DVPP 2024-01-02 to 2024-01-05
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 270
The first two volumes of Argosy are ready for rendering into XML, so I broke out my largely-theoretical transformation and ran the actual spreadsheet data through it. There was one major hickup with linebreaks in page-image cells which I fixed; I think other than that it’s working,
On Tuesday, actually ran the transformation and generated good files, after another minor tweak; added those into the repo, and things are now building nicely, so we’re ready for RAs to start editing.
On Thursday, ran a couple more volumes of Argosy through the generation code and added them; I found a couple of enhancements I could make to that process as well. Then reworked the diagnostics, which were not yet fully rewritten to handle the final move to XML. Fixed some image filenames which were showing up in the diagnostics as well.