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HCMC Journal

LEMDO 2025-03-03 to 2025-03-07

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 420

On Monday and Tuesday, did a little ticket triage and raised an issue for PS on a particular layout problem.

On Wednesday, revisited the layout problem with PS. Then figured out a problem with annotations in one text on issue #309, then added a Schematron rule to prevent it, and fixed a few hundred similar errors found.

On Thursday, the build was broken because of documentation examples which violated the Schematron rule, so I fixed those, and also tweaked another Schematron rule that was overly broad. Then worked on bad links from the diagnostics, ahead of the DRE release.

Then continued working on the facsimile viewer, starting on the code to generate the required JSON now I’ve finished a first draft of the hcmcMonocle JSON schema. Doing this initial work confirms what I believed before: It’s not practical to have a single facsimile viewer for all purposes running on the LEMDO site. The reason is that the facsimile viewer itself will develop over time, so any site that interacts with it will need to be updated to take account of those changes. However, we will have static released anthologies which cannot be changed until a subsequent edition is ready. So the facsimile viewer will progressively break for older released anthologies as it changes to take account of the needs of new anthologies.

Also, anthologies need to be portable so other people can choose to host them, and that’s not possible with a disconnected application that lives only on our server.

So the facsimile viewer will need to be built into each anthology as it’s created. It’s going to be a single HTML file with some JS and CSS, so it’s going to be tiny. Also, if we do this, it will be possible for anthologies to style the viewer to match their sites, which will be virtually impossible otherwise.

So I’m going to proceed on the assumption that the lemdo-dev build process will pull the latest incarnation of the facsimile viewer into it at build time, and downstream anthologies will inherit it from lemdo-dev.

On Friday, having finished the first draft of the facsimile JSON schema for hcmcMonocle, I moved back to LEMDO and completed the first draft of the XSLT to produce it, which seems to be working OK, although I haven’t put it into the build yet since it’s not doing anything. We decided on a default width of 600px for thumbnails, and I generated one set on the server for future testing.