THe next ward
towardes the south, is Corn
hill warde, so called of a corne market, time
out of mind there holden, and is a part of
the principall high streete, beginning at the
west end of Leaden hall, stretching downe
west on both the sides by the south end of
Finckes lane, on the right hand, and by the
North ende of Birchouers lane, on the
left part of which lanes, to wit, to the middle of them is of this
ward and so down to the Stockes market, and this is the bounds
of this Ward. The vpper, or East part of this Warde, and al
so a part of Lymestreete warde hath beene (as I saide) a
market place, especially for Corne, and since for all kinde
of victuals, as is partly shewed in Limestreete warde, yet it ap
peareth of record, that in the yere 1522. the Rippars of Rie and
other places solde their fresh fish in Leaden hall market, vpon
Cornhil, but forren Butchers were not admitted, there to sel flesh
chers & other should sel their beefe and mutton by weight, to wit
beefe not aboue a halfpennie the pound, and mutton halfpenny half
farthing: which act being deuised for the great commodity of the
realme, (as it was then thought) hath since proued far otherwaies,
for before that time a fat oxe was solde at London, for sixe and
twentie shillings 8. ď. at the most, a fat Wether for thrée shillings
4. pence, a fat Calfe the like price, a fat Lambe for twelue pence,
peeces of beefe weighed two poundes and a halfe, at the least, yea
thrée pound or better for a pennie on euerie Butchers stal in this
Citie: and of those peeces of beefe thirteene or foureteene for
twelue pence, fat mutton for eight pence the quarter, and one hun
dred weight of beefe for foure shillinges eight pence at the dearest:
What the price is now, I néede not to set downe, many men
thought the same to raise in price: by meane that euerie Grasier
knew or supposed what weight euery their beastes contayned,
and so raising their price thereafter, the Butcher could be no gay
ner, but by likewise raising his price: but the true causes of en
hansing the prices both of those and other victualls are not to bee
disputed here. &c. The Forren Butchers for a long time stoode
in the high streete of Limestreete warde, twise euerie weeke vz.
Wednesday and Saturday, and were some gaine to the Ten
nantes before whose dores they stoode, and into whose houses
they set their blockes and stalles, on the north side of that streete,
but that aduantage being espied, they were taken into Leaden
hall, there to pay for their standinges to the Chamber of Lon
don. Thus much for the market vppon Cornhill.
hill warde, so called of a corne market, time
out of mind there holden, and is a part of
the principall high streete, beginning at the
west end of Leaden hall, stretching downe
west on both the sides by the south end of
Finckes lane, on the right hand, and by the
North ende of Birchouers lane, on the
left part of which lanes, to wit, to the middle of them is of this
ward and so down to the Stockes market, and this is the bounds
of this Ward. The vpper, or East part of this Warde, and al
so a part of Lymestreete warde hath beene (as I saide) a
market place, especially for Corne, and since for all kinde
of victuals, as is partly shewed in Limestreete warde, yet it ap
peareth of record, that in the yere 1522. the Rippars of Rie and
other places solde their fresh fish in Leaden hall market, vpon
Cornhil, but forren Butchers were not admitted, there to sel flesh
L 2
til the yere 1533. & shortly after it was enacted, that the said Butchers & other should sel their beefe and mutton by weight, to wit
beefe not aboue a halfpennie the pound, and mutton halfpenny half
farthing: which act being deuised for the great commodity of the
realme, (as it was then thought) hath since proued far otherwaies,
for before that time a fat oxe was solde at London, for sixe and
twentie shillings 8. ď. at the most, a fat Wether for thrée shillings
4. pence, a fat Calfe the like price, a fat Lambe for twelue pence,
peeces of beefe weighed two poundes and a halfe, at the least, yea
thrée pound or better for a pennie on euerie Butchers stal in this
Citie: and of those peeces of beefe thirteene or foureteene for
twelue pence, fat mutton for eight pence the quarter, and one hun
dred weight of beefe for foure shillinges eight pence at the dearest:
What the price is now, I néede not to set downe, many men
thought the same to raise in price: by meane that euerie Grasier
knew or supposed what weight euery their beastes contayned,
and so raising their price thereafter, the Butcher could be no gay
ner, but by likewise raising his price: but the true causes of en
hansing the prices both of those and other victualls are not to bee
disputed here. &c. The Forren Butchers for a long time stoode
in the high streete of Limestreete warde, twise euerie weeke vz.
Wednesday and Saturday, and were some gaine to the Ten
nantes before whose dores they stoode, and into whose houses
they set their blockes and stalles, on the north side of that streete,
but that aduantage being espied, they were taken into Leaden
hall, there to pay for their standinges to the Chamber of Lon
don. Thus much for the market vppon Cornhill.
The chiefe ornamentes in Cornhil warde are these. First at
the East end thereof, in the middle of the high streete, and at the
parting of foure wayes, haue ye a water standarde, placed there
in the yeare 1582. in manner following.
the East end thereof, in the middle of the high streete, and at the
parting of foure wayes, haue ye a water standarde, placed there
in the yeare 1582. in manner following.
A certaine German or Dutch man borne, named Peter Mor
ris, hauing made an Artificiall Forcier, for that purpose, conueyed
Thames water in pipes of Lead, ouer the steeple of S. Magnus
Church, at the north end of London bridge, and from thence into
diuers mens houses, in Thames streete, New fish streete and
Grassestreete, vp to the northwest corner of Leaden hall, the
rising into this Standarde (prouided at the charges of the Citie)
with foure spoutes runneth foure waies, plentifully seruing to the
commoditie of the inhabitantes neare adioyning in their houses,
and also clenseth the Channels of the streete towardes Bishops
gate, Aldegate, the Bridge,1 and the Stockes market.
ris, hauing made an Artificiall Forcier, for that purpose, conueyed
Thames water in pipes of Lead, ouer the steeple of S. Magnus
Church, at the north end of London bridge, and from thence into
diuers mens houses, in Thames streete, New fish streete and
Grassestreete, vp to the northwest corner of Leaden hall, the
highest ground of al the Citie, where
the wast of the maine piperising into this Standarde (prouided at the charges of the Citie)
with foure spoutes runneth foure waies, plentifully seruing to the
commoditie of the inhabitantes neare adioyning in their houses,
and also clenseth the Channels of the streete towardes Bishops
gate, Aldegate, the Bridge,1 and the Stockes market.
Then haue ye a fayre Conduite of swéete water, castellated in
the middest of that warde and streete. This Conduite was first
builded of stone, in the yeare 1282. by Henry Walles, Maior of
London, to be a prison for night walkers, & other suspitious per
sons, and was called the Tunne vpon Cornhill, because the same
was builded somewhat in fashion of a Tonne standing on the one
the middest of that warde and streete. This Conduite was first
builded of stone, in the yeare 1282. by Henry Walles, Maior of
London, to be a prison for night walkers, & other suspitious per
sons, and was called the Tunne vpon Cornhill, because the same
was builded somewhat in fashion of a Tonne standing on the one
Also without the West side of this Tunne, was a fayre well
1298. certaine principall Citizens of London, brake vp this pri
son called the Tunne, and tooke out certain prisoners for the which
they were sharply punished by long imprisonment, & great fines,
as in another place I haue shewed.
fayre well
vpon Cornhil.
of springing
water, curbed round with hard stone. In the yearevpon Cornhil.
1298. certaine principall Citizens of London, brake vp this pri
son called the Tunne, and tooke out certain prisoners for the which
they were sharply punished by long imprisonment, & great fines,
as in another place I haue shewed.
