Wendat Project
Schema and guidelines for encoding lexical data
Martin Holmes

Table of contents

15. Lists

Lists often appear in our texts, and where these are block-level lists (each item appears on a new line), we encode them with the TEI <list> and <item> elements:
<list rend="bulleted">  <item>   <seg xml:lang="la">nibi efficcamini sicut parvuli, non intrabitis in regnum coloram</seg>  </item>  <item>   <seg xml:lang="la">de <abbr>al.</abbr>    <unclear>saentiarum</unclear>, dominus est</seg>  </item>  <item>   <seg xml:lang="la">o <unclear>ongo</unclear> studys semper desta meis</seg>  </item> </list>
The rend attribute can take three values:
  • simple: The list will be rendered without numbers or bullets.
  • bulleted: The list will be rendered with disc bullets.
  • numbered: The list will be numbered automatically.
In the cases of bulleted and numbered, there is no need to insert anything into the transcription for bullets or numbers, since the symbols will be inserted automatically by the browser. We do not normally distinguish between common types of bullet; if the scribe happens to use asterisks for this function, we simply use rend=bulleted and reproduce these as discs. However, if (for example) the numbering in the text is wrong, then you will have to use rend=simple, and then manually insert the incorrect numbers in the transcription, since the browser can only really number things correctly.
Martin Holmes. Date: 2024-01-09