Wendat Project
Schema and guidelines for encoding lexical data
Martin Holmes

Table of contents

6. Basic principles for transcription and encoding of manuscripts

What follows is an initial set of principles proposed prior to beginning the process of transcription and encoding. We expect these principles to develop and change as the team works with the real data.

6.1. What we transcribe and what we ignore

We are primarily interested in the dictionary entries, not in the manuscripts themselves as historical artifacts; as a result:

  • We ignore front matter and back matter.
  • We transcribe long s (ʃ) as regular s, unless there is a good reason to preserve it.
  • We transcribe and encode deletions, substitutions, corrections and so on, using the <del>, <subst>, <choice>, <sic> and <corr> elements as explained in this documentation.
  • We signal cases ambiguous or unclear text using the <unclear> tag, so that Megan can later go back and investigate them.
  • We encode page-beginnings (using <pb> tags). These should be provided for you as part of the initial document structure before transcription/encoding begins. Note that page-beginnings may appear in the middle of entries. This is perfectly OK; you do not need to close an entry before a page-break:
    [entry starts...]
    <pb facs="#ms67-0004" n="4"/>
    [entry continues...]
  • We encode forme works (running titles at the top of pages etc.) where we believe this might be helpful to the reader. For example, where the dictionary range of entries in a page is shown at the top of the page, we encode it like this:
    <pb facs="#ms60-0341n="0341"/> <!-- Example of forme works encoding. --> <fw>Mal. Man.</fw>
    Forme works may appear in the middle of an entry or between entries.
  • All uncommon abbreviations should be encoded with an <abbr> element. It is possible to provide an expansion in-place, using a <choice> structure like this:
    <choice>  <abbr>n.b.</abbr>  <expan>nota bene</expan> </choice>
    However, most of the time, we cannot be sure what an abbreviation stands for, so we don't expand it; we just use the <abbr> tag. Obvious abbreviations (such as M. for Monsieur) do not require expansion either.

6.2. Basic document structure for manuscripts

The core structure for most primary source documents looks like this:
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">  <teiHeader> <!-- Metadata -->  </teiHeader>  <facsimile> <!-- List of page-images. -->  </facsimile>  <text>   <body>    <div> <!-- Sequence of pb and entryFree elements. -->    </div>   </body>  </text> </TEI>
Transcribers/encoders are only responsible for what appears in the body. This will generally be a sequence of <pb> (= page-beginning) elements, interspersed with <entryFree> elements.

6.3. Dictionary entries in manuscripts

Across our primary source documents, dictionary entries take a wide variety of forms, and are not necessarily structured consistently. For this reason, we take a loose approach to encoding, using the TEI element <entryFree> to wrap each entry, and then within that, tagging all the things that are important to us.

6.3.1. Wendat text: <form> elements

Wendat words, phrases and sentences are the most significant component that is tagged inside an entry. We use the <form> element to do this. Each Wendat text string will be tagged with its own <form> element, so that it can be pointed to as a separate item in subsequent linking and processing. But what constitutes a ‘text string’? Much of the time, Wendat forms will be interspersed with French or Latin text, so it is easy to distinguish them:
<entryFree> [...] <form>chieɩannen iɩandatsa</form> * c'est une grande chaudiere * <form>iɩandatsak</form> c'etoit &amp; * <form>eɩandatsaha</form> ce sera &amp; [...] </entryFree>
In other cases, separate forms or partial forms may be listed, separated by periods, spaces, or commas:
<entryFree> 22... <form>ȣkaoʿt</form>. <form>t</form>. <form>tak</form>, <form>taɩ</form>, <form>taɩ eɩenk</form>. [...] </entryFree>
It is important to distinguish between such listings and Wendat phrases or sentences, which should be tagged with a single <form> element:
<entryFree> [...] <form>θo θo aat ahakȣendondeɩ, chia ontaȣaraθa n'ondechaȣeti d'onne ɩeratiek ɩar</form> * dès qu'il eut achevé de parler, il fit des tenebres par toute la terre en pleine midi [...] </entryFree> Names inside forms

Non-Wendat names may appear inside Wendat phrases and sentences. In this case, we need to distinguish them from their surrounding text because they should not be analyzed as though they are native Wendat forms; but they must remain inside the <form> element because they form part of the phrase or sentence. In this case, we use the <name> element to tag them:
<entryFree> [...] <form>   <name>jean</name> ehatias</form> il recevra, il prendra le nom de jean [..] </entryFree>
<form> elements may also include occasional Latin abbreviations, which should also be tagged to distinguish them from the surrounding Wendat text. See Language codes for more information on tagging languages.