In the yeare 1401. this prison
house called the Tunne was
made a Cesterne for sweete water conueyed by pipes of Leade frõ
the towne of Tyborne, and was from thence forth called the con
duite vpon Cornhill: Then was the wall planked ouer, and a
strong prison made of Timber, called a Cage, with a payre of
stockes set vpon it, on the top of which Cage was placed a Pillory
for the punishment of Bakers offending in the Assise of Breade:
for Millers stealeing of Corne at the Mill: and for baudes
and scolds &c. In the yeare 1475. R. Drope Mayor, dwelling
in that warde inlarged the Cestern of this Conduite, with an
east end of stone, and lead castelated in comely manner. In the
yeare 1546. Sir Martin Bowes Maior dwelling in Lombard
streete, and hauing his backe gate opening into Cornhill against
the saide Conduite, minded to haue enlarged the Cesterne there
the East: view and measure of the plot was taken, for this worke,
but the Pillorie and Cage being remoued, they found the ground
planked, and the well aforesaide (worne out of memorie) which
what west from the well, and so this worke ceased.
made a Cesterne for sweete water conueyed by pipes of Leade frõ
the towne of Tyborne, and was from thence forth called the con
duite vpon Cornhill: Then was the wall planked ouer, and a
strong prison made of Timber, called a Cage, with a payre of
stockes set vpon it, on the top of which Cage was placed a Pillory
for the punishment of Bakers offending in the Assise of Breade:
for Millers stealeing of Corne at the Mill: and for baudes
and scolds &c. In the yeare 1475. R. Drope Mayor, dwelling
in that warde inlarged the Cestern of this Conduite, with an
east end of stone, and lead castelated in comely manner. In the
yeare 1546. Sir Martin Bowes Maior dwelling in Lombard
streete, and hauing his backe gate opening into Cornhill against
the saide Conduite, minded to haue enlarged the Cesterne there
Conduite vpõ
Cornhil enlar
with a west end, like
as Robert Drope before
had don towardCornhil enlar
the East: view and measure of the plot was taken, for this worke,
but the Pillorie and Cage being remoued, they found the ground
planked, and the well aforesaide (worne out of memorie) which
L 3
well they reuiued and restored to vse, they set the Pillorie
somewhat west from the well, and so this worke ceased.
On the North side of this street, from the East vnto the West
haue ye diuers fayre houses for marchantes and other, amongst
the which one large house is called the Wey house, where mar
chandizes brought from beyond the seas, are to bée weighed at
the Kinges Beame:
foure maister Portars, with Portars vnder them: they haue a
strong cart, and were vsed to haue foure great horses, to draw and
again: now thrée horses serue the turn. Sir Thomas Louel knight
builded this house, with a fayre front of Tenementes towards the
streete, all which he gaue to the Grocers of London, himselfe
being free of the Citie, and a brother of that Companie.
haue ye diuers fayre houses for marchantes and other, amongst
the which one large house is called the Wey house, where mar
chandizes brought from beyond the seas, are to bée weighed at
the Kinges Beame:
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)house or
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)vpon Cornhil.
This house hath a maister, and vnder himThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)house or
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)vpon Cornhil.
foure maister Portars, with Portars vnder them: they haue a
strong cart, and were vsed to haue foure great horses, to draw and
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Sir
Louell his
gift to the
carrie the wares from the
marchants houses to the beam & backeLouell his
gift to the
again: now thrée horses serue the turn. Sir Thomas Louel knight
builded this house, with a fayre front of Tenementes towards the
streete, all which he gaue to the Grocers of London, himselfe
being free of the Citie, and a brother of that Companie.
Then haue yée the saide Finckes lane, the southende of
lane on both the sides is in Cornhill warde.
lane on both the sides is in Cornhill warde.
Then next is the
Royall Exchange erected. In the yere 1566.
after this order, vzThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR): certaine houses vpon Cornhill, and the like
vpon the backe thereof, in the warde of Brodestreete, with thrée
Allies, the first called Swan Alley, opening into Cornhill, the se
cond called New Alley, passing throughout of Cornhil into Brod
streete warde, ouer against S. Bartilmew lane, the thirde called
S. Christophers Alley, opening into Brodestreete warde, and
into S. Christophers Parrish, conteyning in all fourescore house
holdes: were first purchased by the Citizens of London, for more
then 353This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)2. £. and were solde for 478. l. to such persons as shoulde
take them down, and carrie the stuffe from thence, also the ground
or plot was made plaine at the charges of the Citie, and then pos
session thereof was by certaine Aldermen, in name of the whole
Citizens giuen to Sir Thomas Gresham knight, Agent to the
Queenes Highnesse,2 thereupon to builde a burse, or place, for
Marchantes, to assemble in, at his own proper charges: and hee
on the ſeuenth of Iune laying the first stone of the foundation, be
ing Bricke, accompanied with some Aldermen, euery of them
laide a peece of gold, which the workemen tooke vp, and forthwith
followed vpon the same with such diligence, that by the moneth of
nouember in the 1567.3 the same was couered with slate, & short
on the 23. of Ianuarie, the Queenes Maiestie,4 attended
with her Nobillitie, came from her house at the Strande called
Fléetestreete, Cheape, and so by the North side of the Burse, to
Sir Thomas Greshams in Bishopsgate streete, where she dined,
after dinner her Maiestie returning through Cornhill entered the
Burse on the southside, and after that shee had viewed euery part
therof aboue the ground, especially the Pawne, which was richlie
furnished with all sortes of the finest wares in the City: she cau
sed the same Burse by an Herralde and a Trompet to bee procla
med the Royall Exchange, and so to bee called from thence forth
and not otherwise.
after this order, vzThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR): certaine houses vpon Cornhill, and the like
vpon the backe thereof, in the warde of Brodestreete, with thrée
Allies, the first called Swan Alley, opening into Cornhill, the se
cond called New Alley, passing throughout of Cornhil into Brod
streete warde, ouer against S. Bartilmew lane, the thirde called
S. Christophers Alley, opening into Brodestreete warde, and
into S. Christophers Parrish, conteyning in all fourescore house
holdes: were first purchased by the Citizens of London, for more
then 353This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)2. £. and were solde for 478. l. to such persons as shoulde
take them down, and carrie the stuffe from thence, also the ground
or plot was made plaine at the charges of the Citie, and then pos
session thereof was by certaine Aldermen, in name of the whole
Citizens giuen to Sir Thomas Gresham knight, Agent to the
Queenes Highnesse,2 thereupon to builde a burse, or place, for
Marchantes, to assemble in, at his own proper charges: and hee
on the ſeuenth of Iune laying the first stone of the foundation, be
ing Bricke, accompanied with some Aldermen, euery of them
laide a peece of gold, which the workemen tooke vp, and forthwith
followed vpon the same with such diligence, that by the moneth of
nouember in the 1567.3 the same was couered with slate, & short
ly after fully finished. In the yere a
thouſand fiue hundred ſeauentieon the 23. of Ianuarie, the Queenes Maiestie,4 attended
with her Nobillitie, came from her house at the Strande called
Queene Eli
zabeth camThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)e
to the Burse.
Sommerset house, and
entred the citie, by Temple Bar, throughzabeth camThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)e
to the Burse.
Fléetestreete, Cheape, and so by the North side of the Burse, to
Sir Thomas Greshams in Bishopsgate streete, where she dined,
after dinner her Maiestie returning through Cornhill entered the
Burse on the southside, and after that shee had viewed euery part
therof aboue the ground, especially the Pawne, which was richlie
furnished with all sortes of the finest wares in the City: she cau
sed the same Burse by an Herralde and a Trompet to bee procla
med the Royall Exchange, and so to bee called from thence forth
and not otherwise.
Next adioyning to this Royall Exchange
of a large stone house, and is now called the Castle of such a signe,
at a Tauerne dore there is a passage throughout of Cornhill,
into Thrée needle streete, the other parte of the saide stone house
was taken downe, for enlarging the Royall Exchange: this stone
house was saide of some to haue béene a Church (whereof it had
no proportion,) of others a Iewes house (as though none but
Iewes had dwelt in stone houses) but that opinion is without war
rant: for in the first yeare of Richarde the first, to preuent the ca
sualties of fire (which often had hapned in the Citie, when the hou
ses were builded of Timber, and couered with Reede or Straw,
Henry Fitz Alewin being Maior, it was decreed that from thenc
forth no man should build within the Citie, but of stone, vntill a
certaine height, and to couer the same building with slate, or brent
tyle, and this was the verie cause of such stone buildinges, where
of many haue remained till our time: but of late for winning of
ground, they haue béen taken down, & in place of some one of thē
being low, as but two stories aboue the ground, many houses of
foure or fiue stories high are placed.
