Assembly Chamber, Upper Fort Garry
Tuesday, 15 March 1870
The Members of the New Legislative Assembly of Rupert's Land met again in their Chamber
on the 15th ult. The President having taken the chair,
The following notices of motion were given:—
Hon. Mr. Bunn — That the Government of England, the Canadian Government, and the Hudson Bay Company,
have ignored our rights as British subjects, when they entered into arrangements on
the subject of the transfer of the Government of the North-West to the Dominion of
Canada; without consulting the wishes of the people of the North-West Territory.
Hon. Mr. Scott — That notwithstanding the insults and sufferings borne by the people of the North-West
heretofore, and which they still endure, the loyalty of the people of the North-West
toward the Crown of England remains the same, provided the rights and properties,
usages and customs of the people be respected.
It was announced that his Lordship Bishop Tache was in waiting outside the assembly
room. The President immediately went to meet him and introduce him to the House. A
seat was given and accepted by his Lordship.
During some months the people had been in trouble and suffering, but since a certain
time things were appearing to turn in our favor. Canada had begun to recognise us more than she was accustomed to. The people of this country had begun to understand
each other and had met from all parts of the Settlement to unite. While thus coming
to such an understanding and feeling its pleasures the first joy was produced by the
arrival of His Lordship Bishop Tache.
The President said he felt extreme pleasure in presenting to His Lordship
the first Legislative Assembly of this country, representing all classes of the people.
And in the name of the people represented by the hon. Members of this Legislative
Assembly he bid His Lordship welcome and congratulations on his safe return amongst
them. We are here to look after the interests of our people; and this is a great
responsibility but we must not shirk from it; for upon us depends the future destiny
this vast country. Let us then not be too precipitate, but weigh well all our words
our actions may bear abundant fruit. Let us again welcome His Lordship amongst us,
people, and I know he is welcome to all classes.
In Reply.
Bishop Tache having expressed the pleasure he felt at meeting the Council, he said, in substance
— I can well understand the anxiety of the people, at the crisis in public affairs
with which we have to deal. I believe it to be an anxiety deep and wide-spread. Let
me express the hope, however, that all feeling of this kind will cease. It is a hope
grounded on my own conviction that this anxiety is now needless, and that a brighter
and better day will speedily dawn on this land (cheers). I do not come back, gentlemen,
in any official capacity. When I arrived in Canada, it was understood that the people
of Red River were sending down delegates; and hence it was not thought necessary to
invest me with any powers as Commissioner. The Government pressed me to remain until
the arrival of the delegates, but my anxiety of mind was such that I could not delay.
I desired to be with my people at a period such as this; and hence I left Canada with
all convenient speed. Short as my stay was, however, I had ample opportunity for becoming
acquainted with this fact, that the intentions of the Canadian Government as far as
the people of this country are concerned, were good and praiseworthy (cheers). I can
testify that they have no desire to overlook the political rights of the people here
(cheers). As an evidence of this, I will, with permission, read a telegram from the
Hon. Joseph Howe, which I received since my arrival here. It was sent to me to St.
Paul, in answer to another telegram I sent him, but it arrived there the day after
I left. I despatched the telegram, I may say, in consequence of receiving at St. Paul
The New Nation, containing a copy of the List of Rights adopted by the Convention. Mr. Howe's reply
was: "Propositions in the main satisfactory. But let the delegation come here to settle
the details" (cheers). Let me say, further, that I believe that until recently the
people of Canada were in perfect ignorance of the true state of affairs in this country;
and it is not to be wondered at, as I myself, even after having spent most of my life
in this country, was very far from knowing the actual state of affairs here, until
I arrived the other day. I am a Canadian, and proud of that title. Many friends you
have in Canada, both in the Government and outside; so be assured that nobody is desirous
to oppress you (hear, hear). His Lordship, in order to show the opinion entertained
of Mr. McDougall's action at Pembina, read an extract from a speech of Hon. Mr. Howe,
in the Dominion Parliament. The speaker condemned Mr. McDougall's action thoroughly,
and stated that when all the papers relating to the North-West were laid before the
House, it would be found that Mr. McDougall's position was unjustifiable. I will say
again, said his Lordship, in resuming his speech, that my own feelings towards the
people of Red River, are unchanged in the least. As I have often said before, so say
I now,— they have, one and all, without distinction of race or language or creed,—
my highest esteem and affection (cheers). If I may make a comparison to evince my
regard. I would say — to show that I feel towards the people of Red River as if they
were all one body: When one member of a body, say, the right hand, suffers, the left
hand sympathises with it. And so it is with us, as a people. So thoroughly do we sympathise
with each other, that when one section suffers the other partakes of that suffering.
In doing what I can, then, to mitigate that suffering, I feel that I am bound to do
what is possible for all classes, equally. (His Lordship was very much affected during
the latter part of his address and sat down amid cheers.) Soon after, he rose again
and said — An inspiration occurs to me. I would ask the President, as an act of grace,
for the release of half of the prisoners (cheers).
The President — I have great pleasure in stating, in response to his Lordship's request, that one
half of the prisoners will be liberated this evening (loud cheers) — and the other
half will be set at liberty as soon as we have heard from a certain quarter to which
some of the prisoners belong (cheers). This I do out of respect to the Assembly (cheers).
The Bishop — I would, as a parting request, express my desire that all the representatives present,—
but especially those from the English-speaking population — should exert all their
efforts and influence among the people in their respective localities to give them
to understand the necessity of union, to preserve order, abide by the laws of the
established government, and to see that nothing ever again occurs to disturb the peace
of the Settlement (cheers). Before sitting down, I would say a further word or two
in reference to Mr. McDougall's action. While at Ottawa I had the privilege of seeing
the official papers in reference to this North-West difficulty; and in these the Government
publicly condemn Mr. McDougall's action. These documents will show, that while they
thought Mr. McDougall still at Pembina, they sent to him two special messengers with
dispatches condemning his action (hear and cheers). And in reference to Dennis's action
here, the same despatch stated that had Dennis succeeded in causing a civil war in
Red River, he would have had to answer for any life lost by such action, before the
bar of justice (loud cheers).
Hon. Mr. Bunn moved a vote of thanks to his Lordship, and in doing so expressed the feeling of
great satisfaction with which the news of his arrival had been hailed by all classes
of the people. For a lengthened period they had been distracted by the most harassing
doubts and fears; and now at last, in the person of his Lordship, they believed they
had found one who would lend most potent aid to bring about a happier and better state
of things (cheers). I cordially and sincerely endorse, said Hon. Mr. Bunn, his Lordship's
opinion that peace and union among all classes and sections should be our motto. I
believe with others that union among ourselves is absolutely necessary for our own
preservation as a people — but necessary also in the interests of Canada, and perhaps
even in the interests of the Imperial Government. Gentlemen, unfortunately, mistakes
and blunders have been made on all hands. This has been admitted by all the parties
concerned; but is that a reason why the poor Red River people should be called upon
to sacrifice their lives and shed their best blood to wipe out these mistakes? Who
among us that heard his Lordship's appeal for union, and his appeal for our unfortunate
brethren now in prison, but must have heartily echoed that appeal, and must have rejoiced
in his soul to hear that appeal for the release of one half of them, so unhesitatingly
conceded. Let us hope and trust that henceforth there shall be no further necessity
for the harsh measures which all have lamented, but that in future all will be unity
and peace; and I hope that prosperity to the country will be the result (cheers).
The House then adjourned till ten, A.M., the following day.