6.3.2. Latin text

Interspersed with Wendat and French text there will usually be a fair amount of Latin words, phrases and even entire sentences. These Latin strings are tagged to distinguish them from the surrounding French and Wendat. We usually do this using the <seg> element:
<entryFree> [...] <form xml:id="fef_ms67_000131">ennonchîen</form>  <seg xml:lang="la">cum futuro verbî</seg> </entryFree>

6.3.3. French text

All text which is not tagged as a <form> or as Latin text is assumed to be French. In other words, French text does not require any special tagging to identify it.

6.4. Language codes for manuscripts

In TEI XML, the language of a document or a part of a document is specified using the W3C's standard xml:lang attribute, which can appear on any TEI element. We use the following language codes as values for xml:lang attributes:

  • en (English)
  • fr (French)
  • grc (Ancient Greek)
  • la (Latin)
  • wdt (Wendat)
  • wyn (Wyandot)
  • mul-x-enfr This is a custom tag created for use in this project specifically. The first component, mul, is a standard signifier for ‘multiple languages’. The -x- means that the following part is a project-specific custom value. The final part, enfr, means ‘English and French’. This is used for text which is written in a combination of English and French, which is how we handle creating multilingual pages for our site interface.
  • mul-x-lafr This is a custom tag created for use in this project specifically. The first component, mul, is a standard signifier for ‘multiple languages’. The -x- means that the following part is a project-specific custom value. The final part, lafr, means ‘Latin and French’. This is used for text which is written in a combination of Latin and French, a fairly common situation.

*We are considering an application to change the registered code for Wendat to wdt; if that is successful, a simple search-and-replace will be sufficient to update the project.

xml:lang attributes can be applied at the highest level in the document hierarchy that makes sense, and then overridden in descendant elements where required. So, for example, if you can see that most of the content in a document is in French, then you could specify:
<text xml:lang="fr"> [...] </text>
on the <text> element. Then if you encounter a passage in Latin, you could tag it like this:
<seg xml:lang="la">Lupus in fabula.</seg>
There is one exception to this: we assume by default that all instances of the <form> element, containing Wendat forms, are in Wendat; there is no need to specify xml:lang on this element, unless for some reason it is being used to tag a form which is not in Wendat. However, sometimes a non-Wendat component appears within a Wendat form; this is usually when a template is being shown, with the indication that (for example) any Wendat noun may appear within the context. In such a case, simply tag the component with the language from which it comes (usually Latin, but also possibly French). Here is an example:
<form>hotetsiraʿti <abbr xml:lang="la">N.</abbr> ti hiaatichias</form>

6.5. Unclear text, deletions and inline style in manuscripts

Generally speaking, the only encoding we do is conceptual (identifying what things are rather than what they look like). However, it's sometimes important to capture the appearance of some text without actually knowing why it looks like it does.

You can use the <hi> element to do this, with the rendition attribute to say what the text looks like. So for italicized text:

<hi rendition="rnd:italic">This is italics.</hi> 

for underlined text:

<hi rendition="rnd:uline">This is italics.</hi> 

and for superscript:

<hi rendition="rnd:sup">This is superscript.</hi> 

There are keystroke shortcuts for inserting these tags.

You will also come across text that has been deleted by strikethrough or by being scribbled over. Tag this with the <del> (deletion) element. Similarly, when you see text which is unclear, use the <unclear> element. You may of course use an <unclear> element inside a <del>, or vice versa. Again, there are keystroke shortcuts for these tags.

6.6. More complex insertions, deletions and corrections in manuscripts

Sometimes you will come across cases where text has been modified by the original author in puzzling ways. Here is an example:

A Wendat form from Potier 1744, p.5.
Figure 1. A Wendat form from Potier 1744, p.5.

Here, it's clear that the author has made corrections to the form. What matters here is what the intention is; we don't really care what was originally written in the bits which are blocked out, and we don't care that the ‘s’ character is written above and to the right of the ‘a’ character, because these are incidental features. We would transcribe this as:


In other words, as long as we can determine what the writer's intention is, we represent it as straightforwardly as possible. We might wrap this in an <unclear> element to signify that there is some possible doubt about it; perhaps the ‘s’ here is actually blocked out? It's hard to tell. But we don't worry about trying to represent the process which led to the final form.

In this example, text has been written in above the line:

Part of an entry from Potier 1744, p.5.
Figure 2. Part of an entry from Potier 1744, p.5.

