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30 May 2016

The Scout Report Lists MoEML as One of Their Top 10 Sites of 2016

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Scout Report Banner
The Internet Scout recently included MoEML in their list of top ten best websites of the past academic year! The Internet Scout staff takes pride in providing links to some of the best online resources in our weekly Scout Report. Although all of the resources we cover are valuable, inevitably some stand out from the pack. In this year’s Best of issue, we share some of our favorite sites from the past academic year.
The editors wrote the following about MoEML: Venturing from the twenty-first century into the streets of early modern England hasn’t always been easy, but thanks to this intricately detailed interactive Map, that is no longer the case. Users can search by street name or category of location, and by clicking on a particular building or street, the user is linked to a series of documents detailing its history and role in society. We appreciate the work that went into each component of this project, including the detailed Encyclopedia and the Library of primary sources that helped recreate this glimpse into the world of William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and London’s many lesser-known inhabitants. (Scout Report)