | S. Swithen by London ſtone | S. Swithens | St. Swithin by London Stone | St. Swithin, London Stone Churches
S. Swithens St. Swithin (London Stone) STSW2 Agas Map church of S. Swithen | church of S.Swithen | Church of St. Swithen by London-ſtone | Parish Church of S. Swithen | S. Swithen | S. Swithen by London ſtone | S. Swithens | St. Swithin by London Stone | St. Swithin, London Stone Churches
S. Swithens Lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
S. Swithens lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
S. Sythes Church St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
S. Sythes lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
S. Thom St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas St. Thomas Southwark STTH4   S. Thomas | S. Thomas the Hoſpitall | Saint Thomas the Apostle | St. Thomas Southwark Churches
S. Thomas a pariſh church St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas Acars Mercers’ Hall MERC1 Agas Map Hospital of St. Thomas Acon | Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon | Hospitall of S. Tho. of Acars | Hospitall of S. Thom. of Acars | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acars | Mercers Chappell | Mercers Chappell and hall | Mercers Hall | Mercers hall | Mercers’ | Mercers’ Company | Mercers’ Hall | Mercery | Mercery in weſt Chepe | S. Thomas Acars | S. Thomas of Acars | S. Thomas of Acon | S. Thomas of Acres | Saint Thomas of Acars Halls
S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas Apoſtles St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
S. Thomas Apoſtles church St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
S. Thomas church the Apoſtle St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
S. Thomas Hospitall St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas Hoſpitall St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas of Acars Mercers’ Hall MERC1 Agas Map Hospital of St. Thomas Acon | Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon | Hospitall of S. Tho. of Acars | Hospitall of S. Thom. of Acars | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acars | Mercers Chappell | Mercers Chappell and hall | Mercers Hall | Mercers hall | Mercers’ | Mercers’ Company | Mercers’ Hall | Mercery | Mercery in weſt Chepe | S. Thomas Acars | S. Thomas of Acars | S. Thomas of Acon | S. Thomas of Acres | Saint Thomas of Acars Halls
S. Thomas of Acars St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
S. Thomas of Acon Mercers’ Hall MERC1 Agas Map Hospital of St. Thomas Acon | Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon | Hospitall of S. Tho. of Acars | Hospitall of S. Thom. of Acars | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acars | Mercers Chappell | Mercers Chappell and hall | Mercers Hall | Mercers hall | Mercers’ | Mercers’ Company | Mercers’ Hall | Mercery | Mercery in weſt Chepe | S. Thomas Acars | S. Thomas of Acars | S. Thomas of Acon | S. Thomas of Acres | Saint Thomas of Acars Halls
S. Thomas of Acres Mercers’ Hall MERC1 Agas Map Hospital of St. Thomas Acon | Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon | Hospitall of S. Tho. of Acars | Hospitall of S. Thom. of Acars | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acars | Mercers Chappell | Mercers Chappell and hall | Mercers Hall | Mercers hall | Mercers’ | Mercers’ Company | Mercers’ Hall | Mercery | Mercery in weſt Chepe | S. Thomas Acars | S. Thomas of Acars | S. Thomas of Acon | S. Thomas of Acres | Saint Thomas of Acars Halls
S. Thomas the Hoſpitall St. Thomas Southwark STTH4   S. Thomas | S. Thomas the Hoſpitall | Saint Thomas the Apostle | St. Thomas Southwark Churches
S. Tovolles St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
S. Trinities Church of St. Trinity TRIN2   church of S. Trinitie | S. Trinities Churches
S.Iohn Euangeliſt St. John the Evangelist (Parish) STJO105   Ihonne evangillist | S.Iohn Euangeliſt | St. John the Evangelist parish Parishes
S.Mildred St. Mildred (Bread Street) STMI9 Agas Map church of S. Mildred in Bredſtreet | church of Saint Mildred | Pariſh Church of S. Mildred in Breadſtreet | Pariſh Church of St. Mildred the Virgin | S. Mildred | S. Mildred in Bredſtreete | S. Mildreds | S.Mildred | St. Mildred, Bread Street Churches
Sabbs Docke Sabb’s Dock SABB1   Sabbs Docke Sites
sackeslane Church Lane (Vintry Ward) CHUR2 Agas Map church lane | Church Lane | Fannerslane | sackeslane | schakkeslane | Uanners lane | Vannars lane | Vanner lane | Vanners Lane Streets
Saddlers’ Saddlers’ Hall SADD1 Agas Map Saddlers’ | Saddlers’ Hall | Sadlers Hall | Sadlers hall Halls
Saddlers’ Hall Saddlers’ Hall SADD1 Agas Map Saddlers’ | Saddlers’ Hall | Sadlers Hall | Sadlers hall Halls
Sadlers Hall Saddlers’ Hall SADD1 Agas Map Saddlers’ | Saddlers’ Hall | Sadlers Hall | Sadlers hall Halls
Sadlers hall Saddlers’ Hall SADD1 Agas Map Saddlers’ | Saddlers’ Hall | Sadlers Hall | Sadlers hall Halls
Saffron Hil Saffron Hill SAFF2 Agas Map Gold lane | Gold Lane | Goldlane | Saffron Hil | Saffron-hill Streets
Saffron-hill Saffron Hill SAFF2 Agas Map Gold lane | Gold Lane | Goldlane | Saffron Hil | Saffron-hill Streets
Saint Agnes St. Anne and St. Agnes (Parish) STAN109   Annes at Alderſgate | Anns wi th in aldarsgate | pariſh of S. Anne | Parish of St. Anne | Saint Agnes | St. Anne and St. Agnes parish Parishes
Saint Albans St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
Saint Albons St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
Saint Andrew St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
Saint Andrew by the Wardrope St. Andrew by the Wardrobe STAN7 Agas Map Church of Andrew in the Wardrobe | church of S. Andrew in yͤ Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew in the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of Saint Andrew by the Wardrobe | pariſh of S. Andrew, next to Baynard Caſtle | Pariſh of Saint Andrew | S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Saint Andrew by the Wardrope | St. Andrew by the Wardrobe Churches
Saint Andrew Hubbert St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
Saint Andrew in Oldborne St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
Saint Andrews Church St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
Saint Andrews Church St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
Saint Andrews Vndershaft St. Andrew Undershaft (Parish) STAN108   Androwe vndar shafte | Androwes vnderſhaft | Saint Andrews Vndershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft parish | St. Andrew Undershaft Parish | Underſhafte Parishes
Saint Annes lane St. Anne’s Lane STAN4 Agas Map Pope lane | Pope Lane | S. Anus | S. Anus Lane end | Saint Annes lane | St. Anne’s Lane Streets
Saint Anthonies St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
Saint Anthonies Church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
Saint Anthonies Church yard St. Anthony’s Churchyard STAN28 Agas Map Saint Anthonies Church yard Sites
Saint AnthoniesChurch St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
Saint Anthonines church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
Saint Antlins St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
Saint Augustine in the wall St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
Saint Augustine Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
Saint Auguſtines Church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
ſaint Auguſtines church St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
Saint Augustines Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
Saint Bartholamews the little St. Bartholomew the Less STBA4 Agas Map Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartlemew the Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholamews the little | St. Bartholomew the Less Churches
Saint Bartholmewes St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
ſaint Bartholomew St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
Saint Bartholomew St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartholomew St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
Saint Bartholomew Lane Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
Saint Bartholomewes St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartholomewes St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
Saint Bartholomewes Spittle St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartholomews Church St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
Saint Bartholomews Hospital St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartholomews Hospitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartilmewes St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
Saint Bartilmewes Priorie St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
Saint Benet St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
Saint Bennets St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
Saint Bennets Church St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
Saint Bennets church St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
Saint Bennets pariſh St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
Saint Buttolphe St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
Saint Buttolphs St. Botolph (Aldersgate) (Parish) STBO103   Buttols without Alderſg | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph, Aldersgate parish Parishes
Saint Buttolphs St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
Saint Buttolphs Church St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
Saint Buttolphs Parish without Bishopsgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate (Parish) STBO101   buttolphe at busshippes gate | Buttols Biſhopſgate | pa rish of Saint Buttolph without Bishops gate | parish of S Buttolph | parish of S. Buttolph without Bi shopsgate | Parish of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Saint Buttolphs Parish without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate parish Parishes
Saint Christophers Parish St. Christopher le Stocks (Parish) STCH101   Chriſtophers Pariſ | Cristophers perryshe | Parish of S. Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | Parish of St. Christopher | Saint Christophers Parish | St. Christopher le Stocks parish Parishes
Saint Clements church St. Clement Danes STCL2 Agas Map Church of S. Clement | church of S. Clements | Pariſh church of S, Clement Danes | Pariſh church of S. Clement Danes | S. Clement Danes | S. Clementes church | Saint Clements church | St. Clement | St. Clement Danes Churches
Saint Dennis St. Dionis Backchurch STDI1 Agas Map church of S. Diones | Church of S. Dionys called Back church | of | of S. Dionis called Backe-Church | Parish Church | S. Denis | S. Dyones Backchurch | Saint Dennis | St. Dionis Backchurch Churches
Saint Dunslanes St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Dunstane standing East St. Dunstan in the East (Parish) STDU102   Dunſtones in the Eaſt | Dunstonnes parreshe in the este | Parish of S. Dunstane | Parish of Saint Dunstane in the East | Saint Dunstane standing East | St. Dunstan in the East parish Parishes
Saint Dunstans Church St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
Saint Dunſtans Church St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
Saint Dunstans Hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
Saint Dunſtans hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
Saint Dunstans hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
Saint Dunstan’s in the West St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
Saint Dunſtons church St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
Saint Ethelburges Parish St. Ethelburga (Parish) STET101   Alborowes at byshopes gate | Ethelborowes Pariſh | Parish of Saint Ethelburge | parish of St. Ethelburga | Saint Ethelburges Parish | St. Ethelburga parish Parishes
Saint Ewins in Newgate Market St. Audoen AUDO1   Church of S. Ewin | Parish Church of S. Ewine | pariſh Church of S. Ewine | S. Ewines in Newgate market | Saint Ewins in Newgate Market | St. Audoen Churches
Saint Faith under Pauls St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
Saint Faith vnder Pauls St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
Saint Fauſters St. Foster FOST4   Pariſh Church of S. Fauſter | Parish Church of S. Fosters | S. Dunstanes Chappell | Saint Fauſters | Saint Fosters | St. Foster Streets
Saint Fauſters Church St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
Saint Fayths church St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
Saint Fosters St. Foster FOST4   Pariſh Church of S. Fauſter | Parish Church of S. Fosters | S. Dunstanes Chappell | Saint Fauſters | Saint Fosters | St. Foster Streets
Saint Fosters Church St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
Saint Foſters Church St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
Saint George in Southwarke St. George Southwark STGE4   S. George in Southwarke | S. George the Marter | S. Georges | Saint George in Southwarke | St. George Southwark Churches
Saint Georges chapell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Georges Church St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
Saint Georges Lane St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
ſaint Georges lane St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
Saint Giles St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
Saint Giles Church St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
Saint Giles in the fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
Saint Giles without Creplegate St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
Saint Gregorie St. Gregory by St. Paul’s STJA2 Agas Map Biſhoppes Pallace | Church of S. Gregory | Church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregory | S. Gregory by Paules church | Saint Gregorie | St. Gregory by St. Paul’s Churches
Saint Gyles Church yard St. Giles Churchyard (Cripplegate) STGI4   Churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate | S. Giles churchyard | S. Giles Churchyarde | Saint Gyles Church yard Sites
Saint Helens St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
Saint Helens Church St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
Saint Iames at Garlicke hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
Saint Iames church St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
Saint Iames in the Wall St. James in the Wall Hermitage STJA5 Agas Map Chappell of S. Iames | Chappell of Saint Iames | Hermitage of S. Iames in the wall | Hermitage of S. Iames in the Wall | Hermitage or Chappell of Saint Iames, called in the wall | S. Iames in the wall | Saint Iames in the Wall | St. James in the Wall Hermitage Churches
Saint Iohn Evangeliſt St. John the Evangelist STJO5 Agas Map Church of S. Werbridge | Pariſh church of S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Pariſh Church of S. Iohn Evangeliſt | S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Saint Iohn Evangeliſt | St. John Evangelist | St. John the Evangelist Churches
ſaint Iohn ſtreet St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
Saint Iohn Zacharies Church St. John Zachary STJO6 Agas Map pariſh Church of S. Iohn Sachary | Pariſh Church of Saint Iohn Sachary | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zacharie | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zachary | S. Iohn Sacharies church | S. Iohn Zachary | Saint Iohn Zacharies Church | St. John Zachary Churches
Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
Saint Iohns ſtreet St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
Saint Iohns ſtreete St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
Saint Katharine Christs Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
Saint Katharine Christs-Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
Saint Katharines St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
Saint Katharine’s St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
Saint Katherine Chriſt church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
Saint Katherine Christs Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
Saint Katherines St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
Saint Kathren St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
Saint Laurence Church St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
Saint Laurence Church-yard St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard STLA7 Agas Map Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Church-yard | S. Laurence churchyarde | Saint Laurence Church-yard | ſaint Laurence Churchyard | St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard Churches
ſaint Laurence Churchyard St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard STLA7 Agas Map Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Church-yard | S. Laurence churchyarde | Saint Laurence Church-yard | ſaint Laurence Churchyard | St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard Churches
Saint Laurence lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
Saint Laurence lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
Saint Laurence-Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
Saint Lawrence church St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
Saint Lawrence lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
Saint Leonard St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
Saint Leonards Church St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
Saint Leonards East-cheape St. Leonard (Eastcheap) STLE2 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | church of S. Leonard | Milke church | Parish Church of S. Leonards Milke-Church | Parish Church of Saint Leonard Milke-Church | S. Leonard Milkechurch | S. Leonardes in Eaſt Cheape | Saint Leonards East-cheape | St. Leonard, Eastcheap Churches
Saint Ma ry Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
ſaint Magnus St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
Saint Magnus Church St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
ſaint Magnus Church St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
Saint Margaret St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
Saint Margaret Pattens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
Saint Margaret Pattens street St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
Saint Margarets Church St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
ſaint Margarets Church St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
Saint Margarets Parish St. Margaret (Lothbury) (Parish) STMA102   Margret at Lothberye | Margrets Lothbery | S. Margarets pariſh | Saint Margarets Parish | St. Margaret, Lothbury parish Parishes
ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Rodd Lane RODD1 Agas Map Reod lane | Rodd Lane | Rood lane | Rood Lane | Roode lane | S. Margaret Patents lane | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret Pattens lane | S. Margaret Pattens street | S. Margarets Pattens ſtreete | ſaint Margarets Pattents ſtreete Streets
Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
saint Marie Abchurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
Saint Marie Bow church St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
ſaint Marie Hil lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
ſaint Marie hill lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
Saint Marie Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) STMA42   Holy Cross and St. Mary Magdalene | Saint Marie Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) | St. Mary Magdalen, Aldgate Churches
Saint Marie Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
saint Marie streete St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
Saint Marie ſtreete St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
ſaint Marie ſtreete St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
Saint Martin St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martin St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
Saint Martin Orgar lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
Saint Martins St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
Saint Martins St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins church St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
ſaint Martins Church St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
Saint Martins Church St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
Saint Martins Church St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
Saint Martins lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins Lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins Lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Martins le graund St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
Saint Martins O toſ wich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
Saint Martins Oteswich parish St. Martin Outwich (Parish) STMA121   Martins Outwich | Martyn owtwiche | Pa rish of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of Saint Martins Otes wich | Parish of St. Martin Oteswich | Saint Martins Oteswich parish | St. Martin Outwich parish Parishes
Saint Martins Otoſwich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
Saint Martins Parish St. Martin within Ludgate (Parish) STMA119   Martins at Ludgate | Martyn at Ludgate | parish of St. Martin within Ludgate | Saint Martins Parish | Saint Martins Parish within Ludgate | St. Martin within Ludgate parish Parishes
Saint Martins Parish within Ludgate St. Martin within Ludgate (Parish) STMA119   Martins at Ludgate | Martyn at Ludgate | parish of St. Martin within Ludgate | Saint Martins Parish | Saint Martins Parish within Ludgate | St. Martin within Ludgate parish Parishes
Saint Mary at Axe St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
Saint Mary at the Axe St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
Saint Mary Bow St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
Saint Mary Bow Church St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
Saint Mary Bow church St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
Saint Mary Hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
Saint Mary Hill Lane St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
Saint Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Magdalens St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Magdalens Church St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Maudlins Church St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Agas Map Baggardeslane | Fish street hill | Fish-street Hill | Fish-street hill | Fiſhſtreet | Fiſhſtreete | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtreete hill | Fiſhſtréet hill | fiſhſtréet hill | Old Fish Street Hill | Old Fiſh Street Hill | Old Fiſhſteet hill | Old Fiſhſtreet hill | old Fishstreete hill | old fiſhſtréet | old Fiſhſtréete hill | olde Fiſhſtréet hill | Olde Fiſhſtréete Hill | Oldefisshestretelone | S. Mary Mounthaunt | S. Mary Mounthaunt lane | Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane | St Mary Mounthaunt lane | St. Mary Mounthaunt Streets
Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
Saint Mary Ouery St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
Saint Mary Overies St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
Saint Mary Overy St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
Saint Mary Overy’s St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
Saint Mary Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
Saint Mary street St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
ſaint Mary ſtreet St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
Saint Mary Wolnoths Church St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
Saint Mary Wool-Church St. Mary Woolchurch STMA37 Agas Map S. Mary Woll Church | S. Mary Wool church | S. Mary Woolchurch | Saint Mary Wool-Church | St. Mary Woolchurch | Wolchurch haw | Woll Church | Wool church haw | Wool-Church | Wooll church Haw Churches
ſaint Mathewes Church St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
Saint Matthewes Church St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
Saint Matthews Church St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
Saint Michael St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
Saint Michael in the Querne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
Saint Michael upon Cornehill St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
Saint Michaels Church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
Saint Michaels Church St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
Saint Michaels Church St. Michael Paternoster Royal STMI7 Agas Map church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæls pater noſter | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Miihael de Pater noſter | pariſh of S. Michæll de pater noſter | Pater noster Church | Pater noſter church in the Royal | Pater noster Church in the Royall | S. Michæl Pater noſter in the Royall | S. Michæls church | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael Paternoster Royal Churches
ſaint Michaels Church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
Saint Michaels in Cornehill St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
Saint Michaels Lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
Saint Michaels Lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
Saint Michaels lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
Saint Michæll ad Bladum St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
Saint Michæls church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
Saint Mihel at Corne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
Saint Mihell at Corne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
Saint Mildred church St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
Saint Nicholas St. Nicholas (Parish) NICH103   parish of St. Nicholas | S. Nicholas | Saint Nicholas Parishes
Saint Nicholas Church St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
Saint Nicholas church St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey St. Nicholas Cole Abbey (Parish) STNI102   Nicholas Col-Abbay | Nycholas golden abbie | S. Nicholas Colde Abbay | S. Nicholas Colde Abby | Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey parish Parishes
Saint Nicholas in the Shambels St. Nicholas NICH3 Agas Map Chappell of S. Nicholas | Church of Saint Nicholas | Parish Church of S. Nicholas | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas | S. Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas in the Shambels | Saint Nicholas in the Shambles | St. Nicholas | St. Nicholas Church Churches
Saint Nicholas in the Shambles St. Nicholas NICH3 Agas Map Chappell of S. Nicholas | Church of Saint Nicholas | Parish Church of S. Nicholas | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas | S. Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas in the Shambels | Saint Nicholas in the Shambles | St. Nicholas | St. Nicholas Church Churches
Saint Nicholas Lane Nicholas Lane STNI1 Agas Map Nicholas Lane | S. Nicholas lane | Saint Nicholas Lane | Saint Nicholas lane | St. Nicholas Lane Streets
Saint Nicholas lane Nicholas Lane STNI1 Agas Map Nicholas Lane | S. Nicholas lane | Saint Nicholas Lane | Saint Nicholas lane | St. Nicholas Lane Streets
ſaint Nicholas ſambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
Saint Nicholas Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
Saint Nicholas Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
Saint Olaues St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
Saint Olaues Church St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
Saint Olaues ſtréete St. Olave Street OLAV1   S. Olaues ſtreete | S. Olaves street | Saint Olaues ſtréete Streets
Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
Saint Olaves St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
Saint Olaves St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
Saint Olaves Church St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
Saint Paul St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Paules St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Paules St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
Saint Paules Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Paules Church St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
