The SPEAKER took the Chair at Three
1. Who is the postmaster at the town of. Inverness, Nova Scotia ?
2. Does he attend to his duties personally, or
are they delegated to others ? If so, to whom ?
3. What salary does he receive ?
4. During what hours is the office kept open ?
5. What accommodation has the post office
building, and what is the size and character of
the building or room used for the post office ?
6. What is the intention of the government
with regard to post office accommodation in this
town ?
1 and 2. Donald McIsaac is in charge of
the Inverness post office, Nova Seotia. He
gives personal supervision to the duties of
the office.
3. The salary and allowances attached to
the office amount to $606.
4. The office hours are from 8 am to 10
5. The post office building is provided by
the postmaster subject to the approval of
the Post Office Inspector. As the inspector
has not reported the accommodation as insufficient. it is assumed by the department
that it is adequate to the public requirements.
6. As the department has not been notified
that accommodation is insufficient, the question has not been considered.
1. Is the government aware that a grievance
exists at the port of Montreal with regard to
the weighing of butter and cheese ?
2. Does the government intend to take any
action in the matter ? If so. when?
Hon. SYDNEY FISHER (Minister of
Agriculture). The government is aware that
a grievance exists in Montreal with regard
to the weighing of butter and cheese. The
Department of Agriculture is dealing with
the matter in connection with the Board
of Trade of Montreal, which now has the
rules and regulations of this weighing under
its control.
Mr. PICHE asked :
1. Did the government of Canada receive any
portion of the sum of $5,500,000 paid by the
government of the United States to the government of the United Kingdom, in consequence
of the decision rendered on the 23rd November,
1877, by the arbitration commission sitting at
Halifax ?
2. If so, what amount ?
3. At what date was such payment made ?
4. Did the provinces which are interested in
the fisheries affected by that decision, or any
of them, claim the remittance total or in part,
of the amount paid to the government of Canada ?
5. If so. when, and by which provinces were
such claims made ?
1. Yes.
2. $4,490,332.64.
3. 6th December, 1878.
4. Yes.
5. Prince Edward Island, 19th February,
1879; Quebec, 5th February, 1902; New
Brunswick, 7th September, 1903.
Nova Scotia has made no specific claim;
but her agreement to an adjustment of the
case between the Dominion and the provinces involves such claim, if the principle,
which is now denied, eventually prevails.
1. Were the militia officers who successfully
passed their examinations last winter at Montreal ' Gazetted ' '?
2. If so. on what date ?
3. What are their names and rank ?
4. If not, why have they not been ' Gazetted ' ?
5. When will they be 'Gazetted' ?
1. Yes.
2. Promulgated in Militia Order 109, 13th
May, 1905. Provisionally appointed officers, [...]