Endings 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-15
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 160
On Monday, looked through the Francotoile site and determined that we could transition it to the Library if they would like to archive it, so initiated those discussions. There are OGV as well as MP4 versions of all the videos; it’s not clear how useful they might be, but since they’re part of the original site we should probably retain them.
On Tuesday, wrote the machinery for language-switching when we have French versions of the content, and tested it.
On Wednesday, met with JT for our regular staticSearch confab, and began planning for handling no-namespace HTML and even ill-formed HTML, as well as some extensions to the notion of contexts, and a bugfix for some current problems in the XSLT tokenizer.
On Thursday, met briefly with SB who is testing staticSearch with the DHQ collection.