DVPP 2023-10-03 to 2023-10-06
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 300
On Tuesday looked at the line/stanza count spreadsheet and determined that the only missing counts were two poems in my set, which I then completed. The started looking at how to integrate the counts, and discovered that there are a handful of still-unresolved partial values, so passed these to AC to get final decisions on them before proceeding with the stats work. Then integrated the data into the poem files. Also debugged some issues with Search for AC.
On Wednesday, met with RAs and worked through encoding practices and scanning protocols. Then wrote a little utility to purge all the db-related do-no-edit comments from our XML. Ran it on the first two periodicals; we’ll see if the build works OK.
On Thursday, spent a while creating and debugging an XQuery that will provide AC with the answers to research questions that are hard to answer through the regular search interface, and tested it on Mac. Then started trying to figure out why role identifiers and filters have disappeared from the Jenkins build. It turned out to be more fallout from the change to prosopography identifiers, and I fixed that issue.