I take the liberty of laying before your Grace, a matter which
though insignificant in itself, is of vital importance to a poor
hard-working man such as I am.
On the
21st day of August 1861 at a public sale of town lots
in the city of
New Westminster I purchased three lots which are
numbered as follows, "Block 36 Lot 2 Block 36 Lot 15 Block 36 Lot
5." The terms of the sale were as follows, one fourth cash down,
the balance to be paid in monthly instalments: the price of the
three lots ammounted [sic] to £88.00.00. At the conclusion of
the sale I paid the sum of £22.00.00, one month from the day of
the sale I paid the second instalment £22.00.00 but unfortunately,
I was unable to pay the third instalment on the day that it became
due, two weeks afterwards I tendered to the Chief Commissioner of
Lands & Works, the whole of the balance due on the above lots, but
it would not be accepted. I was officially informed that my
property was forfeited. I applied to the Chief Commissioner twice
for redress, but was denied even a reply to my communications.
After calm and serious deliberation and the advice of some friends,
I have come to the conclusion that your Grace is the only person
from whom I can expect justice. To your Grace I take the liberty
of applying, and moreover I am fully persuaded that you will deign
to inquire into the matter and secure for a poor honest man who is
willing at any time to risk his life in defence

of British Law and
British freedom. I am a native [of] Devonshire England, and am a true
and loyal subject of her Majesty
Queen Victoria, but have been
treated with more contempt by the Officials of this Colony, than
any Foreigner that has set foot on the soil of
British Columbia, but
trusting to the honor and integrity of your Grace, I hope to have
speedy redress.