
House of Commons, 29 September 1903, Canadian Confederation with Alberta and Saskatchewan



Tuesday, September 29, 1903.

The SPEAKER took the Chair at Eleven o'clock.


The MINISTER OF JUSTICE (Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick) moved for leave to introduce Bill (No. 259) to amend the Northwest Territories Act.
Mr. SPROULE. Explain.
The MINISTER OF JUSTICE. Mr. Speaker, the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories, as at present constituted, consists of four puisne judges and one judge of the Supreme Court. The intention is now to have a court consituted with five puisne judges and a chief justice. The second section of the Bill provides for cases reserved for considerations by the full court. As the law now stands a judge reserving a point for the consideration of the full court cannot be a member of the court unless his presence is necessary to constitute a quorum. The intention is that when a point is reserved in a criminal case the judge sitting at the trial in the criminal case who reserved the point may form part of the court before which the last amendment is suggested by the judges of the Supreme Court.
Mr. BORDEN (Halifax). Is there any demand from the bar or the people of the North-west Territories for an additional judge ?
Mr. BORDEN (Halifax). Where is he to be stationed or to reside ?
The MINISTER OF JUSTICE. There is an almost unanimous request from the bar of the North-west Territories for the appointment of this additional judge, and I may say that it is supported by the Attorney General of the North-west Territories. No provision is made for residence at the present time. There will necessarily have to be a division made so as to make provision for the district in which Macleod is situated, but I am not sure at the present time where the residence will be.
Motion agreed to, and Bill read the first time.


Canada. House of Commons Debates, 1875-1949. Provided by the Library of Parliament.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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