The Burse
called the Roy
all EThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (MR)xchange.
remaineth one
partecalled the Roy
all EThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (MR)xchange.
of a large stone house, and is now called the Castle of such a signe,
at a Tauerne dore there is a passage throughout of Cornhill,
into Thrée needle streete, the other parte of the saide stone house
was taken downe, for enlarging the Royall Exchange: this stone
house was saide of some to haue béene a Church (whereof it had
no proportion,) of others a Iewes house (as though none but
Iewes had dwelt in stone houses) but that opinion is without war
rant: for in the first yeare of Richarde the first, to preuent the ca
sualties of fire (which often had hapned in the Citie, when the hou
ses were builded of Timber, and couered with Reede or Straw,
Henry Fitz Alewin being Maior, it was decreed that from thenc
forth no man should build within the Citie, but of stone, vntill a
certaine height, and to couer the same building with slate, or brent
tyle, and this was the verie cause of such stone buildinges, where
of many haue remained till our time: but of late for winning of
ground, they haue béen taken down, & in place of some one of thē
being low, as but two stories aboue the ground, many houses of
foure or fiue stories high are placed.
From this stone house down to the Stockes, are diuers
houses especially for height, for Marchantes and Artificers.
houses especially for height, for Marchantes and Artificers.
On the south side of this high streete is
the parish church of S.
Peter vpon Cornhill, which seemeth to be of an ancient building:
but yet not so ancient as some reporteth, for it hath béene all late
the roofe of this Church, and glasing was finished in the raigne of
Edwarde the fourth, as appeareth by Armes of Noble men, and
Aldermen of London then liuing, there remaineth in this Church
a table wherein it is written, I know not by what authority, but
of a late hand, that king Lucius founded the same Church, to bee
an Archbishops sea, and made it the Metropolitane, and chiefe
Church of his kingdome, and that it so endured the space of foure
hundred yeares, vnto the comming of Augustine the Monke.
Peter vpon Cornhill, which seemeth to be of an ancient building:
but yet not so ancient as some reporteth, for it hath béene all late
L 4
ly repayred, if not new builded,
except the steeple, which is ancient:the roofe of this Church, and glasing was finished in the raigne of
Edwarde the fourth, as appeareth by Armes of Noble men, and
Aldermen of London then liuing, there remaineth in this Church
a table wherein it is written, I know not by what authority, but
of a late hand, that king Lucius founded the same Church, to bee
an Archbishops sea, and made it the Metropolitane, and chiefe
Church of his kingdome, and that it so endured the space of foure
hundred yeares, vnto the comming of Augustine the Monke.
Ioceline of Furneis writeth, that Thean the first
of London, in the raign of Lucius, builded the saide Church by
the aide of Ciran, chiefe Butler to king Lucius, and also that El
uanus the second Archbishop, builded a Library
adioyning, and conuerted many of the Druides, learned men in
the Pagan law to Christianitie. True it is that a Library there
was pertaining to this Parish Church of old time builded of stone,
and of late repayred with Bricke, by the Executors of Sir Iohn
Crosbie Alderman, as his Armes on the south ende doth witnes.
of London, in the raign of Lucius, builded the saide Church by
the aide of Ciran, chiefe Butler to king Lucius, and also that El
uanus the second Archbishop, builded a Library
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Library of S,
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Peters vpon
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Cornhill now
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)a Grammar
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)schoole.
to the same churchThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Peters vpon
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)Cornhill now
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)a Grammar
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MR)schoole.
adioyning, and conuerted many of the Druides, learned men in
the Pagan law to Christianitie. True it is that a Library there
was pertaining to this Parish Church of old time builded of stone,
and of late repayred with Bricke, by the Executors of Sir Iohn
Crosbie Alderman, as his Armes on the south ende doth witnes.
This Library hath béene of late time, to wit, within these fifety
yeares well furnished of bookes, Iohn Leyland viewed and com
mended them, but now those bookes be gone, and the place is occu
pied by a Schoolemaister, and his Usher, ouer a number of schol
lers learning their Grammar rules, &c. Notwithstanding before
that time, a Grammar schoole had beene kept in this Parish as
appeareth, in the fiue and twentie of Henry the sixt, it was e
nacted by Parliament, that foure Grammar schooles in Lon
don, shoulde bee maintained, vz. In the parishes of All-hal
lowes, in Thames streete. S. Andrew in Oldboorne, S. Peters
vpon Cornhill, and S. Thomas of Acars. The monumentes of
the dead in this Church be these, of Sir William Bowyer Maior
1543. Sir Henry Huberthorn Maior, 1546. Sir Christopher
Morrice, Maister Gunner of England, to king Henry the eight,
Edward Elrington Esquier, chief Butler to Edward the sixt, and
diuers other that be defaced.
yeares well furnished of bookes, Iohn Leyland viewed and com
mended them, but now those bookes be gone, and the place is occu
pied by a Schoolemaister, and his Usher, ouer a number of schol
lers learning their Grammar rules, &c. Notwithstanding before
that time, a Grammar schoole had beene kept in this Parish as
appeareth, in the fiue and twentie of Henry the sixt, it was e
nacted by Parliament, that foure Grammar schooles in Lon
don, shoulde bee maintained, vz. In the parishes of All-hal
lowes, in Thames streete. S. Andrew in Oldboorne, S. Peters
vpon Cornhill, and S. Thomas of Acars. The monumentes of
the dead in this Church be these, of Sir William Bowyer Maior
1543. Sir Henry Huberthorn Maior, 1546. Sir Christopher
Morrice, Maister Gunner of England, to king Henry the eight,
Edward Elrington Esquier, chief Butler to Edward the sixt, and
diuers other that be defaced.
Then haue
yee the parish church of S. Michael Tharchangel,
which hath beene a fayre and beutifull Parish Church. But
of late yeares greatlie blemished by the building of foure
in place of a gréene churchyarde, whereby the church is greatly
darkened, and otherwise annoyed, the faire new stéeple or bell To
wer was begunne to be new builded in the 1421. which being fi
nished, and a faire ring of fiue belles therein placed. One Russe a
Draper gaue a sixt Bell, which he named Russe after his owne
name, to be nightly rung at eight of the clocke: which bell vsually
rong by one man more then 100. yeares, of late ouer hayled by 4.
or 5. at once, hath beene thrice broken, and therefore not rong as
heretofore. Robert Drope Mayor buried 1485. on the North
side of the Quire, vnder a faire Tombe of Gray marble, gaue to
maides marriaiges 20. pounde, to the poore of that Warde 10.
pound, shirtes and smockes 300. to the poore at his buriall 16.
pound, gownes of brodecloth to the poore 100. to prisons, Hospi
tals and Lazare houses liberally: hee also gaue his house inx Corn
hill to be sold, and the price thereof to be spent on the amendment
of high wayes: Iohane his wife afterwardes Uice Countesse Li
sle was also buried there by her first husband, 1500. She gaue
fourescore and tenne pounds in money, to the beautifying of that
church, notwithstanding the Tombe of them both is pulled down
and no monument remayneth of them. Peter Houghton late Al
derman is now buried in their vault 1596. Iohn Grace Draper
was buried 1439. Robert Fabian Alderman, that wrote and
published a Chronicle of England and of Fraunce, 1511. lyeth
there with this Epitaph.
which hath beene a fayre and beutifull Parish Church. But
of late yeares greatlie blemished by the building of foure
Tenementes on the North side thereof
towardes the streete,in place of a gréene churchyarde, whereby the church is greatly
darkened, and otherwise annoyed, the faire new stéeple or bell To
wer was begunne to be new builded in the 1421. which being fi
nished, and a faire ring of fiue belles therein placed. One Russe a
Draper gaue a sixt Bell, which he named Russe after his owne
name, to be nightly rung at eight of the clocke: which bell vsually
rong by one man more then 100. yeares, of late ouer hayled by 4.
