Finished off the poem that AN was working on, and then went through all the other outstanding things in the todo list; the only remaining issue is the first-publication images of poems, on which I don't think we have a clear plan yet.
Pushed forward with building a schema and converting the old data in consultation with SH and SA this morning, and was making good progress, but a possible change of direction from SH this afternoon means I've suspended work until it's resolved.
Did three more of the poems for which we have curated texts from KB.
The Google Custom Search page is a plain setup which doesn't allow for much configuration; I've started learning some of the ins and outs of Google context and annotation files which might enable us to give users the option of filtering by English site or French site, which would be the perfect solution to the problem of the mixed-up language situation. The annotation stuff is a bit puzzling, but I think we should be able to get it working in the end. Current results suggest that not all of the site has been indexed yet, but we have plenty of time to worry about that as we get nearer to completion.
There appear to be quite a few of the less common names which have been missed in the early tagging, so I've been hacking away at them. I think in the end I need some sort of diagnostic for this.
Working through the to-do list.
I have a to-do list of poems that need reformatting, and I did one today, as well as retitling two poems (which meant renaming files and fixing links). But we're getting closer.
Google search is now configured and working; a search button has been added to the pages whose content I control; links from popups in the map now open in a new tab; and various other minor tickets have been closed or referred on to the next person.
Cleared up a bunch of issues around English vs French documents being displayed and linked, and closed three tickets; now half-way through adding a Google Search. Meeting with DH.