I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of
M Merivale's letter
of the
24 ult in which he acquaints me that before communicating
to the
Admiralty my letter of the
10 ult on the subject of the
Sale of
Thetis Island you would be glad to have some further
explanation on one point.
M Merivale then observes that by the
return forwarded with
Captain Shepherd's letter of
July 15 1858,
the only lot of 24 acres sold at
Esquimalt is stated to have been
sold to the
Hudson's Bay Company, and he adds
"that as the subsequent sale by Auction, was not made by the Company
or any one acting for them" he infers that, "the lot must have passed
into the hands of some intermediate possessors."
The history of the transaction is this. In
1856 it was felt by
Governor Douglas that one of the great impediments to the
Colonization of
Vancouver's Island was the rule laid down by the
Government when the Grant of the Island was made to the Hudson's Bay
Company, by which they were prohibited from disposing of inappropriated
land to Settlers in lots of less than 20 acres. To obviate this
M Douglas suggested that he and
M Work another head
Officer of the
Hudson's Bay Company in the Island should as Trustees
for the Fur Trade branch of the Company purchase one or more lots of
public land for the purpose of disposing of them afterwards at the
original cost, in small allotments to working people desirous of
becoming Settlers but unable to purchase larger lots. Accordingly
two or three lots were purchased for the purpose by "The Fur Trade"
and among them Lot 53 (of which
Thetis Island is a part) and which
was sold in 5 acre lots with the exception of
Thetis Island itself
(which consists of only one acre) and which was sold separately to a
person of the name of
Jeremiah Nagle as may be seen by the return
made by the Governor of this Company to the Government on the
January 1858 where it figures under the head of "Suburban Lots N
35" with the price paid namely "£1:0:10. Herewith I have the honour of
enclosing extracts from letters addressed by
Governor Douglas to the
Secretary of this Company in which the whole course of the affair
is traced. In the first (dated
March 5 1856) is set forth an
account of the purchase of the 24 acres in question and the object of
the purchase; in the second (dated
4 June 1857) an account is
given of the subsequent purchase of a still larger lot with similar
views; and the third, dated
July 9, 1858 gives the latest account we
have received from the Island as to the position of the affair.
These Extracts make the object of all parties so clear that it is
unnecessary for me to add a word.
With respect to the subsequent sale by Auction all that has come to
our knowledge is the fact that
M Jeremiah Nagle the purchaser of
Thetis Island having afterwards got into difficulties had made over
that and other property to his Creditors, and as it appears from the
letter from the Secretary of the
Admiralty to
M Merivale which you
did me the honor to transmit to me that a Sale by Auction of the
Island had taken place as late as the
16 of January of the present
year, we have inferred that the Sale must have been made at the
instance of
M Nagle's Creditors.