DVPP 2025-01-20 to 2025-01-24
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 335
Over the weekend and on Monday, tweaked the rendering of VIAF urls (they’ve changed their URL system), and deleted some fragments per AC. On Monday, fixed a build break, and then converted English Illustrated issues 11-20 to XML. Also fixed a minor bug in the new drop-down menu CSS. Then started working on the code which will enable us to do a build while excluding specified periodicals.
RAs reported that the CSS was broken in their local poem builds, and it turned out that the build code was only downloading built CSS from Jenkins if there was no file there, so changes to CSS were not being propagated. Rewrote that bit of the build file so that it retrieves those files every time (but uses timestamps to avoid downloading unchanged versions).
On Thursday, did more work on the code to purge specific unfinished periodicals from the XML before building; I’ve completed a first pass on this, and I’m now considering whether it should be integrated into the main build process, meaning that in any regular build all the XML would have to be copied unchanged to another location, or whether the same effect can easily be achieved by repointing the source path; a third option would be to overwrite the original XML itself, and make sure to only run such a build in a context where you’re never going to commit the changes, but that’s probably way too risky. Later on, worked with AC to debug some issues with missing illustrators resulting from errors in the indexing spreadsheets.
On Friday, arranged some training sessions with TT, and did a bunch of fragment deletions per AC.