Saint Paules church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Pauls St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Pauls Chappell St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Pauls Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Pauls church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Pauls Croſſe. St. Paul’s Cross STPA6 Agas Map Paules Croſſe | Paules croſſe | Paules Crosse | Pauls Crosse | Pauls Croſſe | Pauls steeple | Paul’s Cross | Pulpit Crosse | Pulpit Croſſe | Pulpit-crosse | Pulpit-Crosse | Saint Pauls Croſſe. | St. Paul’s Cross Sites
Saint Pauls head St. Paul’s Head Tavern STPA7   Brewhouſe of S. Paul | Brewhouſe of Saint Paule | Paul head | Paul-head in | Pauls Brew-house | Pauls Brewhouse | Powle head | Powle head Tauerne | Powle head Taverne | Powle-head | Powles Brewhouſe | Powles Brewhouse | Saint Pauls head | ſigne of Saint Pauls head Victualling Houses
Saint Paul’s St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
Saint Peter St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) (Parish) STPE105   Peters at Pauleswharfe | Pettar at powels wharfe | Saint Peter | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf parish | St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf Parishes
Saint Peter St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Saint Peter St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
Saint Peter vppon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Saint Peters St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Saint Peters Church St. Peter le Poor STPE4 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Peter the poore | Parish Church of Saint Peter the poore | S. Peter the Poore | S. Peters church | S. Peters Poore | Saint Peters Church | St. Peter le Poor Churches
Saint Peters Church St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
Saint Peters church St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
Saint Peters Church in Cheape St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Saint Peters hill St. Peter’s Hill STPE1 Agas Map Peter Hill | Peter hill | Peter Hill Lane | Peter hill lane | Peters Hill | Peters Hilllane | Peter’s Hill | Saint Peters hill | Saint Peters Hill | St. Peters Hill | St. Peter’s Hill Streets
Saint Peters Hill St. Peter’s Hill STPE1 Agas Map Peter Hill | Peter hill | Peter Hill Lane | Peter hill lane | Peters Hill | Peters Hilllane | Peter’s Hill | Saint Peters hill | Saint Peters Hill | St. Peters Hill | St. Peter’s Hill Streets
Saint Peters upon Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Saint Pulchers St. Pulcher (Parish) PULC101   parish of St. Pulcher | S. Pulchers Parish | Saint Pulchers Parishes
Saint Saueries in South-warke St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
Saint ſepulchers Church St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
Saint Sepulchres Church St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
Saint Sepulchres church St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
Saint Sithes lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
Saint Stephen St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
Saint Stephens chappell St. Stephen’s (Westminster Palace) STST4 Agas Map free Chappel of Saint Stephen at Westminster | S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | S. Stephens | S. Stephens Chapel | S. Stephens Chapell | Saint Stephens chappell Churches
Saint Stephens Church St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
Saint Stephens church St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
Saint Swithin’s Lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
Saint Sythes Church St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
Saint Sythes lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
Saint Thomas St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
Saint Thomas Apostles Church St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
Saint Thomas Chappell Chapel of St. Thomas on the Bridge STOB1 Agas Map Chapel of Saint Thomas Becket | Chaple on London bridge | Chaple on Londō bridge | Chappell | Saint Thomas Chappell Chapels
Saint Thomas Church the Apostle St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
Saint Thomas Hospitall St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
Saint Thomas of Acars Mercers’ Hall MERC1 Agas Map Hospital of St. Thomas Acon | Hospital of St. Thomas of Acon | Hospitall of S. Tho. of Acars | Hospitall of S. Thom. of Acars | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acars | Mercers Chappell | Mercers Chappell and hall | Mercers Hall | Mercers hall | Mercers’ | Mercers’ Company | Mercers’ Hall | Mercery | Mercery in weſt Chepe | S. Thomas Acars | S. Thomas of Acars | S. Thomas of Acon | S. Thomas of Acres | Saint Thomas of Acars Halls
Saint Thomas of Acres St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
Saint Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas Southwark STTH4   S. Thomas | S. Thomas the Hoſpitall | Saint Thomas the Apostle | St. Thomas Southwark Churches
Saint Trinity Holy Trinity Priory HOLY1   Bleſſed Trinitie | Chappell of S. Michaell | Chriſt church | Christ Church | Chriſtes church | Chriſtes Church | Chriſts Church | Christs-church | Christs-Church | Chrychur. | Church and Canons of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinitie | Church of the Holy Trinitie | Church of the holy Trinity | Church of the Holy Trinity | church of the Holy Trinity | Church of the holy Trinity within Ealdgate | Church of the Trinitie | Crychur | Crychur. | Holy Cross | holy Crosse | Holy Croſſe | holy Rood parish | Holy Roode | Holy Roode Pariſh | holy Trinitie | holy Trinitie within Aldgate | holy Trinitie within Ealdegate | holy Trinity | Holy Trinity | Holy Trinity Church | Holy Trinity Prior | Holy Trinity Priory | holy Trinity within Aldgate | holy Trinity within Ealdgate | houſe of the holieTrinitie | iorie of the Trinitie within Ealdgate | P | Parish Church of S. Trinity | Pariſh of S. Katherine | Pariſh of the Holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinitie | Parish of the holy Trinity | pariſh of the Trinitie | parish of the Trinity | Prior and Chanons of the holy Trinitie | Prior and Couent of the Holy Trinitie | Prior of Christs-Church | Prior of the Holy Trinity | Priorie | Priorie of the holie Trinitie | Priorie of the Holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | Priorie of the holy Trinity | Priorie of the Trinitie | Priors of the holy Trinitie | Priory | Priory of the holy Trinity | Priory of the Holy Trinity | Priory of the Trinitie | Priory of the Trinity | Priory of the Trinity within Ealdgate | S. Katherine | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Michael | Saint Trinity | Trinitie | Trinitie Church | Trinity | Trinity Christ-Church | Trinity Christs Church | Trinity Priory Churches
Saiut Edmonds Pariſh St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
Sakfrere lane Old Jewry OLDJ1 Agas Map Colechurchstrete | Iurie | Old Iewrie | Old Iewry | Old Iewry Lane | old Iurie | Old Iurie | old Iury | Old Iury | Old Jewry | Olde Iurie | olde Iurie | Olde Iurie lane | olde Iury | Olde Iury | Olde Jury | Sakfrere lane Streets
Saliſbery court Salisbury Court SALI5 Agas Map B. of Saliſbery his houſe | Inne, or London houſe | Saliſbery court | Salisbury Court | Saliſbury place Sites
Salisbury court Salisbury Court SALI1 Agas Map Salisbury court | Salisbury Court | Salisbury House Streets
Salisbury Court Salisbury Court SALI1 Agas Map Salisbury court | Salisbury Court | Salisbury House Streets
Salisbury Court Salisbury Court Theatre SALI3 Agas Map Salisbury Court | Salisbury Court Theatre Playhouses
Salisbury Court Salisbury Court SALI5 Agas Map B. of Saliſbery his houſe | Inne, or London houſe | Saliſbery court | Salisbury Court | Saliſbury place Sites
Salisbury Court Theatre Salisbury Court Theatre SALI3 Agas Map Salisbury Court | Salisbury Court Theatre Playhouses
Salisbury House Salisbury Court SALI1 Agas Map Salisbury court | Salisbury Court | Salisbury House Streets
Salisbury House Salisbury House SALI2   Salisbury House Sites
Saliſbury place Salisbury Court SALI5 Agas Map B. of Saliſbery his houſe | Inne, or London houſe | Saliſbery court | Salisbury Court | Saliſbury place Sites
Salt Wharfe Salt Wharf (Queenhithe) SALT2 Agas Map Edredes Hith | Queenes Hith | Salt Wharfe | Sault Wharffe Riverside Features
Salters Hall Salters’ Hall SALT1 Agas Map Salters Hall Halls
Sandie houſe Chartesey House CHAR16   Sandie houſe | Sandy houſe Sites
Sandy houſe Chartesey House CHAR16   Sandie houſe | Sandy houſe Sites
Sant Gorgeus St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
sant Magnus London St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
Sant Mary Magdalens Church St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
Saracens head Saracen’s Head (Newgate) SARA1 Agas Map Saracens head | Saraſinshead Victualling Houses
Saracens head Saracen’s Head (Carter Lane) SARA2   ſaracens head | Saracens head Victualling Houses
Saracens head Saracen’s Head (Friday Street) SARA3   Saracens head Victualling Houses
Saracens head Saracen’s Head (Gracechurch Street) SARA4   Saracens head | Saracens Head Victualling Houses
ſaracens head Saracen’s Head (Carter Lane) SARA2   ſaracens head | Saracens head Victualling Houses
Saracens Head Saracen’s Head (Gracechurch Street) SARA4   Saracens head | Saracens Head Victualling Houses
Saraſinshead Saracen’s Head (Newgate) SARA1 Agas Map Saracens head | Saraſinshead Victualling Houses
Sarieantes Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Sarieants Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Sauiours in Southwarke St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
Sault Wharffe Salt Wharf (Queenhithe) SALT2 Agas Map Edredes Hith | Queenes Hith | Salt Wharfe | Sault Wharffe Riverside Features
Sauoy Savoy Hosptial SAVO1 Agas Map Duchy House | Hoſpitall of S. Iohn Baptiſt | Hoſpitall of Sauoy | Hoſpitall of the Sauoy | houſe of Sauoy | houſe of the Sauoy | houſe of the Savoy | Mannour of Savoy | Manor and Liberty of the Savoy | Sauoy | Sauoy houſe | Savoy | Savoy Hospital | Savoy Palace Sites
Sauoy houſe Savoy Hosptial SAVO1 Agas Map Duchy House | Hoſpitall of S. Iohn Baptiſt | Hoſpitall of Sauoy | Hoſpitall of the Sauoy | houſe of Sauoy | houſe of the Sauoy | houſe of the Savoy | Mannour of Savoy | Manor and Liberty of the Savoy | Sauoy | Sauoy houſe | Savoy | Savoy Hospital | Savoy Palace Sites
Savagesynn Bell Savage Inn BELL7   Bell | Bell Savage | Bell Savage Inn | Bell Savage Inn (Fleet Street) | Bellſalvage | le Belle on the Hope | le belle savage | Savagesynn | Topfelds Inn Victualling Houses
Saviors in sowthwarke St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
Savoy Savoy Hosptial SAVO1 Agas Map Duchy House | Hoſpitall of S. Iohn Baptiſt | Hoſpitall of Sauoy | Hoſpitall of the Sauoy | houſe of Sauoy | houſe of the Sauoy | houſe of the Savoy | Mannour of Savoy | Manor and Liberty of the Savoy | Sauoy | Sauoy houſe | Savoy | Savoy Hospital | Savoy Palace Sites
Savoy Hospital Savoy Hosptial SAVO1 Agas Map Duchy House | Hoſpitall of S. Iohn Baptiſt | Hoſpitall of Sauoy | Hoſpitall of the Sauoy | houſe of Sauoy | houſe of the Sauoy | houſe of the Savoy | Mannour of Savoy | Manor and Liberty of the Savoy | Sauoy | Sauoy houſe | Savoy | Savoy Hospital | Savoy Palace Sites
Savoy Palace Savoy Hosptial SAVO1 Agas Map Duchy House | Hoſpitall of S. Iohn Baptiſt | Hoſpitall of Sauoy | Hoſpitall of the Sauoy | houſe of Sauoy | houſe of the Sauoy | houſe of the Savoy | Mannour of Savoy | Manor and Liberty of the Savoy | Sauoy | Sauoy houſe | Savoy | Savoy Hospital | Savoy Palace Sites
Sayers lane Coldharbour Lane COLD4   Armenterslane | Colderherburghlane | Coldharbour Lane | Coldherburgh Lane | Sayers lane | Vennel | Westoneslane Streets
saynt Bathellmuw lane Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
Saynt Giles St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
Saynt Giles Hoſpitall St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
Saynt Gyles St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
Scaffold and gallowes Scaffold on Tower Hill TOWE7   Scaffold and gallowes | Scaffold on Tower hill Places of Punishment
Scaffold on Tower hill Scaffold on Tower Hill TOWE7   Scaffold and gallowes | Scaffold on Tower hill Places of Punishment
Scalding Alley Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scalding house Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scalding houſe Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scalding lane Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scalding wicke Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scalgnid wicke. Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
schakkeslane Church Lane (Vintry Ward) CHUR2 Agas Map church lane | Church Lane | Fannerslane | sackeslane | schakkeslane | Uanners lane | Vannars lane | Vanner lane | Vanners Lane Streets
Schola VVestmonasteriensi Westminster School WEST3 Agas Map Colledge at Weſtminſter | colledge of S. Peter | Colledge of S. Peter | Schola VVestmonasteriensi | School of Westminster | Weſtminſter | Westminster school Sites
Scholane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
School of Westminster Westminster School WEST3 Agas Map Colledge at Weſtminſter | colledge of S. Peter | Colledge of S. Peter | Schola VVestmonasteriensi | School of Westminster | Weſtminſter | Westminster school Sites
Sci augustini pappey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
Scolding Alley Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Scoreditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Scotland Scotland Yard SCOT1 Agas Map Scotland | Scotland a plot of ground | Scotland Yard Sites
Scotland a plot of ground Scotland Yard SCOT1 Agas Map Scotland | Scotland a plot of ground | Scotland Yard Sites
Scotland Yard Scotland Yard SCOT1 Agas Map Scotland | Scotland a plot of ground | Scotland Yard Sites
Scroopes Inne Scroop’s Inn SCRO3   Scroopes Inne | Scrops Inne | Scrupes Inne Victualling Houses
Scrope’s Inn Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Scrops Inne Scroop’s Inn SCRO3   Scroopes Inne | Scrops Inne | Scrupes Inne Victualling Houses
Scrops Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Scrupes Inne Scroop’s Inn SCRO3   Scroopes Inne | Scrops Inne | Scrupes Inne Victualling Houses
Sea-coale Lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Sea-coale lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Seacoal Lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Seacoale lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Seacole lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Seacole Lane Seacoal Lane SEAC1 Agas Map Lime burners lann | Limeburners Alley | Limeburners lane | Sea-coale Lane | Sea-coale lane | Seacoal Lane | Seacoale lane | Seacole lane | Seacole Lane Streets
Seething Lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Segrave Camera Dianæ CAME1 Agas Map Camera Diana | Camera Dianae | Chamber of Diana | Chamber of his brightest Diana | Diana’s Chamber | Rosamund’s House | Segrave Sites
selda tannariorum Cow Face COWF1 Agas Map Cow Face | Cowhede | le Tanneresselde | selda tannariorum Markets
Seldam New Seld SELD1 Agas Map Croundſilde | Crounsilde | Crounſilde | crowne ſilde | Crownside | Crownsilde | le Crowne | New Seld | new Seldam | New Seldam | Seldam | Sildam | Tamarſide | Tamersilde | Tamerslide Sites
Selvernestrate Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Sempringham Court Sempringham Court SEMP1   Prior of Semperingham had his Inne or London lodging | Sempringham Court Sites
Sent Peter apon Cornhyl St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
Sentlegar houſe Sentlegar House SENT1   Sentlegar houſe Sites
Sepulchers pariſh St. Sepulchre (Parish) STSE102   Parish of S. Sepulchre | Pariſh of S. Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulchre | Parish of St. Sepulcher’s | Sepulchers pariſh | Sepulkars parryshe | St. Sepulchre parish Parishes
Sepulkars parryshe St. Sepulchre (Parish) STSE102   Parish of S. Sepulchre | Pariſh of S. Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulchre | Parish of St. Sepulcher’s | Sepulchers pariſh | Sepulkars parryshe | St. Sepulchre parish Parishes
Sergeantes Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Sergeantes Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Sergeants Inn Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Sergeants Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Sergeant’s Inn Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Serieants Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Serjeants Inn Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Serjeants Inne Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Serjeants’ Inn Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2   Faryndon Inn | Grey’s Place | Scrope’s Inn | Scrops Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeants Inn | Sergeants Inne | Serieants Inne | Serjeants Inne | Serjeants’ Inn Inns of Court
Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Serjeants’ Inn (Fleet Street) SERJ1 Agas Map Sarieantes Inne | Sarieants Inne | Sergeantes Inne | Sergeant’s Inn | Serjeants Inn | Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet Street | Serjeants’ Inn/Whitefriars Inns of Court
Sermon lane Sermon Lane SERM1 Agas Map Sermon lane | Sermon Lane | Sheremoniers Lane Streets
Sermon Lane Sermon Lane SERM1 Agas Map Sermon lane | Sermon Lane | Sheremoniers Lane Streets
Serueſſe Tower Service Tower SERV2   Serueſſe Tower | Seruice Tower Sites
Seruice Tower Service Tower SERV2   Serueſſe Tower | Seruice Tower Sites
ſeſſions hall Sessions Hall CENT1   Chamberlains houſe and court | ſeſſions hall | Seſſions hall | Sessions Hall Sites
Seſſions hall Sessions Hall CENT1   Chamberlains houſe and court | ſeſſions hall | Seſſions hall | Sessions Hall Sites
Sessions Hall Sessions Hall CENT1   Chamberlains houſe and court | ſeſſions hall | Seſſions hall | Sessions Hall Sites
Sethinge La. Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sethinge la. Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
ſeuen almes houſes Merchant Taylors’ Hall MERC2 Agas Map Marchant Taylors hal | Marchant Taylors hall | Merchant Taylors hal | Merchant Taylors Hall | Merchant Taylors’ Hall | Merchant Taylor’s Hall | Merchant-Taylors Hall | Merchantaylors | New Hall | ſeuen almes houſes | Taylers hall | Taylors & Linnen Armerers Hall | Taylors and linnen armorers hall | Taylors Hall | Taylors hall | Taylors Inne Halls
Sewers ditch church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
Sewers Ditche Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
Sewersditch Sewersditch SEWE1   Sewersditch | Shoreditch Water Features
Sewersditch Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
Seymour Place Arundel House ARUN1 Agas Map Arondel | Arondel house | Arondell | Arondell-Howse | Arundel | Arundel House | Arundel house | Arundel-house | Arundell | Arundell houſe | Arundell house | Arundell House | Arundell P | Arundell-House | Bath House | Bath Inn | Bath Inn house | Bath Place | Bath Place or Bath Inn | Bathe Place | Bathes Inne | Biſhop of Bathes Inne | Bishop of Bathes Inne | Bishop of Baths Inn | Bishop of Baths Inne | Bishop of Bath’s Inn | Charterhouse | City-House | Hampton Place | Hampton place | House of the Bishop of Bath and Wells | Howard House | Inn of the Bishop of Bath and Wells | Seymour Place Residences
Seynt George in Podynge lane St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
Shaft alley Shaft Alley SHAF2 Agas Map Shaft alley | Shaft Alley | ſhaft Alley | Sharp’s Alley Streets
Shaft Alley Shaft Alley SHAF2 Agas Map Shaft alley | Shaft Alley | ſhaft Alley | Sharp’s Alley Streets
ſhaft Alley Shaft Alley SHAF2 Agas Map Shaft alley | Shaft Alley | ſhaft Alley | Sharp’s Alley Streets
Shambels St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
ſhambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
ſhambles St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
Share borne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Shareborne Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Shareborne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Sharebourne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Sharp’s Alley Shaft Alley SHAF2 Agas Map Shaft alley | Shaft Alley | ſhaft Alley | Sharp’s Alley Streets
Sheen’s House Sheen’s House SHEE1   Richmond Palace | Sheen’s House Residences
Shelley House Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Shelley house Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Shelleyes house Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Shelleyes houſe Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Shelly house Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Shelly houſe Bacon House BACO3   Bacon house | Bacon houſe | Bacon House | Shelley House | Shelley house | Shelleyes house | Shelleyes houſe | Shelly house | Shelly houſe Residences
Sherborne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Sherburne Lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
Shere lane Shire Lane SHIR1 Agas Map Shere lane | Shire lane | Shyre lane | Shyre Lane Streets
Sheremoniers Lane Sermon Lane SERM1 Agas Map Sermon lane | Sermon Lane | Sheremoniers Lane Streets
Sheriffes Court Guildhall GUIL1 Agas Map Chappell or Colledge at Guildhal | chappell or colledge of Guildhall | Guild | Guild hal | Guild hall | Guild Hall | Guild-hall | Guild-Hall | guild-hall | Guild-Hall in London | Guild-hall of London | Guild-Hall of London | Guild. hall | Guilde hall | Guilde Hall | Guilde-Haule | Guildehall | Guildhal | Guildhall | guildhall | Guildhall colledge | Guildhall of London | Librarie at Guildhal | Maiors Court | Sheriffes Court Halls
Ship Court Capel’s House CAPE1 Agas Map Black Swan Yard | Black Swan Yard, formerly Ship Yard | Capel Court | Ship Court | Ship Yard Sites
Ship Yard Capel’s House CAPE1 Agas Map Black Swan Yard | Black Swan Yard, formerly Ship Yard | Capel Court | Ship Court | Ship Yard Sites
Shire lane Shire Lane SHIR1 Agas Map Shere lane | Shire lane | Shyre lane | Shyre Lane Streets
Sho well Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoaredich Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Shoe Alley Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoe Lane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoe Lane End Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoemaker Row Shoemaker Row SHOE3   Shoemaker Row Streets
Sholand-lane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoo lane Fleet Bridge FLEE7 Agas Map bridge of Fleete | Feeet bridge | Fleet bridge | Fleet Bridge | Fleetbridge | Fleete bridge | Fleetebridge | Fletebridge | fletebridge | Fléet bridge | Fléet-bridge | Fléete Bridge | Fléete bridge | Fléetebridge | Shoo lane Streets
Shoo lane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoo-lane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shooe lane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shooelane Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shoomakers hall Cordwainer Street Ward CORD1 Agas Map Cordmayner ſtréet warde | Cordwainer | Cordwainer street | Cordwainer Street | CORDWAINER STREET VVard | Cordwainer street VVard | Cordwainer ſtreet Ward | Cordwainer street Ward | Cordwainer street ward | Cordwainer ſtreet ward | Cordwainer Street Ward | Cordwainer Street ward | Cordwainer ſtreet warde | Cordwainer ſtreete Ward | Cordwainer streete Ward | Cordwainer ſtreete ward | Cordwainer ſtreete warde | Cordwainer ſtreete Warde | Cordwainer ſtréet ward | Cordwainer ſtréet warde | Cordwainer ſtréete Ward | Cordwainers Street Ward | Cordwainers ſtreete ward | Cordwainers ſtreete warde | Cordwayner ſtreet ward | Cordwayner streete Ward | Cordwayner ſtreete Ward | Cordwayner ſtreete warde | Cordwayner ſtreete Warde | Cordwayner ſtréet ward | Cordwayner ſtréet warde | Cordwayner ſtréete Warde | Corndwayner street Ward | Shoomakers hall | Ward of Cord-wayner street | ward of Cordwainer Street Wards
Shoomakers Hall Cordwainers’ Hall CORD2 Agas Map Cordwayners | Cordwayners Hall | Shoomakers Hall Halls
Shor-ditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Shorditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Shoredich Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Shoreditch Sewersditch SEWE1   Sewersditch | Shoreditch Water Features
Shoreditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Shoreditch Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
Shoreditch Church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
Shoreditch Highstreet Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
Shoreditch Street Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
Shorehogge St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
Shorſdich Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Showelle Shoe Lane SHOE1 Agas Map Scholane | Sho well | Shoe Alley | Shoe Lane | Shoe Lane End | Sholand-lane | Shoo lane | Shoo-lane | Shooe lane | Shooelane | Showelle Streets
Shrog St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
Shyre lane Shire Lane SHIR1 Agas Map Shere lane | Shire lane | Shyre lane | Shyre Lane Streets
Shyre Lane Shire Lane SHIR1 Agas Map Shere lane | Shire lane | Shyre lane | Shyre Lane Streets
Sidon lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sidonlane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sign of The Antelope The Antelope (Holborn) ANTE1 Agas Map Sign of The Antelope Victualling Houses
ſigne of Dauid the King Sign of King David DAVI5   ſigne of Dauid the King | ſigne of David the King | ſigne of King Dauid | ſigne of King David Victualling Houses
ſigne of David the King Sign of King David DAVI5   ſigne of Dauid the King | ſigne of David the King | ſigne of King Dauid | ſigne of King David Victualling Houses
ſigne of King Dauid Sign of King David DAVI5   ſigne of Dauid the King | ſigne of David the King | ſigne of King Dauid | ſigne of King David Victualling Houses
ſigne of King David Sign of King David DAVI5   ſigne of Dauid the King | ſigne of David the King | ſigne of King Dauid | ſigne of King David Victualling Houses
ſigne of Saint Pauls head St. Paul’s Head Tavern STPA7   Brewhouſe of S. Paul | Brewhouſe of Saint Paule | Paul head | Paul-head in | Pauls Brew-house | Pauls Brewhouse | Powle head | Powle head Tauerne | Powle head Taverne | Powle-head | Powles Brewhouſe | Powles Brewhouse | Saint Pauls head | ſigne of Saint Pauls head Victualling Houses
ſigne of the Crowne Crown Court (Warwick Lane) CROW4 Agas Map Brewhouſe called the Crowne | ſigne of the Crowne | signe of the Crowne Sites
signe of the Crowne Crown Court (Warwick Lane) CROW4 Agas Map Brewhouſe called the Crowne | ſigne of the Crowne | signe of the Crowne Sites
ſigne of the Golden Lion Golden Lion GOLD7   ſigne of the Golden Lion | ſigne of the Golden lyon Sites
ſigne of the Golden lyon Golden Lion GOLD7   ſigne of the Golden Lion | ſigne of the Golden lyon Sites
Sildam New Seld SELD1 Agas Map Croundſilde | Crounsilde | Crounſilde | crowne ſilde | Crownside | Crownsilde | le Crowne | New Seld | new Seldam | New Seldam | Seldam | Sildam | Tamarſide | Tamersilde | Tamerslide Sites
Siluer ſtreete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Siluer Streete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
ſiluer ſtréete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Siluer ſtréete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Siluer-ſtréet Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Siluerſtreet Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Siluerſtreete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Silver street Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Silver Street Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Silver streete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Silverstreete Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Simpsons lane Emperor’s Head Lane EMPE1 Agas Map Bell Wharf Lane | Cookeslane | Emperors head lane | Emperours Headlane | Emperours-head lane | le Emperours Headlane | le Emperoursheved | Palmer(e)slane | Simpsons lane | Simpſons lane Streets
Simpſons lane Emperor’s Head Lane EMPE1 Agas Map Bell Wharf Lane | Cookeslane | Emperors head lane | Emperours Headlane | Emperours-head lane | le Emperours Headlane | le Emperoursheved | Palmer(e)slane | Simpsons lane | Simpſons lane Streets
ſingle womans Churchyard Cross Bones Graveyard CROS6   Cross Bones | ſingle womans Churchyard Sites
Sion Court Sion Court SION1   Sion Court | Syon Colledge Sites
Sir Giles Chapple St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
Sir Tho. Gresams Almes-houses Gresham House GRES1 Agas Map Gresham College | Gresham house | Greſham houſe | Sir Tho. Gresams Almes-houses | Sir Thomas Greſhams almes houſes | Sir Thomas Greſhams Colledge Sites
