M Elliot
The Colony will have to provide a
Gov House—and pay for it. Ditto
furniture for the public rooms. There is nothing else for it except
for the Governor to recommend the Assembly to find the means.
As to supplying a plan, to be app by the
Duke of Newcastle, that
can be only done at an expense of £25—or perhaps more, the usual
charge of an

architect for such a job.
Of course the Governor must have house accommodation found for him
until a suitable residence is built—wh also the Colony must pay
I hope these demands—proper as they may be—will not impair the
popularity of a new Governor: but I think the
VanCouver people will
lament in this respect, certain charges which
Gov Douglas managed
to get defrayed out of the pocket of
B. Columbia. See especially 8395.
M Fortescue
Every Colony provides a
Gov House and furnishes the public rooms,
but not, I believe, the private rooms. I think it clear that
Vancouver Island must do like others. As to the question of getting
a plan made in England, perhaps you will pronounce: there is no
local knowledge about materials &c, but on the other hand I suppose
that it would be difficult to find a well qualified Architect at
Vancouver Island.