I have the honor to transmit herewith a Memorial, which
has been entrusted to me to lay before your Grace, from certain
of the Inhabitants of
British Columbia present at a Public
meeting held at
Westminster, praying that a direct Steam
communication may be established between
Panama and
New Westminster,
and that a sum of Five Thousand Pounds (£5000), or more if necessary,
should be granted from the Colonial Revenues to subsidize for
present expediency a line between
San Francisco and
New Westminster.
2. I have already had
the honor very fully to address your
Grace upon the subject of the disadvantages under which Her
Majesty's dominions in this section of the Globe labor, through
the absence of direct Steam Communication with the Mother Country.
It is therefore not necessary that I should here enter into any
recapitulation of those matters. I will only say that the
Memorial now
forwarded is in perfect accordance with my own views as to the importance of our
not being, as now, entirely dependent
upon a Foreign Power for our intercourse with the Mother Country
and the rest of the civilized world.