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HCMC Journal

LEMDO 2024-11-04 to 2024-11-08

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 490

On Monday, started work on issue #154, which involves auto-creating separate castlist pages for modern plays which have particDesc/listPersons. Finished the initial phase, which is to generate new XML files at the Original XML stage based on the source documents; now waiting to see how those end up being processed. I assume I’ll have to do some more cautious rendering work to get output pages that are usable.

On Tuesday, fixed a bunch of invalidities that emerged from transposing the location of the cast list into the body of the generated file, then worked on the rendering of the page, which is now working just like the popup cast list. Finally, added the concommitant processing of the edition file to add in <relatedItem> elements and links to fully integrate the generated file into the output.

On Wednesday, new problems emerged when it turned out that the anthology build process did not know about the newly-generated files, so it was unlinking links to them. Fixed that, but in the process we noticed that nearly 100 files have castlists in their particDesc elements but did not use the correct @type attribute, so they were not being built. Fixed that too. Also started working on building an id-search facility in the diagnostics, which we badly need. Both JJ and I fixed emerging errors in the evening, and ended up with a working build before the end of the day.

On Thursday, DA successfully built and published a version, but a couple of issues showed up, so it wasn’t announced.

On Friday, I published a fresh build from the night before.