Sir Thomas Greſhams almes houſes Gresham House GRES1 Agas Map Gresham College | Gresham house | Greſham houſe | Sir Tho. Gresams Almes-houses | Sir Thomas Greſhams almes houſes | Sir Thomas Greſhams Colledge Sites
Sir Thomas Greſhams Colledge Gresham House GRES1 Agas Map Gresham College | Gresham house | Greſham houſe | Sir Tho. Gresams Almes-houses | Sir Thomas Greſhams almes houſes | Sir Thomas Greſhams Colledge Sites
Sir William Powlet L. Treaſurer his houſe Powlet’s House POWL4   Pawlet houſe | Powlet house | Sir William Powlet L. Treaſurer his houſe Sites
Skalding Alley Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Skalding houſe Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Skalding Wike Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Skalding wike Scalding Alley SCAL1 Agas Map Scalding Alley | Scalding house | Scalding houſe | Scalding lane | Scalding wicke | Scalgnid wicke. | Scolding Alley | Skalding Alley | Skalding houſe | Skalding Wike | Skalding wike Streets
Skinners Hall Skinners’ Hall SKIN1 Agas Map Copped Hall | Copped hall | Skinners Hall | Skinners hall | Skinnersʼ Hall | Skinners’ Hall Halls
Skinners hall Skinners’ Hall SKIN1 Agas Map Copped Hall | Copped hall | Skinners Hall | Skinners hall | Skinnersʼ Hall | Skinners’ Hall Halls
Skinners wel Skinner’s Well SKIN3   Skinners wel | Skinners Well | Skinners well Water Features
Skinners Well Skinner’s Well SKIN3   Skinners wel | Skinners Well | Skinners well Water Features
Skinners well Skinner’s Well SKIN3   Skinners wel | Skinners Well | Skinners well Water Features
Skinnersʼ Hall Skinners’ Hall SKIN1 Agas Map Copped Hall | Copped hall | Skinners Hall | Skinners hall | Skinnersʼ Hall | Skinners’ Hall Halls
Skinners’ Hall Skinners’ Hall SKIN1 Agas Map Copped Hall | Copped hall | Skinners Hall | Skinners hall | Skinnersʼ Hall | Skinners’ Hall Halls
Smallbridge Lane Smallbridge Lane SMAL1 Agas Map Smallbridge Lane Streets
Smartes Key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smartes key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smarts Key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smarts key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smarts-key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smart’s Key Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smart’s Quay Smart’s Key SMAR1 Agas Map Smartes Key | Smartes key | Smarts Key | Smarts key | Smarts-key | Smart’s Key | Smart’s Quay Riverside Features
Smethefeld East Smithfield EAST1 Agas Map East Smithfield | Eaſt Smithfield | Eaſt Smithfielde | East-Smith-field | Eaſt-Smithfield | Easte Smith | Eastsmithfield | Eaſtſmithfield | Estsmethefeld | Eſtſmith field | Smethefeld | smoothfield Neighbourhoods
Smith field Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfeeld Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfeelde Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfield Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfield Smithfield Bars SMIT5   Barres in S. Iohn ſtréete | Barres of West Smithfield | Bars | Smithfield | ſmithfield barres | ſmithfield Barres | Smithfield barres | Smithfield bars Bars
Smithfield West Smithfield WEST26   Smithfield | West Smithfield | Weſt Smithfield Streets
smithfield Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
ſmithfield Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
ſmithfield barres Smithfield Bars SMIT5   Barres in S. Iohn ſtréete | Barres of West Smithfield | Bars | Smithfield | ſmithfield barres | ſmithfield Barres | Smithfield barres | Smithfield bars Bars
ſmithfield Barres Smithfield Bars SMIT5   Barres in S. Iohn ſtréete | Barres of West Smithfield | Bars | Smithfield | ſmithfield barres | ſmithfield Barres | Smithfield barres | Smithfield bars Bars
Smithfield barres Smithfield Bars SMIT5   Barres in S. Iohn ſtréete | Barres of West Smithfield | Bars | Smithfield | ſmithfield barres | ſmithfield Barres | Smithfield barres | Smithfield bars Bars
Smithfield bars Smithfield Bars SMIT5   Barres in S. Iohn ſtréete | Barres of West Smithfield | Bars | Smithfield | ſmithfield barres | ſmithfield Barres | Smithfield barres | Smithfield bars Bars
Smithfield Market Smithfield Market SMIT9   Smithfield Market Markets
Smithfield Pond Horsepool HORS4   Horſe Poole | Horsepool | HorſePoole | Horſepoole | Smithfield Pond | Smithfield pond | Smithfielde Pond | Smithfielde pond | Smithfielde Ponde Topographical Features
Smithfield pond Horsepool HORS4   Horſe Poole | Horsepool | HorſePoole | Horſepoole | Smithfield Pond | Smithfield pond | Smithfielde Pond | Smithfielde pond | Smithfielde Ponde Topographical Features
Smithfielde Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfielde Pond Horsepool HORS4   Horſe Poole | Horsepool | HorſePoole | Horſepoole | Smithfield Pond | Smithfield pond | Smithfielde Pond | Smithfielde pond | Smithfielde Ponde Topographical Features
Smithfielde pond Horsepool HORS4   Horſe Poole | Horsepool | HorſePoole | Horſepoole | Smithfield Pond | Smithfield pond | Smithfielde Pond | Smithfielde pond | Smithfielde Ponde Topographical Features
Smithfielde Ponde Horsepool HORS4   Horſe Poole | Horsepool | HorſePoole | Horſepoole | Smithfield Pond | Smithfield pond | Smithfielde Pond | Smithfielde pond | Smithfielde Ponde Topographical Features
Smithfild Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Smithfilde Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
smoothfield East Smithfield EAST1 Agas Map East Smithfield | Eaſt Smithfield | Eaſt Smithfielde | East-Smith-field | Eaſt-Smithfield | Easte Smith | Eastsmithfield | Eaſtſmithfield | Estsmethefeld | Eſtſmith field | Smethefeld | smoothfield Neighbourhoods
Smythfyld Smithfield SMIT1 Agas Map Bars of weſt Smithfielde | Smith field | Smithfeeld | Smithfeelde | Smithfield | smithfield | ſmithfield | Smithfielde | Smithfild | Smithfilde | Smythfyld | Weſtſmithfield Sites
Snor Hill Snow Hill SNOW2 Agas Map Snor Hill | Snor hill | Snore hill | Snow Hill Streets
Snor hill Snow Hill SNOW2 Agas Map Snor Hill | Snor hill | Snore hill | Snow Hill Streets
Snore hill Snow Hill SNOW2 Agas Map Snor Hill | Snor hill | Snore hill | Snow Hill Streets
Snow Hill Snow Hill SNOW2 Agas Map Snor Hill | Snor hill | Snore hill | Snow Hill Streets
Soers Ditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Soers ditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Soerſditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Soerſditch Church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canterburye Soke of the Archbishop of Canterbury SOKE2   Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canterburye | Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canturbury Sites
Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canturbury Soke of the Archbishop of Canterbury SOKE2   Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canterburye | Soke of the Archbiſhop of Canturbury Sites
Somars key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Somars Key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Somar’s Key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Somerſet houſe Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
Somerset House Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
Somerset house Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
Somerſet Palace Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
Somer’s Quay Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Sommars Key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Sommer Key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Sommers Key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Sommers key Somar’s Key SOMA1 Agas Map Somars key | Somars Key | Somar’s Key | Somer’s Quay | Sommars Key | Sommer Key | Sommers Key | Sommers key Riverside Features
Sommerset House Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
Sommerſet houſe Somerset House SOME1 Agas Map Denmark House | Somerſet houſe | Somerset House | Somerset house | Somerſet Palace | Sommerset House | Sommerſet houſe Sites
son Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
sonn Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
sonne Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sonne Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sopars hal Gerrards Hall GERR1 Agas Map crowne | Crowne | Gerardes Hall | Gerards Hall | Gerrard’s Hall | Giſors Hal | Giſors Hall | Gisors Hall | Gisors hall | Giſors hall | Gyſors Hall | Iarrets Hall | Jarrets hall | Sopars hal Halls
Sopars lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soparslane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soper Lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soper lanes Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soper-Lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soper-lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soperlane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Sopers lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soperslane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soper’s Lane Soper Lane SOPE1 Agas Map Sopars lane | Soparslane | Soper Lane | Soper lanes | Soper-Lane | Soper-lane | Soperlane | Sopers lane | Soperslane | Soper’s Lane Streets
Soreditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Soresditch Shoreditch SHOR1 Agas Map Scoreditch | Shoaredich | Shor-ditch | Shorditch | Shoredich | Shoreditch | Shorſdich | Soers Ditch | Soers ditch | Soerſditch | Soreditch | Soresditch Neighbourhoods
Sors Ditche Shoreditch Street SHOR2 Agas Map Kingsland Road | Sewers Ditche | Sewersditch | Shoreditch | Shoreditch Highstreet | Shoreditch Street | Sors Ditche Streets
South borne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
ſouth borne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
South Chain of Pauls Church-yard Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South Chaine of Powles church yard Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South Chaine of Powles church yarde Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South Chaine of Powles churchyarde Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South chayne of Powles church yarde Paul’s Chain PAUL1 Agas Map Chaine of Powles Churchyard | Paules Chaine | Pauls Chain | Pauls Chaine | Pauls-chaine | Pauls-Chayne | Paul’s Chain | Powles chaine | Powles Wharfe | South Chain of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard | South Chaine of Powles church yard | South Chaine of Powles church yarde | South Chaine of Powles churchyarde | South chayne of Powles church yarde Streets
South Church yard of Powles St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
South wark Southwark SOUT2 Agas Map Borough and Towne of Southwarke | Borough of Southwark | Borough of Southwarke | Brugh of Southwarke | Hide of Southwarke | hyde or territorie of Southwarke | Liberties of Southwarke | South wark | Southwark | Southwarke | Town and Borough of Southwarke | Towne & Borough of Southwarke | Towne and Borough of Southwarke | Westminster Neighbourhoods
South-eaſt gate of Pauls Churchyard St. Augustine’s Gate AUST2 Agas Map South-eaſt gate of Pauls Churchyard | ſoutheaſt gate of Powles church yard | St Austin’s Gate | St. Augustine’s Gate Gates
Southampton houſe Lincoln’s Inn LINC2 Agas Map Lincolnes Inne | Lincolns Inne | Lincoln’s Inn | Lycons Inne | Southampton houſe | Southhamptō houſe Inns of Court
Southborne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
ſouthborne lane Sherborne Lane SHER1 Agas Map Share borne lane | Shareborne | Shareborne lane | Sharebourne lane | Sherborne lane | Sherburne Lane | South borne lane | ſouth borne lane | Southborne lane | ſouthborne lane Streets
ſoutheaſt gate of Powles church yard St. Augustine’s Gate AUST2 Agas Map South-eaſt gate of Pauls Churchyard | ſoutheaſt gate of Powles church yard | St Austin’s Gate | St. Augustine’s Gate Gates
Southhamptō houſe Lincoln’s Inn LINC2 Agas Map Lincolnes Inne | Lincolns Inne | Lincoln’s Inn | Lycons Inne | Southampton houſe | Southhamptō houſe Inns of Court
Southwark Southampton House SOUT1 Agas Map church of S. Mary Ouery | Southwark | Southwarke Sites
Southwark Southwark SOUT2 Agas Map Borough and Towne of Southwarke | Borough of Southwark | Borough of Southwarke | Brugh of Southwarke | Hide of Southwarke | hyde or territorie of Southwarke | Liberties of Southwarke | South wark | Southwark | Southwarke | Town and Borough of Southwarke | Towne & Borough of Southwarke | Towne and Borough of Southwarke | Westminster Neighbourhoods
Southwark Counter Southwark Counter SOUT4   Compter in Southwarke | Compter in the late pariſh Church of S. Margaret | Southwark Counter Prisons
Southwark Place Suffolk Place SUFF3 Agas Map Mint | Southwark Place | Southwarke Place | Suffolk Place Residences
Southwarke Southampton House SOUT1 Agas Map church of S. Mary Ouery | Southwark | Southwarke Sites
Southwarke Southwark SOUT2 Agas Map Borough and Towne of Southwarke | Borough of Southwark | Borough of Southwarke | Brugh of Southwarke | Hide of Southwarke | hyde or territorie of Southwarke | Liberties of Southwarke | South wark | Southwark | Southwarke | Town and Borough of Southwarke | Towne & Borough of Southwarke | Towne and Borough of Southwarke | Westminster Neighbourhoods
Southwarke Place Suffolk Place SUFF3 Agas Map Mint | Southwark Place | Southwarke Place | Suffolk Place Residences
Spinilas Spinilas Pleasure SPIN1   Spinilas | Spinilas Pleaſure Sites
Spinilas Pleaſure Spinilas Pleasure SPIN1   Spinilas | Spinilas Pleaſure Sites
Spital St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
Spitalfields Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spitel Fyeld. Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spittle Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spittle Spittle Lane SPIT2   Spittle | Spittle lane | Stodies lane | Stodres lane Streets
Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
Spittle Pulpit Cross at St. Mary Spital STMA60   Pulpit Crosse at the Spittle | Pulpit Crosse in Spittle Church-yard | Spittle Bars
Spittle church yarde St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
Spittle Church-yard St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
Spittle field Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spittle fielde Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spittle lane Spittle Lane SPIT2   Spittle | Spittle lane | Stodies lane | Stodres lane Streets
Spittlefields Spitalfields SPIT1 Agas Map Loles worth | Loleſworth | Lolesworth field | Loleſworth fielde | Lollesworth | Lollesworth, | Spitalfields | Spitel Fyeld. | Spittle | Spittle field | Spittle fielde | Spittlefields Sites
Spooners lane Huggin Lane (Upper Thames Street) HUGG2 Agas Map Huggen lane | Huggen Lane | Huggin Lane | Huggēlane | Piellane | Pyellane | Spooners lane | Sporners Lane | Spuren lane | Spuren Lane | Spuren Lanes Streets
Sporenereslane Creed Lane CREE2 Agas Map Crede Lane | Creed lane | Creed Lane | Creede lane | Creede Lane | Créede lane | Sporenereslane | Sporyer Rowe | Spurrier Rowe Streets
Sporiar lane Water Lane WATE1 Agas Map Hart-lane | Sporiar lane | Sporiar-lane | VVater-lane | Water lane | Water Lane | Water-lane Streets
Sporiar-lane Water Lane WATE1 Agas Map Hart-lane | Sporiar lane | Sporiar-lane | VVater-lane | Water lane | Water Lane | Water-lane Streets
Sporners Lane Huggin Lane (Upper Thames Street) HUGG2 Agas Map Huggen lane | Huggen Lane | Huggin Lane | Huggēlane | Piellane | Pyellane | Spooners lane | Sporners Lane | Spuren lane | Spuren Lane | Spuren Lanes Streets
Sporyer Rowe Creed Lane CREE2 Agas Map Crede Lane | Creed lane | Creed Lane | Creede lane | Creede Lane | Créede lane | Sporenereslane | Sporyer Rowe | Spurrier Rowe Streets
ſpread Eagle Spread Eagle Inn SPEA1   ſpread Eagle | ſpreadEagle | Spreadeagle Victualling Houses
ſpreadEagle Spread Eagle Inn SPEA1   ſpread Eagle | ſpreadEagle | Spreadeagle Victualling Houses
Spreadeagle Spread Eagle Inn SPEA1   ſpread Eagle | ſpreadEagle | Spreadeagle Victualling Houses
ſprinckle alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sprinckle Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sprinckle allie Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sprincle alley Masons Alley MASO7 Agas Map Duties alley | Sprincle alley Streets
Sprinkle Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Spuren lane Huggin Lane (Upper Thames Street) HUGG2 Agas Map Huggen lane | Huggen Lane | Huggin Lane | Huggēlane | Piellane | Pyellane | Spooners lane | Sporners Lane | Spuren lane | Spuren Lane | Spuren Lanes Streets
Spuren Lane Huggin Lane (Upper Thames Street) HUGG2 Agas Map Huggen lane | Huggen Lane | Huggin Lane | Huggēlane | Piellane | Pyellane | Spooners lane | Sporners Lane | Spuren lane | Spuren Lane | Spuren Lanes Streets
Spuren Lanes Huggin Lane (Upper Thames Street) HUGG2 Agas Map Huggen lane | Huggen Lane | Huggin Lane | Huggēlane | Piellane | Pyellane | Spooners lane | Sporners Lane | Spuren lane | Spuren Lane | Spuren Lanes Streets
Spurre Spur Inn SPUR1   Spurre | ſpurre Victualling Houses
ſpurre Spur Inn SPUR1   Spurre | ſpurre Victualling Houses
Spurrier Rowe Creed Lane CREE2 Agas Map Crede Lane | Creed lane | Creed Lane | Creede lane | Creede Lane | Créede lane | Sporenereslane | Sporyer Rowe | Spurrier Rowe Streets
St Andrew Undershaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
St Augustine Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
St Austin’s Gate St. Augustine’s Gate AUST2 Agas Map South-eaſt gate of Pauls Churchyard | ſoutheaſt gate of Powles church yard | St Austin’s Gate | St. Augustine’s Gate Gates
St Bennet’s Hill Bennet’s Hill BENN1 Agas Map Paules wharfe Hill | Pauls Wharfe | Pauls Wharfe Hill | Paul’s Wharf Hill | Paul’s-Wharf-Hill | Powles Wharfe Hill | Powles Wharffe hill | St Bennet’s Hill Streets
St Bride’s Church St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
St Dunstan in the East St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
St Dunstan’s in the West St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
St Giles in the Fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
St Iohns ſtreet St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
St Johns ſtreete St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
St Katharine Coleman, Church of St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St Katherine Coleman St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St Katherines St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
St Katherines St. Katherine’s by the Tower STKA7   St Katherines | St. Katherine’s | St. Katherine’s by the Tower Churches
St Katherines Dock St. Katherine’s Dock STKA6   St Katherines Dock Riverside Features
St Katherine’s St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 Agas Map Cock’s Rents | S. Catheryns laen | S. Katerens la. | St Katherine’s | St. Katherines | St. Katherine’s Lane Streets
St Leonard St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St Martin’s St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
St Mary Axe St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
St Mary Mounthaunt lane Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Agas Map Baggardeslane | Fish street hill | Fish-street Hill | Fish-street hill | Fiſhſtreet | Fiſhſtreete | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtreete hill | Fiſhſtréet hill | fiſhſtréet hill | Old Fish Street Hill | Old Fiſh Street Hill | Old Fiſhſteet hill | Old Fiſhſtreet hill | old Fishstreete hill | old fiſhſtréet | old Fiſhſtréete hill | olde Fiſhſtréet hill | Olde Fiſhſtréete Hill | Oldefisshestretelone | S. Mary Mounthaunt | S. Mary Mounthaunt lane | Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane | St Mary Mounthaunt lane | St. Mary Mounthaunt Streets
St Mary, Newington St. Mary (Newington) STMA54   St Mary, Newington Churches
St Mary, Newington parish St Mary (Newington) (Parish) STMA154   St Mary, Newington parish Parishes
St Michael, Wood Street St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
St Olave, Silver Street St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
St Paules Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St Paul’s Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St Paul’s Churchyard St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
St Peter West Cheap St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
St Pulchre’s St. Sepulchre’s Alley STSE1 Agas Map church of S. Sepulchre | S. Sepulchre | St Pulchre’s Streets
St Streets Church St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
St Swithens Lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
St. Alban, Wood Street St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
St. Alban, Wood Street parish St. Alban (Wood Street) (Parish) STAL102   Albones in Woodſtreet | Albons in wood stret | St. Alban, Wood Street parish Parishes
St. Alban’s Church St. Alban (Wood Street) STAL2 Agas Map Monaſterie of S. Albons | Parish Church of S. Alban | Parish Church of S. Albans | S. Albanes Church | S. Albans | S. Albans Church in Woodstreet | S. Albons | S. Albons church in Woodſtreete | Saint Albans | Saint Albons | St. Alban, Wood Street | St. Alban’s Church Churches
St. Alphage St. Alphage STAL3 Agas Map church of S. Alphage | church of S. Alphage without Cripleſgate | Parish Church of S. Alphage | S. Alphage | St. Alphage | St. Alphage Church | St. Alphage, London Wall | St. Alphege Churches
St. Alphage Church St. Alphage STAL3 Agas Map church of S. Alphage | church of S. Alphage without Cripleſgate | Parish Church of S. Alphage | S. Alphage | St. Alphage | St. Alphage Church | St. Alphage, London Wall | St. Alphege Churches
St. Alphage parish St. Alphage (London Wall) (Parish) STAL103   Alphage at Cripplegate | Alphegis at cryplegate | Parish of Saint Alphage | St. Alphage parish | St. Alphage, London Wall parish Parishes
St. Alphage, London Wall St. Alphage STAL3 Agas Map church of S. Alphage | church of S. Alphage without Cripleſgate | Parish Church of S. Alphage | S. Alphage | St. Alphage | St. Alphage Church | St. Alphage, London Wall | St. Alphege Churches
St. Alphage, London Wall parish St. Alphage (London Wall) (Parish) STAL103   Alphage at Cripplegate | Alphegis at cryplegate | Parish of Saint Alphage | St. Alphage parish | St. Alphage, London Wall parish Parishes
St. Alphege St. Alphage STAL3 Agas Map church of S. Alphage | church of S. Alphage without Cripleſgate | Parish Church of S. Alphage | S. Alphage | St. Alphage | St. Alphage Church | St. Alphage, London Wall | St. Alphege Churches
St. Andrew by the Wardrobe St. Andrew by the Wardrobe STAN7 Agas Map Church of Andrew in the Wardrobe | church of S. Andrew in yͤ Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of S. Andrew in the Wardrobe | Pariſh Church of Saint Andrew by the Wardrobe | pariſh of S. Andrew, next to Baynard Caſtle | Pariſh of Saint Andrew | S. Andrew by the Wardrobe | Saint Andrew by the Wardrope | St. Andrew by the Wardrobe Churches
St. Andrew by the Wardrobe parish St. Andrew by the Wardrobe (Parish) STAN107   Androwe in the wardroppe | Androws by the Wardrope | Pariſh of S. Andrew | Parish of Saint Andrew | Pariſh of Saint Andrew | parish of Saint Andrew | parish of St Andrew | St. Andrew by the Wardrobe parish Parishes
St. Andrew Holborn St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Andrew Holborn parish St. Andrew Holborn (Parish) STAN101   Androwe in holberne | Androwes in Holborne | Parish of St. Andrew’s Holborn | St. Andrew Holborn parish Parishes
St. Andrew Hubbard St. Andrew Hubbard STAN2 Agas Map church of S. Andrew Hubbert | Parish Church of S. Andrew Hubbert | pariſh Church of Saint Andrew Hubbert | S. Andrew in Eastcheape | S. Andrewe Hubert | S. Andrews Church | S. Androwes Church | Saint Andrew Hubbert | Saint Andrew in Eaſt Cheape | St. Andrew Hubbard Churches
St. Andrew Hubbard parish St. Andrew Hubbard (Parish) STAN102   Androwe in estchepe | Androwes Eaſtcheape | Parish of S. Andrew Hubberd | S. Andrew Hubbard | St. Andrew Hubbard parish Parishes
St. Andrew Undershaft St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
St. Andrew Undershaft Church St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
St. Andrew Undershaft parish St. Andrew Undershaft (Parish) STAN108   Androwe vndar shafte | Androwes vnderſhaft | Saint Andrews Vndershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft parish | St. Andrew Undershaft Parish | Underſhafte Parishes
St. Andrew Undershaft Parish St. Andrew Undershaft (Parish) STAN108   Androwe vndar shafte | Androwes vnderſhaft | Saint Andrews Vndershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft parish | St. Andrew Undershaft Parish | Underſhafte Parishes
St. Andrew upon Cornhill St. Andrew Undershaft STAN8 Agas Map church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew the Apoſtle | Church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | church of S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | Church of Saint Andrew | Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of S. Andrew the Apostle | Parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft | Parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | parish Church of Saint Andrew Vndershaft | pariſh of S. Andrew | S, Andrew vpon Cornhill | S. Andrew | S. Andrew upon Cornehill | S. Andrew Vndershaft | S. Andrew Vnderſhaft | S. Andrewe Underſhafte | S. Andrewe Vnder Shafte | S. Andrewes Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhaft Church | S. Andrewes vnderſhafte | Saint Andrew | Saint Andrew Vndershafts Church | Saint Andrewes Church called Underſhaft | Saint Andrews Church | Saint Andrews Church, called Vndershaft | St Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft | St. Andrew Undershaft Church | St. Andrew upon Cornhill | Underſhaft | Undershaft Churches
St. Andrew’s Church St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Andrew’s Hill St. Andrew’s Hill STAN3 Agas Map Puddle Dock Hill | St. Andrew’s Hill Streets
St. Anne and St. Agnes St. Anne and St. Agnes STAN9 Agas Map church of S. Anne in the Willowes | church of S. Anne, in the willowes | Parish Church of S. Anne in the willowes | Parish Church of Saint Anne in the willowes | S. Anne | St. Anne and St. Agnes | St. Anne’s Church, Aldersgate Churches
St. Anne and St. Agnes parish St. Anne and St. Agnes (Parish) STAN109   Annes at Alderſgate | Anns wi th in aldarsgate | pariſh of S. Anne | Parish of St. Anne | Saint Agnes | St. Anne and St. Agnes parish Parishes
St. Anne Blackfriars St. Anne Blackfriars STAN11   Parish Church of S. Anne | Pariſh church of S. Anne | S. Anne at the blacke Fryers | St. Anne Blackfriars | St. Anne’s Church Churches
St. Anne Blackfriars parish St. Anne Blackfriars (Parish) STAN111   Annes Black Friers | Anns at Black fryers | pariſh Church of Saint Anne | Pariſh of Saint Anne | Parish of St. Anne | St. Anne Blackfriars parish Parishes
St. Anne’s Church St. Anne Blackfriars STAN11   Parish Church of S. Anne | Pariſh church of S. Anne | S. Anne at the blacke Fryers | St. Anne Blackfriars | St. Anne’s Church Churches
St. Anne’s Church, Aldersgate St. Anne and St. Agnes STAN9 Agas Map church of S. Anne in the Willowes | church of S. Anne, in the willowes | Parish Church of S. Anne in the willowes | Parish Church of Saint Anne in the willowes | S. Anne | St. Anne and St. Agnes | St. Anne’s Church, Aldersgate Churches
St. Anne’s Lane St. Anne’s Lane STAN4 Agas Map Pope lane | Pope Lane | S. Anus | S. Anus Lane end | Saint Annes lane | St. Anne’s Lane Streets
St. Antholin St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Antholin, Budge Row St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Antholin, Budge Row parish St. Antholin (Budge Row) (Parish) STAN105   Auntlins Pariſh | Awntlyns perryshe | St. Antholin, Budge Row parish Parishes
St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Anthonies St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
St. Anthony St. Andrew Holborn STAN1 Agas Map Church of S. Andrew | Church of S. Andrew in Oldborne | Grammer ſchoole in Oldborne | Hoſpital for the poore | Hoſpitall in Oldborne | S. Andrew in Oldboorne | S. Andrew in Oldborne | S. Andrews | Saint Andrew in Oldborne | Saint Andrews Church | St. Andrew Holborn | St. Andrew’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Anthony St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
St. Anthony St. Antholin STAN5 Agas Map church of S. Anthonines | Church of St. Antolin | Parish Church of S. Anthonies | Pariſh church of S. Anthonine | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies Church | S. Anthonines | S. Anthonines church | S. Anthonins Church | S. Anthony | Saint Anthonies Church | Saint Anthonines church | Saint Antlins | St. Antholin | St. Antholin, Budge Row | St. Antholin/Anthony’s Church | St. Anthony Churches
