Mr. Boucher asked: 1. Why, since 1892, the Ordinances have not been printed in the French language
in compliance with Sec. 110 of the N.W.T. Act as amended? 2. Is it the Intention
of the Government to have the Consolidated Ordinances printed in French and, if
not, why not ?
Mr. Haultain said the reason that the Ordinances have not in late years been printed in French
had before been stated in the House. Although the Federal Act does state that their
Ordinances shall be so printed, the Government did not ac cept that as a direct
command addressed to the Government or Assembly. There was no practical necessity
for printing the (Ordinances in French. The records show no demand for French editions.
In the | whole of the business of the Government there had been only two applications
for Ordinances or Assembly records in French. The Federal provision had been framed
without any reference to the desires or opinions of the Assembly, and the Government
failed to recognise it as their duty to carry it out. The duty was on the persons
who created the necessity. If there was a legal or constitutional duty, they might
judge from the grants made by Parliament that it had not been contemplated that it
should be fulfilled, because he failed to find that Parliament made any provision
for carrying it out. This Government recognized no duty or legal obligation in the
matter ; and as to print the Consolidated Ordinances in    Â
French would cost $4,000 or $5,000 and would fill no well defined public necessity,
there was a very strong practical argument against having them so printed.