This is the first release that incorporates a search built from the Endings staticSearch codebase. All seems to be working well. Had to tweak the rendering of the documentation to make it valid HTML5 as well as moving the old search code out of the way. The build goes a bit faster now. 60 minutes.
Met with SR and MS on issues to resolve in creating work plan for version 2 of Mountain Legacy Project software.
Confirm phase 1 will be
- any modifications to db structure necessary to support known feature requests (whether those features are implemented in phase 1 or later)
- static build process to create JSON indexes etc. to support searching and other features in existing product
- provide comparable features to existing Explorer and MEAT
- may include copying of media files from uvic and third party servers to computeCanada filespace (7 TB to expand to 15)
MS identified these issues:
- use hierarchical navigation scheme in MEAT to replace current filtering feature in Explorer
- allow user to select area (rectangle) on map and retrieve all map points in that area (allow grouping of those by station, etc. hierarchy)
- provide list of prefab areas with details as above (e.g. national parks, watersheds)
Likely we will go with "thick client" javascript-based "single-page application". One infrastructure; Explorer is a subset of MEAT capabilities.
SR to
- contact Eric Higgs to meet to get large picture and to
- enquire about contacting Chris Gat for technical details on Ruby and DB,
- then to contact Mike on use of JavaScript and integration / reuse of stuff Mike has already done.
Neat approach using CSS flex and an attribute value so that when you select text, you don't get line numbers along with it. 30 minutes.
The HotPot 7 version of the Wheelock site has been checked and approved by MN, so I've rebuilt it with the current release, cleared out a bunch of obsolete exercises that were still around, reworked the home page for hrd/latin, and published it. However, there are several hundred remaining errors found by the VNU validator that are almost all cases where tables have been used in JCloze, but the numbers of cells in each row are not consistent. These will need to be fixed, but it's not urgent. There's also an ANKI APKG file for Latin that was prepared by a student, but that needs to be tested and checked for copyright violations etc. before we can post it; I'm not sure how to go about that, without potentially sacrificing a device. There are binaries in the file, but I don't know what they are. 140 minutes
Added the last of the responsiveness features planned for the Close Reading site (hamburger menu thing). 30 minutes.
There's a problem with connections from the Siberian site to the mysql database hanging around on the database forever.
Searching through the code, I see it's using PDO to connect to the database. A variable called $dbhCon is the PDO connection object. A variable called $dbhQuery is the query that is executed. The only instance I can find of $dbhQuery->execute() is line 16 of /include/search-results.php. The results of that query execution wind up in a php array called $rows. I've added a $dbhCon = NULL; line immediately following that assignment in an effort to force the connection on the mysql database to terminate, as it sometimes seems to hang around for weeks.
History department is doing a talk which is to be live streamed by AV. AV gave them this block of code to insert in their Cascade site. Presumably some of the connection arguments are specific to the stream and will vary with each instance.
When we put that code in and published the page, we got the player with a "error cross domain request denied" message. In consultation with Scott Thorpe, he said this is normal behaviour and the code will just work when the stream is enabled (about 15 minutes before the event actually starts).
There is no way to test this in advance.
<div style="width: 100%; max-width: 512px;">
<div style="border: 1px solid #000; position: relative; width: 100%; padding: 0;" id="VidPlayerPlaceholder_1243" class="videoplayer">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">jwplayer.key="UJGcVouk597phvGZrziZMHAb3IRluP27vKFmTIMbWyw=";</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var p = jwplayer('VidPlayerPlaceholder_1243').setup({
flashplayer: "//",
playlist: [
{ title: "", image: "//", sources: [{ file: "//"}]}
primary: 'html5',
hlshtml: 'true',
width: '100%',
aspectratio: '16:9',
autostart: 'false',
repeat: 'false',
controls: 'true',
logo: {
file: '//',
link: '',
position: 'top-left',
hide: 'false'
rtmp: {
bufferlength: '5'
<!-- Closes video player -->
Got the first editorial intro material from DH, and it sort of fits in the projectDesc, so I've created a new file called data/project/project.xml to host it. Eventually there will be a full editorialDecl in there, and I'll convert that stuff into an editorial info page on the site.
Wrote some XSLT to align and normalize all the Masher files, and was able to rebuild the whole site with the new HotPot 7. Posted it for a look by MN and LB. There may be a bit more work, but this is now mostly done, I think. The site builds quite rapidly (around 20 minutes) on my new machine.
Met with KS and EP to discuss building a site in support of the a German 400 course; this will be hosted on our server, data will live in our svn, and the site will be an XML/XHTML5 site like Keats and Close Reading. KS will organize and name the images, and build spreadsheets linking images to categories. When we start to receive that info, we'll start building out the site with browsable category pages, including categories for each of the four plays done so far.