[Hon. B. DAVIES] The Opposition press believed the Government, in bringing forward
the measure, did so
with a view to free the country into Confederation, which he, (Hon. B. D.) felt assured
would follow as a result of the debt the undertaking would entail upon the Colony.
In engaging in an undertaking so far beyond the resources of the country, the consequences
would be they would as a Colony become debtors to the party which would back their
paper, and occupy the position which a debtor does to a creditor, which was not a
desirable one. The creditor controlled the debtor, and such he feared would be their
position with regard to Canada, if that costly work were proceeded with, for they
would have to ask the Dominion Government to endorse their paper. Such being the case,
the Opposition deserved well of the country.
HON. ATTORNEY GENERAL] The hon. member's imagination has enabled him to see the grim skeleton of Confederation
behind the thin screen of the Railway scheme, and gravely tell us that we will have
to go to Canada to get our paper endorsed. I ask him does he really believe what he
asserted? Canada has quite as many responsibillities already as she can bear. The
improvement of the canals, the construction of the Pacific Railroad, the purchase
and settlement of the North west Territory, and other great demands upon her resources,
will absorb all her available resources for some years to come. Although in favor
of Confederation, I would scorn to ask her to pledge her credit for our proposed Railway.
Mr. REILLY] I tell that hon. member and the hon. Leader of the Government that there is not
money enough in the Treasury to purchase my support as a journalist to Confederation.
The railroad will be a benefit to the country, and so far from believing that it will
conduce to confederation it will be the best means of keeping us out of it. [...]
[...] But this Pictou
Union with the Dominion, the price to be paid us will be
enhanced. Under any circumstances no pressure can be brought
to bear on us from our Railway indebtedness for thirty years, as the
debentures will not be redeemable until the expiration of that time.