or 5. at once, hath beene thrice broken, and therefore not rong as
heretofore. Robert Drope Mayor buried 1485. on the North
side of the Quire, vnder a faire Tombe of Gray marble, gaue to
maides marriaiges 20. pounde, to the poore of that Warde 10.
pound, shirtes and smockes 300. to the poore at his buriall 16.
pound, gownes of brodecloth to the poore 100. to prisons, Hospi
tals and Lazare houses liberally: hee also gaue his house inx Corn
hill to be sold, and the price thereof to be spent on the amendment
of high wayes: Iohane his wife afterwardes Uice Countesse Li
sle was also buried there by her first husband, 1500. She gaue
fourescore and tenne pounds in money, to the beautifying of that
church, notwithstanding the Tombe of them both is pulled down
and no monument remayneth of them. Peter Houghton late Al
derman is now buried in their vault 1596. Iohn Grace Draper
was buried 1439. Robert Fabian Alderman, that wrote and
published a Chronicle of England and of Fraunce, 1511. lyeth
there with this Epitaph.
Like as the day his course doth
And the new morrow springeth againe as fast,
So man and woman by natures custome,
This life to passe, at last in earth are cast,
Inioy and sorrow, which here their time do wast,
Neuer in one state, but in course transitorie,
So full of change is of this world the glory.
His Monument is gone. Elizabeth Peak widow gaue The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does
not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified Patro
nage or gift of the benefice to the Drapers, and lyeth buried in the
belfrey 1518. Richard Garneham 1527. Edmond Trindel
and Robert Smith my Godfathers, William Dickson and Mar
garet his wife my Godmother did lie in the cloyster vnder a faire
to Iohn Willowby Parson of that ChurchThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (JJ), to Thomas Lodge,
G. Hinde, P. Bolde Churchwardens, and to their successors to
wardes the reparations of that Church and the reliefe of the poore
for euer, his tenement with the appurtenances in the parish of S.
Michael which he had lately purchased, of Aluery Randolph of
Badlesmeer in Kent: but the parish neuer had the gift (nor heard
thereof by the space of 40. yeares after) such was the conscience
of the executors to conceale it to themselues, and such is the negli
gence of the parishioners (that being informed thereof) make no
claime thereunto. Philip Gonter that was Alderman for a time,
and gaue 400. pound to be discharged thereof, was buried in the
cloyster about the yeare 1482. and Anne his wife &c.
nage or gift of the benefice to the Drapers, and lyeth buried in the
belfrey 1518. Richard Garneham 1527. Edmond Trindel
and Robert Smith my Godfathers, William Dickson and Mar
garet his wife my Godmother did lie in the cloyster vnder a faire
Tombe, now defaced. Thomas Stow and Thomas Stow myIohn Tolus
his gift.
grandfather and father: Iohn Tolus Alderman 1548. he gauehis gift.
to Iohn Willowby Parson of that ChurchThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (JJ), to Thomas Lodge,
G. Hinde, P. Bolde Churchwardens, and to their successors to
wardes the reparations of that Church and the reliefe of the poore
for euer, his tenement with the appurtenances in the parish of S.
Michael which he had lately purchased, of Aluery Randolph of
Badlesmeer in Kent: but the parish neuer had the gift (nor heard
thereof by the space of 40. yeares after) such was the conscience
of the executors to conceale it to themselues, and such is the negli
gence of the parishioners (that being informed thereof) make no
claime thereunto. Philip Gonter that was Alderman for a time,
and gaue 400. pound to be discharged thereof, was buried in the
cloyster about the yeare 1482. and Anne his wife &c.
This parish church hath on the south side thereof a proper cloi
ster, and a fayre church yarde, with a pulpet crosse, not much vn
like to that in Paules Churchyarde. Sir Iohn Hudstone May
or, caused the same in his life time to be builded, and hee deceased,
1531. and was buried in a vawlt vnder the said pulpet crosse, he
appointed lands for sermons to be preached there, but that is gone,
and his Tombe of marble, before the pulpet is taken away, a
mongst others, namely of Doctor Yaxly one of the Phisitions to
King Henry the eight that was buried there with his wife, vnder
a Tombe of marble.
ster, and a fayre church yarde, with a pulpet crosse, not much vn
like to that in Paules Churchyarde. Sir Iohn Hudstone May
or, caused the same in his life time to be builded, and hee deceased,
1531. and was buried in a vawlt vnder the said pulpet crosse, he
appointed lands for sermons to be preached there, but that is gone,
and his Tombe of marble, before the pulpet is taken away, a
mongst others, namely of Doctor Yaxly one of the Phisitions to
King Henry the eight that was buried there with his wife, vnder
a Tombe of marble.
Then haue ye Burcheouers lane, so
called of Birchouer,
first builder and owner thereof, now corruptly called Birchen
lane, the North halfe whereof is of the said Cornehill warde, the
other part is of Langborne ward.
first builder and owner thereof, now corruptly called Birchen
lane, the North halfe whereof is of the said Cornehill warde, the
other part is of Langborne ward.
This lane and the high streete neare adioyning hath beene in
habited for the most parte with wealthy Drapers from Bircho
uers lane on that side the stéete downe to the Stockes: in the
raigne of Henry the sixt, had ye for the most parte dwelling Frip
perers or Upholders, that solde olde apparell and housholde
habited for the most parte with wealthy Drapers from Bircho
uers lane on that side the stéete downe to the Stockes: in the
raigne of Henry the sixt, had ye for the most parte dwelling Frip
perers or Upholders, that solde olde apparell and housholde
I haue read of a countrey man, that then hauing lost his hoode
in Westminster Hall, founde the same in Cornehill hanged out
to be solde, which he challenged, but was forced to buy, or go
this time also the Wine drawer of the Popes heade Tauerne
(standing without the dore in the high stréete) tooke the same man
by the sléeue, and saide, sir will you drinke a pint of wine:
unto be aunswered, a penny spende I may, and so drunke his
pint, for bread nothing did he pay.
in Westminster Hall, founde the same in Cornehill hanged out
to be solde, which he challenged, but was forced to buy, or go
without it, for their stall (they said)
was their market. About
this time also the Wine drawer of the Popes heade Tauerne
(standing without the dore in the high stréete) tooke the same man
by the sléeue, and saide, sir will you drinke a pint of wine:
Wine one
pint for a pen
nie, & bread
to drinke it
was giuē free
in euery
wherepint for a pen
nie, & bread
to drinke it
was giuē free
in euery
unto be aunswered, a penny spende I may, and so drunke his
pint, for bread nothing did he pay.
This Popes head Tauerne, with other houses
strongly builded of stone, hath of olde time béene all in one, per
tayning to some great estate, or rather to the King of this realme,
as may bee supposed both by the largenesse thereof, and by the
armes, to wit, thrée Lyons passant, which was the whole armes
of England, before the raigne of Edward the third, that quartered
them with the Armes of Fraunce, thrée Flower de Luces.
strongly builded of stone, hath of olde time béene all in one, per
tayning to some great estate, or rather to the King of this realme,
as may bee supposed both by the largenesse thereof, and by the
armes, to wit, thrée Lyons passant, which was the whole armes
of England, before the raigne of Edward the third, that quartered
them with the Armes of Fraunce, thrée Flower de Luces.
These Armes of England supported betwéene two
Angels, are
fayre and largely grauen in stone on the fore front towardes the
high stréet, ouer the dore or stawle of one great house, lately for
many years possessed by M. Philip Guntar, the Popes head Ta
uerne is on the backe part thereof, towards the south, as also one
other house called the stone house in Lombard stréete.
fayre and largely grauen in stone on the fore front towardes the
high stréet, ouer the dore or stawle of one great house, lately for
many years possessed by M. Philip Guntar, the Popes head Ta
uerne is on the backe part thereof, towards the south, as also one
other house called the stone house in Lombard stréete.
