-arahskw-Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | verb root |
Conjugation Class | a-stem |
Phonological Form | -arahskw- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-arahskw- |
Verb Class | shift event verb |
Verb Consequentiality | consequential |
Examples for entry
- a’khen’ndiyonhraenton’s de ayorahskwanh
I think about those who have left
- a’shonywarahskwa’s
he left from being with us, he left us
- eshonywarahskwa’s
he will leave for us
- iwerhe’ aaiayiarahskwa’
she wants to leave with me
- onsayaka’ de aonyarahskwanhnen’
I abandoned the thought of leaving
Verb stems
-arahskwahs / -arahskwahch
Stem type: Habitual stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -arahskw- -ahs / -ahch Phonological Form -arahskw- -ahs Interlinear gloss partir hab Stem (verb) -arahskw- -ahs / -ahch Base (verb) -arahskw- Root (verb) -arahskw- -
Stem type: Stative stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -arahskw- -anh Phonological Form -arahskw- -ęh Interlinear gloss partir stat Stem (verb) -arahskw- -anh Base (verb) -arahskw- Root (verb) -arahskw- Stem examples
- a’khen’ndiyonhraenton’s de ayorahskwanh
I think about those who have left
Stem type: Stative past stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -arahskw- -anh -nen’ Phonological Form -arahskw- -ęh -nęʔ Interlinear gloss partir stat past Stem (verb) -arahskw- -anh -nen’ Base (verb) -arahskw- Root (verb) -arahskw- Stem examples
- onsayaka’ de aonyarahskwanhnen’
I abandoned the thought of leaving
- onsayaka’ de aonyarahskwanhnen’
- a’khen’ndiyonhraenton’s de ayorahskwanh
Stem type: Punctual stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -arahskw- -a’ Phonological Form -arahskw- -aʔ Interlinear gloss partir pnc Stem (verb) -arahskw- -a’ Base (verb) -arahskw- Root (verb) -arahskw- Stem examples
With the optative:
: iwerhe’ aaiayiarahskwa’
she wants to leave with me
With the optative:
: iwerhe’ aaiayiarahskwa’
Stem type: Imperative stemPronominal Prefixes: Agent ImperativeComposition
Orthography -arahskw- -ah Phonological Form -arahskw- -ah Interlinear gloss partir imp Stem (verb) -arahskw- -ah Base (verb) -arahskw- Root (verb) -arahskw-