

MyNDIR documents the transmission and reception of Old Norse mythology and history by providing digital images of illustrations from manuscripts and early print sources. The site acts as a resource and research tool for scholars and members of the public with an interest in Old Norse culture. MyNDIR's images generate further transmission and reception as is evident in the items listed below such as exhibitions, conference presentations, posters, and creative responses.

Cell Phone Interface

Patrick Szpak, web designer at Humanities Computing and Media Centre, created MyNDIR's cell phone interface in 2021.


Digitized Resources in Vault: Norse Mythology Collection

Welcome to Vault, the digital asset management system used by UVic Libraries to store and provide access to digitized materials both from the rare and unique holdings in Special Collections and University Archives and from UVic Libraries’ project partners.

Exhibition 2024: The Vanquished Viking Gods: Lost, Found, and Assimilated

January 22nd - February 5th, 2024 - Mearns Centre for Learning - McPherson Library
Co-sponsored by the Department of Medieval Studies
Curated by Dr. Trish Baer and Michael Lines MLS
Discover the beginning of the downward journey of the Viking gods from deities in Valhalla—to heroes in storybooks for Victorian children—to pedagogical figures in homeschooling lesson plans.
This exhibition concerns the 19th - 20th century retellings of Old Norse mythology and is focused on The Heroes of Asgard and the Giants of Jötunheim, Or, The Week and Its Story by Annie and Eliza Keary that was first published in 1857. The Heroes of Asgard has been published in three editions, i.e., 1857, 1870 and 1930, with changes in its title and different illustrators for three of the editions.

Exhibition 2020: Visualizing the Vikings and Their Gods

January 17th - February 1st, 2020 Mearns Centre for Learning - McPherson Library
Co-sponsored by the Department of Medieval Studies
Curated by Dr. Trish Baer and Michael Lines MLS

Flickr Albums

Link to MyNDIR's Albums on Flickr:
  • Ældre Edda Gudesange (Poetic Edda). Illustrated by Lorenz Frølich.
  • Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology (1901). Illustrated by an unacknowledged artist.
  • Children of Odin (1903). Illustrated by Frederic Lawrence and W.G. Collingwood, as well as an unacknowledged artist.
  • Exhibition 2024: The Vanquished Viking Gods: Lost, Found, and Assimilated.
  • Heroes of the Norselands: Their stories retold by Katharine F. Boult (1903). Illustrated by T. H. Robinson.
  • In the Days of Giants (1930). Illustrated by Elmer Boyd Smith.
  • Kongesagaer 1899 and 1900 eds). Illustrated by Erik Werenskiold, Gerhard Munthe, Halfdan Egedius, Christian Krohg, Eilif Peterssen and Wilhelm Wetlesen
  • MyNDIR: Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry Illustrated by various artists.
  • Norse Stories, Retold from the Eddas (1901). Illustrated by George Hand Wright.
  • Land of Enchantment (1907). Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
  • Ragnarok: En Billeddigtning (1929). Illustrated by Louis Moe.
  • Saxo's Danmarks Kronike/Gesta Danorum (1898). Illustrated by Louis Moe.
  • The Elder or Poetic Edda: Commonly Known as Sæmund's Edda (1908). Illustrated by W. G. Collingwood.
  • The Heroes of Asgard (1857). Illustrated by Charles Altamont Doyle.
  • The Heroes of Asgard (1908). Illustrated by Louis Huard.
  • The Heroes Of Asgard (1930). Illustrated by Charles E. Brock.
  • Wonderful Stories from Northern Lands (1871). Illustrated by W. J. Weigand.


Posters and Presentations

Resources for Learning and Teaching

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