Others say, this was king Iohns house, which might
so be, for
I find in a written copie of Mathew Paris his historie, that in the
yeare 1232. Henry the third sent Hubert de Burgho Earle of
Kent, to Cornehill in London, there to answere all matters ob
iected against him, where he wisely acquited himselfe. The Popes
heade Tauerne hath a foote way through, from Cornehill into
Lombard stréet. And downe lower on the high stréete of Cornhill
is there one other way through by the Cardinals Hat Tauerne,
into Lombard stréete. And so let this suffice for Cornehill warde.
I find in a written copie of Mathew Paris his historie, that in the
yeare 1232. Henry the third sent Hubert de Burgho Earle of
Kent, to Cornehill in London, there to answere all matters ob
iected against him, where he wisely acquited himselfe. The Popes
heade Tauerne hath a foote way through, from Cornehill into
Lombard stréet. And downe lower on the high stréete of Cornhill
is there one other way through by the Cardinals Hat Tauerne,
into Lombard stréete. And so let this suffice for Cornehill warde.
In which be Gouernors an Alderman,
his Deputie, Com
mon Counsellors foure, Constables foure, Scauin
gers foure, Wardemote inquest 16. and a
Beadle: it is charged to the fif
téene, at xvj. pound.
mon Counsellors foure, Constables foure, Scauin
gers foure, Wardemote inquest 16. and a
Beadle: it is charged to the fif
téene, at xvj. pound.
- I.e., London Bridge. (MR)↑
- I.e., Elizabeth I. (KL)↑
- The word
is missing. (JJ)↑ - I.e., Elizabeth I. (KL)↑
The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by , U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, -
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. See also the digital transcription of this edition at British History Online.This item is cited in the following documents:
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MLA citation
Survey of London (1598): Cornhill Ward.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by , U of Victoria, 05 May 2022,
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Survey of London (1598): Cornhill Ward.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022.
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The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
, & 2022. Survey of London (1598): Cornhill Ward. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, RefWorks, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Stow, John A1 - fitz-Stephen, William ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Survey of London (1598): Cornhill Ward T2 - The Map of Early Modern London ET - 7.0 PY - 2022 DA - 2022/05/05 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>,
and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>.
<title level="a">Survey of London (1598): Cornhill Ward</title>. <title level="m">The
Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name
ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>,
<ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Molly Rothwell
Project Manager, 2022-present. Research Assistant, 2020-2022. Molly Rothwell was an undergraduate student at the University of Victoria, with a double major in English and History. During her time at MoEML, Molly primarily worked on encoding and transcribing the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey, adding toponyms to MoEML’s Gazetteer, researching England’s early-modern court system, and standardizing MoEML’s Mapography.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
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Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Molly Rothwell is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Lucas Simpson
Research Assistant, 2018-2021. Lucas Simpson was a student at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Lucas Simpson is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Chris Horne
Research Assistant, 2018-2020. Chris Horne was an honours student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests included American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Chris Horne is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Kate LeBere
Project Manager, 2020-2021. Assistant Project Manager, 2019-2020. Research Assistant, 2018-2020. Kate LeBere completed her BA (Hons.) in History and English at the University of Victoria in 2020. She published papers in The Corvette (2018), The Albatross (2019), and PLVS VLTRA (2020) and presented at the English Undergraduate Conference (2019), Qualicum History Conference (2020), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute’s Project Management in the Humanities Conference (2021). While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she completed her honours thesis on Soviet ballet during the Russian Cultural Revolution. During her time at MoEML, Kate made significant contributions to the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey of London, old-spelling anthology of mayoral shows, and old-spelling library texts. She authored the MoEML’s first Project Management Manual andquickstart
guidelines for new employees and helped standardize the Personography and Bibliography. She is currently a student at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool, working on her masters in library and information science.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Kate LeBere is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Tracey El Hajj
Junior Programmer 2018-2020. Research Associate 2020-2021. Tracey received her PhD from the Department of English at the University of Victoria in the field of Science and Technology Studies. Her research focuses on the algorhythmics of networked communications. She was a 2019-20 President’s Fellow in Research-Enriched Teaching at UVic, where she taught an advanced course onArtificial Intelligence and Everyday Life.
Tracey was also a member of the Linked Early Modern Drama Online team, between 2019 and 2021. Between 2020 and 2021, she was a fellow in residence at the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies, where she investigated the relationships between artificial intelligence, creativity, health, and justice. As of July 2021, Tracey has moved into the alt-ac world for a term position, while also teaching in the English Department at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Junior Programmer
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Tracey El Hajj is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Tracey El Hajj is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Post-Conversion Editor
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print.
Katie Tanigawa
Project Manager, 2015-2019. Katie Tanigawa was a doctoral candidate at the University of Victoria. Her dissertation focused on representations of poverty in Irish modernist literature. Her additional research interests included geospatial analyses of modernist texts and digital humanities approaches to teaching and analyzing literature.Roles played in the project
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Project Manager
Transcription Proofreader
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Brandon Taylor
Research Assistant, 2015-2017. Brandon Taylor was a graduate student at the University of Victoria in the Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) stream. He was specifically focused on the critical reception of John Milton and his subsequent impact on religion, philosophy, and politics. He also wrote about television and film when time permitted.Roles played in the project
Brandon Taylor is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Brooke Isherwood
Research Assistant, 2016-2018. Brooke Isherwood was a graduate student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria, concentrating on medieval and early modern Literature. She had a special interest in Shakespeare as well as lesser-known works from the Renaissance.Roles played in the project
Transcription Proofreader
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Catriona Duncan
Research Assistant, 2014-2016. Catriona was an MA student at the University of Victoria. Her primary research interests included medieval and early modern Literature with a focus on book history, spatial humanities, and technology.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Transcription Proofer
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Catriona Duncan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Transcription Proofreader
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Meredith Holmes
Research Assistant, 2013-2014. Meredith hailed from Edmonton where she completed a BA in English at Concordia University College of Alberta. She did an MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Victoria. In her spare time, Meredith played classical piano and trombone, scrapbooked, and painted porcelain. A lesser known fact about Meredith: back at home, she had her own kiln in her basement!Roles played in the project
Meredith Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Patrick Close
Research Assistant, 2013. Patrick Close was a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. His research interests included media archaeology, culture studies, and humanities (physical) computing. He was the editor-in-chief of The Warren Undergraduate Review in 2013.Roles played in the project
Patrick Close is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Nathan Phillips
Research Assistant, 2012-2014. Nathan Phillips completed his MA at the University of Victoria specializing in medieval and early modern studies in April 2014. His research focused on seventeenth-century non-dramatic literature, intellectual history, and the intersection of religion and politics. Additionally, Nathan was interested in textual studies, early-Tudor drama, and the editorial questions one can ask of all sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts in the twisted mire of 400 years of editorial practice. Nathan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of English at Brown University.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Transcription Proofreader
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Nathan Phillips is mentioned in the following documents:
Sarah Milligan
Research Assistant, 2012-2014. MoEML Research Affiliate. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
Copy Editor
Markup Editor
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Sarah Milligan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–2020. Associate Project Director, 2015. Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014. MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Research Fellow
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Author (Preface)
Author of Preface
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
Course Supervisor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Peer Reviewer
Project Director
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. U of Victoria.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed.
