-a’Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | aspect-mood suffix |
Phonological Form | -aʔ |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-aʔ |
Examples for entry
- aayatatia’
that I (may) speak; so that I speak; I must speak; I could speak; I should speak
- aayehchondia’
I might, could, would, or should prepare something
- aayeienhwiha’
I might, could, would, or should learn how to do it
- ahatia’ta’ta’
he bent over, stooped
- ahchiahchi’toha’
your foot slipped into the water
- ahchiatowa’
you narrowly escaped it
- ahchietehk esha’ndënia’
he will be one year old tomorrow, he will reach the day of his birth tomorrow
- aonyatatihatie’ska’
I would still continue to talk
- aywerhe’ aaiaywakahkwahcha’ tihennonhwentsou’tenh
we want to go see how their country is made, what their country is like
- a’kwatehchirawa’
it is unblocked, unplugged
- a’kwatronhiakhahska’
the sky opened up
- a’shonywa’ndënia’
he caught up with us, he joined us
- a’yängwenha’
it just snowed
- a’yatatia’
I’m speaking now, I just spoke, I spoke
- a’yehchondia’
I just prepared something, I am preparing something now
- a’yeienhwiha’
I just learned how to do it, I am learning how to do it now
- a’yitaraha’
I just fell, I fell
- ehänienhwiha’
he will learn, he will complete it, he will know how to do it
- ekonwakahtahnda’
I will come see you
- eskatieronhkwaha’
my strength will come back to me
- eska’iakha’ yahonhk
I will return to the hunt for Canada geese
- ewända’tarontahk eyiayenha’
I will go out as soon as I have my bread on the fire
- eyehchondia’
I will prepare something
- iwerhe’ aaiayiarahskwa’
she wants to leave with me
- öne a’orhenha’
the day is now just beginning to arrive
- orihierihenh ehchiatatia’
you will speak correctly
- ondae’ yatsa’tänionkhwa’ de iyerhe’ aonsawatieronhkwaha’ de yieron’yeh
I eat my meals to restore the strength in my body, so that my body becomes strong again
- onhwa’ eyia’trahcha’
I will go now to attend it
- onhwa’ tho aaht etiorhenha’
the day is going to come right now
- ontahäa’tenha’
he fell from above
- ontahäa’tenha’
he fell from up there
- sahwenh de eyatsa’tänionwa’
wait until I finish eating my meal
- tewendihwen’ska’
there will continue to be lightning
- te’yarihwetsih de eyatatia’
I won’t make a long speech
- tho ihchien’ a’ayoha’
that fell in the water there
- yatsihsta’yeh a’ontaha’
it fell in the fire