3-D reconstruction in humanities → 210
AIML → 40
Abraham Lincoln → 15
Anglo-Saxon → 118
Biblical software → 82
CLIR Post-Doctoral Fellowship → 147
CS & humanities → 176
Cervantes → 53
Computing Science → 138
DTD → 126
Dublin Core → 206
EAD (Encoded Archival Description) → 44
EAD encoding → 163
FRBR → 206
Federalist Papers → 54
GIS in humanities → 210
GODDAG → 174
German Nietzsche reception → 83
Internet Shakespeare Editions → 202
Java → 44
Latin → 33
Library Science → 147
Logic Programming → 198
METS → 125
Navajo → 35
Open Access → 117
Oulipo → 45
Robert Graves diary → 113
Semantic Web → 117
TEI → 167, 104, 133, 158, 165, 169, 203, 156, 214
Tibetan → 133
Topic Maps → 169
TopicMap → 156
Virtual Humanities Lab → 77
Web → 195
Web interfaces → 113
Web technologies → 94
XML DTD → 34
XML database eXist → 113
XML tools → 160
XSL schema → 34
acoustic reduction → 128
agglomerative clustering → 163
algorithms → 45
annotation → 202, 183, 56, 71, 38
análisis sintáctico → 61
approaches to humanities research → 37
archive digitisation → 122
arts informatics → 164
authorship attribution → 130, 162, 33, 54, 73, 31, 74
autoguidage → 93
automated textual analysis → 91
automatic text processing → 170
case-based storytelling → 105
chat bot → 40
civic discourse → 15
classical music → 56
collaboration → 112, 202, 77, 99
collaborative research → 176
collocation → 185
comprehensive tagging → 176
computational creativity → 105
computational lexicography → 136
computational linguistics → 61
computational stylistics → 207
computationally augmented reading → 110
computer wordscoring content analysis → 50
computer-assisted reading → 45
computing → 28
concurrent hierarchies → 174
contemporary academy → 37
content reuse → 171
conversion → 44
corpus → 134
corpus analysis → 136
correspondence analysis → 116
criticism → 120
culture → 402
curriculum definition → 43
curriculum development → 43
cybertextuality → 401
data management framework → 174
data mining → 201
databases → 103
desambiguación → 61
descriptive markup → 160
design considerations → 198
development → 10
diachronics → 87
dictionaries → 103
digital editing → 183
digital editions → 56
digital humanities → 96
digital libraries → 53, 156, 161
digital library → 125, 158, 42
digital literature → 120
digital preservation → 141, 71
digitization → 52
disambiguation → 61
disciplinary integration of computing tools → 14
docencia → 127
e-learning → 131
e-literature → 132
e-publishing → 19
e-text → 202
eXist XML database → 113
educational settings → 160
educational technology → 25
emerging digitization efforts → 132
encoding → 126
encoding & electronic editions → 149
encoding standards → 87
evaluating digital texts → 104
experience → 138
feature selection → 207
fiscal conservativeness of political actors → 50
fixed-phrase → 185
français écrit → 93
function words → 162
games → 175
geometry → 115
guardian-spender budgetary framework → 50
heraldry → 115
hierarchies → 202
higher education → 200
hipertexto → 131
historical indexes → 103
humanities computing → 150
humanities users → 42
hypermedia → 10
image retrieval → 102
image-based electronic editing → 178, 176
image-based electronic editions → 177
index generation → 30
indexing multimedia objects → 102
information retrieval → 184, 151
interactive story → 105
interdisciplinary data integration → 194
interdisciplinary education → 176
interface design → 208
keyword extraction → 184
knowledge representation → 114
language acquisition → 136
language cognition → 401
language resources → 94
lexicography → 87
libraries → 179
libretto → 126
linguisitically-directed reading → 110
linguistics → 115
lingüística → 97
lingüística computacional → 61
literary criticism → 14
literary studies → 120
literature electronic archive → 154
markup languages & programming → 200
metadata for information management → 106
methodology → 130
minority languages → 134
minorité → 93
morfología computacional → 97
multicultural → 133
multilevel modeling → 128
multilingual → 153
multilingual metadata → 102
multimedia → 202
multimedia modelling → 206
multiple-texts → 149
multivariate analysis → 166
narrative corpora → 91
narrative intelligence → 105
narrative ontology → 105
narratology → 105
national support → 150
natural language processing → 94, 82
neolatin → 153
new media art → 71
non-standard orthography → 83
online delivery of primary text → 170
online tools → 134
open source tools → 91
oral history → 141
pedagogical applications of new media → 132
plugin architecture → 177, 176
portals → 301
preservation → 202
project management → 176
proppian functions → 105
public humanities → 15
publishing → 96
query expansion → 22
rdf syndication → 171
recuperación morfoléxica → 97
reflexivity → 164
representation of non-text objects → 71
rhetoric → 209
role of new media → 37
rule based search → 83
scansion → 195
scholarly communities → 179
scholarly editing → 203
scholarly information resources → 147
scholarly publishing → 152
second/foreign language acquisition → 40
secondary repositories → 161
semantics → 185
shakespeare → 98
sociolinguistic & register variation → 128
standards → 112
statistical stylistics → 73, 74
story generators → 105
story-based games → 105
stylistic variation → 116
stylometry → 116
syntactic analysis → 61
system architecture → 105
teaching → 28
teaching humanities → 210
technological imagination → 402
technology design → 402
term co-occurrence → 22
term proximity → 22
text analysis → 14, 401, 208, 301
text and markup → 152
text categorization → 207
text classification → 162
text encoding → 167, 170, 203, 205
text mining → 201
text-processing software → 30, 31
textbase → 35
texts → 153
textual editing → 104
textual iconography → 53
textual variants → 149
theory of text → 183
tools → 301
tools development → 201
topic maps → 114
trade → 52
usability → 42
use of electronic resources → 72
user interfaces → 122
user-performance data → 161
virtualidad → 127
visual aids → 106
visual collections → 171
visualization → 151, 165, 214, 208
vocabulary analysis → 130
web publication → 209