In reply to your Despatch N 49 of the
31 March, requesting me to
furnish any information I may be able to supply on the subject of the
entertainment on board Her Majesty's Gun Boat
Grappler in
1860 of
Captain Edward Stamp, represented to be the Government
of the Settlement of
Barclay Sound, I have the honor
to acquaint Your Grace that the circumstances of the case are as
follows. In
October last it was necessary, in consequence of some
misconduct and symptoms of hostility on the part of the Indians in
the neighbourhood of
Barclay Sound, to despatch a Gun Boat to the
place; the Senior Naval Officer at
Vancouver's Island,
Captain Spencer of the
Topaze, applied to me to afford the assistance of a
Pilot, as
Barclay Sound was unsurveyed and the Officer in Command of
the Gun Boat was ignorant of the navigation; I
had no one to send, but
Captain Stamp, who is not in the Service of the Government, but one
of the Energetic projectors and proprietors of the Settlement at
Barclay Sound, happened to be upon the spot, and immediately
volunteered his services to supply the required assistance. They
were accepted, and as they were gratuitously rendered, I have not
thought it proper to make any claim upon
Captain Stamp in repayment
of the expenses for entertainment now referred to.