St. Anthony’s St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
St. Anthony’s Hospital St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church St. Anthony’s Hospital STAN10 Agas Map Anthonie | Chappell, College, or Hospitall of Saint Anthony | church of S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | Hoſpitall of S. Anthony | hoſpitall of S. Anthony | Hospitall of Saint Anthony | Hospitall of St. Anthony | S Anthonies | S. Anthonie | S. Anthonies | S. Anthonies hoſpital | S. Anthonies Hospitall | S. Anthonies Hoſpitall | S. Anthonies school | S. Anthonies ſchoole | S. Anthonines Churchyard | Saint Anthonies | Saint AnthoniesChurch | St. Anthonies | St. Anthony | St. Anthony’s | St. Anthony’s Hospital | St. Anthony’s Hospital, near French Church Sites
St. Audoen St. Audoen AUDO1   Church of S. Ewin | Parish Church of S. Ewine | pariſh Church of S. Ewine | S. Ewines in Newgate market | Saint Ewins in Newgate Market | St. Audoen Churches
St. Augustine Inn St. Augustine Inn STAU1 Agas Map Abbot of Auguſtins Inne | Abbot of S. Auguſtine his houſe | Abbots Inne of S. Auguſtine in Southwarke | church of Saint Auguſtine | St. Augustine Inn Sites
St. Augustine Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
St. Augustine, Old Change St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
St. Augustine, Old Change parish St. Augustine, Old Change (Parish) STAU103   Auſtines Pariſh | Awstens perryshe | St. Augustine, Old Change parish Parishes
St. Augustine, Watling Street St. Augustine (Watling Street) STAU3 Agas Map church of S. Auguſtine | Church of St. Augustine | Parish Church of S. Augustine | pariſh church of S. Auguſtine | Parish Church of S. Augustine▪ | pariſh church of Saint Auguſtine | Parish Church of St. Augustine | S. Auguſtine | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtins Church | S. Austens Church | S. Auſtins church | Saint Auguſtines Church | ſaint Auguſtines church | St. Augustine, Old Change | St. Augustine, Watling Street Churches
St. Augustine’s Gate St. Augustine’s Gate AUST2 Agas Map South-eaſt gate of Pauls Churchyard | ſoutheaſt gate of Powles church yard | St Austin’s Gate | St. Augustine’s Gate Gates
St. Augustine’s Papey St. Augustine Papey STAU2 Agas Map Chappell of S. Augustine | chappell of Saint Auguſtine | Church of S. Auguſtine | church of S. Auguſtine | Church of S. Augustine Papey | Church of S. Auguſtine Papey in the Wall | Church of Saint Augustine | Church of Saint Augustine Papey | Papey | Papey Chappell | Papie Chappell | Pappey | Papye | Parish Church of S. Augustine | Pariſh church of S. Auſtine in the wall | parish of S. Augustine | pariſh of S. Auguſtine | S. Auguſtin in the wall | S. Auguſtine in the wall | S. Auguſtine Papie | S. Auguſtine, Papey | S. Augustines Church | S. Auguſtines Church | S. Auguſtines Papey | Saint Augustine in the wall | Saint Augustine Papey | Saint Auguſtines Church in the wall | Saint Augustines Papey | Sci augustini pappey | St Augustine Papey | St. Augustine Papey | St. Augustine’s Papey Churches
St. Austin Friars Austin Friars AUST1 Agas Map Augustin friers Church and Churchyard | Augustine Friars Church | Augustine Friers | Auguſtine Friers | Augustine Friers Church | Auguſtine Fryars | Auguſtine Fryers | Auguſtine Fryers church | Auguſtine Fryers Church | Austen Friars, Near Dutch Church | Austin Friars | Austin Friary | Church of Austin Friars | Dutch Church | Dutch church | Frier Augu ſtines Church | Friers Augustines | Friers Augustines Church | Friers Auguſtines church | Friers Auguſtins | Friers Church | Friers church | Fryers Auguſtines church | Fryers church | Monastery of the Augustine Friars | Priory of Augustine Friars | S Augusti | St. Austin Friars Sites
St. Bartholomew St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
St. Bartholomew by the Exchange St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
St. Bartholomew the Great St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
St. Bartholomew the Great parish St. Bartholomew the Great (Parish) STBA101   Barthelmew the great Smit | Barthimewe the greate | parish of St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomew the Great parish | This Priorie of S. Bartlemew Parishes
St. Bartholomew the Less St. Bartholomew the Less STBA4 Agas Map Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartlemew the Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholamews the little | St. Bartholomew the Less Churches
St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Bartholomew Lane BART1 Agas Map bar eelmew la | Barthlemew lane | Bartholemew lane | Bartholomew Lane | Bartholomew lane | Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury) | Bartlemew Lane | S. Bartholomew lane | S. Bartilmew lane | Saint Bartholomew Lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane | saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) | St. Bartholomew the Less Lane Streets
St. Bartholomew the Less parish St. Bartholomew the Less (Parish) STBA104   Barthelmew the leſſe Smithf | Barthilmewe the Lesse | little St. Bartholmews | parish of St. Bartholomew the Litell | St. Bartholomew the Less parish Parishes
St. Bartholomewes St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
St. Bartholomews Hospitall St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
St. Bartholomew’s St. Bartholomew the Great STBA1 Agas Map great Saint Bartholomewes | Great St. Bartholomew’s Church | greate S. Bartilmewes | Priorie of S. Bartholomewe | priorie of Saint Bartholomewe | Priorie of Saint Bartlemew | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | S. Bartholmewes | S. Bartilmewes Pryorie | S. Bartilmews | S. Bartlemew | S. Bartlemew by the Priorie | Saint Bartholmewes | ſaint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew the Great | St. Bartholomewes | St. Bartholomew’s Churches
St. Bartholomew’s St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital St. Bartholomew’s Hospital STBA2 Agas Map Hospital | Hospital for the Sick Poor | Hospital of St. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Bartilmew | Hospitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartholomewe | Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes | Hoſpitall of S. Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of S. Bartlemewe | Hospitall of Saint Bartholemew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomew | Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew | hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewe | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartilmew | Hoſpitall of Saint Bartlemew | Little Saint Bartholomews | Little St. Bartholomew’s Church and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital | S. Bartelmewes Hoſpitall | S. Bartholm | S. Bartholomew | S. Bartholomewes Hospitall | S. Bartholomewes Spittle | S. Bartholomewes ſpittle | S. Bartholomews Hospitall | S. Bartholomews Spittle | S. Bartilmew | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpital | S. Bartilmewes Hoſpitall | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartholomewes Spittle | Saint Bartholomews Hospital | Saint Bartholomews Hospitall | Saint Bartilmewes | St. Bartholomews Hospitall | St. Bartholomew’s | St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Sites
St. Bartholomew’s Priory St. Bartolomew’s Priory STBA5   Prior of S. Bartlemewes | Priorie at S. Bartilmew | Priorie of S. Bartilmew | Priory | Priory of S. Bartholomew | Priory of Saint Bartholomew | Priory of St. Bartholomew | S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde | S. Bartlmew | Saint Bartholomew | Saint Bartholomewes | Saint Bartilmewes Priorie | St. Bartholomew’s Priory Churches
St. Batholomew by the Exchange St. Bartholomew by the Exchange STBA3 Agas Map church of S. Bartilmew with the Hoſpitall | Parish Church of S. Bartholomew | pariſh church of S. Bartilmew | Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew | Parriſh Church of Saint Bartilmew | S. Bartholmews church | S. Bartilmew by the Exchaunge | Saint Bartholomews Church | St. Bartholomew | St. Bartholomew by the Exchange | St. Batholomew by the Exchange Churches
St. Batholomew by the Exchange parish St. Bartholomew by the Exchange (Parish) STBA103   Barthelmew at the Exch. | St. Batholomew by the Exchange parish Parishes
St. Benet St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Benet Fink St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
St. Benet Fink Church St. Benet Fink STBE2 Agas Map Bennet Finke | Church of Saint Bennet | Church of Saynt Bennet | Finke | Parish Church of S. Bennet | Parish Church of S. Bennet Finke | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet Finke | pariſh of S. Bennet Finke | Parish of Saint Bennet Finke | S. Benet Fynke | S. Bennets Church | S. Bennets church | Saint Bennets Church | Saint Bennets church | Saint Bennets pariſh | St. Benet Fink | St. Benet Fink Church Churches
St. Benet Fink parish St. Benet Fink (Parish) STBE102   bennet ffinke | Bennet Fincke | S. Bennets Parish | St. Benet Fink parish | St. Benet Fink Parish Parishes
St. Benet Fink Parish St. Benet Fink (Parish) STBE102   bennet ffinke | Bennet Fincke | S. Bennets Parish | St. Benet Fink parish | St. Benet Fink Parish Parishes
St. Benet Gracechurch St. Benet Gracechurch STBE3 Agas Map Gariſh church f S. Bennet | Graſſe Church | Graſſe church | Grasse-Church | Grassechurch | GrasseChurch of S. Bennet | Parish Church of Saint Bennet | pariſh Church of Saint Bennet | raſſe church | S. Benet Graſſe church | St. Benet Gracechurch Churches
St. Benet Gracechurch parish St. Benet Gracechurch (Parish) STBE103   bennet grace churche | Bennets Grace-Church | St. Benet Gracechurch parish Parishes
St. Benet Sherehog St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
St. Benet Sherehog parish St. Benet Sherehog (Parish) STBE104   bennet sheroge | Bennets Sherhog | parish of St. Benet Sherehog | St. Benet Sherehog parish Parishes
St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf parish St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) (Parish) STBE101   bennet at powles wharfe | Bennets at Paules-wharfe | Parish of Saint Bennet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf parish Parishes
St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Benet’s St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf St. Benet (Paul’s Wharf) STBE1 Agas Map Bennet Hude (or Hith) | Church of Saint Benet hard | Limehost | Lymehoſt | Lymehurſt | Pariſh Church of S. Bennet | pariſh of S. Benet Huda | Parſsh of St. Benet Huda | S. Benet Hude | S. Benet, Hude (or Hithe) | Saint Benet | Saint Bennets | St. Benet | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf | St. Benet, Paul’s Wharfe | St. Benet’s | St. Benet’s Curch, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Botolph St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Botolph St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolph St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph (Aldgate) St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolph without Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolph without Bishopsgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Botolph, Aldersgate St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph, Aldersgate parish St. Botolph (Aldersgate) (Parish) STBO103   Buttols without Alderſg | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph, Aldersgate parish Parishes
St. Botolph, Aldgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Botolph, Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolph, Aldgate parish St. Botolph, Aldgate (Parish) STBO102   buttolphe at algate | Buttols Algate | Parish of S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Parish of Saint Buttolphs without Aldgate | Parish of St. Botolph Aldgate | Parish of St. Buttolps without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate parish Parishes
St. Botolph, Billingsgate St. Botolph (Billingsgate) STBO4 Agas Map church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | pariſh church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | Parish of S. Buttolph | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Parish of Saint Buttolph | Parriſh Church of S. Buttolph | parriſh of S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe by Billinſgate | St. Botolph, Billingsgate | St. Botolph’s | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph, Billingsgate parish St. Botolph (Billingsgate) (Parish) STBO104   buttolphe at byllyngesgate | Buttols Billingsgate | St. Botolph, Billingsgate parish Parishes
St. Botolph, Bishopsgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate STBO1 Agas Map Bethelem | church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | Church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Church of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | hoſpitall of Bethlem | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | parish Church of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish Church of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Pariſh of S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolph without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes church | S. Buttolphes without Biſhopſgate | S. Buttolphes. | St. Botolph | St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Botolph, Bishopsgate parish St. Botolph without Bishopsgate (Parish) STBO101   buttolphe at busshippes gate | Buttols Biſhopſgate | pa rish of Saint Buttolph without Bishops gate | parish of S Buttolph | parish of S. Buttolph without Bi shopsgate | Parish of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate | Parish of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate | parish of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate | Saint Buttolphs Parish without Bishopsgate | St. Botolph, Bishopsgate parish Parishes
St. Botolph-without-Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolphs without Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Botolph’s St. Botolph (Billingsgate) STBO4 Agas Map church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | pariſh church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | Parish of S. Buttolph | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Parish of Saint Buttolph | Parriſh Church of S. Buttolph | parriſh of S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe by Billinſgate | St. Botolph, Billingsgate | St. Botolph’s | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph’s Church St. Botolph (Aldersgate) STBO3 Agas Map Botolph Al derſgate Church | pariſh church of S. Butrolphe | Pariſh Church of S. Butrolphe | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphes church | Saint Buttolphs Church | St. Botolph | St. Botolph, Aldersgate | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph’s Church St. Botolph (Billingsgate) STBO4 Agas Map church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | pariſh church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | Parish of S. Buttolph | pariſh of S. Buttolph | Parish of Saint Buttolph | Parriſh Church of S. Buttolph | parriſh of S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe by Billinſgate | St. Botolph, Billingsgate | St. Botolph’s | St. Botolph’s Church Churches
St. Botolph’s Gate Botolph’s Wharf BOTO2 Agas Map Botolph’s Wharf | Bottolph’s Wharf | Botulphiswharf | Buttolfe wharfe | Buttolph VVharfe | Buttolphe W. | Buttolphes | Buttolphs-gate | Buttolphés wharfe | Common Key | kaiu[m] sncti Botulphi | St. Botolph’s Gate | St. Botolph’s Wharf Riverside Features
St. Botolph’s Wharf Botolph’s Wharf BOTO2 Agas Map Botolph’s Wharf | Bottolph’s Wharf | Botulphiswharf | Buttolfe wharfe | Buttolph VVharfe | Buttolphe W. | Buttolphes | Buttolphs-gate | Buttolphés wharfe | Common Key | kaiu[m] sncti Botulphi | St. Botolph’s Gate | St. Botolph’s Wharf Riverside Features
St. Bride St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
St. Bride parish St. Bride (Parish) STBR101   Brides pariſh | brydes perryshe | St. Bride parish Parishes
St. Brides St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
St. Bride’s Church St. Bride STBR1 Agas Map Brydes | church of S. Bridget | | S. Bride | S. Brides | S. Brides Church | S. Briget | St Bride’s Church | St. Bride | St. Brides | St. Bride’s Church Churches
St. Buttolph, Aldgate St. Botolph (Aldgate) STBO2 Agas Map Church of S. Buttolph | Church of S. Buttolphes | Church of Saint Battolphes | church of Saint Buttolph | Church of Saint Buttolphs | Parish Church of S. Buttolph | Parish Church of Saint Buttolph | S. Buttolph | S. Buttolphe | S. Buttolphes | S. Buttolphs | S. Buttolphs Church | S. Buttolphs without Aldgate | Saint But tolphs without Ealdgate | Saint Buttolphe | Saint Buttolphs | St. Botolph | St. Botolph (Aldgate) | St. Botolph without Aldgate | St. Botolph, Aldgate | St. Botolph-without-Aldgate | St. Botolphs without Aldgate | St. Buttolph, Aldgate Churches
St. Catherine Cree St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Catherine’s precinct St. Katherine’s by the Tower (Precinct) STKA8   Katherines by the tower | St. Catherine’s precinct | St. Katherine’s by the Tower Sites
St. Christopher [Broad Street] St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
St. Christopher Alley St. Christopher’s Alley CHRI4 Agas Map S. Christophers Alley | S. Chriſtophers Alley | St. Christopher Alley | St. Christopher’s Alley Streets
St. Christopher in Bradestrete St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
St. Christopher le Stocks St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
St. Christopher le Stocks parish St. Christopher le Stocks (Parish) STCH101   Chriſtophers Pariſ | Cristophers perryshe | Parish of S. Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | Parish of St. Christopher | Saint Christophers Parish | St. Christopher le Stocks parish Parishes
St. Christopher near le Shambles St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
St. Christopher upon Cornhull St. Christopher le Stocks STCH1 Agas Map Christopher le Stocks | Church of S. Chriſtopher | church of S. Chriſtopher | Parish Church of S. Christopher | Parish Church of S. Christophers | Parish Church of Saint Christopher | Parish of Saint Christopher | S. Christopher | S. Chriſtopher | S. Chriſtopher by the ſtocks market | S. Christophers Church | S. Chriſtophers Parriſh | St. Christopher [Broad Street] | St. Christopher in Bradestrete | St. Christopher le Stocks | St. Christopher near le Shambles | St. Christopher upon Cornhull Churches
St. Christopher’s Alley St. Christopher’s Alley CHRI4 Agas Map S. Christophers Alley | S. Chriſtophers Alley | St. Christopher Alley | St. Christopher’s Alley Streets
St. Clement St. Clement Danes STCL2 Agas Map Church of S. Clement | church of S. Clements | Pariſh church of S, Clement Danes | Pariſh church of S. Clement Danes | S. Clement Danes | S. Clementes church | Saint Clements church | St. Clement | St. Clement Danes Churches
St. Clement Danes St. Clement Danes (Parish) STCL102   Clements without Templeh | St. Clement Danes | St. Clement Danes parish Parishes
St. Clement Danes St. Clement Danes STCL2 Agas Map Church of S. Clement | church of S. Clements | Pariſh church of S, Clement Danes | Pariſh church of S. Clement Danes | S. Clement Danes | S. Clementes church | Saint Clements church | St. Clement | St. Clement Danes Churches
St. Clement Danes parish St. Clement Danes (Parish) STCL102   Clements without Templeh | St. Clement Danes | St. Clement Danes parish Parishes
St. Clement, Eastcheap St. Clement (Eastcheap) STCL3 Agas Map church of S. Clement | church of S. Clement in | Parish Church of S. Clement | S. Clements Church | S. Clements church | S. Clements Eaſtchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap | St. Clement’s Church in the East Churches
St. Clement, Eastcheap parish St. Clement (Eastcheap) (Parish) STCL103   Clements buy Eaſtcheape | Clemet bye eastchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap parish Parishes
St. Clements Lane St. Clements Lane STCL1 Agas Map Clement’s Lane | S Clements lane | S. Clements lane | St. Clements Lane | St. Clement’s Lane Streets
St. Clement’s Church in the East St. Clement (Eastcheap) STCL3 Agas Map church of S. Clement | church of S. Clement in | Parish Church of S. Clement | S. Clements Church | S. Clements church | S. Clements Eaſtchepe | St. Clement, Eastcheap | St. Clement’s Church in the East Churches
St. Clement’s Lane St. Clements Lane STCL1 Agas Map Clement’s Lane | S Clements lane | S. Clements lane | St. Clements Lane | St. Clement’s Lane Streets
St. Dionis Backchurch St. Dionis Backchurch STDI1 Agas Map church of S. Diones | Church of S. Dionys called Back church | of | of S. Dionis called Backe-Church | Parish Church | S. Denis | S. Dyones Backchurch | Saint Dennis | St. Dionis Backchurch Churches
St. Dionis Backchurch parish St. Dionis Backchurch (Parish) STDI101   Denius backe churche | Dennis Back-Church | St. Dionis Backchurch parish Parishes
St. Dunstan St. Dunstan’s (Stepney) DUNS1   Pariſh of Stebunbeth | Pariſh of Stebunheth | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstanʼs | St. Dunstan’s | St. Dunstan’s Church | St. Dunstan’s Stepney Churches
St. Dunstan St. Dunstan in the West (Parish) STDU103   Dunſtones in the Weſt | Dunstonnes in the west | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstan in the West parish Parishes
St. Dunstan in the East St. Dunstan in the East STDU2 Agas Map Church of S , Dunſtone is called in the Eaſt | church of S. Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstane | Church of Saint Dunſtone | Church of Saint Dunstone in the East | Parish Church of S. Dunstane in the East | Pariſh of S. Dunſtone | pariſh of S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | Parish of Saint Dunstane | S. Dunſtone in the Eaſt | S. Dunſtone in the eaſt | S. Dunſtones church | Saint Dunstans Church | Saint Dunſtans Church | St Dunstan in the East | St. Dunstan in the East Churches
St. Dunstan in the East parish St. Dunstan in the East (Parish) STDU102   Dunſtones in the Eaſt | Dunstonnes parreshe in the este | Parish of S. Dunstane | Parish of Saint Dunstane in the East | Saint Dunstane standing East | St. Dunstan in the East parish Parishes
St. Dunstan in the West St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
St. Dunstan in the West parish St. Dunstan in the West (Parish) STDU103   Dunſtones in the Weſt | Dunstonnes in the west | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstan in the West parish Parishes
St. Dunstanlane St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
St. Dunſtans Hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
St. Dunstanʼs St. Dunstan’s (Stepney) DUNS1   Pariſh of Stebunbeth | Pariſh of Stebunheth | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstanʼs | St. Dunstan’s | St. Dunstan’s Church | St. Dunstan’s Stepney Churches
St. Dunstan’s St. Dunstan’s (Stepney) DUNS1   Pariſh of Stebunbeth | Pariſh of Stebunheth | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstanʼs | St. Dunstan’s | St. Dunstan’s Church | St. Dunstan’s Stepney Churches
St. Dunstan’s Church St. Dunstan’s (Stepney) DUNS1   Pariſh of Stebunbeth | Pariſh of Stebunheth | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstanʼs | St. Dunstan’s | St. Dunstan’s Church | St. Dunstan’s Stepney Churches
St. Dunstan’s church St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
St. Dunstan’s Hill St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 Agas Map Church lane in the west | Church Lane in the West | Dunstoneslane | S. Donat Hill | S. Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans Hill | Saint Dunſtans hill | Saint Dunstans hill | St. Dunstanlane | St. Dunſtans Hill | St. Dunstan’s Hill Streets
St. Dunstan’s Stepney St. Dunstan’s (Stepney) DUNS1   Pariſh of Stebunbeth | Pariſh of Stebunheth | St. Dunstan | St. Dunstanʼs | St. Dunstan’s | St. Dunstan’s Church | St. Dunstan’s Stepney Churches
St. Dunstan’s Stepney parish St. Dunstan’s Stepney (Parish) DUNS101   Parish of St. Dunstan’s Stepney | St. Dunstan’s Stepney parish Parishes
St. Dunſtones church St. Dunstan in the West STDU3 Agas Map church of S. Dunſtan | Church of Saint Dnnſtones | S. Dunſtanes Church | S. Dunstanes in the west | S. Dunſtone in the Weſt | S. Dunſtones Chappell | S. Dunſtones church | S. Dunſtons chapell | S. Dunſtons chappell | S. Dunſtons in the weſt | Saint Dunstan’s in the West | Saint Dunſtons church | St Dunstan’s in the West | St. Dunstan in the West | St. Dunstan’s church | St. Dunſtones church Churches
St. Edmund St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
St. Edmund, King and Martyr St. Edmund (Lombard Street) STED1 Agas Map church of S. Edmond | Parish Church of S. Edmond | S. Edmond Graſſe church | S. Edmond Grasse-Church | S. Edmond in Lombardeſtréete | S. Edmonds in Lombard ſtreete | S. Edmonds in Lumbard street | S. Edmund in Lumbard street | Saiut Edmonds Pariſh | St. Edmund | St. Edmund, King and Martyr Churches
St. Edmund, King and Martyr parish St. Edmund, King and Martyr (Parish) STED101   Edmondes in Lumberte stret | Edmunds in Lombardſt. | St. Edmund, King and Martyr parish Parishes
St. Ethelburga St. Ethelburga STET1 Agas Map church of St. Ethelburga | Parish Church of S. Ethelbiage | Pariſh church of S. Etholburge | Parish Church of Saint Ethelburge | S. Ethelburge | S. Etholburge virgin | St. Ethelburga Churches
St. Ethelburga parish St. Ethelburga (Parish) STET101   Alborowes at byshopes gate | Ethelborowes Pariſh | Parish of Saint Ethelburge | parish of St. Ethelburga | Saint Ethelburges Parish | St. Ethelburga parish Parishes
St. Faith Under St. Paul’s St. Faith Under St. Paul’s STFA1   Parish Church of S. Faith | Pariſh Church of Saint Faith | Pariſh church of Saint Fayth | S. Faith vnder Paules church | S. Faiths Church | Saint Faith under Pauls | Saint Faith vnder Pauls | Saint Fayths church | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s Churches
St. Faith Under St. Paul’s parish St. Faith Under St. Paul’s (Parish) STFA101   Faythes Pariſh | ffathes vndar paules | St. Faith Under St. Paul’s parish Parishes
St. Foster St. Foster FOST4   Pariſh Church of S. Fauſter | Parish Church of S. Fosters | S. Dunstanes Chappell | Saint Fauſters | Saint Fosters | St. Foster Streets
St. Gabriel Fenchurch St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
St. Gabriel Fenchurch parish St. Gabriel Fenchurch (Parish) STGA101   Gabriell Fan Church | gabryell ffanechurche | St. Gabriel Fenchurch parish Parishes
St. George St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
St. George St. George Southwark (Parish) STGE104   George in sowthewarke | Georges in Southwarke | St. George | St. George Southwark parish | St. George’s Parishes
St. George Botolph Lane St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
St. George Botolph Lane parish St. George Botolph Lane (Parish) STGE101   George in Buttolph Lane | george in bvttolphe Lane | St. George Botolph Lane parish Parishes
St. George Buttolph St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
St. George Church St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
St. George Fields St. George Fields STGE6   St. George Fields Sites
St. George Lane (Billingsgate) St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
St. George Southwark St. George Southwark STGE4   S. George in Southwarke | S. George the Marter | S. Georges | Saint George in Southwarke | St. George Southwark Churches
St. George Southwark parish St. George Southwark (Parish) STGE104   George in sowthewarke | Georges in Southwarke | St. George | St. George Southwark parish | St. George’s Parishes
St. George’s St. George STGE1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. George | Pariſh church of S. George | Parish Church of S. George Buttolphlane | Parriſh Church of Saint George | S. George | S. Georges Church | S. Georges church | S. Georges lane | Saint Georges Church | Saint Georges Lane | Seynt George in Podynge lane | St. George | St. George Botolph Lane | St. George Buttolph | St. George Church | St. George’s Churches
St. George’s St. George Southwark (Parish) STGE104   George in sowthewarke | Georges in Southwarke | St. George | St. George Southwark parish | St. George’s Parishes
St. George’s Lane St. George’s Lane (Billingsgate) STGE2 Agas Map S. georg la. | S. Georges lane | ſaint Georges lane | Sant Gorgeus | St. George Lane (Billingsgate) | St. George’s Lane Streets
St. George’s Lane St. George’s Lane STGE7 Agas Map St. George’s Lane Streets
St. Giles St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
