I have four to prep, so I'm starting early. :-) The Keats one, which is part TEI part Endings, is perhaps the easiest.
AM working on the rebuild of the Wheelock exercises provided a list of units she's worked on, so I rebuilt all of those and pushed the results up to hrd/latin/new_wheelock. Had to install HotPot first.
Posting some time spent over the last couple of days writing and documenting an ant + XSLT script to convert the Newfoundlander transcriptions into "final" form for the generation of XML. GL's skills are moving forward.
Another section of the script to convert text-field illustrators into one-to-many. The only remaining issue is how to reliably recreate existing field data in the form of relational links. This is likely to be a little bit risky because of whitespace normalization issues. It should probably be done after the other work is done, so that the SQL can be created using XSLT.
Met with DH and gradually worked out a plan to revamp the category system completely.
The problem conflict file in svn is now fixed (svn resolve [file] --accept theirs-full
) and we have a good idea of where we're going after a discussion.
Reorganized a lot of the file folders on the server; fixed the db pointers to match; added some new diagnostics; made the diagnostics more user-friendly and slightly prettier; added lots of documentation to the build process ahead of beginning the generation of TEI and HTML; and lots of other bits and pieces.
I'm now able to retrieve all fresh data from the dbs and the home1t filesystem, generate the stats and commit them as part of a single ant target. Much more convenient, and will work much better when I'm away.
List of requests from KB is now done. Added lots more images and linked them, and fixed a few typos.
Polished off one more ticket (a French caption not showing up) before meeting with DH and discussing remaining tickets.