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HCMC Journal

Wendat 2023-05-23 to 2023-05-26

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 220

On Thursday started making notes for the chapter we’ll be writing, and also worked through sample encoding from ML proposing a new encoding structure for extended aspect-mood suffixes; this is very complicated and I spent a lot of time reading ML’s dissertation to figure out what’s actually happening, ready for our afternoon meeting. Then at the meeting we created a whole new approach to encoding:

First, we have clarified some basic principles about what constitutes and entry. This is not a root dictionary; any derivational affixation results in a new dictionary entry, but any inflectional affixation does not; instead, new stems created through inflectional affixation are included as a hierarchy of <stem> elements inside the entry, replacing our current <alternant> encoding. Each <stem> will include its own <hyph> (see below).

Next, the way we treat <hyph>s is going to be radically different. They will not just consist of morpheme sequences, but will also have root, base, and stem wrappers which enable us to link out to other entries and components from different levels of the structure, but also to provide multiple layers of interlinear gloss. A <hyph> may now look like this:

<stem xml:id="rc_0000_thing_f1">
            <!-- Stems may be nested; any outer element whose descendant
            excludes an inflectional morpheme inherits that exclusion. -->
                    <!-- Base does not include the inflectional part. -->
                    <b exclude="#pp_x">
                        <m>[pre-pronominal prefix (derivational)]</m>
                        <m xml:id="pp_x">[pronominal prefix (inflectional)]</m>
                    <m>[??? aspect-mood suffix?]</m>
            <m>[??? extended aspect-mood suffix?]</m>
            <m>[??? aspect-mood suffix?]</m>

All levels will have the @ref attribute, so that they can point out to other resources. For example, a nested stem may point to the @xml:id of its actual stem element (which will most likely be elsewhere in the stem collection for the same entry).