I have the honor to request His Graces consideration and decision on
the Subject of the Passage Allowance to the Governor proceeding to
Vancouvers Island, for which there does not appear to be any fixed
In deciding upon this question, I would state the following facts for
Your Graces consideration.
The Passage to
Vancouver Island, will be quite, if not more
expensive, than that to "Western Australia," for which £800 is the
fixed Allowance; and my experience taught me that it was no more than

The expense of transporting Servants, to
Island is very heavy; and in addition to this, all Baggage (over and
above a small allowance) from Southampton to
Vancouvers Island is
charged at the rate of "£22 p ton and 5 p cent [for masse?]."
When Insurance is added it amounts to a Serious item upon the
Quantity of Baggage necessary when proceeding to so distant a Colony.