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Emma Ornstein
Emma Ornstein
Born as
Emma Wolf
Born in
Vienna, Austria, Austro-Hungarian Empire
1869 November 23
Jewish, widow of Josef Ornstein (died on February 10, 1920); son Hans (Dr., born 1893); father Ludwig Wolf, mother Sophie Bam; retiree
- Lived at Servitengasse 2 from 1926 to 1941. She was forced out because she had taken her late husband's name.
- Forcibly collected to Skodagasse 9, date unknown.
- Forcibly collected to Berggasse 25 (Servitengasse 2), date unknown. Stayed at Wilhelm residence.
- Forcibly collected to Grundlgasse 1, date unknown. Stayed with Jutta Steiger.
- Forcibly collected to Rembrandstraße 23, date unknown.
- Deported to Theresienstadt on June 28, 1942.
- Deported to Treblinka on September 23, 1942. Murdered.
2 Servitengasse