St. Giles (Cripplegate) St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
St. Giles (Cripplegate) Parish St. Giles (Cripplegate) (Parish) STGI103   Giles without Criplegate | gylles at chriplegate | pariſh of S. Giles | Parish of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate | parriſh church of S. Giles | S. Giles without Cripple gate | St. Giles (Cripplegate) Parish | St. Giles, Cripplegate parish Parishes
St. Giles High Street St. Giles High Street STGI1 Agas Map St. Giles High Street Streets
St. Giles in the fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
St. Giles in the Fields St. Giles in the Fields STGI2 Agas Map Hospitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of S. Giles | Hoſpitall of Sain Gyles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles | Hoſpitall of Saint Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the field | S. Giles in the fielde | S. Giles in the fieldes | S. Giles in the fields | S. Gyles in the fielde | S. Gyles in the fields | Saint Giles | Saint Giles in the fields | Saynt Giles Hoſpitall | St Giles in the Fields | St-Giles’s-in-the-Fields | St. Giles in the fields | St. Giles in the Fields Churches
St. Giles in the Fields parish St. Giles in the Fields (Parish) STGI102   Giles in the Fieldes | Parish of St. Giles | Parish of St. Giles in the Fields | St. Giles in the Fields parish Parishes
St. Giles without Cripplegate St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
St. Giles, Cripplegate St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
St. Giles, Cripplegate parish St. Giles (Cripplegate) (Parish) STGI103   Giles without Criplegate | gylles at chriplegate | pariſh of S. Giles | Parish of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate | parriſh church of S. Giles | S. Giles without Cripple gate | St. Giles (Cripplegate) Parish | St. Giles, Cripplegate parish Parishes
St. Giles’s Church St. Giles (Cripplegate) STGI3 Agas Map Church of S. Giles | church of S. Giles | Church of S. Giles without Criplegate | church of S. Giles without Cripplegate | Hoſpitall of the French order | Pariſh church of S. Giles | Parish Church of S. Giles without Creplegate | Parish Church of Saint Giles | Pariſh Church of Saint Giles without Creplegate | pariſh of S. Giles without Criplegate | S. Giles | S. Giles church | S. Giles Church | S. Giles Church without Cripplegate | S. Giles without Creplegate | S. Gyles | Saint Giles Church | Saint Giles without Creplegate | Saynt Giles | Saynt Gyles | Sir Giles Chapple | St. Giles | St. Giles (Cripplegate) | St. Giles without Cripplegate | St. Giles, Cripplegate | St. Giles’s Church Churches
St. Gregory by St. Paul’s St. Gregory by St. Paul’s STJA2 Agas Map Biſhoppes Pallace | Church of S. Gregory | Church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregorie | church of Saint Gregory | S. Gregory by Paules church | Saint Gregorie | St. Gregory by St. Paul’s Churches
St. Gregory by St. Paul’s parish St. Gregory by St. Paul’s (Parish) STJA102   Gregories by Paules | gregorye by paules | St. Gregory by St. Paul’s parish Parishes
St. Helen St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Helen parish St. Helen (Parish) STHE101   Hellens within Biſhopſg. | hellyns parryshe | Parish of St. Helen’s | S. Helens Parish | St. Helen parish Parishes
St. Helens St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Helens Priory St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Helens, Bishopsgate St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Helen’s St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) STHE1 Agas Map Church of S. Hellen | church of S. Hellens | Church of Saint Helen | litle S. Hellens | Little St. Helen’s | Parish Church of S. Helen | parish Church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Helen | pariſh church of S. Hellen | Pariſh church of S. Hellen | Parish Church of Saint Helen | Priory of S. Helens | priory of S. Hellens | Priory of St. Helens | S. Elen | S. Helens | S. Helens Church | S. Helens church | S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street | S. Hellens | S. Hellens church | Saint Helens | Saint Helens Church | St. Helen | St. Helens | St. Helens Priory | St. Helens, Bishopsgate | St. Helen’s | St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate Churches
St. Iames Garlicke Hith St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
St. Iames Garlicke hive St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
St. Iohns Streete St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
St. James (Clerkenwell) St. James (Clerkenwell) STJA3 Agas Map Clarken Well | Clarken-well | Clarkes well Church | St. James (Clerkenwell) | St. James, Clerkenwell Churches
St. James Clerkenwell Parish St. James (Clerkenwell) (Parish) STJA103   Iames at Clearkenwel | Jeames at clearken well | St. James Clerkenwell Parish | St. James, Clerkenwell parish Parishes
St. James Duke’s Place St. James Duke’s Place STJA6 Agas Map Church of Saint Iames | Duke Place | Dukes Place | Dukes place | Dukes-place | St. James Duke’s Place | Temple of S. James Churches
St. James Duke’s Place parish St. James Duke’s Place (Parish) STJA106   St. James Duke’s Place parish Parishes
St. James Garlick St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
St. James Garlick parish St. James Garlick (Parish) STJA104   Iames by Garlick-hithe | Ieames at garlycke hyve | St. James Garlick parish Parishes
St. James Garlickhithe St. James Garlickhithe STJA4 Agas Map Church Garlicke | Church of S. Iames | Church of S. Iames Garlycke hith | Pariſh church of S. Iames | Parish Church of Saint Iames | Parish Church of St. Iames Garlicke Hith | S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames at Garlicke Hith | S. Iames Church | S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith | S. Iames Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hith | Saint Iames at Garlicke hithe | Saint Iames church | Saint Iames Church by Garlicke hith | St. Iames Garlicke Hith | St. Iames Garlicke hive | St. James Garlick | St. James Garlickhithe Churches
St. James in the Wall Hermitage St. James in the Wall Hermitage STJA5 Agas Map Chappell of S. Iames | Chappell of Saint Iames | Hermitage of S. Iames in the wall | Hermitage of S. Iames in the Wall | Hermitage or Chappell of Saint Iames, called in the wall | S. Iames in the wall | Saint Iames in the Wall | St. James in the Wall Hermitage Churches
St. James Park St. James Park STJA1 Agas Map Parke of S. Iames | S. Iames | S. Iames Parke | St. James Park | St. James’s Park | Tylt Sites
St. James, Clerkenwell St. James (Clerkenwell) STJA3 Agas Map Clarken Well | Clarken-well | Clarkes well Church | St. James (Clerkenwell) | St. James, Clerkenwell Churches
St. James, Clerkenwell parish St. James (Clerkenwell) (Parish) STJA103   Iames at Clearkenwel | Jeames at clearken well | St. James Clerkenwell Parish | St. James, Clerkenwell parish Parishes
St. James’s Palace St. James’s Palace JAME5   Queenes Chappell | Quéenes Chapell | S. Iames | St. James’s Palace Sites
St. James’s Park St. James Park STJA1 Agas Map Parke of S. Iames | S. Iames | S. Iames Parke | St. James Park | St. James’s Park | Tylt Sites
St. John Evangelist St. John the Evangelist STJO5 Agas Map Church of S. Werbridge | Pariſh church of S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Pariſh Church of S. Iohn Evangeliſt | S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Saint Iohn Evangeliſt | St. John Evangelist | St. John the Evangelist Churches
St. John Street St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
St. John the Baptist parish St. John the Baptist (Parish) STJO104   Iohannes in walbroke | Iohns in the Walbrooke | pariſh of S, Iohn vppon Walbrooke | Parish of S. Iohn upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist parish Parishes
St. John The Baptist, Walbrook St. John the Baptist (Walbrook) STJO4 Agas Map Baptist John’s | Church of S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns Church, vpon Walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon walbrooke | S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns Church upon Walbrooke | Saint Iohns upon Walbrooke | St. John the Baptist | St. John The Baptist, Walbrook Churches
St. John the Baptist’s Chapel St. John the Baptist’s Chapel of the Savoy SAVO11 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Iohn in the Sauoy | Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy | St. John the Baptist’s Chapel | St. John the Baptist’s Chapel of the Savoy Chapels
St. John the Baptist’s Chapel of the Savoy St. John the Baptist’s Chapel of the Savoy SAVO11 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Iohn in the Sauoy | Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy | St. John the Baptist’s Chapel | St. John the Baptist’s Chapel of the Savoy Chapels
St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist STJO5 Agas Map Church of S. Werbridge | Pariſh church of S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Pariſh Church of S. Iohn Evangeliſt | S. Iohn Euangeliſt | Saint Iohn Evangeliſt | St. John Evangelist | St. John the Evangelist Churches
St. John the Evangelist parish St. John the Evangelist (Parish) STJO105   Ihonne evangillist | S.Iohn Euangeliſt | St. John the Evangelist parish Parishes
St. John Zachary St. John Zachary STJO6 Agas Map pariſh Church of S. Iohn Sachary | Pariſh Church of Saint Iohn Sachary | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zacharie | Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zachary | S. Iohn Sacharies church | S. Iohn Zachary | Saint Iohn Zacharies Church | St. John Zachary Churches
St. John Zachary parish St. John Zachary (Parish) STJO106   Ihonne sakarye | Iohn Zacharies | parish of St. John Zachary | St. John Zachary parish Parishes
St. John’s St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
St. John’s Court St. John’s Court STJO10   St. John’s Court Streets
St. John’s of Jerusalem St. John’s of Jerusalem STJO3 Agas Map Hoſpitall and houſe of S. Iohns of Ieruſalem | Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem | Hoſpitall ofS. Iohn of Ieruſalem | houſe of S. Iohns | houſe, of S. Iohn | Pariſh church of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohn | Prior of S. Iohns | Priorie of S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn | S. Iohn Baptiſt | S. Iohn of Ieruſalem | S. Iohn of Iheruſalem | S. Iohns | S. Iohns church | S. Iohns in Smithfielde | St. John’s | St. John’s of Jerusalem Churches
St. John’s Street St. John Street STJO2 Agas Map Iohn ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreet | S. Iohns ſtreete | ſaint Iohn ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreet | Saint Iohns ſtreete | St Iohns ſtreet | St Johns ſtreete | St. Iohns Streete | St. John Street | St. John’s Street Streets
St. John’s the Baptist, Wapping St. John the Baptist (Wapping) (Parish) STJO109   St. John’s the Baptist, Wapping Parishes
St. Katharine Coleman St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St. Katharine Cree St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katharine Cree Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katharines Hospital St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
St. Katharine’s Hospital St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
St. Katheine Cree St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St. Katherine St. Katherine (Parish) STKA109   parish of Saint Katharine | S. Katharine | S. Katherine | St. Katherine Parishes
St. Katherine St. Katherine (Holy Trinity) STKA9   St. Katherine | St. Katherine Church Churches
St. Katherine and All Saints St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine Christ Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine Church St. Katherine (Holy Trinity) STKA9   St. Katherine | St. Katherine Church Churches
St. Katherine Coleman St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St. Katherine Coleman Street St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 Agas Map All Hallows Coleman Church | All Hallows Colemanchurch | Church of S. Katheren | Coleman | Coleman Church | Coleman haw | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Coleman | Parish of S. Katharine | Pariſh of S. Katherine | S. Katerin colmans | S. Katharine Coleman | S. Katheren Colman church | S. Katheren Colman Churth | S. Katherine Colman | Saint Katherines | St Katharine Coleman, Church of | St Katherine Coleman | St. Katharine Coleman | St. Katherine | St. Katherine and All Saints | St. Katherine Coleman | St. Katherine Coleman Street Churches
St. Katherine Coleman Street parish St. Katherine Coleman Street (Parish) STKA101   Katherine Coleman | katherine coleman | Parish Church of S. Katharine Coleman | Parish Church of S. Katharine, called Coleman | Parish of Saint Katharine Coleman | parish of St. Katherine Coleman Street | St. Katherine Coleman Street parish Parishes
St. Katherine Cree St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine Cree Church St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine Cree Parish St. Katherine Cree STCA1 Agas Map Church of S. Katherine | Cree-church | Cree-Church | Cry Chur. | Parish Church of S. Katharin Christs-Church | Parish Church of S. Katharine | Pariſh church of S. Katherin Chriſts church | Parish Church of Saint Katharine Christs Church | Priorie of the holy Trinitie | rine Chriſtes Church | S. Katharene Chriſts Church | S. Katharin Cree-Church | S. Katharine Christs-Church | S. Kathe | S. Katheren Chriſts church | S. Katherine | S. Katherine Chriſt Church | S. Katherines | Saint Katharine Christs Church | Saint Katharine Christs-Church | Saint Katherine Chriſt church | Saint Katherine Christs Church | St. Catherine Cree | St. Katharine Cree | St. Katharine Cree Church | St. Katheine Cree | St. Katherine and the Blessed Trinity | St. Katherine Christ Church | St. Katherine Cree | St. Katherine Cree Church | St. Katherine Cree Parish Churches
St. Katherine Cree parish St. Katherine Cree (Parish) STCA101   katherine crechurche | Katherins Cree-Church | St. Katherine Cree parish Parishes
St. Katherine Steps St. Katherine Steps STKA5   St. Katherine Steps Sites
St. Katherines St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 Agas Map Cock’s Rents | S. Catheryns laen | S. Katerens la. | St Katherine’s | St. Katherines | St. Katherine’s Lane Streets
St. Katherine’s St. Katherine’s by the Tower STKA7   St Katherines | St. Katherine’s | St. Katherine’s by the Tower Churches
St. Katherine’s by the Tower St. Katherine’s by the Tower STKA7   St Katherines | St. Katherine’s | St. Katherine’s by the Tower Churches
St. Katherine’s by the Tower St. Katherine’s by the Tower (Precinct) STKA8   Katherines by the tower | St. Catherine’s precinct | St. Katherine’s by the Tower Sites
St. Katherine’s Hospital St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower St. Katherine’s Hospital STKA3 Agas Map east of the tower | Hoſpital of S. Kathrens | Hospital of St. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katheren | Hoſpitall of S. Katherens | Hoſpitall of S. Katherine | Hoſpitall of S. Katherines | Hoſpitall of S. Katherins | Hoſpitall of S. Kathren | Hospitall of Saint Katharine | Hospitall of Saint Katharines | Hoſpitall of Saint Katharines | Hospitall of Saint Katherins | Hoſpitall of Saint Katherins | S. Kateren | S. Katherin by the Tower | S. Katherine | S. Katherines | Saint Katharines | Saint Katharine’s | Saint Kathren | St Katherines | St. Katharines Hospital | St. Katharine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital | St. Katherine’s Hospital beside the Tower Sites
St. Katherine’s Lane St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 Agas Map Cock’s Rents | S. Catheryns laen | S. Katerens la. | St Katherine’s | St. Katherines | St. Katherine’s Lane Streets
St. Laurence Church St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
St. Laurence Hill St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
St. Laurence in the Iewry St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
St. Laurence Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
St. Laurence Lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
St. Laurence lane St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
St. Laurence Poultney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard STLA7 Agas Map Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Church-yard | S. Laurence churchyarde | Saint Laurence Church-yard | ſaint Laurence Churchyard | St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard Churches
St. Laurence, Jewry St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
St. Laurence, Pountney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
St. Laurence, Pountney parish St. Laurence (Pountney) (Parish) STLA106   Laurence Pountney | Lawrens powntneye | Parish of S. Laurence Poultney | Pariſh of St. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney parish Parishes
St. Lawrence Jewry St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
St. Lawrence lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
St. Lawrence Lane St. Laurence Lane STLA2 Agas Map S. Laurence | S. Laurence Hill | S. Laurence hill | S. Laurence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence-Lane | S. Lawrance Lane | S. Lawrence Lane | S. Lawrence lane | Saint Laurence lane | Saint Laurence-Lane | Saint Lawrence lane | St. Laurence Hill | St. Laurence Lane | St. Lawrence lane | St. Lawrence Lane Streets
St. Lawrence Poultney Lane St. Laurence Poultney Hill STLA4 Agas Map Poultney Lane | Poultney lane | S. Laurence Poul. Hill | St. Lawrence Poultney Lane Streets
St. Lawrence Pountney St. Laurence Poultney STLA6 Agas Map Church of S. Laurence Pountney | Church of St. Laurence Powltney | Church of St. Lawrence Pountney | pariſh church of S. Laurence | Pariſh church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence Poultney | Parish Church of Saint Laurence | Pariſh church of Saint Lawrence | pariſh of Saint Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence churchyard | S. Laurence Poultney | S. Laurence Pountney | S. Lawrence Poultney | St. Laurence Poultney | St. Laurence, Pountney | St. Lawrence Pountney Churches
St. Lawrence, Jewry St. Laurence (Jewry) STLA5 Agas Map church of S. Laurence | church of S. Laurence in the Iury | Parish Church of S. Laurence | Parish Church of S. Laurence, in the Iurie | S. Laurence Chappell | S. Laurence church | S. Laurence Church in the Iurie | S. Laurence church in the Iurie | S. Laurence in the Iurie | S. Lawrence Chappell | S. Lawrence church | S. Lawrence church, in the Iury | S. Lawrence in the Iury | Saint Laurence Church | Saint Lawrence church | St. Laurence Church | St. Laurence in the Iewry | St. Laurence, Jewry | St. Lawrence Jewry | St. Lawrence, Jewry Churches
St. Lawrence, Jewry parish St. Lawrence (Jewry) (Parish) STLA105   Laurence in the Iury | Lawrens in the Iwrye | Parish of S. Laurence | Parish of Saint Laurence in the Old Iewrie | parish of Saint Laurence, Jewry | Pariſh of St. Law rence Poultney | S. Laurence, called the Iewrie | St. Lawrence, Jewry parish Parishes
St. Leonard St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard Shoreditch St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard, Eastcheap St. Leonard (Eastcheap) STLE2 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | church of S. Leonard | Milke church | Parish Church of S. Leonards Milke-Church | Parish Church of Saint Leonard Milke-Church | S. Leonard Milkechurch | S. Leonardes in Eaſt Cheape | Saint Leonards East-cheape | St. Leonard, Eastcheap Churches
St. Leonard, Eastcheap parish St. Leonard (Eastcheap) (Parish) STLE102   Leonarde in estechepe | Leonardes Eaſtcheape | St. Leonard, Eastcheap parish Parishes
St. Leonard, Foster Lane St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
St. Leonard, Foster Lane parish St. Leonard (Foster Lane) (Parish) STLE103   Leonarde in ffostar Lane | Leonardes Foſter-Lane | Parish of S. Foster | St. Leonard, Foster Lane parish Parishes
St. Leonard, Shoreditch St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard, Shoreditch parish St. Leonard (Shoreditch) (Parish) STLE101   Leonarde in shorditche | Leonards in Shordich | Parish of S. Leonard of Sores ditch | Parish of S. Leonards in Shorditch | parish of Shorditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch parish Parishes
St. Leonardʼs St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonardʼs Church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard’s St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard’s Church St. Leonard STLE1 Agas Map Church of S. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonarde | S. Leonards | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonard | Sewers ditch church | Shoreditch Church | Soerſditch Church | St Leonard | St. Leonard | St. Leonard Shoreditch | St. Leonard, Shoreditch | St. Leonardʼs | St. Leonardʼs Church | St. Leonard’s | St. Leonard’s Church Churches
St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane St. Leonard (Foster Lane) STLE3 Agas Map church of S. Leonard | Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of S. Leonards | Parish Church of St. Leonard | S. Leonard | S. Leonards church | Saint Leonards Church | St. Leonard, Foster Lane | St. Leonard, Foster Lane (?) | St. Leonard’s Church, Foster Lane Churches
St. Magnus St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Magnus parish St. Magnus (Parish) STMA101   Magnus Pariſh | Magnus parryshe | parish of St. Magnus | St. Magnus parish Parishes
St. Magnus the Martyr St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Magnus’ Corner St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Magnus’ monument and yard St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Magnus’s St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Magnus’s Church St. Magnus STMA1 Agas Map church of S. Magnus | Church of Saint Magnus | Parish Church of S. Magnus | Parish of S. Magnus | pariſh of S. Magnus | Parriſh Church of S. Magnus | S. Magnus | S. Magnus church | S. Magnus Church | S. MagnusChurch | ſaint Magnus | Saint Magnus Church | ſaint Magnus Church | sant Magnus London | St. Magnus | St. Magnus the Martyr | St. Magnus’ Corner | St. Magnus’ monument and yard | St. Magnus’s | St. Magnus’s Church Churches
St. Margaret St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
St. Margaret Moses St. Margaret Moses STMA16 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Margaret Moyſes | Pariſh church of S. Margaret Moyſes | pariſh church of S. Margaret Moyſes | St. Margaret Moses | St. Margaret Moyses Churches
St. Margaret Moyses St. Margaret Moses STMA16 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Margaret Moyſes | Pariſh church of S. Margaret Moyſes | pariſh church of S. Margaret Moyſes | St. Margaret Moses | St. Margaret Moyses Churches
St. Margaret Moyses parish St. Margaret Moyses (Parish) STMA116   Margeret moyses | Margrets Moiſes | St. Margaret Moyses parish Parishes
St. Margaret Pattens St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
St. Margaret Pattens church St. Margaret Pattens STMA17 Agas Map Pariſh chur ch of S. Marga ret pattentes | Parish Church of S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margaret | S. Margaret Patens | S. Margaret Pattens | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets Pattens | S. Margarets Pattentes | S. Margarits Patens | Saint Margaret | Saint Margaret Pattens | Saint Margaret Pattens Church Parsonage | Saint Margaret Pattens street | Saint Margarets Church | Saint Margeret Patten’s church Parſonage | St. Margaret Pattens | St. Margaret Pattens church Churches
St. Margaret Pattens parish St. Margaret Pattens (Parish) STMA117   Margerett pattenns | Margrets Pattons | St. Margaret Pattens parish Parishes
St. Margaret, Lothbury St. Margaret (Lothbury) STMA2 Agas Map church of S. Margaret in Lothburie. | Parish Church, called S. Margaret | S. Margaret | S. Margaret in Lothbery | S. Margaret in Lothburie | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | ſaint Margarets Church | St. Margaret, Lothbury Churches
St. Margaret, Lothbury parish St. Margaret (Lothbury) (Parish) STMA102   Margret at Lothberye | Margrets Lothbery | S. Margarets pariſh | Saint Margarets Parish | St. Margaret, Lothbury parish Parishes
St. Margaret, New Fish Street St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
St. Margaret, New Fish Street parish St. Margaret (New Fish Street) (Parish) STMA103   Magdelyn in newe fysh stret | Margrets New-fiſh ſtreet | St. Margaret, New Fish Street parish Parishes
St. Margaret’s St. Margaret (New Fish Street) STMA3 Agas Map church of S. Margaret | Parish Church of Saint Margarets | Parochiae S. Margaretae de Bridgestreet | S. Margaret bridge ſtréete | S. Margarets Church | S. Margarets church | St. Margaret | St. Margaret, New Fish Street | St. Margaret’s Churches
St. Marie Ouer’s St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Martin in the Fields St. Martin-in-the-Fields STMA18 Agas Map Church of S. Martin in the field | church of Saint Martin in the field | Pariſh Church of S. Martin in the fielde | Pariſh church of S. Martin in the fielde | S. Martin in the field | S. Martins in the fielde | St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin-in-the-Fields | St. Martin’s Church in the Fields Churches
St. Martin in the Fields parish St. Martin in the Fields (Parish) STMA118   Martin in the Fieldes | Martyn in the ffelde | Parish of St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin in the Fields parish Parishes
St. Martin Orgar St. Martin Orgar (Parish) STMA120   Martins Orgars | Martyn orgarre | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin Orgar parish Parishes
St. Martin Orgar St. Martin Orgar STMA20 Agas Map church of S. Martin Orgar | Parish Church of S. Martin Orgar | pariſh church of S. Martin Orgor | Parish Church of Saint Martin Orgar | S. Marten Ordegare | S. Martins Orgars | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin’s Candlewickstreet Churches
St. Martin Orgar parish St. Martin Orgar (Parish) STMA120   Martins Orgars | Martyn orgarre | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin Orgar parish Parishes
St. Martin Outwhich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
St. Martin Outwich St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
St. Martin Outwich parish St. Martin Outwich (Parish) STMA121   Martins Outwich | Martyn owtwiche | Pa rish of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of Saint Martins Otes wich | Parish of St. Martin Oteswich | Saint Martins Oteswich parish | St. Martin Outwich parish Parishes
St. Martin Pomary St. Martin Pomary STMA22 Agas Map church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martins Pomary | Parish Church of St. Martin | parriſh Church of Saynt Marten | Pomery | S. Martin Pomerie | S. Martins | St. Martin Pomary Churches
St. Martin Pomary parish St. Martin Pomary (Parish) STMA122   Martins Iremonger Lane | Martyn iermonger Lane | Parish of S. Martin | S. Martin Ironmonger lane | St. Martin Pomary parish Parishes
St. Martin Vintry St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
St. Martin Vintry on Thames St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
St. Martin Vintry parish St. Martin Vintry (Parish) STMA126   Martins in the Vintrie | Martyn in the vintre | St. Martin Vintry parish Parishes
St. Martin within Ludgate St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
St. Martin within Ludgate parish St. Martin within Ludgate (Parish) STMA119   Martins at Ludgate | Martyn at Ludgate | parish of St. Martin within Ludgate | Saint Martins Parish | Saint Martins Parish within Ludgate | St. Martin within Ludgate parish Parishes
St. Martin, Ludgate St. Martin (Ludgate) STMA19 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Martin | Parish Church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Pariſh church of S. Martin by Ludgate | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martins | S. Martins at Ludgate | S. Martins Church | Saint Martins | Saint Martins church | ſaint Martins Church | St. Martin within Ludgate | St. Martin, Ludgate Churches
St. Martin-in-the-Fields St. Martin-in-the-Fields STMA18 Agas Map Church of S. Martin in the field | church of Saint Martin in the field | Pariſh Church of S. Martin in the fielde | Pariſh church of S. Martin in the fielde | S. Martin in the field | S. Martins in the fielde | St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin-in-the-Fields | St. Martin’s Church in the Fields Churches
St. Martins lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