Paul Schaffner
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions for EEBO-TCP.Roles played in the project
Editor of Original EEBO-TCP Encoding
Sebastian Rahtz
Chief data architect at University of Oxford IT Services, Sebastian was well known for his contributions to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), OxGarage, and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP).Roles played in the project
Creator of TEI Stylesheets for Conversion of EEBO-TCP Encoding to TEI-P5
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Post-Conversion Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Bowyer
Sir William Bowyer Sheriff Mayor
(b. in or before 1493, d. 1544)Sheriff of London 1536-1537. Mayor 1543-1544. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Monument at St. Peter upon Cornhill.Sir William Bowyer is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Crosby
Sir John Crosby Sheriff
(d. between January 1476 and February 1476)Sheriff of London 1470-1471. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Diplomat, and member of parliament. Founder of Crosby Hall. Husband of Anne Crosby. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Sir John Crosby is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward VI
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England King of Ireland
(b. 12 October 1537, d. 6 July 1553)Edward VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland Gloriana Good Queen Bess
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland 1558-1603.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
William fitz-Stephen is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry fitz-Alwine
Sir Henry fitz-Alwine Mayor
(d. 1212)First mayor of London 1189–1212. Possible member of the Drapers’ Company. Buried at Holy Trinity Priory.Sir Henry fitz-Alwine is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry le Waleys is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Gresham
(b. 1518, d. 1579)Member of the Mercersʼ Company. Founder of the Royal Exchange. Father of Richard Gresham. Son of Sir Richard Gresham.Sir Thomas Gresham is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 8VIII King of England King of Ireland
(b. 28 June 1491, d. 28 January 1547)King of England and Ireland 1509-1547.Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VI
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England
(b. 6 December 1421, d. 21 May 1471)Henry VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry III
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 1 October 1207, d. 16 November 1272)Henry III is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Huberthorn
Sir Henry Huberthorn Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1542-1543. Mayor 1546-1547. Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Husband of Dame Elizabeth Huberthorn. Monument at St. Peter upon Cornhill.Sir Henry Huberthorn is mentioned in the following documents:
John Leland is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow
(b. between 1524 and 1525, d. 1605)Historian and author of A Survey of London. Husband of Elizabeth Stow.John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard.
Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Aldgate Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections & Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bread Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Broad Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, &c.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cheape Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Coleman Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cow Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Additions, and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections & Amendments.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Lambeth and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. & Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the Tower.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Queen Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Spittle Fields and Places Adjacent Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Tower Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Surveys.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.] -
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s Time.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
A Map of the Tower Liberty.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
Pearl, Valerie.
A Survey of London. By John Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library, 1987. v–xii. Print. -
Pullen, John.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Stow, John. The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. London, Edward Allde and Nicholas Okes, 1618. STC 23332.
Stow, John. The annales of England Faithfully collected out of the most autenticall authors, records, and other monuments of antiquitie, lately collected, since encreased, and continued, from the first habitation vntill this present yeare 1605. London: Peter Short, Felix Kingston, and George Eld, 1605. STC 23337.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5.
Stow, John. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580.
Stow, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, 1598.
Stow, John. A suruay of London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by the same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written after 2011 cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. See also the digital transcription of this edition at British History Online.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by the ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare, 1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de ſitu & nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON and WESTMINSTER, And the Borough of SOUTHWARK. CONTAINING The Original, Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first in the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS. Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and, likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The Life of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–1755. ESTC T150145.
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow, citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other. Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city. Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added, an appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work. 2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin.
A Survey of London. 1603. By John Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912. Print.
John Windet is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wolfe is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Saint Augustine Archbishop of Canterbury
(d. 26 May 604)Archbishop of Canterbury 597-604. First official missionary to the Anglo-Saxons in Britain.St. Augustine of Canterbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Martin Bowes
Sir Martin Bowes Sheriff Mayor
(b. between 1496 and 1468, d. 4 August 1566)Sheriff of London 1540-1541. Mayor 1545-1546. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Husband of Cecily Bowes, Anne Bowes, and Dame Elizabeth Bowes. Buried at St. Mary Woolnoth.Sir Martin Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Butler of Lucius of Britain. Aided in building St. Peter upon Cornhill.Ciran is mentioned in the following documents:
Elvanus Archbishop of London
Archbishop of London. Built a library for St. Peters upon Cornhill. Sent as an ambassador alongside Meduvinus to spread Christianity in Britain. -
Edward Elrington
(b. 1496, d. 1552)Earl of Southampton. Chief butler of Edward VI. Monument at St. Peter upon Cornhill.Edward Elrington is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fabian
(d. 1513)Sheriff of London 1493-1494. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Elizabeth Peak. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Robert Fabian is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter Houghton
Peter Houghton Sheriff
(d. 31 December 1596)Sheriff of London 1593-1594. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Son of Thomas Houghton. Husband of Mary Hougton. Father of Hatton Houghton, Peter Houghton, Mary Scudamore, and Elizabeth Bedingfield. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Peter Houghton is mentioned in the following documents:
Jane Drope is mentioned in the following documents:
Jocelin of Furness
(fl. 1199-1214)Cistercian monk and hagiographer. Writer of one of John Stow’s sources.Jocelin of Furness is mentioned in the following documents:
Lucius of Britain is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Christopher Morris
(d. May 1545)Soldier, military administrator, and master gunner of England. Monument at St. Peter upon Cornhill.Sir Christopher Morris is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter Morris
(d. 1588)Dutch mechanical engineer. Invented force pumps to distribute water to part of London. Buried at St. Magnus.Peter Morris is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Drope
Robert Drope Sheriff Mayor
(fl. between 1469 and 1475)Sheriff of London 1469-1470. Mayor 1474-1475. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Jane Drope. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Robert Drope is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Lovell is mentioned in the following documents:
William Russe is mentioned in the following documents:
Thean is mentioned in the following documents:
John Grace is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Garneham is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund Trindel
Godparent to John Stow alongside Robert Smith and Margaret Dickson. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Edmund Trindel is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Smith
Godparent to John Stow alongside Edmund Trindel and Margaret Dickson. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill. Not to be confused with Robert Smith or Robert Smith.Robert Smith is mentioned in the following documents:
William Dickson
Husband of Margaret Dickson. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.William Dickson is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Dickson is mentioned in the following documents:
John Tolos is mentioned in the following documents:
John Willowby is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Lodge
Thomas Lodge Sheriff Mayor
(fl. 1548b. 1509, d. 1584)Sheriff of London 1560-1561. Mayor 1562-1563. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Churchwarden of St. Michael, Cornhill. Husband of Dame Anne Lodge. Buried at St. Mary Aldermary.Sir Thomas Lodge is mentioned in the following documents:
G. Hind is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip Bold is mentioned in the following documents:
Avery Randolph
Originally from Badlesmere, Kent. Father of Thomas Randolph.Avery Randolph is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip Gunter
(d. 1582)Member of the Skinnersʼ Company. Benefactor of St. Michael, Cornhill. Husband of Anne Gunter. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Philip Gunter is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Gunter is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Rudstone
Sir John Rudstone Sheriff Mayor
(fl. 1522-29)Sheriff of London 1522-1523. Mayor 1528-1529. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Sir John Rudstone is mentioned in the following documents:
Dr. Richard Yaxley is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Birchover is mentioned in the following documents:
Matthew Paris is mentioned in the following documents:
Hubert de Burgh
(b. 1170, d. May 1243)First Earl of Kent. Justiciar for Henry II. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Hubert de Burgh is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Peak
Wife of Robert Fabian. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Elizabeth Peak is mentioned in the following documents:
Cornhill Ward
Cornhill Ward is west of Bishopsgate Ward and south of Broad Street Ward. According to Stow, the ward and its principle street, Cornhill, are named after acorne Market
once held there.Note: Cornhill and Cornhill Ward are nearly synonymous in terms of location and nomenclature—thus, it can be a challenge to tell one from the other. Topographical decisions have been made to the best of our knowledge and ability.Cornhill Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Leadenhall is mentioned in the following documents:
Finch Lane
Finch Lane (labelledFinke la.
