Places mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 2, The Catalogue of Ships
- Troy
- Mount Olympus
- Pylos
- Argos
- Icarion Sea
- Ithaca
- Aulis
- Gerenia
- Cayster River
- Hyria
- Schoinos
- Skolos
- Eteonos Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Thespiae
- Graia
- Mykalessos
- Harma
- Eilesium
- Erythrae
- Eleon
- Hyle
- Peteon
- Ocalea
- Medeon
- Copae
- Eutresis
- Thisbe
- Coronea
- Haliartus
- Plataea
- Glisas
- Thebes
- Onchestus
- Arne
- Midea
- Nisa
- Anthedon
- Aspledon
- Orchomenus
- Cyparissus
- Delphi
- Crisa
- Daulis
- Panopeus
- Anemorea
- Hyampolis
- Cephisus
- Lilaea
- Cynus
- Opus
- Calliarus A town in eastern Locris
- Bessa Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Scarphe
- Augeae Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Tarphe
- Thronium
- Boagrius River
- Euboea
- Khalkis
- Eretria
- Histiaea
- Cerinthus
- Dion
- Karystos
- Styra
- Athens
- Salamis
- Tiryns
- Hermione The town Pausanias visits; the old city is referred to as Hermion.
- Asine
- Troezen
- Eion Found at the mouth of the Strymon River
- Epidaurus
- Aegina An Island
- Mases
- Mycenae
- Corinth
- Cleonae
- Orneae
- Araethyrea
- Sicyon
- Hyperesia
- Gonoessa
- Pellene
- Aegium
- Helike
- Sparta
- Pharis
- Messe
- Bryseae
- Amyclae
- Helos
- Laas Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Oetylus
- Arene
- Thryum
- Alpheus River
- Aepy
- Cyparisseis
- Amphigenea
- Pteleum
- Dorium
- Oechalia
- Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
- Cyllene
- Pheneus
- Rhipae
- Stratie
- Enispe Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Tegea
- Mantinea
- Stymphalus
- Parrhasia
- Bouprasion
- Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
- Hyrmine
- Myrsinus
- Olenus
- Alesium
- Dulichium
- Strophades Islands
- Neritum
- Crocylea Likely modern Atokos.
- Aegilips An Island near Ithaka
- Samos
- Zacynthos
- Pleuron
- Pylene
- Calydon
- Knossos
- Gortys
- Lyktos
- Miletus
- Lykastos
- Phaistos
- Rhytium
- Crete
- Rhodes
- Lindos
- Ialysos
- Kameiros
- River Ladon
- Syme
- Nisyrus
- Carpathus
- Casus A City or a Region
- Cos
- Calydnian Islands
- Alos The location of Alos is unconfirmed, but it seems likely from textual evidence that it was another name for Halos, a settlement 10km south of present-day Almyros.
- Alope
- Trachis
- Phthia
- Hellas
- Lyrnessus
- Hypoplacian Thebes
- Phylace
- Pyrasus
- Itonus
- Antrum
- Pherai
- Boebean Lake
- Boebe
- Glaphyrae
- Iolcus
- Methone
- Thaumacia
- Meliboia
- Olizon
- Lemnos
- Tricca
- Ithome
- Ormenium
- Fountain of Hypereia
- Asterios Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Titanus Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Argissa
- Gyrtone
- Orthe
- Elone
- Oloosson
- Mount Pelion
- Cyphus
- Dodona
- Titaresios River Greek river that flows into the Peneus
- Peneus A river in Thessaly named for the regional river god of the same name. This river is distinct from the Peneus in the Peloponnese region, which is not associated with the river god.
- Perea
- Batieia
- Ida A mountain in Turkey.
- Telea
- Aesepos River
- Adrastia
- Apaesus
- Pityeia
- Mountain of Tereia
- Perkote
- Praktios
- Sestos
- Abydos
- Arisbe
- Larissa Prominent city in Thessaly
- Hellespont
- Amydon
- River Axios
- Enetae Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Cytorus
- Sesamus
- Parthenios River Modern name is Bartın River (Bartın Çayı)
- Cromna
- Aigialos
- Erithinoi
- Alybe
- Askania
- Gygaean Lake
- Mount Tmolos
- Mount Phthires
- Maeander
- Mount Mycale
- Xanthos A river near Troy who, in a physical manifestation, battles Achilles.
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