LEMDO/EMDP 2024-07-15 to 2024-07-19
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 115
Over the weekend, did a bit more work on the EMDP conversion, and determined that the mixture of two different pseudo-markup languages used in the original source is going to be a particular problem. Continued that work today, writing a recursive function that should handle the wrapper tags in the old square-bracket encoding method they started with.
On Wednesday, did a little ticket triage and some cleanup of bad markup (trailing punctuation in ref tags).
On Thursday, built and published a new edition (0.1.2) of the Peer-Review anthology per JJ.
On Friday, started trying to get the schema build to run on Windows, and didn’t get very far; I’ll have to use the HCMC laptop to test it, and that will need months of updates.