on the Agas map) was a small north-south lane that ran between Threadneedle Street and Cornhill. The north half of the lane was in Broadstreet Ward and the latter half was in Cornhill Ward. It is likely that the lane is named after Robert Finke and his family (son Robert Finke and relatives James and Rosamund).Finch Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Birchin Lane
Birchin Lane was a short street running north-south between Cornhill Street and Lombard Street. The north end of Birchin Lane lay in Cornhill Ward, and the south end in Langbourne Ward.Birchin Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Stocks Market
The Stocks Market was a significant market forfish and flesh
in early modern London, located south of Poultry, north of Bucklersbury, and west of Walbrook Street in Cornhill Ward (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 879). The building of the Stocks Market was commissioned by Henry le Wales in 1283 and, according to the editors of The London Encyclopedia, is named after thethe only fixed pair of stocks in the city
(Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 879). It was destroyed in the Great Fire, rebuilt, and then replaced in 1739 by the Mansion House, which is the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London.Stocks Market is mentioned in the following documents:
Lime Street Ward
Lime Street Ward is west of Aldgate Ward. The ward is named after its principle street, Lime Street, which takes its name from themaking or ſelling of Lime there,
according to Stow (Stow 1603).Lime Street Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Leadenhall Market is mentioned in the following documents:
Cornhill was a significant thoroughfare and was part of the cityʼs main major east-west thoroughfare that divided the northern half of London from the southern half. The part of this thoroughfare named Cornhill extended from St. Andrew Undershaft to the three-way intersection of Threadneedle, Poultry, and Cornhill where the Royal Exchange was built. The nameCornhill
preserves a memory both of the cornmarket that took place in this street, and of the topography of the site upon which the Roman city of Londinium was built.Note: Cornhill and Cornhill Ward are nearly synonymous in terms of location and nomenclature - thus, it can be a challenge to tell one from the other. Topographical decisions have been made to the best of our knowledge and ability.Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames
Perhaps more than any other geophysical feature, the Thames river has directly affected London’s growth and rise to prominence; historically, the city’s economic, political, and military importance was dependent on its riverine location. As a tidal river, connected to the North Sea, the Thames allowed for transportation to and from the outside world; and, as the longest river in England, bordering on nine counties, it linked London to the country’s interior. Indeed, without the Thames, London would not exist as one of Europe’s most influential cities. The Thames, however, is notable for its dichotomous nature: it is both a natural phenomenon and a cultural construct; it lives in geological time but has been the measure of human history; and the city was built around the river, but the river has been reshaped by the city and its inhabitants.The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Magnus
The church of St. Magnus the Martyr, believed to be founded some time in the eleventh century, was on the south side of Thames Street just north of London Bridge. According to Stow, in its churchyardhaue béene buried many men of good worſhip, whoſe monumentes are now for the moſt part vtterly defaced,
including John Michell, mayor of London in the first part of the fifteenth century (Stow 1598, sig. M4r). The church was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666, and rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren (Wikipedia).St. Magnus is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
As the only bridge in London crossing the Thames until 1729, London Bridge was a focal point of the city. After its conversion from wood to stone, completed in 1209, the bridge housed a variety of structures, including a chapel and a growing number of shops. The bridge was famous for the cityʼs grisly practice of displaying traitorsʼ heads on poles above its gatehouses. Despite burning down multiple times, London Bridge was one of the few structures not entirely destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666.London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Thames Street
Thames Street was the longest street in early modern London, running east-west from the ditch around the Tower of London in the east to St. Andrew’s Hill and Puddle Wharf in the west, almost the complete span of the city within the walls.Thames Street is mentioned in the following documents:
New Fish Street
New Fish Street (also known in the seventeenth century as Bridge Street) ran north-south from London Bridge at the south to the intersection of Eastcheap, Gracechurch Street, and Little Eastcheap in the north (Harben 432; BHO). At the time, it was the main thoroughfare to London Bridge (Sugden 191). It ran on the boundary between Bridge Within Ward on the west and Billingsgate Ward on the east. It is labelled on the Agas map asNew Fyſhe ſtreate.
Variant spellings includeStreet of London Bridge,
(Harben 432; BHO).New Fish Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Gracechurch Street
Gracechurch Street ran north-south from Cornhill Street near Leadenhall Market to the bridge. At the southern end, it was calledNew Fish Street.
North of Cornhill, Gracechurch continued as Bishopsgate Street, leading through Bishop’s Gate out of the walled city into the suburb of Shoreditch.Gracechurch Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldgate was the easternmost gate into the walled city. The nameAldgate
is thought to come from one of four sources: Æst geat meaningEastern gate
(Ekwall 36), Alegate from the Old English ealu meaningale,
Aelgate from the Saxon meaningpublic gate
oropen to all,
or Aeldgate meaningold gate
(Bebbington 20–21).Aldgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Conduit (Cornhill)
Not labelled on the Agas map, the Conduit upon Cornhill is thought to have been located in the middle of Cornhill Ward andopposite the north end of Change Alley and the eastern side of the Royal Exchange
(Harben 167; BHO). Formerly a prison, it was built to bring fresh water from Tyburn to Cornhill.Conduit (Cornhill) is mentioned in the following documents:
Tyburn is best known as the location of the principal gallows where public executions were carried out from the late twelfth century until the eighteenth (Drouillard, Wikipedia). It was a village to the west of the city, near the present-day location of Marble Arch (beyond the boundary of the Agas Map). Its name derives from a stream, and its significance to Stow was primarily as one of the sources of piped water for the city; he describes howIn the yeare 1401. this priſon houſe called the Tunne was made a Ceſterne for ſweete water conueyed by pipes of Leade frõ the towne of Tyborne, and was from thence forth called the conduite vpon Cornhill Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] (Stow 1598, sig. L3r)
.Tyburn is mentioned in the following documents:
Lombard Street
Lombard Street was known by early modern Londoners as a place of commerce and trade. Running east to west from Gracechurch Street to Poultry, Lombard Street bordered Langbourn Ward, Walbrook Ward, Bridge Within Ward, and Candlewick Street Ward.Lombard Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Weigh House
Weigh House was a building on the north side of Cornhill Ward that was used for weighing imported merchandise. While the house is not labelled on the Agas map, Mary Lobel and W. H. Johns suggest that it appears below the Merchant Taylor’s Hall (Lobel and Johns).Weigh House is mentioned in the following documents:
Royal Exchange
Located in Broad Street Ward and Cornhill Ward, the Royal Exchange was opened in 1570 to make business more convenient for merchants and tradesmen (Harben 512). The construction of the Royal Exchange was largely funded by Sir Thomas Gresham (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 718).Royal Exchange is mentioned in the following documents:
Broad Street Ward
Broad Street Ward is west of Bishopsgate Ward. It is named after its principle street, Broad Street.Broad Street Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Swan Alley (Cornhill)
Swan Alley was a north-south alley that bordered Cornhill Ward’s north side and Broad Street Ward’s south end. It opened into Cornhill Ward and therefore was included within Cornhill Ward’s limits.Swan Alley (Cornhill) is mentioned in the following documents:
New Alley
New Alley was a north-south alley in Cornhill Ward and was one of three alleys that were destroyed in the construction of the Royal Exchange, alongside Swan Alley and St. Christopher’s Alley. While the Agas map does not label New Alley, evidence suggests that it did appear in the earlier variation of the map.New Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Christopher’s Alley
There may have been two alleys known as St. Christopher’s Alley in early modern London. The alley with this name on the south side of Threadneedle Street was destroyed to make way for the Royal Exchange, which opened in 1571.St. Christopher’s Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew Lane
Bartholomew Lane was in Broad Street Ward and ran north-south from the junction of Throgmorton Street and Lothbury to Threadneedle Street. Bartholomew Lane is visible on the Agas map running southeast on the west side of St. Bartholomew by the Exchange. It is labelledbar eelmew la.
