M Elliot
I have already noticed (in the local Newspapers) the proceedings of
the Ho: of Assembly on this subject—but they have not yet reached
the shape of an Act.
I need scarcely remind you that the policy of the Imperial
against granting exclusive privileges to Telegraph C on the
continent of B.N.A. has been publicly & distinctly announced, on which
point See P.P. Ho: Lords N 162,
Sep/58. And H.M.G have very
recently repeated the expression of this policy in the correspondence
M Collier and this office. See 7 Section of Col: Off Letter
M Collier of
14 Jan. last, which I annex. I wish, however, to
observe that though it may be inferred that H.M.Go will not grant
exclusive privileges to the
H.B.C in its design to establish a passenger and telegraphic
route from Canada to the shores of the Pacific I fail to see any
distinct intimation that such will be its course of action. In the
territories of the H.B.C we have at present no power to insist on
such a policy; but in Canada,
B. Columbia, &
V.C. Island we can
prevent exclusive privileges.
If you will take the trouble to look over the Correspondence laid
before the Ho: C (which I annex) N 438, Sep. 1863 I think you will
agree with me that the H.B.C are not, in words at least, whatever
may be the spirit of the correspondence, positively warned that
H.M.G. will not sanction exclusive telegraphic privileges. But
perhaps it was not necessary to be so precise. I only call attention
to what seems to me to be the fact.
With regard to this particular measure to which
Sir E. Head
attention my belief is that the Bill will be found, when it comes
home, to contain some clause saving the rights of the British
Columbian & Canadian Line. But ought that Line to have any such
saving right?
I have only to add that I have further noticed in the local
Newspapers that the President of the
California State Telegraph C
has visited
V.C.Isl for the express purpose of carrying out this
design of connecting
Victoria &
Washington Territory by the means of
telegraphic wires—that if the Bill be passed in the
V.C.I. Leg
the line is to be commenced within 5 months, & completed within 13
I would write to the
Gov enclosing the P.P. respecting exclusive
Telegraph privileges in
N. Scotia &
N. Brunswick—and stating the
policy of HMG is directly opposed to the

grant of any monopoly of
Telegraphic communication—that any Law granting such a monopoly must
not be assented to by the
Gov without a suspending clause—and that
M C thinks it most improbable that any such Law
w receive HM's
approval or (if passed with a susp clause) be allowed to remain
in operation.
Then send copy of the dph to the H.B.C.