


  1. Odysseus feigns madness to avoid going to war
  2. Palamedes threatens to kill Telemachus to force Odysseus to go to war
  3. Odysseus’ men open the bag which holds the winds
  4. Odysseus arrives home to Ithaca
  5. Penelope promises her suitors that she will marry when she has completed a shroud for Laertes
  6. Penelope weaves Laertes’ shroud during the day and secretly unravels it at night
  7. Penelope’s suitors discover that she has been unravelling Laertes’ shroud
  8. Odysseus encounters Eumaeus
  9. Odysseus reveals his identity to Telemachus
  10. Melanthius the goatherd meets Odysseus on his return to Ithaca
  11. Odysseus returns to his palace in disguise
  12. Odysseus begs food from Penelope’s suitors
  13. Odysseus wrestles with Irus
  14. Odysseus reveals his identity to Eumaeus and Philoetius
  15. Odysseus devises a trap for Penelope’s suitors
  16. Penelope agrees to marry whichever of her suitors can bend Odysseus’ bow
  17. The suitors fail to bend Odysseus’ bow
  18. Odysseus shoots Penelope’s suitors
  19. Odysseus kills Melanthius
  20. Odysseus kills the handmaids who had had sex with the suitors
  21. Odysseus reveals his identity to Penelope
  22. Odysseus reveals his identity to Laertes
  23. Odysseus returns to Ithaca a second time
  24. Odysseus meets his son Poliporthes
  25. Telegonus sails to Ithaca in search of Odysseus
  26. Telegonus tries to steal some of Odysseus’ cattle
  27. Telegonus kills Odysseus
  28. Telegonus recognizes Odysseus’ corpse as his father
  29. Amphinomus seduces Penelope
  30. Odysseus kills Penelope for her infidelity
  31. Suitors come from Ithaca to woo Penelope
  32. Odysseus and the Cephallenians send ships to Troy
  33. The Suitors of Penelope eat Odysseus’ herds at feasts
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