St. Martins le grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA158   St. Martins le grand Streets
St. Martins le Grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
St. Martins le graund St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
St. Martins Oteswich Church St. Martin Outwich STMA21 Agas Map Church of S. Martin | church of Saint Martine Otoſwich | Parish Church of S. Martin called Oteswitch | parish Church of S. Martin Oteswich | Parish of S. Martins Oteswich | pariſh of S. Martins Oteſwich | S. Martins Otelwich pariſh | S. Martins Oteswich | S. Martins Oteswich Church | S. Martins Oteſwich Church | S. Martins Oteswitch | S. Martins Oteſwitche | S. Martins Otoſwich | S. Martins Otſwitch | Saint Martins O toſ wich | Saint Martins Otoſwich | St. Martin Outwhich | St. Martin Outwich | St. Martins Oteswich Church Churches
St. Martinʼs Le Grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
St. Martin’s St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
St. Martin’s Candlewickstreet St. Martin Orgar STMA20 Agas Map church of S. Martin Orgar | Parish Church of S. Martin Orgar | pariſh church of S. Martin Orgor | Parish Church of Saint Martin Orgar | S. Marten Ordegare | S. Martins Orgars | St. Martin Orgar | St. Martin’s Candlewickstreet Churches
St. Martin’s Church St. Martin (Vintry) STMA26 Agas Map Beremanchurch | Church lane | church of S. Martin | church of S. Martin in Vintry | Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintrie | Parish Church of Saint Martin | S. Martin de Beremand Church | S. Martin in the Uintrie | S. Martins Church | S. Martins church | Saint Martins Church | St. Martin Vintry | St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch | St. Martin Vintry on Thames | St. Martin’s Church Churches
St. Martin’s Church in the Fields St. Martin-in-the-Fields STMA18 Agas Map Church of S. Martin in the field | church of Saint Martin in the field | Pariſh Church of S. Martin in the fielde | Pariſh church of S. Martin in the fielde | S. Martin in the field | S. Martins in the fielde | St. Martin in the Fields | St. Martin-in-the-Fields | St. Martin’s Church in the Fields Churches
St. Martin’s Lane St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) STMA23 Agas Map Bermudas | S. Martin | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Michaels Lane | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | Saint Michaels Lane | St. Martins lane | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
St. Martin’s Lane St. Martin’s Lane STMA6 Agas Map S. Martin Orgar lane | S. Martins | S. Martins lane | S. Martins Lane | S. Martins Le Graund | S. Martins Orgar lane | S. Martins Orgorlane | Saint Martin Orgar lane | Saint Martins | Saint Martins lane | Saint Martins Lane | St Martin’s | St. Martin’s Lane Streets
St. Martin’s le Grand St. Martin’s le Grand STMA24 Agas Map Colegiate-Church of Saint Martin | Colledg of S. Martin, le Grand | Colledge of Saint Martins le graund | Collegiate Church of Saint Martin | Free Chappell of Saint Martins | S. Martin | S. Martin the greate | S. Martins | S. Martins be graunde | S. Martins le grand | S. Martins Le Grand | S. Martins le graund | S. Martins le graunde | S. Martin’s le graunde | Saint Martin | Saint Martins | Saint Martins Church | Saint Martins le graund | St. Martins le Grand | St. Martins le graund | St. Martinʼs Le Grand | St. Martin’s | St. Martin’s le Grand Churches
St. Mary Abchurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
St. Mary Aldermanbury St. Mary (Aldermanbury) STMA28 Agas Map Aldermanberie church | Aldermanbury Church | Aldermanbury church | Church of S. Mary Aldermanberie | church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | our bleſſed Ladie in Aldermanberie | Parish Church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | S. Mary Aldermanburie | St. Mary Aldermanbury | St. Mary Aldermanbury Church | St. Mary, Aldermanbury Churches
St. Mary Aldermanbury Church St. Mary (Aldermanbury) STMA28 Agas Map Aldermanberie church | Aldermanbury Church | Aldermanbury church | Church of S. Mary Aldermanberie | church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | our bleſſed Ladie in Aldermanberie | Parish Church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | S. Mary Aldermanburie | St. Mary Aldermanbury | St. Mary Aldermanbury Church | St. Mary, Aldermanbury Churches
St. Mary Aldermary St. Mary Aldermary STMA29 Agas Map Aldemarie Church | Aldemary church | Aldermanry Church | Aldermarie Church | Aldermary Church | Aldmary church | church of Aldmary | pariſh Church of Aldermary | S. Mary Aldmary | St. Mary Aldermary | St. Mary Aldermary Church | St. Mary, Aldermary Churches
St. Mary Aldermary Church St. Mary Aldermary STMA29 Agas Map Aldemarie Church | Aldemary church | Aldermanry Church | Aldermarie Church | Aldermary Church | Aldmary church | church of Aldmary | pariſh Church of Aldermary | S. Mary Aldmary | St. Mary Aldermary | St. Mary Aldermary Church | St. Mary, Aldermary Churches
St. Mary at Hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
St. Mary at Hill Street St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
St. Mary atte Hille St. Mary-At-Hill (Parish) STMA149   Mary at the hill | Marye at hyll | parish of St. Mary-at-Hill | St. Mary atte Hille | St. Mary-At-Hill | St. Mary-At-Hill parish Parishes
St. Mary Axe St. Mary Axe STMA41 Agas Map Church of Mary, St. Vrsula | Church of S. Mary the virgine | Church of Saint Mary the Virgin | Pariſh church of Mary S. Vrſula | S. Mary at the Axe | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary at Axe | Saint Mary at the Axe | St. Mary Axe Churches
St. Mary Axe St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
St. Mary Axe Street St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
St. Mary Barking Church All Hallows Barking ALLH2 Agas Map Alhallowes | Alhallowes Barking | All Hallows Barking | All Hallow’s Barking | Barking chappell of our Ladie | Barking Church | Barking church | Barkingchurch | Barkyng | Church of Alhallowes Barking | Church of All Hallows Barking | College of Priests | kings Chappell of Barking | Parish Church of Alhallowes Barking | Pariſh of Alhallowes Barking | pariſh of Barking Church | St. Mary Barking Church | St. Mary Barkingchurch | Tower-street Alhallowes Barking Churches
St. Mary Barkingchurch All Hallows Barking ALLH2 Agas Map Alhallowes | Alhallowes Barking | All Hallows Barking | All Hallow’s Barking | Barking chappell of our Ladie | Barking Church | Barking church | Barkingchurch | Barkyng | Church of Alhallowes Barking | Church of All Hallows Barking | College of Priests | kings Chappell of Barking | Parish Church of Alhallowes Barking | Pariſh of Alhallowes Barking | pariſh of Barking Church | St. Mary Barking Church | St. Mary Barkingchurch | Tower-street Alhallowes Barking Churches
St. Mary Bethlem Bethlehem Hospital BETH1 Agas Map Be thelem | Bedlam | Bedlam Asylum | Bedleem | Bedlem | Bed’lem | Bethelem | Bethlehem | Bethlehem Hospital | Bethlem | Bethlem without Biſhopſgate | Bethleme | Church of Be thelem | Church of Bethe lem | Church of Bethelem | Church of S. Mary of Bethelem | Church of the glorious Virgin at Bethelem | hospital | Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem | Hospital of St. Mary Bethlehem | Hospitall of Bethelem | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | Hospitall of Bethlem | Hoſpitall of Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bechelem | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bethelem | Hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethlem | Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem | S. Mary Bethelem | S. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary of Bethlehem Sites
St. Mary Coneyhope St. Mary Coneyhope STMA50   Chappell of Corpus Chriſti | Chappell of Corpus Chriſti, and S. Marie | St. Mary Coneyhope Churches
St. Mary de Arcubus St. Mary le Bow (Parish) STMA147   Mary Le Bow | Marye the bowe | Pa-rish of St. Mary de Arcubus | Parish of Saint Mary de Arches | St. Mary de Arcubus | St. Mary le Bow parish Parishes
St. Mary de Barking St. Mary de Barking BARK11   Barking Chappell of our Lady | Berkyngchapel | Capella beatae Mariae de Barking | Chapel of St. Mary de Barking | Kings Chapell of Barking | Kings Chappell of Chantry | St. Mary de Barking Chapels
St. Mary Fenchurch St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 Agas Map All Hallows Fenchurch | church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | Church of St. Mary Fenchurch | Fan church | Fan-Church | Fen-Church | Fenchurch | Parish Church of S. Mary & S. Gabriel | S. Gabriel Fen church | S. Gabriel Fenchurch | S. Gabriel Fenne-Church | S. Gabriell Fenchurch | St. Gabriel Fenchurch | St. Mary Fenchurch Churches
St. Mary Graces Abbey Abbey of St. Mary Graces ABBE2 Agas Map Abbey of St. Mary Graces | Eastmin ster | Eastminster | Grace | New Abbey | new Abbey | New Abby | New Abby on Eastsmithfield | New Church Haw | newe Abbey | St. Mary Graces Abbey Churches
St. Mary Hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
St. Mary Le Bow St. Mary Le Bow STMA47 Agas Map Bow Church | Bow ſteeple | Bowe-church | Church of S. Mary Bow | S. Marie Le Bow | S. Mary Bow | St. Mary Le Bow | St. Mary le Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow | Woole church Churches
St. Mary le Bow St. Mary Le Bow STMA47 Agas Map Bow Church | Bow ſteeple | Bowe-church | Church of S. Mary Bow | S. Marie Le Bow | S. Mary Bow | St. Mary Le Bow | St. Mary le Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow | Woole church Churches
St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
St. Mary le Bow parish St. Mary le Bow (Parish) STMA147   Mary Le Bow | Marye the bowe | Pa-rish of St. Mary de Arcubus | Parish of Saint Mary de Arches | St. Mary de Arcubus | St. Mary le Bow parish Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street (Parish) STMA153   Magdelyn in olde fish stret | Maudlins by old fiſhſtreet | Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street parish Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen St. Mary Magdalene (Bermondsey) STMA55   S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey Churches
St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) STMA42   Holy Cross and St. Mary Magdalene | Saint Marie Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) | St. Mary Magdalen, Aldgate Churches
St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary at Hill STMA43   Church of S. Marie hil | Church of Saint Mary Hill | pariſh church of S. Marie | Parish Church of S. Mary | Pariſh church of S. Mary hil | S. Marie on the Hill | S. Mary Hill Church | S. Mary hill Church | St. Mary Magdalen Church Churches
St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street parish St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street (Parish) STMA153   Magdelyn in olde fish stret | Maudlins by old fiſhſtreet | Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Marie Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street parish Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen, Aldgate St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) STMA42   Holy Cross and St. Mary Magdalene | Saint Marie Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen (Aldgate) | St. Mary Magdalen, Aldgate Churches
St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey St. Mary Magdalen (Bermondsey) (Parish) STMA155   Magdalens in Barmondſey-ſtreet. | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey parish | St. Mary Magdalen’s Bermondsey Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey St. Mary Magdalene (Bermondsey) STMA55   S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey Churches
St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey parish St. Mary Magdalen (Bermondsey) (Parish) STMA155   Magdalens in Barmondſey-ſtreet. | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey parish | St. Mary Magdalen’s Bermondsey Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street St. Mary Magdalen (Milk Street) (Parish) STMA133   Magdelyn in mylke strete | Maudlins Milke-ſtreet | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street parish Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street St. Mary Magdalen (Milk Street) STMA33 Agas Map church | church of S Mary Magdalen | church of S. Mary Magdaline | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street | St. Mary Magdalen’s Church Churches
St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street parish St. Mary Magdalen (Milk Street) (Parish) STMA133   Magdelyn in mylke strete | Maudlins Milke-ſtreet | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street parish Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) STMA34 Agas Map church | church of S. Mary Magdalen | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | pariſh of S. Mary Magdalen | Pariſh of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen | Parrish Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | S. Magdalens Church | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalen | Saint Mary Magdalens | Saint Mary Magdalens by Old Fishstreet | Saint Mary Magdalens by olde Fiſhſtréete | Saint Mary Magdalens Church | Saint Mary Maudlins Church | Sant Mary Magdalens Church | St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street | St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street Churches
St. Mary Magdalen’s Bermondsey St. Mary Magdalen (Bermondsey) (Parish) STMA155   Magdalens in Barmondſey-ſtreet. | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey | St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey parish | St. Mary Magdalen’s Bermondsey Parishes
St. Mary Magdalen’s Church St. Mary Magdalen (Milk Street) STMA33 Agas Map church | church of S Mary Magdalen | church of S. Mary Magdaline | Church of Saint Mary Magdalen | Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Magdalen | St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street | St. Mary Magdalen’s Church Churches
St. Mary Matfelon St. Mary Whitechapel STMA51 Agas Map Mary Mat-fellon | S. Mary Matfellon | S. Mary Matfelon White chappell | St. Mary Matfelon | St. Mary Whitechapel | white Chaple Church | White Chappell | white Chapple church | Whitechapel Church Churches
St. Mary Mounthaunt Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Agas Map Baggardeslane | Fish street hill | Fish-street Hill | Fish-street hill | Fiſhſtreet | Fiſhſtreete | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtreete hill | Fiſhſtréet hill | fiſhſtréet hill | Old Fish Street Hill | Old Fiſh Street Hill | Old Fiſhſteet hill | Old Fiſhſtreet hill | old Fishstreete hill | old fiſhſtréet | old Fiſhſtréete hill | olde Fiſhſtréet hill | Olde Fiſhſtréete Hill | Oldefisshestretelone | S. Mary Mounthaunt | S. Mary Mounthaunt lane | Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane | St Mary Mounthaunt lane | St. Mary Mounthaunt Streets
St. Mary Mounthaw St. Mary Mounthaw STMA44   Mounthaunt | Mounthaunte | pariſh Church of S. Mary de Mounte Alto | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Monte alto | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary de Monte alto | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Monte Alto | S. Mary Mounthaunt | St. Mary Mounthaw Churches
St. Mary Mounthaw parish St. Mary Mounthaw (Parish) STMA144   Mary Mountawe | Pariſh of Saint Mary Mounthaunt | pariſh of Saint Mary Mounthaunte | St. Mary Mounthaw parish Parishes
St. Mary of Bethlehem Bethlehem Hospital BETH1 Agas Map Be thelem | Bedlam | Bedlam Asylum | Bedleem | Bedlem | Bed’lem | Bethelem | Bethlehem | Bethlehem Hospital | Bethlem | Bethlem without Biſhopſgate | Bethleme | Church of Be thelem | Church of Bethe lem | Church of Bethelem | Church of S. Mary of Bethelem | Church of the glorious Virgin at Bethelem | hospital | Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem | Hospital of St. Mary Bethlehem | Hospitall of Bethelem | Hoſpitall of Bethelem | Hospitall of Bethlem | Hoſpitall of Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bechelem | Hoſpitall of S. Mary of Bethelem | Hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethlem | Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem | S. Mary Bethelem | S. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary Bethlem | St. Mary of Bethlehem Sites
St. Mary Overie St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Mary Overies St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Mary Overies St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Mary Overie’s St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Mary Overy St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Mary Rotherhithe St. Mary Rotherhithe STMA52   St. Mary Rotherhithe Churches
St. Mary Rotherhithe parish St. Mary Rotherhithe (Parish) STMA152   Parish of St. Mary Rotherhith | St. Mary Rotherhithe parish Parishes
St. Mary Savoy St. Mary le Strand (Parish) STMA157   St. Mary Savoy Parishes
St. Mary Somerset St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
St. Mary Somerset parish St. Mary Somerset (Parish) STMA135   Mary Sommerſets | Marye somersett | Pariſh of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of Saint Mary Somerſhithe | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset parish Parishes
St. Mary Spital St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
St. Mary Spittle St. Mary Spital STMA12 Agas Map Hoſpitall of our Lady | Hoſpitall of S. Marie | Pulpit Croſſe in Spittle church yarde | Pulpit Crosſſe at the Spittle | S. Marie Spittle | S. Marie Spittle churchyarde | S. Mary | S. Mary Spit tle | S. Mary Spittle | S. Mary Spittle Church-yard | S. Mary the Spittle | Saint Ma ry Spittle | Saint Marie Spittle | Saint Mary Spittle | Spital | Spittle | Spittle church yarde | Spittle Church-yard | St. Mary Spital | St. Mary Spittle Sites
St. Mary Staining St. Mary Staining STMA36 Agas Map Parish Church of Saint Mary | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Staining | Parish Church of St. Mary Staining | parriſh Church of Saint Mary | S. Mary Staining church | S. Mary Stayning | St. Mary Staining | St. Mary Staining Church | Staining Churches
St. Mary Staining Church St. Mary Staining STMA36 Agas Map Parish Church of Saint Mary | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Staining | Parish Church of St. Mary Staining | parriſh Church of Saint Mary | S. Mary Staining church | S. Mary Stayning | St. Mary Staining | St. Mary Staining Church | Staining Churches
St. Mary Staining parish St. Mary Staining (Parish) STMA136   Mary ſtaynings | Marye stanynges | St. Mary Staining parish Parishes
St. Mary street St. Mary Street STMA40   S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary street | S. Mary ſtreet | S. Mary ſtreete | S. Mary ſtréete | Saint Mary street | St. Mary street Streets
St. Mary street St. Mary Axe Street STMA7 Agas Map S. Marie axe | S. Marie streete | S. Marie ſtreete | S. Mary Axe | saint Marie streete | Saint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Marie ſtreete | ſaint Mary ſtreet | St Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe | St. Mary Axe Street | St. Mary street Streets
St. Mary Whitechapel St. Mary Whitechapel (Parish) STMA151   Mary Whitechappel | Marye whit chappell | Parish of St. Mary Whitechapel | Parish of White Chappell | St. Mary Whitechapel | St. Mary Whitechapel parish Parishes
St. Mary Whitechapel St. Mary Whitechapel STMA51 Agas Map Mary Mat-fellon | S. Mary Matfellon | S. Mary Matfelon White chappell | St. Mary Matfelon | St. Mary Whitechapel | white Chaple Church | White Chappell | white Chapple church | Whitechapel Church Churches
St. Mary Whitechapel parish St. Mary Whitechapel (Parish) STMA151   Mary Whitechappel | Marye whit chappell | Parish of St. Mary Whitechapel | Parish of White Chappell | St. Mary Whitechapel | St. Mary Whitechapel parish Parishes
St. Mary Woolchurch St. Mary Woolchurch STMA37 Agas Map S. Mary Woll Church | S. Mary Wool church | S. Mary Woolchurch | Saint Mary Wool-Church | St. Mary Woolchurch | Wolchurch haw | Woll Church | Wool church haw | Wool-Church | Wooll church Haw Churches
St. Mary Woolchurch parish St. Mary Woolchurch (Parish) STMA137   Mary Woolchurch | Marye wolechurche | St. Mary Woolchurch parish Parishes
St. Mary Woolnoth St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
St. Mary Woolnoth parish St. Mary Woolnoth (Parish) STMA138   Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth parish Parishes
St. Mary Woolnoth’s church St. Mary Woolnoth STMA38 Agas Map chappell of S. George | Charnel | charnel | Church of S. Marie Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Wolnoth | church of S. Mary Woolnoth | Church of St. Mary Wolnoth | Mary Woolnoth | Parish Church of S. Mary VVolnoth | Parish Church of Saint Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary VVolnothes Church | S. Mary Wolnoth | S. Mary Woolnothes Church | S. Mary Woolnoths Church | Saint Mary Wolnoths Church | St. Mary Woolnoth | St. Mary Woolnoth’s church Churches
St. Mary, Abchurch St. Mary (Abchurch) STMA27 Agas Map Abchurch | Apechurch | church | Parish Church of S. Mary Abchurch | Pariſh church of S. Mary Abchurch | S. Marie Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch | S. Mary Abchurch, Apechurch | saint Marie Abchurch | St. Mary Abchurch | St. Mary, Abchurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Churches
St. Mary, Abchurch parish St. Mary (Abchurch) (Parish) STMA127   Mary Abchurch | Marye abechurche | St. Mary, Abchurch parish Parishes
St. Mary, Aldermanbury St. Mary (Aldermanbury) STMA28 Agas Map Aldermanberie church | Aldermanbury Church | Aldermanbury church | Church of S. Mary Aldermanberie | church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | our bleſſed Ladie in Aldermanberie | Parish Church of S. Mary Aldermanbury | S. Mary Aldermanburie | St. Mary Aldermanbury | St. Mary Aldermanbury Church | St. Mary, Aldermanbury Churches
St. Mary, Aldermanbury parish St. Mary (Aldermanbury) (Parish) STMA128   Mary Aldermanbury | St. Mary, Aldermanbury parish Parishes
St. Mary, Aldermary St. Mary Aldermary STMA29 Agas Map Aldemarie Church | Aldemary church | Aldermanry Church | Aldermarie Church | Aldermary Church | Aldmary church | church of Aldmary | pariſh Church of Aldermary | S. Mary Aldmary | St. Mary Aldermary | St. Mary Aldermary Church | St. Mary, Aldermary Churches
St. Mary, Aldermary parish St. Mary (Aldermary) (Parish) STMA129   Mary Aldermary | Marye aldarmarye | St. Mary, Aldermary parish Parishes
St. Mary, Bothaw St. Mary Bothaw STMA30 Agas Map Boat haw | Boatehaw | Boathaw | Church of S. Marie Bothawe | church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of S. Mary Bothaw | Church of Saint Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothaw | S. Mary Bothhaw | St. Mary, Bothaw Churches
St. Mary, Bothaw parish St. Mary (Bothaw) (Parish) STMA130   Mary Bothawe | St. Mary, Bothaw parish Parishes
St. Mary, Colechurch St. Mary Colechurch STMA48   church of S, Mary Colechurch | Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | church of S. Mary Colechurch | Cole church | Coleman church | Parish Church of S. Mary Cole-Church | S. Mary Colchurch | S. Mary Cole Church | St. Mary, Colechurch Churches
St. Mary, Colechurch parish St. Mary (Colechurch) (Parish) STMA148   Colechurch Parish | Mary Cole-Church | Marye colechurche | parish of St. Mary, Colechurch | St. Mary, Colechurch parish Parishes
St. Mary, Lambeth St. Mary (Lambeth) STMA32 Agas Map St. Mary, Lambeth Churches
St. Mary, Lambeth parish St. Mary (Lambeth) (Parish) STMA132   St. Mary, Lambeth parish Parishes
St. Mary-at-Hill St. Mary at Hill Street STMA13 Agas Map S. Marie hil | S. Marie hill | S. Marie Hill | S. Marie hill lane | S. Mary hil lane | S. Mary Hill lane | S. Mary hill lane | ſaint Marie Hil lane | ſaint Marie hill lane | Saint Mary Hill | Saint Mary Hill Lane | St. Mary at Hill | St. Mary at Hill Street | St. Mary Hill | St. Mary-at-Hill Streets
St. Mary-At-Hill St. Mary-At-Hill (Parish) STMA149   Mary at the hill | Marye at hyll | parish of St. Mary-at-Hill | St. Mary atte Hille | St. Mary-At-Hill | St. Mary-At-Hill parish Parishes
St. Mary-At-Hill St. Mary-At-Hill STMA49   St. Mary-At-Hill Churches
St. Mary-At-Hill parish St. Mary-At-Hill (Parish) STMA149   Mary at the hill | Marye at hyll | parish of St. Mary-at-Hill | St. Mary atte Hille | St. Mary-At-Hill | St. Mary-At-Hill parish Parishes
St. Mary-Le-Bow St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
St. Mary-Le-Bow St. Mary Le Bow STMA47 Agas Map Bow Church | Bow ſteeple | Bowe-church | Church of S. Mary Bow | S. Marie Le Bow | S. Mary Bow | St. Mary Le Bow | St. Mary le Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow | Woole church Churches
St. Mary-le-Bow St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard STMA15 Agas Map Bow | Bow Bell | Bow Church | Bow church | Bow Church-yard | Bow Churchyard | Bow churchyarde | Bow steeple | Bow-bell | Bowe church | Bowe Church | church of S. Mary | church of S. Mary Bow | church of S. Mary Bowe | Church of Saint Mary | Church of Saint Mary Bow | church of St. Mary-le-Bow | de Arcubus | le Bow | Mary Church, of Saint Mary de Arcubus, or le Bow, in West Cheaping | New Mary Church | Parish Church of S. Mary Bow | Pariſh church of S. Mary Bowe | Parish Church of Saint Mary Bow | pariſh of S. Mary de Arches | Parish of Saint Mary de Arcubus | S. Mary Bow | S. Mary Bow in West Cheaping | S. Mary Bowe | S. Mary de Arcubus | Saint Marie Bow church | Saint Mary Bow | Saint Mary Bow Church | Saint Mary Bow church | St. Mary Le Bow Churchyard | St. Mary-Le-Bow | St. Mary-le-Bow | St. Mary-Le-Bow Churchyard Churches
St. Matthew, Friday Street St. Matthew (Friday Street) STMA39 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Matthew | Pariſh church of S. Matthew | S. Mathew | S. Mathewes Church | S. Matthewes church | ſaint Mathewes Church | Saint Matthewes Church | Saint Matthews Church | St. Matthew, Friday Street Churches
St. Matthew, Friday Street parish St. Matthew (Friday Street) (Parish) STMA139   Mathew Friday-ſtreet | Mathewe in frydaye stret | St. Matthew, Friday Street parish Parishes
St. Michael St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
St. Michael St. Michael (Aldgate) STMI11   Chappell of Saint Michael | S. Michael | St. Michael | St. Michael, Aldgate | St. Mildred (Poultry) Churches
St. Michael St. Michael Parish STMI111   S. Michael | St. Michael Parishes
St. Michael at Bassings Hall St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
St. Michael at Corn St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
St. Michael Bassishaw St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
St. Michael Bassishaw parish St. Michael Bassishaw (Parish) STMI103   Mighels Baſſieſhaw | Mychaell at bassinges halle | Parish of S. Michael | Parish of S. Michael Bassinghanghe | parish of St. Michael Bassishaw | S. Michael Bassings Hall | S. Michaels Parish | St. Michael Bassishaw parish Parishes
St. Michael Church, Woodstreet St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
St. Michael Le Querne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
St. Michael le Querne St. Michael le Querne STMI6 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæll Ad Bladum | Church of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the Corne | Parish Church of S. Michael ad bladum | S. Michael at corne | S. Michael in the Corne | S. Mihell in the Querne | Saint Michael in the Querne | Saint Michæll ad Bladum | Saint Mihel at Corne | Saint Mihell at Corne | St. Michael Le Querne | St. Michael le Querne Churches
St. Michael Le Querne parish St. Michael Le Querne (Parish) STMI106   Mighels in the Querne | Mychaell querne | St. Michael Le Querne parish Parishes
St. Michael Paternoster Royal St. Michael Paternoster Royal STMI7 Agas Map church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæls pater noſter | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Miihael de Pater noſter | pariſh of S. Michæll de pater noſter | Pater noster Church | Pater noſter church in the Royal | Pater noster Church in the Royall | S. Michæl Pater noſter in the Royall | S. Michæls church | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael Paternoster Royal Churches
St. Michael Paternoster Royal parish St. Michael Paternoster Royal (Parish) STMI107   Migels in the Riall | Mychaell in the Ryalle | Parish of S. Michael de Pater noster | parish of S. Michael de Pater noster Church | Pariſh of S. Michaell de Pater noſter | Parish of Saint Michael Pater noster Church | St. Michael Paternoster Royal parish Parishes
St. Michael Queenhithe St. Michael (Queenhithe) (Parish) STMI108   Mighels Queene-hith | Mychaell at quen hive | St. Michael Queenhithe | St. Michael, Queenhithe parish Parishes
St. Michael, Aldgate St. Michael (Aldgate) STMI11   Chappell of Saint Michael | S. Michael | St. Michael | St. Michael, Aldgate | St. Mildred (Poultry) Churches
St. Michael, Cornhill St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
St. Michael, Cornhill parish St. Michael, Cornhill (Parish) STMI104 Agas Map Mighelsin Corne-hill | Mychaell in cornehill | pariſh of S. Michael | Parish of Saint Michael | St. Michael, Cornhill parish Parishes
St. Michael, Crooked Lane St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
St. Michael, Crooked Lane parish St. Michael, Crooked Lane (Parish) STMI105   Mighels in Crooked Lane | Mychaell in croked Lane | St. Michael, Crooked Lane parish Parishes
St. Michael, Queenhithe St. Michael (Queenhithe) STMI8 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Michael | Pariſh Church of S. Michæl | Parriſh church of S. Michæll | S Michael at Quéenehith | St. Michael, Queenhithe Churches
St. Michael, Queenhithe parish St. Michael (Queenhithe) (Parish) STMI108   Mighels Queene-hith | Mychaell at quen hive | St. Michael Queenhithe | St. Michael, Queenhithe parish Parishes
St. Michael, Wood Street St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
St. Michael, Wood Street parish St. Michael (Wood Street) (Parish) STMI101   Mighels in Woodſtreet | Mychaell in wode strete | St. Michael, Wood Street parish Parishes
St. Michaels Church St. Michael (Crooked Lane) STMI5 Agas Map Church of S. Michael | church of S. Michæl | church of S. Michæll | church of this S. Michæls | Colledge houſe in crooked lane | Colledge in Crooked lane | Colledgehouse in Crookedlane | Parish Church of S. Michael | Pariſh church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of Saint Michael | Pariſh church of Saint Michaell | Parish Church of this S. Michaels | S. Michael in crooked lane | S. Michaell | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels Crooked lane | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls Crooked lane | Saint Michael | Saint Michael upon Cornehill | Saint Michaels Church | St. Michael, Crooked Lane | St. Michaels Church Churches
St. Michael’s St. Michael (Cornhill) STMI4 Agas Map church of S, Michaell | Parish Church of S. Michael on Cornhill | pariſh church of S. Michael Tharchangel | Parish Church of S. Michael the Archangell | parish of St. Michael, Cornhill | S. Michael | S. Michael church yarde | S. Michael in Cornehill | S. Michæl Crooked lane | S. Michæll vpon Cornhill | Saint Michaels in Cornehill | St. Michael at Corn | St. Michael, Cornhill | St. Michael’s Churches
St. Michael’s Church St. Michael (Wood Street) STMI1 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Michael in Woodstreet | Parish Church of Saint Michael in Woodstreet | Parish of Saint Michael Woodstreet | S. Michael church | S. Michaels Church | S. Michaels church | S. Michaels Church in Woodstreet | S. Michaels Parish | S. Michæl | S. Michæls church | S. Michæls pariſh | Saint Michaels Church | ſaint Michaels Church | Saint Michæls church | St Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael | St. Michael Church, Woodstreet | St. Michael, Wood Street | St. Michael’s Church Churches
St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow St. Michael Bassishaw STMI3 Agas Map Church at Baſſinges hal | Church at Bassings Hall | church of S. Michæl | Parish Church of S. Michael | pariſh church of S. Michæll | Parish Church of Saint Michael | pariſh of S. Michæll | Parish of St. Michael of Bassings Haugh | S. Michael | S. Michæl at Baſſings Hall | S. Michæll at Baſſinges hall | S. Michæll of Baſſings haugh | St. Michael at Bassings Hall | St. Michael Bassishaw | St. Michael’s Church, Bassishow Churches
St. Michael’s Lane St. Michael’s Lane STMI2 Agas Map S, Michaels lane | S. Michaels lane | S. Michæls lane | Saint Michaels Lane | Saint Michaels lane | St. Michael’s Lane Streets
St. Mildred (Poultry) St. Michael (Aldgate) STMI11   Chappell of Saint Michael | S. Michael | St. Michael | St. Michael, Aldgate | St. Mildred (Poultry) Churches
St. Mildred, Bread Street St. Mildred (Bread Street) STMI9 Agas Map church of S. Mildred in Bredſtreet | church of Saint Mildred | Pariſh Church of S. Mildred in Breadſtreet | Pariſh Church of St. Mildred the Virgin | S. Mildred | S. Mildred in Bredſtreete | S. Mildreds | S.Mildred | St. Mildred, Bread Street Churches
St. Mildred, Bread Street parish St. Mildred (Bread Street) (Parish) STMI109   Mildreds in Bredſtreet | Myldred in bred stret | Pariſh of Saint Mildred in Breadſtreet | Parish of Saint Mildred in Breadstreet | Pariſh of Saint Mildred in Bredſtréete | St. Mildred, Bread Street parish Parishes
St. Mildred, Poultry St. Mary Rounceval STMA11 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounceual | Hoſpitall of S. Marie Rounciuall | Our Lady of Rounciuall | Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounciuall | S. Mary Rounſiuall | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
St. Mildred, Poultry St. Mildred (Poultry) STMI10 Agas Map [U]nder St. Mildred’s Church | church of S. Mildred | pariſh church of S. Mildred | Parish Church of Saint Mildred | Parish Church of St. Mildred (Poultry) | pariſh of S. Mildrede | Parsonage house and Church of Saint Mildred | S. Mildred in the Poultrie | S. Mildrede | S. Mildredes church | S. Mildredes Church | S. Mildreds Church | S. Mildreds church in the Poultrie | Saint Mildred church | Saint Mildred in the Poultry the Virgin | St. Mildred, Poultry Churches
St. Mildred, Poultry parish St. Mildred (Poultry) (Parish) STMI110   Mildreds in the Poultry | Mychaell in the powltrie | Parish of Saint Mildred | parish of St. Mildred, Poultry | St. Mildred, Poultry parish Parishes
St. Nicholas St. Nicholas NICH3 Agas Map Chappell of S. Nicholas | Church of Saint Nicholas | Parish Church of S. Nicholas | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas | S. Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas in the Shambels | Saint Nicholas in the Shambles | St. Nicholas | St. Nicholas Church Churches
St. Nicholas Acon St. Nicholas Acon STNI4 Agas Map church of S. Nicholas Acon | church of S. Nicholas Hacon | Hacon | Parish Church of S. Nicholas Aacon | parish Church of Saint Nicholas Acon | S. Nicholas church | S. Nicholas Hacon | S. Nicolas Acon | St. Nicholas Acon | ST. Nicholas Acon Churches
ST. Nicholas Acon St. Nicholas Acon STNI4 Agas Map church of S. Nicholas Acon | church of S. Nicholas Hacon | Hacon | Parish Church of S. Nicholas Aacon | parish Church of Saint Nicholas Acon | S. Nicholas church | S. Nicholas Hacon | S. Nicolas Acon | St. Nicholas Acon | ST. Nicholas Acon Churches
St. Nicholas Acon parish St. Nicholas Acon (Parish) STNI104   Nicholas Acons | Nycholas Aconne | St. Nicholas Acon parish Parishes
St. Nicholas Church St. Nicholas NICH3 Agas Map Chappell of S. Nicholas | Church of Saint Nicholas | Parish Church of S. Nicholas | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas | S. Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas in the Shambels | Saint Nicholas in the Shambles | St. Nicholas | St. Nicholas Church Churches
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey parish St. Nicholas Cole Abbey (Parish) STNI102   Nicholas Col-Abbay | Nycholas golden abbie | S. Nicholas Colde Abbay | S. Nicholas Colde Abby | Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey parish Parishes
St. Nicholas Lane Nicholas Lane STNI1 Agas Map Nicholas Lane | S. Nicholas lane | Saint Nicholas Lane | Saint Nicholas lane | St. Nicholas Lane Streets
St. Nicholas Olave St. Nicholas Olave STNI3 Agas Map Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Olave | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | pariſh church of S. Nicholas Oliue | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Olave | S. Nicholas Olaue | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | St. Nicholas Olave Churches
St. Nicholas Olave parish St. Nicholas Olave (Parish) STNI103   Nicholas Olaues | Nycholas ollyve | Pariſh of S. Nicholas | Parish of S. Olave | St. Nicholas Olave parish Parishes
St. Nicholas Shambles St. Nicholas Shambles SHAM1 Agas Map Mount Godard ſtreet | S. Nicholas Shambles | S. Nicholas ſhambles | ſaint Nicholas ſambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Streets
St. Nicholas Shambles Market St. Nicholas Shambles Market STNI5   fleſh market | Flesh-market | S. Nicholas Shambles | Saint Nicholas Shambles | Shambels | Shambles | ſhambles | St. Nicholas Shambles Market Markets
St. Nich’las Cole Abbey St. Nicholas Cole Abbey STNI2 Agas Map Cold Abbey | Cold Bey | Colde Abbey | Colden Abbey | Golden Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Pariſh Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey | Pariſh church of S. Nicholas Colde Abey | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas | Pariſh Church of Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey | S. Nicholas Church | S. Nicholas Cold Abbey | Saint Nicholas Church | Saint Nicholas church | St. Nicholas Cole Abbey | St. Nich’las Cole Abbey Churches
St. Olave St. Olave Southwark (Parish) STOL101   Olaues in Southwarke | Olyve in sowthewarke | Parish of St. Olave | St. Olave | St. Olave Southwark parish Parishes
St. Olave St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
St. Olave (Silver Street) St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
St. Olave (Southwark) St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
St. Olave Hart Street St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
St. Olave Southwark St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
St. Olave Southwark parish St. Olave Southwark (Parish) STOL101   Olaues in Southwarke | Olyve in sowthewarke | Parish of St. Olave | St. Olave | St. Olave Southwark parish Parishes
St. Olave, Hart Street St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
St. Olave, Hart Street parish St. Olave (Hart Street) (Parish) STOL102   Olaues in Hartſtreet | Olyve in harte stret | Parish of S. Olave in Hare-street | St. Olave, Hart Street parish Parishes
St. Olave, Old Jewry St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
St. Olave, Old Jewry parish St. Olave (Old Jewry) (Parish) STOL103   Olaues in the Iury | Old Iewry, of Saint Olaves Parish | Olyve in the Iwrye | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of S. Olave in the Iewry | pariſh of S. Olaue in the Iurie | Parish of S. Olave | parish of Saint Olave in the Iury | Parishes of S. Olave | S. Olaues | St. Olave, Old Jewry parish Parishes
St. Olave, Silver Street St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
St. Olave, Silver Street parish St. Olave (Silver Street) (Parish) STOL104   Olaues in Siluerſtreet | Olyve in Sylvar stret | Parish of S. Olave | St. Olave, Silver Street parish Parishes
St. Olave, Southwark St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
St. Olaves Church St. Olave (Silver Street) STOL4 Agas Map Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street | Church of St Olave Monkwell Street | pariſh Church of S. Olaue | Parish Church of S. Olave | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Oliues church | Saint Olaves Church | St Olave, Silver Street | St. Olave (Silver Street) | St. Olave, Silver Street | St. Olaves Church Churches
St. Olaves in the Iewry St. Olave (Old Jewry) STOL3 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in the Iury. | Church of Saint Olaue in the Iury | old Iurie, of S. Olaues pariſh | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell | Parish Church of S. Olave Vpwell in the Iewrie | S. Olaue in the olde Iury | S. Olaues | S. Olave | S. Olaves | Saint Olaues | Saint Olave Vpwell, in the Iewry | Saint Olaves | St Streets Church | St. Olave, Old Jewry | St. Olaves in the Iewry Churches
St. Olave’s St. Olave (Hart Street) STOL2 Agas Map Church of S. Olaue | church of S. Olaue in Hartſtreet | Church of Saint Olaue | Church of St Olaf towards the Tower | Church of St Olave towards the Tower | Parish Church of S. Olave in Hart-street | Parish Church of Saint Olave | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaves | S. Olaves Church | S. Olaves Hartstreet | St. Olave | St. Olave Hart Street | St. Olave, Hart Street | St. Olave’s Churches
St. Olave’s Church St. Olave (Southwark) STOL1 Agas Map church of Saint Olaue | Church of Saint Olaue | pariſh church | S. Nicholas Olaues | S. Olaue | S. Olaues Church | S. Olaues ſtreet | S. Oliues church | S. Tovolles | Saint Olaues Church | Saint Olaves | St. Olave (Southwark) | St. Olave Southwark | St. Olave, Southwark | St. Olave’s Church Churches
St. Pancras St. Pancras (Soper Lane) STPA5 Agas Map church of S. pancrate | church of Saint Pancrate | Parish Chruch of S. Pancrate | Parish Church of Saint Pancrate | S. Pancrate | S. Pancrates church | St. Pancras | St. Pancras, Soper Lane | St. Pancrates Church Churches
St. Pancras, Soper Lane St. Pancras (Soper Lane) STPA5 Agas Map church of S. pancrate | church of Saint Pancrate | Parish Chruch of S. Pancrate | Parish Church of Saint Pancrate | S. Pancrate | S. Pancrates church | St. Pancras | St. Pancras, Soper Lane | St. Pancrates Church Churches
St. Pancras, Soper Lane parish St. Pancras (Soper Lane) (Parish) STPA105   Pancras by Soper-Lane | pancras parryshe | St. Pancras, Soper Lane parish Parishes
St. Pancrates Church St. Pancras (Soper Lane) STPA5 Agas Map church of S. pancrate | church of Saint Pancrate | Parish Chruch of S. Pancrate | Parish Church of Saint Pancrate | S. Pancrate | S. Pancrates church | St. Pancras | St. Pancras, Soper Lane | St. Pancrates Church Churches
St. Pancreese Lane St. Pancras Lane STPA1 Agas Map Nedelers lane | Needelars lane | Needlers lane | Needlers Lane | Pancras Lane | Penerich ſtreete | Peneritch street | Peneritch streete | Peneritch ſtreete | St. Pancreese Lane Streets
St. Paul Shadwell St. Paul’s (Shadwell) (Parish) STPA1014   St. Paul Shadwell Parishes
St. Paules St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Pauls Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paulʼs St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
St. Paul’s St. Paul’s School STPA4 Agas Map Paules | Paules ſchoole | Paules ſcole | Pauliae Scholae | Pauls Schoole | Paul’s School | Powles ſchoole | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s School | St. Paul’s school Sites
St. Paul’s Cathedal St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s Catherdral St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s Charnel House St. Paul’s Charnel House STPA13   Charnel houſe with a Chapel | Charnell houſe | charnell houſe of Paules | Charnell house of Pauls | St. Paul’s Charnel House Sites
St. Paul’s Church St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Paul’s Churchyard St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
St. Paul’s churchyard St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yarde | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | Churchyard | churchyard | Churchyarde | churchyeard of ſaint Paules | Paules | Paules Church yard | Paules church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls churchyard | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Pawles Church yarde | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles church yarde | Powles Church-yard | Powles churchyard | Powles churchyarde | Powles churchyearde | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
St. Paul’s Cloister St. Paul’s Cloister STPA9   Cloyster of Pauls Church | Cloyſter of Pauls church | Great Cloyſtry of Pauls | Librarie of Pauls | St. Paul’s Cloister Sites
St. Paul’s Cross St. Paul’s Cross STPA6 Agas Map Paules Croſſe | Paules croſſe | Paules Crosse | Pauls Crosse | Pauls Croſſe | Pauls steeple | Paul’s Cross | Pulpit Crosse | Pulpit Croſſe | Pulpit-crosse | Pulpit-Crosse | Saint Pauls Croſſe. | St. Paul’s Cross Sites
St. Paul’s School St. Paul’s School STPA4 Agas Map Paules | Paules ſchoole | Paules ſcole | Pauliae Scholae | Pauls Schoole | Paul’s School | Powles ſchoole | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s School | St. Paul’s school Sites
St. Paul’s school St. Paul’s School STPA4 Agas Map Paules | Paules ſchoole | Paules ſcole | Pauliae Scholae | Pauls Schoole | Paul’s School | Powles ſchoole | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s School | St. Paul’s school Sites
St. Paul’s Theatre St. Paul’s Theatre STPA8   St. Paul’s Theatre Playhouses
St. Paul’s Wharf Paul’s Wharf PAUL2 Agas Map at, by Paul’s Wharf | Paules wharfe | Paules Wharfe | Pauls VVharfe | Pauls Wharfe | Pauls wharfe | Paul’s Pier Wharf | Paul’s Stairs | Paul’s Wharf | Poles Wharfe | Powles Wharfe | Powles wharfe | Powles Wharffe | Powles wharffe | St. Paul’s Wharf Riverside Features
St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd St. Paul’s Cathedral STPA2 Agas Map Cathedral Church of S. Paul | Cathedral Church of Saint Paul | Cathedral of St. Paul | Cathedral Temple of Saint Paule | Cathedrali D. Pauli | Cathedrall Church | Cathedrall church of Paules | Cathedrall Church of Pauls | Cathedrall Church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paule | Cathedrall church of S. Paule | cathedrall Church of S. Paules | Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule | Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls | Cathedrall Curch of S. Paul | Chapel at the North dore of Pauls | Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen | Chapel of the holy Ghoſt in Pauls church | chapell of the bleſſed Uirgin Mary | chapell of the Trinitie | Chappell at the North doore of Pauls | Chappell at the North dore of Pauls | Chappell of Iesus | Chappell of Jesus | Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen | Chappell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church | Chappels of St. George | Church of bleſſed Paule | Church of Pauls | church of Powles | Church of S. Paul | church of S. Paul | Church of S. Paule | church of S. Paule | Church of Saint Paul | church of Saint Paul | Church of Saint Paule | church or Semitorie of Saint Paule | Holmes Colledge | Holmes his Colledge | Ieſus chapell | Ieſus Chapell | Iesus chappell | Iesus Chappell | lady chapel | Lady Chapel | Lady chapel | Lady chaple | Lady chappell | Old Paul’s | our Ladie Chappell | our Lady chapel | our Lady chapell | our Lady Chappell | Paul | Paules | Paules Church | Paules church | Paules Church-yard | Paules gate | Paules Steeple | Paulles | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls church | Pauls ſteeple | Pauls Steeple | Pauls ſteeple and Church | Paul’s | Paul’s Church | Paul’s Steeple | Paul’s steeple | PAVLES | Pawles | Pontes church | Poules | poules ſteeple | Powles | Powles church | Powles Church | Powles ſteeple | Powllys chirch | Powls | Quire of Paules | Quire of Pauls | S. Dunstanes Chappell | S. Erkenwalds ſhrine | S. Erkenwals ſhrine | S. Georges chapell | S. Georges Chappel | S. Georges chappel | S. Georges Chappell | S. Iohns Chappell | S. Paul | S. Paule | S. Paules | S. Paules Church | S. Pauli | S. Pauls | S. Pauls Church | S. Pauls church | S. Pawles Church | Saint Dunslanes | Saint Georges chapell | Saint Paul | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | Saint Paules church | Saint Pauls | Saint Pauls Chappell | Saint Pauls Church | Saint Pauls church | Saint Paul’s | St Paules Church | St Paul’s Church | St. Paules | St. Pauls Cathedral | St. Paulʼs | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Cathedal | St. Paul’s Cathedral | St. Paul’s cathedral | St. Paul’s Catherdral | St. Paul’s Church | St. Paul’s] chyrche-yerd | West Door Churches
St. Peter St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter College Rents St. Peter’s College Rents STPE8 Agas Map St. Peter College Rents | St. Peter’s College | St. Peter’s College Rents Sites
St. Peter Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter le Poor St. Peter le Poor STPE4 Agas Map Parish Church of S. Peter the poore | Parish Church of Saint Peter the poore | S. Peter the Poore | S. Peters church | S. Peters Poore | Saint Peters Church | St. Peter le Poor Churches
St. Peter le Poor parish St. Peter le Poor (Parish) STPE104   Parish of Saint Peter the poore | Peters the poore | Pettar the porre | St. Peter le Poor parish Parishes
St. Peter upon Cornehill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter upon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter Upon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter upon Cornhill parish St. Peter upon Cornhill (Parish) STPE103   Peters in Corne hill | Pettar at cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill parish Parishes
St. Peter Westcheap St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) STPE5 Agas Map Pariſh church of S. Peter | Pariſh church of S. Peter Parua | Pariſh Church of S. Peter Parva | Pariſh Church of St. Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church | Saint Peter | Saint Peters Church | Saint Peters church | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf Churches
St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf parish St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) (Parish) STPE105   Peters at Pauleswharfe | Pettar at powels wharfe | Saint Peter | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf parish | St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf Parishes
St. Peter, Westcheap St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
St. Peter, Westcheap parish St. Peter (Westcheap) (Parish) STPE106   Peters in Cheape | Pettar in chepe | St. Peter, Westcheap parish Parishes
St. Peters Hill St. Peter’s Hill STPE1 Agas Map Peter Hill | Peter hill | Peter Hill Lane | Peter hill lane | Peters Hill | Peters Hilllane | Peter’s Hill | Saint Peters hill | Saint Peters Hill | St. Peters Hill | St. Peter’s Hill Streets
St. Peters upon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter’s St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street St. Peter, Westcheap STPE6 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter in Cheape | Parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Peter | S. Peters | S. Peters Church at Woodstreet end | S. Peters in Cheape | Saint Peters Church in Cheape | St Peter West Cheap | St. Peter Westcheap | St. Peter, Westcheap | St. Peter’s | St. Peter’s Church, Wood Street Churches
St. Peter’s College St. Peter’s College Rents STPE8 Agas Map St. Peter College Rents | St. Peter’s College | St. Peter’s College Rents Sites
St. Peter’s College Rents St. Peter’s College Rents STPE8 Agas Map St. Peter College Rents | St. Peter’s College | St. Peter’s College Rents Sites
St. Peter’s Hill St. Peter’s Hill STPE1 Agas Map Peter Hill | Peter hill | Peter Hill Lane | Peter hill lane | Peters Hill | Peters Hilllane | Peter’s Hill | Saint Peters hill | Saint Peters Hill | St. Peters Hill | St. Peter’s Hill Streets
St. Peter’s upon Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill STPE3 Agas Map church of S. Peter | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Church of Saint Peter upon Cornhill | Horse Mill | Horse-mill | Horſemill | Parish Church of S. Peter upon Cornhill | Parish Church of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Parish of Saint Peter | Parish of Saint Peter upon Cornehill | Peter’s chyrch apon Cornhyl | S, Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peter on Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornehill | S. Peter vpon Cornhill | S. Peter vpō Cornhil | S. Peters Church | S. Peters Church on Cornehill | S. Peters in Cornehill | S. Peters upon Cornhill | S. Peters vpon Cornhill | S. Peters. vpon Cornehill | Saint Peter | Saint Peter vppon Cornhill | Saint Peters | Saint Peters Church upon Cornehill | Saint Peters upon Cornehill | Sent Peter apon Cornhyl | Sent Peter’s apon Cornhyl | St. Peter | St. Peter Cornhill | St. Peter upon Cornehill | St. Peter upon Cornhill | St. Peter Upon Cornhill | St. Peters upon Cornhill | St. Peter’s upon Cornhill Churches
St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf St. Peter (Paul’s Wharf) (Parish) STPE105   Peters at Pauleswharfe | Pettar at powels wharfe | Saint Peter | St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf parish | St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf Parishes
St. Savior’s parish St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Saviour St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Saviour (Southwark) St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Saviour Parish St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Saviour, Southwark St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Saviour, Southwark parish St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Saviour’s St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Saviour’s church St. Saviour (Southwark) STSA1 Agas Map church of our Ladie of the Canons | Church of S. Mary Ouery | Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark | church of St. Mary Overs | church of St. Saviour | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour at Barmondſey in Southwark | Monaſterie of S. Sauiour called Bermondſey | Monastery of S. Saviors of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke | Ouerie | Our Lady of the Canons Church | pariſh of S. Sauiour | Parish of Saint Saviors | Priorie of S. Marie Ouery | Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie | Priorie of S. Mary Ouery | Priory of S. Mary Overy | Priory of Saint Mary Overy | Pryorie, or Abbey, of Saint Sauior | S. Marie Oueries | S. Marie Oueries church | S. Marie Ouery | S. Mary Magdalen | S. Mary Oueries | S. Mary Ouers cloſe | S. Mary Ouers Cloſe | S. Mary Owber | S. Sauiors | S. Sauiour | Saint Mary Ouery | Saint Mary Overies | Saint Mary Overy | Saint Mary Overy’s | Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye | St. Marie Ouer’s | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overie’s | St. Saviour | St. Saviour (Southwark) | St. Saviour, Southwark | St. Saviour’s | St. Saviour’s church Churches
St. Saviour’s Southwark St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) STSA101   Church of St. Saviour | parish of St. Savior | parish of St. Saviour | parish of St. Saviour, Southwark | S. Sauiors in Southwarke | Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke | Saint Saueries in South-warke | Sauiours in Southwarke | Saviors in sowthwarke | St. Mary Overie | St. Mary Overies | St. Mary Overy | St. Savior’s parish | St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) | St. Saviour Parish | St. Saviour, Southwark parish | St. Saviour’s Southwark Parishes
St. Sepulchre St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
St. Sepulchre parish St. Sepulchre (Parish) STSE102   Parish of S. Sepulchre | Pariſh of S. Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulchre | Parish of St. Sepulcher’s | Sepulchers pariſh | Sepulkars parryshe | St. Sepulchre parish Parishes
St. Sepulchre’s Church St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
St. Stephen Walbrook St. Stephen Walbrook STST1 Agas Map Chappell of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | church of S. Stephen by Walbrook | pariſh church of S. Stephen vppon Walbrooke | Parriſh of S, Stephen | Parſonage houſe | S. Stephen by Walbrooke | S. Stephen vppon walbrooke | St. Stephen Walbrook Churches
St. Stephen Walbrook St. Stephen Walbrook (Parish) STST101   St. Stephen Walbrook | St. Stephen Walbrook parish | Steuens in the Walbroke | Stevens in walbroke Parishes
St. Stephen Walbrook parish St. Stephen Walbrook (Parish) STST101   St. Stephen Walbrook | St. Stephen Walbrook parish | Steuens in the Walbroke | Stevens in walbroke Parishes
St. Stephen, Coleman Street St. Stephen (Coleman Street) STST2 Agas Map Chappell annexed of S. Stephen | Church of S. Stephen | Parish Church of S. Stephen | Pariſh church of S. Stephen | parish of S. Stephen in Coleman-street | S. Stephen | S. Stephen in Colemanſtréet | S. Stephens in Colemans ſtréete | Saint Stephen | Saint Stephens Church | Saint Stephens church | St. Stephen, Coleman Street Churches
St. Stephen, Coleman Street parish St. Stephen (Coleman Street) (Parish) STST102   Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | St. Stephen, Coleman Street parish | Steuens in Colmanſtreet | Stevens in coleman stret Parishes
St. Swithin by London Stone St. Swithin (London Stone) STSW2 Agas Map church of S. Swithen | church of S.Swithen | Church of St. Swithen by London-ſtone | Parish Church of S. Swithen | S. Swithen | S. Swithen by London ſtone | S. Swithens | St. Swithin by London Stone | St. Swithin, London Stone Churches
St. Swithin, London Stone St. Swithin (London Stone) STSW2 Agas Map church of S. Swithen | church of S.Swithen | Church of St. Swithen by London-ſtone | Parish Church of S. Swithen | S. Swithen | S. Swithen by London ſtone | S. Swithens | St. Swithin by London Stone | St. Swithin, London Stone Churches
St. Swithin, London Stone parish St. Swithin (London Stone) (Parish) STSW102   St. Swithin, London Stone parish | Swethens parryshe | Swithins at London-ſtone Parishes
St. Swithins Lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
St. Swithin’s St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
St. Swithin’s Church St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
St. Swithun’s Lane St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens Lane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
St. Sythes Lane St. Sythes Lane STSY1 Agas Map S. Sithes lane | S. Sithis lane | S. Sythes lane | Saint Sithes lane | Saint Sythes lane | St. Sythes Lane Streets
St. Thomas St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
St. Thomas Apostle St. Thomas Apostle STTH3 Agas Map church of S. Thomas Thapoſtle | church of S. Thomas the Apoſtle | Parish Church of S. Thomas the Apostle | Parish Church of Saint Thomas Apostles | Parish of St. Thomas Apostles | S. Thomas Apoſtles | S. Thomas Apoſtles church | S. Thomas church the Apoſtle | Saint Thomas Apostles Church | Saint Thomas Church the Apostle | St. Thomas Apostle Churches
St. Thomas Apostle parish St. Thomas Apostle (Parish) STTH103   St. Thomas Apostle parish | Thomas Apoſtles | Thomas theappostle Parishes
St. Thomas Apoſtles Great St. Thomas Apostles GREA2 Agas Map great Conduit | Great St. Thomas Apostle | St. Thomas Apoſtles Streets
St. Thomas in the Hospital St. Thomas Southwark (Parish) STTH104   St. Thomas in the Hospital | St. Thomas Southwark parish | Thomas in Southwarke Parishes
St. Thomas Southwark St. Thomas Southwark STTH4   S. Thomas | S. Thomas the Hoſpitall | Saint Thomas the Apostle | St. Thomas Southwark Churches
St. Thomas Southwark parish St. Thomas Southwark (Parish) STTH104   St. Thomas in the Hospital | St. Thomas Southwark parish | Thomas in Southwarke Parishes
St. Thomas’ Hosital St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
St. Thomas’ Hospital St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
St. Thomas’s St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
St. Thomas’s Hospital St. Thomas’ Hospital STTH1 Agas Map Hoſpitall of S. Thomas | Hospitall of S. Thomas | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acon | Hoſpitall of S. Thomas of Acons | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas | Hoſpitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitall of St. Thomas in Southwarke | Hoſpitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke | Hospitals of Saint Thomas | Kings Hoſpitall | Kings Hospitall in Southwark | kings Hospitall in Southwarke | Kings Hoſpitall in Southwarke | S. Thom | S. Thomas | S. Thomas a pariſh church | S. Thomas Acons Hoſpitall | S. Thomas Hospitall | S. Thomas Hoſpitall | S. Thomas in the Hoſpitall | S. Thomas of Acars | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas Hospitall | Saint Thomas of Acres | St. Thomas | St. Thomas’ Hosital | St. Thomas’ Hospital | St. Thomas’s | St. Thomas’s Hospital Sites
St. Vedast Foster St. Vedast STVE1 Agas Map Church of St. Vedast | S. Fauſter | S. Foſters church | Saint Fauſters Church | Saint Fosters Church | Saint Foſters Church | St. Vedast Foster Churches
St. Vedast Foster parish St. Vedast Foster (Parish) STVE101   ffostars perryshe | Foſters Pariſh | St. Vedast Foster parish Parishes
St. ’Pulchre’s St. Sepulchre STSE2 Agas Map Church of S. Sepulchers | church of Saint Sepulchre | pariſh of S. Sepulcher | pariſh of S. Sepulchers | Pariſh of Saint Sepulchers | Parish of Saint Sepulchres | Pulchre’s Church | S. Sepulcher | S. Sepulchers Church | Saint ſepulchers Church | Saint Sepulchres Church | Saint Sepulchres church | St. Sepulchre | St. Sepulchre’s Church | St. ’Pulchre’s Churches
Sta c ionars Hall Stationers’ Hall (St. Paul’s) STAT1 Agas Map Sta c ionars Hall | Stacioners Hall | Stationers’ Hall Halls
Stacioners Hall Stationers’ Hall (St. Paul’s) STAT1 Agas Map Sta c ionars Hall | Stacioners Hall | Stationers’ Hall Halls
Staining St. Mary Staining STMA36 Agas Map Parish Church of Saint Mary | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Staining | Parish Church of St. Mary Staining | parriſh Church of Saint Mary | S. Mary Staining church | S. Mary Stayning | St. Mary Staining | St. Mary Staining Church | Staining Churches
Staining lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
ſtaining Lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Staining Lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
ſtaining lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Stainingchurch All Hallows Staining ALLH5 Agas Map Alhallows Stane church | Alhalowes Staning | All Hallows Staining | church of Alhallowes | church of Alhallowes Stane church | Church of All Hallows Staining | Parish Church of Alhallowes | Parish Church of Alhallowes Stane Church | Stainingchurch | Stane church | Stane-Church Churches
Standard Old Cross (Cheapside) OLDC3 Agas Map Old Cross | Old Crosse | old Crosse | Old Crosse in VVest Cheape | Old crosse in West-Cheape | Standard Sites
Standard The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
ſtandard The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standard in Cheap The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standard in Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standard, Cheapside The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standarde Cheapside Cross (Eleanor Cross) ELEA1 Agas Map Cheape-ſide Croſſe | Cheaps Croſſe | Cheapside Cross | Cheapſide Croſſe | Corſſe in Cheape | Cross | Croſs | Crosse | crosse | Croſſe | Crosse in Cheap | Croſſe in Cheape | Crosse in Cheape | croſſe in Cheape | Croſſe in Cheape-ſide | Croſſe in Chepe | Crosse in West Cheap | Croſſe in weſt Cheap | Crosse in West Cheape | Croſſe in weſt cheape | Eleanor Cross in Cheapside | Great Cross | Great Cross in Cheapside | great Croſſe | Great Crosse | great Crosse | great croſſe | great Croſſe in Cheap | great Crosse in Cheape | great Croſſe in UUeſt cheape | great Crosse in VVest Cheape | great Croſſe in Weſt Cheape | great Crosse in West Cheape street | olde Croſſe in Cheape | Open | Standarde Sites
Standarde The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
ſtandarde The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standarde in Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standarde in Fleeteſtréete Fleet Street Conduit FLEE8 Agas Map Conduit at Fleet bridge | conduit in Fléeteſtréete | Conduite at Fleet bridge | Conduite in Fleeteſtreete | Fleet Conduit | Fleet Street Conduit | Standarde in Fleeteſtréete Water Features
Standarde in Weſt Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standarde in weſt Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standardein weſt Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Standerd in Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
ſtandert in Cheape The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Stane church All Hallows Staining ALLH5 Agas Map Alhallows Stane church | Alhalowes Staning | All Hallows Staining | church of Alhallowes | church of Alhallowes Stane church | Church of All Hallows Staining | Parish Church of Alhallowes | Parish Church of Alhallowes Stane Church | Stainingchurch | Stane church | Stane-Church Churches
Stane-Church All Hallows Staining ALLH5 Agas Map Alhallows Stane church | Alhalowes Staning | All Hallows Staining | church of Alhallowes | church of Alhallowes Stane church | Church of All Hallows Staining | Parish Church of Alhallowes | Parish Church of Alhallowes Stane Church | Stainingchurch | Stane church | Stane-Church Churches
Stangate Stangate Stairs STAN6 Agas Map Stangate | Stangate Stairs | Stangate Wharf | Stangate-Wharf | stayngate Riverside Features
Stangate Stairs Stangate Stairs STAN6 Agas Map Stangate | Stangate Stairs | Stangate Wharf | Stangate-Wharf | stayngate Riverside Features
Stangate Wharf Stangate Stairs STAN6 Agas Map Stangate | Stangate Stairs | Stangate Wharf | Stangate-Wharf | stayngate Riverside Features
Stangate-Wharf Stangate Stairs STAN6 Agas Map Stangate | Stangate Stairs | Stangate Wharf | Stangate-Wharf | stayngate Riverside Features
Staning lane end Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Staple Inne Staple Inn STAP2   Staple Inne Sites
ſtar Star Inn STAR3   ſtar | ſtarre Victualling Houses
Star Alley Church Alley CHUR1 Agas Map Chappell-Alley | church alley | Church alley | Church-Alley | Craddockes lane | Craddockeslane | Craddocks lane | Craddokeslane | Cradocks lane | Star Alley Streets
Star and Ram The Star and the Ram STAR4 Agas Map Star and Ram | Star and Ram Inn | Star and the Ram Victualling Houses
Star and Ram Inn The Star and the Ram STAR4 Agas Map Star and Ram | Star and Ram Inn | Star and the Ram Victualling Houses
Star and the Ram The Star and the Ram STAR4 Agas Map Star and Ram | Star and Ram Inn | Star and the Ram Victualling Houses
ſtarre Star Inn STAR3   ſtar | ſtarre Victualling Houses
Starre chamber Star Chamber STAR1 Agas Map Starre chamber | Starre chāber Sites
Starre chāber Star Chamber STAR1 Agas Map Starre chamber | Starre chāber Sites
Stationers’ Hall Stationers’ Hall (St. Paul’s) STAT1 Agas Map Sta c ionars Hall | Stacioners Hall | Stationers’ Hall Halls
Stationer’s Hall (Milk Street) Stationers’ Hall (Milk Street) STAT5   Stationer’s Hall (Milk Street) Streets
stayngate Stangate Stairs STAN6 Agas Map Stangate | Stangate Stairs | Stangate Wharf | Stangate-Wharf | stayngate Riverside Features
Stayning la Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Stayning lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Stayning Lane Staining Lane STAI1 Agas Map Staining lane | ſtaining Lane | Staining Lane | ſtaining lane | Staning lane end | Stayning la | Stayning lane | Stayning Lane Streets
Steele-house The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Steeleyard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Steelyard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Steelyard Guildhall Guildhall of the Hanseatic League HANS7   (guild)hall of Eastlandia | (guild)hall of the Esterlyngys | Danishmanneshalle | Esterlyngeshalle | Guild-Hall of the Germanes | Guilda Teutonicorum | Guildhall of Cologne merchants | Hall of the Teutons | Hanse Guildhall | Steelyard Guildhall Halls
Stele houſe The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
ſtele houſe The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stele house The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stele yarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Steleyard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Steleyarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stephenslane Stephens Lane STEP8   Chichawlane | Chirchawlane | Chirchhaw Lane | Churchyard Alley | Stephenslane Streets
Stepney Stepney STEP6   Stepney Neighbourhoods
Steuens in Colmanſtreet St. Stephen (Coleman Street) (Parish) STST102   Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | St. Stephen, Coleman Street parish | Steuens in Colmanſtreet | Stevens in coleman stret Parishes
Steuens in the Walbroke St. Stephen Walbrook (Parish) STST101   St. Stephen Walbrook | St. Stephen Walbrook parish | Steuens in the Walbroke | Stevens in walbroke Parishes
Stevens in coleman stret St. Stephen (Coleman Street) (Parish) STST102   Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street | St. Stephen, Coleman Street parish | Steuens in Colmanſtreet | Stevens in coleman stret Parishes
Stevens in walbroke St. Stephen Walbrook (Parish) STST101   St. Stephen Walbrook | St. Stephen Walbrook parish | Steuens in the Walbroke | Stevens in walbroke Parishes
Stew The Stew STEW3   Stew | Stewe Sites
Stew lane Stew Lane STEW2 Agas Map Stew lane | Stewe lane Streets
Stewe The Stew STEW3   Stew | Stewe Sites
Stewe lane Stew Lane STEW2 Agas Map Stew lane | Stewe lane Streets
Stiliard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stiliarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stilliard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stillyard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stilyard The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
ſtilyarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Stinking lane Stinking Lane STIN1   Chick lane | Chick Lane | Chicke lane | Chicke-lane | Foul Lane | Stinking lane | Stinking Lane | ſtinking Lane Streets
Stinking Lane Stinking Lane STIN1   Chick lane | Chick Lane | Chicke lane | Chicke-lane | Foul Lane | Stinking lane | Stinking Lane | ſtinking Lane Streets
ſtinking Lane Stinking Lane STIN1   Chick lane | Chick Lane | Chicke lane | Chicke-lane | Foul Lane | Stinking lane | Stinking Lane | ſtinking Lane Streets
Stock-fishmonger Row Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stocke Fiſhmonger Row Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stockes Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
ſtockes Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stockes Market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stockes market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
ſtockes market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stockes-Market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stockfishmonger Row Fishmongers’ Hall FISH2 Agas Map Fishmongers Hall | Fiſhmongers hall | Fishmongers’ Hall | Hall of the Fiſhmongers | Hall of the fiſhmongers | Stockfishmonger Row Halls
Stockfishmonger Row Stockfishmonger Row STOC6 Agas Map Stockfishmonger Row Streets
Stockfiſhmonger row Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stockfiſhmonger Row Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stockfiſhmonger Rowe Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stockfishmongers Row Thames Street THAM1 Agas Map Lower Thames Street | Stock-fishmonger Row | Stocke Fiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger row | Stockfiſhmonger Row | Stockfiſhmonger Rowe | Stockfishmongers Row | Thame Street | Thames | Thames ſteeete | Thames street | Thames ſtreet | Thames Street | Thames ſtreete | Thames streete | Thames Streete | Thames ſtréet | Thames ſtréete | Thames Stréete | Thames-street | Thamesſtreet | Thameſtreet | Thameſtréete | Upper Thames Street Streets
Stocks Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
ſtocks Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stocks Market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
ſtocks market Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stoda de Winton Stoda de Winton STOD4 Agas Map Stoda de Winton Bridges
Stodies lane Spittle Lane SPIT2   Spittle | Spittle lane | Stodies lane | Stodres lane Streets
Stodres lane Spittle Lane SPIT2   Spittle | Spittle lane | Stodies lane | Stodres lane Streets
Stodum bridge Stodum Bridge STOD3 Agas Map Stodum bridge Bridges
Stokes Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
Stoks Stocks Market STOC1 Agas Map Le Stocke | Les Stokkes | Stockes | ſtockes | Stockes Market | Stockes market | ſtockes market | Stockes-Market | Stocks | ſtocks | Stocks Market | ſtocks market | Stokes | Stoks Markets
ſtone London Stone LOND2 Agas Map London | London stone | London ſtone | London Stone | London Stone. | London-stone | London-ſtone | London. ſtone | Londonſton | Londonſtone | Oxford place | Oxford Place | Oxfords place | ſtone Sites
Stone Court Stone Court STON14   Stone Court Sites
Stone Cutters Street Stonecutter Street STON13   Stone Cutters Street Streets
Store-house for Armour The King’s Storehouse STOR2 Agas Map Store-house for Armour | Store-houses for Armour | The Kings Storehouse Sites
Store-houses for Armour The King’s Storehouse STOR2 Agas Map Store-house for Armour | Store-houses for Armour | The Kings Storehouse Sites
Strand The Standard (Cheapside) STAN17 Agas Map Cheap Standard | Conduite in Weſt Cheape | le Standard | Standard | ſtandard | Standard in Cheap | Standard in Cheape | Standard, Cheapside | Standarde | ſtandarde | Standarde in Cheape | Standarde in Weſt Cheape | Standarde in weſt Cheape | Standardein weſt Cheape | Standerd in Cheape | ſtandert in Cheape | Strand | the Standard | The Standard | the Standard in Cheapside | The Standard in Cheapside | the ſtandarde | the Standarde Water Features
Strand Strand Lane STRA1 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | S. Lane | Strand | Strand Lane Streets
Strand The Strand STRA9 Agas Map Strand | ſtrand | the Strand | The Strand | the Strande Streets
ſtrand The Strand STRA9 Agas Map Strand | ſtrand | the Strand | The Strand | the Strande Streets
Strand bridge Strand Bridge STRA10   Strand bridge | Strand Bridge | Strande bridge Bridges
Strand Bridge Strand Bridge STRA10   Strand bridge | Strand Bridge | Strande bridge Bridges
ſtrand Inne Strand Inn STRA7 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | ſtrand Inne | Strand Inne | Strand Inn’s Sites
Strand Inne Strand Inn STRA7 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | ſtrand Inne | Strand Inne | Strand Inn’s Sites
Strand Inn’s Strand Inn STRA7 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | ſtrand Inne | Strand Inne | Strand Inn’s Sites
Strand Lane Strand Lane STRA1 Agas Map Cheſters Inne | S. Lane | Strand | Strand Lane Streets
Strande bridge Strand Bridge STRA10   Strand bridge | Strand Bridge | Strande bridge Bridges
Strangeway Street Strangeway Street STRA17   Strangeway Street Streets
Stratford Bridge Bow Bridge BOWB1   Bow Bridge | Cowbridge | Stratford Bridge | Stratford le Bow Bridges
Stratford le Bow Bow Bridge BOWB1   Bow Bridge | Cowbridge | Stratford Bridge | Stratford le Bow Bridges
Street called Dowgate Dowgate Street DOWG1 Agas Map Douegatstrete | Dowgate | Dowgate Hill | Dowgate Street | Downegate | Downegate street | Downgate | Downgate ſtreete | Street called Dowgate Streets
street of Basingeshawe Basinghall Street BASI2 Agas Map Baſhingſh[a]w | Baſhingſhaw | Basinghall Street | Basings Hall street | Baſſinges hal ſtreete | Baſſinges hall ſtreete | Baſſinges Hall ſtréete | Bassinghallstrete | Bassinghaw-strete | Bassinghawstrete | Bassings Hall street | Bassings Hall streete | Baſſings hall ſtreete | Baſſings hall ſtréet | Baſſingſhaw | Baſſinſhaw | Bassisaw | Baſſiſhaw Street | Bſhinſhaw | street of Basingeshawe Streets
street of Cheape Cheapside Street CHEA2 Agas Map Cheap | Cheap Ward | Cheap-ſide | Cheap-side | Cheape | cheape | Cheape ſtreet | Cheape street | Cheape streete | Cheape Ward | Cheape warde | Cheape-ſide | Cheapeside | Cheapside | Cheapſide | Cheapside Cross | Cheapſide Market | Cheapside Street | Cheapside street | Cheapſides | Chepe | Chepe-ſide | Chepeside | Chepeſyde | Chepesyde | Cheppes syed | high ſtreet of Cheape | high streete of Cheape | street of Cheape | that ſtreete | Weſt Cheape | weſt Cheape | Westcheap Streets
street of Clerckenwell Clerkenwell Road CLER2 Agas Map Clerkenwele strete | Clerkenwell Street | street of Clerckenwell Streets
street of Cornehill Cornhill CORN2 Agas Map Corinhil | Corn-hyl | Corne-hill | Cornehil | Cornehil ſtreet | Cornehill | Cornehill street | Cornehill ſtreete | Cornehulle | Cornehyll | Cornhell | Cornhil | Cornhill | Cornhill street | Cornhill Street | Cornhill ſtreete | Cornhull | Cornhulle | Corrnhill | Eastern End | street of Cornehill | street of Cornhill Streets
street of Cornhill Cornhill CORN2 Agas Map Corinhil | Corn-hyl | Corne-hill | Cornehil | Cornehil ſtreet | Cornehill | Cornehill street | Cornehill ſtreete | Cornehulle | Cornehyll | Cornhell | Cornhil | Cornhill | Cornhill street | Cornhill Street | Cornhill ſtreete | Cornhull | Cornhulle | Corrnhill | Eastern End | street of Cornehill | street of Cornhill Streets
Street of London Bridge New Fish Street NEWF1 Agas Map Bride Street | Bridge Street | Bridge street | Bridge ſtreete | Bridge ſtréete | Bridge-street | Bridgeſtreet | Bridgeſtreete | Brigestret | Briggestrete | Brugestret | Bruggestrate | Fish Street | Fish Street Hill | Fish-street | Fiſhſtreet hil | Fiſhſtreet hill | Fiſhſtreete hil | Fiſhſtréet hill | fyshstreate | New Fish Street | New Fiſh Street | New Fish Street Hill | New fiſh ſtreete | new Fiſh ſtréet | new Fish- street | New Fish-street | new Fish-street | New Fiſhſtreet | new fiſhſtreet | New Fishstreet | new Fiſhſtreete | New Fiſhſtreete | new fiſhſtreete | new fiſhſtréet | new Fiſhſtréete | New Fyſhe ſtreate | new fyshstreate | New-Fish-street | New-Fishstreet | Newfishstrete | Newfyshe Streat | Street of London Bridge Streets
Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) STLA3 Agas Map Guild Hall | Lane of S. Laurence Jewry | Laurence Lane | Lawrence Lane | S. Laurence lane | S. Laurence lane. | S. Lawrence lane | S. Lawrence Lane | Saint Laurence lane | St. Laurence lane | St. Laurence Lane | St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall | Street of St. Laurence in the Jewry Streets
Styleyarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Styllyarde The Steelyard STEE2 Agas Map gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne | Guildhall of the Merchants of Cologne | London Steelyard | Steele-house | Steeleyard | Steelyard | Stele houſe | ſtele houſe | Stele house | Stele yarde | Steleyard | Steleyarde | Stiliard | Stiliarde | Stilliard | Stillyard | Stilyard | ſtilyarde | Styleyarde | Styllyarde | The Steelyard Sites
Suburbe without the wall Suburb Without the Wall SUBR1   Suburbe without the wall Neighbourhoods
Suffolk Lane Suffolk Lane SUFF1 Agas Map Arundelleslane | Basyngeslane | Suffolk Lane | Suffolke lane | Suffolke Lane | Wollesys Lane alias Arundelleslane | Wolsy Lane | Wolsyeslane Streets
Suffolk Place Suffolk Place SUFF3 Agas Map Mint | Southwark Place | Southwarke Place | Suffolk Place Residences
Suffolke lane Suffolk Lane SUFF1 Agas Map Arundelleslane | Basyngeslane | Suffolk Lane | Suffolke lane | Suffolke Lane | Wollesys Lane alias Arundelleslane | Wolsy Lane | Wolsyeslane Streets
Suffolke Lane Suffolk Lane SUFF1 Agas Map Arundelleslane | Basyngeslane | Suffolk Lane | Suffolke lane | Suffolke Lane | Wollesys Lane alias Arundelleslane | Wolsy Lane | Wolsyeslane Streets
Sugar Baker’s Yard Sugarloaf Court SUGA2   Sugar Baker’s Yard | Sugarloaf Court Streets
Sugar Loaf Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sugar loafe Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sugar-loafe Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sugarloaf Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Sugarloaf Court Sugarloaf Court SUGA2   Sugar Baker’s Yard | Sugarloaf Court Streets
Sugarloafe Alley Sugarloaf Alley SUGA1   ſprinckle alley | Sprinckle Alley | Sprinckle allie | Sprinkle Alley | Sugar Loaf Alley | Sugar loafe Alley | Sugar-loafe Alley | Sugarloaf Alley | Sugarloafe Alley Streets
Summer Hith St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
Summers Hith St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
Summers Hithe St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches
Sun Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
sun Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sun Tavern Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sun tavern Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sunne Sun Tavern SUNT1 Agas Map son | sonn | sonne | Sonne | Sun | sun | Sun Tavern | Sun tavern | Sunne Victualling Houses
Sutton Street Sutton Street SUTT7   Sutton Street Streets
Swan Old Swan Inn OLDS3 Agas Map Old Swan | old Swan | Swan Victualling Houses
Swan The Swan SWAN1 Agas Map Swan | Swanne | The Swan | the Swan Playhouses
Swan Swan Inn (The Strand) SWAN2   ſwan | Swan | Swanne Victualling Houses
Swan Swan Inn (Holborn Bridge) SWAN3   ſwan | Swan Victualling Houses
Swan Swan Brewhouse SWAN5   Old Swan | Old ſwanne | Old Swanne Brewhouſe | olde Swan Brewhouſe | Olde Swanne | Swan Sites
ſwan Swan Inn (The Strand) SWAN2   ſwan | Swan | Swanne Victualling Houses
ſwan Swan Inn (Holborn Bridge) SWAN3   ſwan | Swan Victualling Houses
ſwan Swan Inn (St. John’s Street) SWAN4   ſwan Victualling Houses
Swan Alley Swan Alley (Cornhill) SWAN10 Agas Map Swan Alley | Swan Alley (Cornhill) Streets
Swan Alley Swan Alley (Coleman Street) SWAN6 Agas Map Swan Alley | Swan Alley (Coleman Street) | Swanne alley Streets
Swan Alley (Coleman Street) Swan Alley (Coleman Street) SWAN6 Agas Map Swan Alley | Swan Alley (Coleman Street) | Swanne alley Streets
Swan Alley (Cornhill) Swan Alley (Cornhill) SWAN10 Agas Map Swan Alley | Swan Alley (Cornhill) Streets
Swan on the Hoo Black Swan Inn BLSW1   Black Swan | blacke Swanne | Swan on the Hoo Victualling Houses
ſwan with two necks Swan with Two Necks Inn (Lad Lane) SWTN1   ſwan with two necks | two neck’d Swan Victualling Houses
Swanne The Swan SWAN1 Agas Map Swan | Swanne | The Swan | the Swan Playhouses
Swanne Swan Inn (The Strand) SWAN2   ſwan | Swan | Swanne Victualling Houses
Swanne Swan (Southwark) SWAN8   Swanne Brothels
Swanne alley Swan Alley (Coleman Street) SWAN6 Agas Map Swan Alley | Swan Alley (Coleman Street) | Swanne alley Streets
Swethens parryshe St. Swithin (London Stone) (Parish) STSW102   St. Swithin, London Stone parish | Swethens parryshe | Swithins at London-ſtone Parishes
Swithins at London-ſtone St. Swithin (London Stone) (Parish) STSW102   St. Swithin, London Stone parish | Swethens parryshe | Swithins at London-ſtone Parishes
Sydon lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sydon Lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sydon-lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Syluer Str. Silver Street SILV1 Agas Map Selvernestrate | Siluer ſtreete | Siluer Streete | ſiluer ſtréete | Siluer ſtréete | Siluer-ſtréet | Siluerſtreet | Siluerſtreete | Silver street | Silver Street | Silver streete | Silverstreete | Syluer Str. Streets
Syon Colledge Sion Court SION1   Sion Court | Syon Colledge Sites
Syth St. Benet Sherehog STBE4 Agas Map Bennet shorne | Bennet ſhorne | Bennit ſhrog | Church of S. Sith | church of S. Syth | Parish Church of S. Sythe Benet Shrog | Parish Church of St. Syth | S. Benet Shorhoge | S. Bennet Shorhogs Church | S. Sithes Church | S. Sithes church | S. Sythes Church | Saint Sythes Church | Shorehogge | Shrog | St. Benet Sherehog | Syth Churches
Sything lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sything Lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sything-lane Seething Lane SEET1 Agas Map Seething Lane | Sethinge La. | Sethinge la. | Sidon lane | Sidonlane | Sydon lane | Sydon Lane | Sydon-lane | Sything lane | Sything Lane | Sything-lane Streets
Sūmers Hithe St. Mary Somerset STMA35 Agas Map Gods houſe | Pariſh Church of S. Mary Summerſet | Pariſh Church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | Pariſh church of Saint Mary Summerſet | pariſh of Mary Summerſet | Pariſh of S. Mary Somers-Hith | S. Mary at Sommers hith | S. Mary Sommerset | S. Mary Sommerſet | St. Mary Somerset | Summer Hith | Summers Hith | Summers Hithe | Sūmers Hithe Churches


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Broad Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Cripplegate Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Cornhill Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark). The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Aldersgate Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Aldgate Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Suburbs. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Dowgate Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

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The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (S). The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

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The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (S). The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

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The MoEML Team. 2020. Gazetteer (S). In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - The MoEML Team
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Gazetteer (S)
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 The MoEML Team
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Gazetteer (S)
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#TEAM1" type="org">The MoEML Team</name></author>. <title level="a">Gazetteer (S)</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>




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