Wendat Dictionary
Entries: -hskwahenh-




Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own.
  1. to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
  2. to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone
Part of Speech complex verb base
Conjugation Class C-stem


Phonological Form -hskwahęh-
Pre-Wendat Form *-hskwahęh-


Phonological Form -hskwahęʔn-
Pre-Wendat Form *-hskwahęʔn-
Verb Class shift event verb with the definition to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
transitive event verb with the definition to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone
Verb Consequentiality consequential


Orthography hskwah -enh- / -en’nd-
Phonological Form hskwah -ęh- / -ęʔn-
Interlinear gloss hate inch
Base (verb) hskwah -enh- / -en’nd-
Root (verb) hskwah

Verb stems

Information about verb stems

  • -hskwahenhs

    Stem type: Habitual stem
    Pronominal Prefixes:
    Agent with the definition to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
    Transitive with the definition to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone


    Orthography hskwah -enh- -s
    Phonological Form hskwah -ęh- -s
    Interlinear gloss hate inch hab
    Stem (verb) hskwah -enh- -s
    Base (verb)🔗 hskwah -enh-
    Root (verb) hskwah
  • -hskwahen’ndih

    Stem type: Stative stem
    Pronominal Prefixes:
    Agent with the definition to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
    Transitive with the definition to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone


    Orthography hskwah -en’nd- -ih
    Phonological Form hskwah -ęʔn- -ih
    Interlinear gloss hate inch stat
    Stem (verb) hskwah -en’nd- -ih
    Base (verb)🔗 hskwah -en’nd-
    Root (verb) hskwah
  • -hskwahenhk

    Stem type: Punctual stem
    Pronominal Prefixes:
    Agent with the definition to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
    Transitive with the definition to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone


    Orthography hskwah -enh- -k
    Phonological Form hskwah -ęh- -k
    Interlinear gloss hate inch pnc
    Stem (verb) hskwah -enh- -k
    Base (verb)🔗 hskwah -enh-
    Root (verb) hskwah
  • -hskwahenhk

    Stem type: Imperative stem
    Pronominal Prefixes:
    Agent Imperative with the definition to hate or detest something, to have an aversion to or antipathy for something
    Transitive Imperative with the definition to hate or detest someone, to have an aversion to or antipathy for someone


    Orthography hskwah -enh- -k
    Phonological Form hskwah -ęh- -k
    Interlinear gloss hate inch imp
    Stem (verb) hskwah -enh- -k
    Base (verb)🔗 hskwah -enh-
    Root (verb) hskwah