Loki and Þjazi

Loki and Þjazi

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Dunn-Krahn, Sage (en.) b. 13th July 1999
Occupation: Research Assistant


Loki (non.)
Loki is counted among the gods but is a giant by birth.

Giants and Giantesses

Þjazi (non.) Thjazi (en.) The giant who persuaded Loki to abduct the goddess Íðunn.

Gods and Goddesses

Hænir (non.) Haenir (en.) An enigmatic god who gives man his reason in the Creation myth in The Prose Edda. In Heimskringla he is one of the hostages that the Æsir send to the Vanir.
Iðunn (non.) Idunn (en.) The goddess who was married to Bragi and guarded the apples of immortality that kept the gods young.
Óðinn (non.) Odin (en.) The chief god of the Æsir in The Prose Edda. However, in Heimskringla he was a mortal who tricks the King of Sweden into believing that he was a god.


Abduction of Iðunn Myth The myth concerning the abduction of Iðunn and the apples of immortality by the giant Thjazi with the help of Loki. In the end, the god's compel Loki to rescue Iðunn and regain the apples.
Creation Myth A series of myths concerning the creation of the world, the origins of the gods, and the creation of humans.

Mythological Events

Ragnarök (non.) Ragnarok (en.) The final great battle between the gods and the giants.


örn (non.) eagle (en.)

Source Materials:

Heroes of Asgard (1930 ed.) (en.)The third illustrated edition of The Heroes of Asgard was published in 1930 and was illustrated by C. E. Brock.

Source Persons

Brock, Charles E. (en.) b. 5 February 1870
d. 28 February 1938
Nationality: English
Occupation: painter, line artist and book illustrator
Keary, Annie (en.) b. 3rd March 1825
d. 3rd March 1879
Nationality: English
Occupation: Novelist, poet, and childrens book writer.
Anna Maria Keary, known as Annie Keary, was an English novelist, poet, and children's writer. Her sister Eliza Keary collaborated with her in writing “The Heroes of Asgard” that was first published in 1857 and many times thereafter.