FOr releefe of the poore, and for setting to worke of vagaraunt people, there are to be set vp in Bridwell certaine artes, occupations, workes and labours.
2 There are to be prouided stocke & tooles for those workes. There is to be prouided bedding, apparrell, and dyet for those poore to be set to worke.
3 When order shalbe taken and sufficient prouision had for the furniture of the workes, Proclamation shall bee made throughout the Citty, that all vagarants which are come out of other places, where by the law they ought to be prouided for, shall depart the Cittie and the lyberties thereof, to the places of their byrth or last abode according to the Law, vpon the paines thereof due.
4 Within cōuenient time after the day limitted by such Proclamation a generall search shalbe made, and lykewise new generall searches from time to time as shalbe requisite, thoughout the Cittie and the liberties therof at one instant, & all the vagarants that shall be there founde shalbe brought to Bridewell to be examined.
5 Such of them as be not diseased, and the Cittie not to be charged with thē by lawe, shalbe dealt with according to the lawe.
6 Such of the saide vagarants as shalbe found diseased and to be curable, to The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified number that the Hospitals shalbe able to receiue, shalbe sent to the Hospitalles to be cured: and being cured shalbe sent to Bridewell againe there to be examined and vsed as is aforesayd.
7 In this respect order is to be taken with the Hospitalles of S. Bartholmew and S. Thomas, that such as shalbe sent to them from Bridewell by warrant of foure gouernours at the least vnder their handes to bee subscribed at a Courte or assembly of them together, may be re-
ceiued at all tymes of the wéeke and not deferred vntyll theyr Court dayes. And that they spare the taking in of other, for the time, if néede so require.
8 Those whom the Cittie by law is charged to prouide for and are able to work, shalbe receiued into Bridewell, and there kept with thin diet, onely sufficing to sustaine them in health, and shalbe set to work in such of The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified workes labours and occupations as they shall be found fittest for.
9 If any such shall loyter and wyll not doo such labor as in reason they ought and as is doone by other of like capacitie and strength, they shall be punished in Bridewell as is vsed by the discretion of the Gouernours.
10 If any of them shall run away or escape from Bridewell, and be taken againe vagarant within the liberties of this Cittie, he shalbe cōmitted to the gaole as a Roge in the first degrée, and neuerthelesse after execution doone vpon him by boaring his eare, he shall againe bee sent to Bridewell to worke as before, if none other will at the Sessions receiue him according to Lawe.
11 Likewyse escaping and being eftsoones taken againe vagarant, he shalbe vsed as a felon according to Lawe.
12 If any such vagarants shalbe found skilfull in any occupation wherby any Cittizen or other vsing such occupation wilbe contented to receiue them into seruice, or The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified any Cittizen or any other wilbe content to take any of thē Apprentise or to seruice either in London or in the countrey, the gouernours of Bridewell shall doo their indeuor so to bestowe them. Prouided alway that if after such bestowing, any of them shalbe found vagarant, hee shalbe vsed as one escaping out of Bridewell as is aforesayd.
13 Such of them as belonging by law to the charge of the Citie haue yong children vpon their hands, and vpon examination none shalbe found which by law ought to finde
them, the same children shalbe sent to Christes Hospitall by such order and maner as hath béene accustomed so far as the house shalbe able to maintaine thē. And the reste to be maintained at the charge of The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified parish according to law.
14 Such of them as are aged lame and impotent and not to be cured nor able to labor, shalbe prouided for in the Parishes where they dwell by some good order there to be taken.
15 If any being so prouided for shalbe founde begging in the stréetes they shalbe punished in Bridwell by order of the gouernours for the first time. And for The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified second tyme, and the third time they shalbe vsed as Roges in the first and second degrées according to the Lawe.
16 Such Parishes as haue moe poore then they are able to reléeue shall haue ayde of the money to be leuied for this cause.
17 If any Carier or other shall by lande or water bring to this Cittie or néere to The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified same any children or other and leaue them vnplaced or not sufficiently prouided for: such Carrier or bringer shalbe punished by imprisonment, or otherwise as sharply as law wil permit, and also shall be bound to conuey such back againe to the places whence they came or where they ought to be prouided for according to law. Warning to be giuen by Proclamation of the contents of this and the next Article.
18 Euery Inkéeper or such other person in this Citty or néere to the same, which shall wittingly receiue or kéepe any such child or other so brought & not sufficiently prouided for, shalbe charged to kéepe and prouide for such child or other so brought, or els be bound to discharge the Cittie of them, or to conuey them backe agayne from whence they came. And if he refuse so to doo, then hee shall be punished as is abouesayd of the Carier or bringer.
19 That Proclamation be made that euery Cittizen shal
haue charge on paine of iii.s.iiii.d. and euery other person shalbe required, to bryng or cause to bee brought to the Constable or his Deputie or to the Bedle of the Warde or other Bedle euery such vagarant as shall beg of them in the Parish where such citizens or other doo dwell: that such vagarant may by such Constable or his deputie or by the Bedle be sent to Bridewell to be examined and vsed as is aboue sayd.
20 The Constables, Surueyors of Parishes, Bedles of Wardes & other Bedles shall haue charge to apprehende all such vagarantes as they shall finde, and to bring or send them to Bridewell as is aforesayd, on payne of vi.s.viii.d. to be paid by euery such Constable or his deputy, & iii.s.iii.d. by euery such Surueyor or Bedle in whom the fault shalbe found, and the same to be leuied by distresse, and to be imployed to the vse of the poore in Bridewell.
21 And also that the Constables, Deputies, and bedles, on like payne, shall conuey to Bridewell, such as shall be brought to them as is afore sayd.
22 The Constable in euery watch shalbe charged vppon like payne of vi.s.viii.d. to apprehend all such vagarants and Rogish persons as they shall find by night, and shall send or conuey them to the Counter or Cage, and so to Bridewell the next day. And the Porter or Officers of Bridewell shall presently receyue them wythout any further attendaunce of such as shall bring them.
23 The gouernours of Bridewell shall appoint some meete persons to follow the causes at euery Sessions against such as shalbe committed to pryson as is aforesaid.
24 For auoyding the returne of idle vagarants, and for better reformation of the idle youth and vnthriftie poore in this Citie and for further execution of the premisses, euery Alderman or his Deputie in his ward assisted wyth a sufficient steward shall kéepe his Court of Wardmote once in euery month for the first yeare now ensuing, and
in other yéeres once in euery thrée monethes, on payne to euery Alderman for his default or of his sufficient Deputie for him in not kéeping the sayd Court xl.s. to The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified like vse of the poore. And all The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified inhabitants shall there appeare or be amerced for their defaultes, and out of the saide amercements and profites of Court the steward shalbe rewarded with reasonable fée by the discretion of The special character y͑ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH REVERSED HOOK ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified Alderman, and the rest shalbe to the sayd vse of the poore.

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Anonymous. Excerpt from Orders Appointed to be Executed in the City of London. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022,

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Anonymous. Excerpt from Orders Appointed to be Executed in the City of London. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022.

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Anonymous. 2022. Excerpt from Orders Appointed to be Executed in the City of London. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - , 
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T1  - Excerpt from Orders Appointed to be Executed in the City of London
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 7.0
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/05/05
CY  - Victoria
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#ANON2"><name ref="#ANON2">Anonymous</name></name></author>. <title level="a">Excerpt from <title level="a">Orders Appointed to be Executed in the City of London</title></title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>

