-on-Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | derivational suffix |
Phonological Form | -ǫ- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-ǫ- |
Examples for entry
- a’khen’ndiyonhraenton’s de ayorahskwanh
I think about those who have left
- önontoutonnion’
there are countless mountains
- önontouton’
there are several mountains
- shonywarihwaentondihk
he gives us advice
- stan’ ne endi’ yewendïio’ te’yenh dekha’ ekaenton’
I am not the owner of these pieces of furniture
- Tayrihwaentonhons !
Tell me your thought!
- Ta’ohten’ hotiyehtontie’ ?
What are they going along carrying?
- tho iyäa’tayeh de hotisken’rayehtahk tiöndrahtayeh de kha’ skwarhaenton’
there are as many soldiers as there are leaves in your woods
- yarhi’tonton’ yahihk etiotondih
there are many fruit trees
- yaronhia’yeh tihchion’ hatironnion’
there is a multitude of stars appearing in the sky
- yarontouton’ ihchien’ dowa’ yarha’yonh wa’ de yarontaentonnion’
in the woods, there are some trees standing up and others knocked down on the ground