Here, the phrase ‘pour un mauvais coup’ has been written in between two lines. Here, our job is to determine where the writer intended to insert the phrase. Is it a continuation of the previous line, forming a continuous French phrase ‘qi demande Satisfaction pour un mauvais coup’? If so, we would transcribe it as:

...qi demande Satisfaction pour un mauvais coup (par chi)...

Alternatively, perhaps the idea is to add that phrase after the first Wendat form. In that case, the transcription would be:

Satisfaction (par chi) <form>ȣas</form> pour un mauvais coup .. <form>ȣa .. ȣahe</form>

In other words, we try to represent the intention of the writer insofar as we can determine it.

In this third example, we see what looks like a correction; the phrase ‘beaucoup d'eau’ has been crossed out, and the correction ‘de l'eau’ written above:

Part of an entry from Potier 1744, p.6.
Figure 3. Part of an entry from Potier 1744, p.6.

We could simply ignore the crossed-out text here and include only the phrase ‘de l'eau’, but it is intriguing that the writer made this particular change, and it may be useful; since we can easily see what the original was, we may as well transcribe this as a deletion and an addition:

...il y a <del>beaucoup d'eau</del> <add>de l'eau</add>

In other cases, it may be difficult or impossible to determine what the writer intended by a particular configuration of characters. In the following example, there are several instances of the letter ‘r’ written above another letter:

Part of an entry from Potier 1751, p.162.
Figure 4. Part of an entry from Potier 1751, p.162.

The significance of this is not apparent, so rather than attempt to interpret the intention of the writer, it makes more sense simply to encode what you see. This is how you might do that:

<form>kȣ-ac<choice>   <seg>h</seg>   <seg rendition="rnd:upover">r</seg>  </choice>a</form>

This encoding captures the fact that the letter ‘r’ is written above the letter ‘h’, in a manner which suggests that they might represent different options. There is a keystroke shortcut that enables you to select the letters ‘hr’ and then insert this encoding automatically. In the rendered HTML version of the MS, the ‘r’ will be shown above the ‘h’. Here is another example, along with its encoding:

Part of an entry from Potier 1751, p.165.
Figure 5. Part of an entry from Potier 1751, p.165.
achietek ekȣentanden<choice>  <seg>n</seg>  <seg rendition="rnd:upover">g</seg> </choice>

6.7. Lists, tables and complex layouts in manuscripts

The texts we work with are semi-formal manuscripts, often annotated and edited in multiple revision campaigns, so they present some significant challenges in terms of interpretation, transcription and encoding. Our primary aim when transcribing and encoding is to represent truthfully what we believe the original writer intended to convey. We are less interested in the minutiae and accidentals of scribal practice. Above all, we aim to make these difficult texts both readable and processable for our team and our audience.

These priorities drive our encoding practice, so when dealing with an example like this:
A fragment from Potier 1751, p.169.
Figure 6. A fragment from Potier 1751, p.169.
the encoder may make an informed decision on what sequence to transcribe the text to provide the most readable output:
achietek ekȣentanden<choice>  <del>andaɩon</del>-<form>haon etioʿkȣat</form>  <seg xml:lang="la">dic</seg>  <form>ar͑akȣi</form> le vent est nord-est </choice>
However, there are other situations in which structural elements such as lists and tables may be more appropriate. For example:
A fragment from Potier 1744, p.272.
Figure 7. A fragment from Potier 1744, p.272.
At first glance, this looks like a bulleted list; we might encode it using the standard TEI <list> and <item> elements. However, if we look more closely, we see that the three items on the left are linked to a single item on the right, with a rough parenthesis-like line signifying the relationship. It therefore makes more sense to encode this as a table with two columns, where the first column has three cells, and the second has only a single cell:
<table>  <row>   <cell>    <form>kachriaɩi</form>   </cell>   <cell>rompre une chassé de castor</cell>   <cell rows="3">vide <form>ɩaiaɩi</form>    <lb/>   </cell>  </row>  <row>   <cell>    <form>ɩannontsis<unclear>      <choice>       <seg>t</seg>       <seg rendition="rnd:upover">k</seg>      </choice>     </unclear>iaɩi</form>   </cell>   <cell>couper la tete</cell>  </row>  <row>   <cell>    <form>ɩaɩonretsai</form>   </cell>   <cell>couper la main</cell>  </row> </table>
This will render into something clear and readable:
Fragment from Potier 1744, p.272, encoded as a table and rendered.
Figure 8. Fragment from Potier 1744, p.272, encoded as a table and rendered.
Martin Holmes. Date: 2024-01-09