Isolation log week 85
Isolation log week 85
Work done from home and in the office 2021-11-29 to 2021-12-03
Total: 38.00 hours
G&T hours: + 3.00
Monday 2021-11-29
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
1.00 hours: Scancan: Shifted all shipping volumes down to the mail room and arranged mailout with ED. Added filesize attributes to the migration code and refined it in discussion with JH who is testing.
0.25 hours: Maint: Arranged timing of MySQL migration next week, and informed DVPP team.
2.75 hours: DVPP: Refined the duplicate-poem detection diagnostic I wrote at the weekend to ignore punctuation and to highlight most likely actual dupes. Began work on layout for poem rendering.
1.75 hours: Moses: Implemented and tested custom stemmers for staticSearch, which now enable searching with and without acute and grave accents (which are used for stress, not phonemics). Published a new version of the site, and in the process debugged an rsync issue in the build file.
1.25 hours: LEMDO: Project meeting and ticket triage.
Total: 7.25 hours
Tuesday 2021-11-30
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
3.50 hours: LEMDO: Fixed overnight Schematron validation bug; did some research on the persName vs name issue, and posted a question. Looking into persName, discovered that the apparent small problem was much larger, and rewrote the standalone XML processing step to ensure that annotations and collations are included in the document before entities are pulled in. Seems to be working, but needs thorough testing when builds are complete.
0.50 hours: DVPP: Refreshed TEI in three periodicals; followed up with team on timesheet issue.
1.00 hours: Endings/DHQ: Editors' meeting and follow-up with JC on DHQ submission.
2.25 hours: Wendat: Project meeting; implemented handling for persName tag; Added a new staticSearch feature for searching within specific MSS.
0.50 hours: BreezeMap: Finished testing issue 45 fix, merged, and closed; checked into another ticket on SCSS and closed it.
Total: 8.00 hours
Wednesday 2021-12-01
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
0.50 hours: Admin: Timesheets (all except one done).
1.50 hours: LEMDO: Fixed overnight bug with imported entities; all now apparently working. Tested rendering of ASSP citation pointers and confirmed with team that all looks good.
4.50 hours: DVPP: Project meetings (3 of them); worked out with team how to handle the problem of Christmas Issues, and even how to turn it into a feature; implemented this with changes to the db and to the code which generates TEI from the db dump, as well as implementing it in the FacsViewer interface; fixed a couple of other bugs, added columns to poem listings tables, and standardized and centralized the captioning for table headers. Changed CSS to SCSS and added build step. Did some research on possible CSS layouts for poem rendering with PS, looking for a pure-CSS way to handle slideout panels as a fallback.
0.75 hours: MyNDIR: Created a new page, linked it as appropriate, and added handling for empty materials elements per instructions from PAB.
0.75 hours: ColDesp: Fixing a bunch of hard-coded http links to our own site (a no-no) along with lots of missing spaces and other issues in the encoding.
Total: 8.25
Thursday 2021-12-02
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
2.75 hours: ColDesp: Multiple fixes for hundreds of instances of obsolete linking methods; fixes for rendering to enable expansion of citations as originally planned; updates to documentation to show recommended use of cdc: prefix and remove old examples.
0.75 hours: Maint: Discussions and research re new desktop purchase; reinstall of Ubuntu on HCMC laptop.
1.75 hours: LEMDO: Prep and meeting on editing elementSpecs; discussions of FRs from QME team; fixes to schema.
0.25 hours: Scancan: Discussion with JH regarding latest import bugs.
1.25 hours: DVPP: Planning for meta elements required for poem search; new diagnostic to discover poems whose CSS will need attention (not yet actually working).
Total: 7.00
Friday 2021-12-03
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers.
3.00 hours: Scancan: Initial attempt to import files into OJS; all were imported, but PDFs not available and spent some time debugging; finally got some example exports from UofA folks and started to figure out how to restructure the file to provide published galleys. Also need to remove HTML from title field, but I also now have an example of how to include HTML and images, so I'll do that too before we try again.
1.00 hours: DVPP: Debugged and fixed yesterday's diagnostic and spent some time working out options for poem search.
2.00 hours: ColDesp: Fixed a range of errors throughout the encoding, including bad links found by the diagnostics, and bad encoding practices leading to spaces in the wrong places etc. There are a lot of issues I didn't know about, and more to do here.
1.25 hours: VIHistory: With GN went through some core fields and figured out how we might normalize them across the censuses; sent a couple of queries to PD.
Total: 7.50 hours