I have to acknowledge your Despatch No. 6, of
September 18
last, conveying the last accounts of the state of affairs in
Island up to that date.
2. I must distinctly inform you, that it is not

in the power of Her
Majesty's Government to maintain a detachment of regular Troops to
the Island.
3. With reference to the murder committed by the Indians on the
unfortunate Seaman in the neighbourhood of
Fort Rupert, Her Majesty's Government have received intelligence through
Rear Admiral Hornby, of the proceedings which you caused to be taken by
Captain Wellesley of H.M.S. "
Daedalus" to demand, and, if possible, to punish the
murderers since the date of your Despatch. From the

information which
has thus reached me I by no means feel satisfied of the prudence of the
step which you took in directing this expedition, which appears to me to
have failed in its main object. And at all events it is necessary that
I should state for your guidance on future occasions, that Her Majesty's
Government cannot undertake to protect, or attempt to punish injuries
committed upon, British subjects, who, voluntarily expose themselves to
the violence or treachery of the Native Tribes at a

distance from the
Settlements. I have no reason to suppose from the accounts which have
reached me, both from yourself and from other quarters, that the
Settlements themselves are in actual danger.