Stow was the first to record the street as Bartholomew Lane in the 1598 edition of A Survey.Bartholomew Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish of St. Christopher le Stocks is mentioned in the following documents:
The Strand
Named for its location on the bank of the Thames, the Strand leads outside the City of London from Temple Bar through what was formerly the Duchy of Lancaster to Charing Cross in what was once the city of Westminster. There were three main phases in the evolution of the Strand in early modern times: occupation by the bishops, occupation by the nobility, and commercial development.The Strand is mentioned in the following documents:
Somerset House
Somerset House (labelled asSomerſet Palace
on the Agas map) was a significant site for royalty in early modern London. Erected in 1550 on the Strand between Ivy Bridge Lane and Strand Lane, it was built for Lord Protector Somerset and was was England’s first Renaissance palace.Somerset House is mentioned in the following documents:
Temple Bar
Temple Bar was one of the principle entrances to the city of London, dividing the Strand to the west and Fleet Street to the east. It was an ancient right of way and toll gate. Walter Thornbury dates the wooden gate structure shown in the Agas Map to the early Tudor period, and describes a number of historical pageants that processed through it, including the funeral procession of Henry V, and it was the scene of King James I’s first entry to the city (Thornbury 1878). The wooden structure was demolished in 1670 and a stone gate built in its place (Sugden 505).Temple Bar is mentioned in the following documents:
Fleet Street
Fleet Street runs east-west from Temple Bar to Fleet Hill or Ludgate Hill, and is named for the Fleet River. The road has existed since at least the twelfth century (Sugden 195) and known since the fourteenth century as Fleet Street (Beresford 26). It was the location of numerous taverns including the Mitre and the Star and the Ram.Fleet Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheap Ward
Cheap Ward is west of Bassinghall Ward and Coleman Street Ward. Both the ward and its main street, Cheapside, are named after West Cheap (the market).Cheap Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate Street
Bishopsgate Street ran north from Cornhill Street to the southern end of Shoreditch Street at the city boundary. South of Cornhill, the road became Gracechurch Street, and the two streets formed a major north-south artery in the eastern end of the walled city of London, from London Bridge to Shoreditch. Important sites included: Bethlehem Hospital, a mental hospital, and Bull Inn, a place where plays were performedbefore Shakespeare’s time
(Weinreb and Hibbert 67).Bishopsgate Street is mentioned in the following documents:
The Castle
The Castle was a large stone house in Cornhill ward, located on the north side of Cornhill at the western side of the Royal Exchange. Part of it was removed for the expansion of the Royal Exchange in 1566, and is mentioned by Stow as being named for the Castle Tavern sign.The Castle is mentioned in the following documents:
Threadneedle Street
Threadneedle Street ran east-west from Bishopsgate Street to Cornhill and the Stocks Market. It passed the north end of the Royal Exchange and was entirely in Broad Street Ward. Threadneedle Street, also called Three Needle Street, is clearly visible on the Agas map. It was apparently very well known for its taverns.Threadneedle Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Peter upon Cornhill
St. Peter upon Cornhill stood at the highest point of the city in the south east of Cornhill Ward. According to a tablet preserved within the church, St. Peter upon Cornhill was founded by King Lucius and was the first Christian church in London (Noorthouk 606). This information was questioned by Stow, who admitted that he knowsnot by what authority
(Stow 1:194) the tablet was written.St. Peter upon Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish of All Hallows the Great is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish of St. Andrew (Holborn) is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish of St. Peter upon Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
PLACEHOLDER LOCATION ITEM. The purpose of this item is to allow encoders to link to a location item when they cannot add a new location file for some reason. MoEML may still be seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please contact the MoEML team.PLACEHOLDER LOCATION is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Michael (Cornhill)
The parish church of St. Michael, Cornhill is located on the southern side of Cornhill Ward between Birchin Lane and Gracechurch Street. St. Michael, Cornhill was the parish church of John Stow and his family and is the final resting place for Stow’s great-grandparents. Weinreb notes that,the church has a long musical tradition, and is famous for its excellent acoustics
(Weinreb 799-800).St. Michael (Cornhill) is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish of St. Michael (Cornhill)
The Parish of St. Michael (Cornhill) was one of two parishes within Cornhill Ward. Although not much geographical information is known about the Parish of St. Michael (Cornhill), the births, marriages, and deaths of its parishioners were detailed in the parish register, beginning in 1456 (Waterlow xvii). Notable parishioners included Robert Fabian, physician to King Henry VIII, and John Stow. Stow’s mother and father, as well as his grandfather and great grandfather were buried in the churchyard of St. Michael (Cornhill) (Waterlow xx).Parish of St. Michael (Cornhill) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Churchyard
Surrounding St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s Churchyard has had a multi-faceted history in use and function, being the location of burial, crime, public gathering, and celebration. Before its destruction during the civil war, St. Paul’s Cross was located in the middle of the churchyard, providing a place for preaching and the delivery of Papal edicts (Thornbury).St. Paul’s Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Langbourn Ward
Langbourn Ward is west of Aldgate Ward. According to Stow, the ward is named aftera long borne of ſweete water
which once broke out of the ground in Fenchurch Street, a street running through the middle of Langbourn Ward (Stow 1603). Thelong borne of ſweete water
no longer existed at the time of Stow’s writing (Stow 1603).Langbourn Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Hall
Westminster Hall isthe only surviving part of the original Palace of Westminster
(Weinreb and Hibbert 1011) and is located on the west side of the Thames. It is located on the bottom left-hand corner of the Agas map, and is labelled asWeſtmynſter hall.
Originally built as an extension to Edward the Confessor’s palace in 1097, the hall served as the setting for banquets through the reigns of many kings.Westminster Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Pope’s Head Tavern
The Pope’s Head Tavern in Cornhill lay at the north end of Pope’s Head Alley, to which it gave its name. It was a substantial stone building dating back to the reign of Edward IV (Harben 479). The tavern was commonly believed to have once been a King’s Palace, but this belief may have arisen purely out of the fact that its walls carried the arms of England (Sugden 418; Moser 14). It was bequeathed to the Merchant Taylors’ Company in 1615, and they were still drawing rents from the property in the early twentieth century (Sugden 418, Harben 479). The tavern was in use until 1756.Pope’s Head Tavern is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s House in Cornhill
Stow recounts a common belief relating to the Pope’s Head Tavern and the other stone buildings surrounding it: that it was at some point the property of the monarch, possibly as far back as King John (Stow 1598, sig. L6r). Sugden accepts this as a possibility, but other writers have been skeptical (Sugden 418); Joseph Moser, writing in The European Magazine, and London Review, says thatit has been ſaid, that the Pope’s Head Tavern, Cornhill, was formerly one of King John’s palaces; but this ſuggestion aroſe merely from its having upon its front Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] the arms of England before the time of Edward the IIId Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] : therefore a much more probable conjecture is, that, even in thoſe early days, this houſe was a tavern, and that the achievement which we have juſt noticed was intended for a ſign. (Moser 14)
King’s House in Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
Cardinal’s Hat Tavern
Cardinal’s Hat Tavern was a tavern that likely sat at the meeting of Cornhill and Lombard Street. Stow mentions the Cardinal’s Hat Tavern only in passing, using the site as a reference for a path between the two streets.Cardinal’s Hat Tavern is mentioned in the following documents:
Grocers’ Company
Worshipful Company of Grocers
The Grocers’ Company (previously the Pepperers’ Company) was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Grocers were second in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Grocers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.The coat of arms of the Grocers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Drapers’ Company
Worshipful Company of Drapers
The Drapers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Drapers were third in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Drapers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company and bibliography.The coat of arms of the Drapers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Upholders’ Company
Worshipful Company of Upholders
The Upholders’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Upholders is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Parliament of England
The Parliament of England was a legislative branch of the Kingdom of England, founded by William the Conquerer in 1066.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The MoEML Team
These are all MoEML team members since 1999 to present. To see the current members and structure of our team, seeTeam.
Former Student Contributors
We’d also like to acknowledge students who contributed to MoEML’s intranet predecessor at the University of Windsor between 1999 and 2003. When we redeveloped MoEML for the Internet in 2006, we were not able to include all of the student projects that had been written for courses in Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, and/or Writing Hypertext. Nonetheless, these students contributed materially to the conceptual development of the project.
Roles played in the project
Data Manager
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
University of Victoria
The University of Victoria, writ large. Located in Victoria, BC, Canada. Website.This organization is mentioned in the following documents: