[...] ment in reference to the North-West Territory. That wide expanse will, I hope,
long be opened to settlement, and become
the abode of myriads of thriving and industrious immigrants. The terms of the delegates
from Newfoundland, and which it may
be expected will prove acceptable to the people of that island, have met with your
concurrence. The basis has been laid for negotiations with the Government of Prince
Edward Island. Moreover, what is not of less
importance, seeing that the good will of the
people already within the Dominion is a matter perhaps of greater, at least, of equal
concern with the acquisition of new territories,
you have adopted the precautions of timely
and well-considered liberality in order to satisfy reasonable demands, and conciliate
attachment in Nova Scotia. The Acts rendering
the Criminal Law uniform will insure an exact and equal procedure, and cannot fail
be conducive in the highest degree to the
public advantage.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons:
In Her Majesty's name I thank you for the
supplies you have granted for the public service. Though the revenue accruing from
import duties has not reached the expected
standard, I rejoice to think that a vigilant
supervision of the public expenditure has obviated the necessity of imposing any fresh
burdens on the people.
Honourable Gentlemen and Gentlemen:
I will not detain you further than to express the hope that in returning to your
homes you will ïŹnd the country blessed with
every prospect of an abundant season, and
that you will continue your services to the
State by encouraging industrial pursuits, diffusing contentment, and upholding the
authority of the law in your respective neighbourhoods.
Hon. Mr. Cauchon then announced that His Excellency was
pleased to prorogue Parliament to the 31st of July, and Parliament
stood prorogued accordingly.
Canada. House of Commons Debates, 1869. Edited by P.B. Waite. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1975. Original scans accessible at:
Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.